For Ubuntu 16.04
Resulting Kafka will be version , scala 2.11 (considered stable at the time of deploy)
Make executable by running chmod +x on it, then run the script.
Check that the Zookeeper and Kafka listen on their ports on the docker host :
netstat -tulpen | grep 2181
netstat -tulpen | grep 9092
Check running containers:
docker ps
List topics with"
sudo docker run --rm --interactive kafka_11 --list --zookeeper IP:2181
Since predefined topics are created with compact cleanup policy during test you need to provide key value pair in producer . Otherwise you will get the message "This message has failed its CRC checksum, exceeds the valid size, or is otherwise corrupt"
docker run --rm --interactive kafka_11 --topic bundle_queued --broker-list IP:9092 --property parse.key=true --property key.separator="-"
where IP is the docker host IP. key.separator can be changed.
The consumer run in a separate console will show the values -
docker run --rm kafka_11 --topic bundle_queued --from-beginning --zookeeper IP:2181
IP is the docker host IP (hostname -I | cut -d " " -f1