Releases: Temasys/SKYLINK-iOS
Releases · Temasys/SKYLINK-iOS
- Local media is now started independently of connecting to room
- Able to now start local media for Screen
- Able to now start local media using a user provided video capturer implementation and specific media resolution
- Disconnecting from room no longer dispose local media
- User can call API to dispose Local Media to remove all local media objects
- Has config to enable/disable multiple media/tracks creation
- Modify local media by providing a media id, support mute/unmute for audio and video, start/stop for video
- Media state has 4 options: ACTIVE, MUTED, STOPPED, UNAVAILABLE
- Get the SkylinkMedia objects by media id or media type and peer id, including local media objects and remote media objects
- Can get a list of all the medias
- Able to get the current camera name, all camera names, current capture format, all supported foramts, current video device and all video devices
- Get input and received video resolution by media id, get sent video resolution by media id and remote peer id
- Set input video resolution by media id
- New method to allow video codec hardware acceleration
- Connecting to room will not on its own activate any media
- Disconnecting from room will not remove existing media
- User can directly reconnect to room with existing media
- The room connection listener/delegate method has been separated into to different methods, one for successful connection, and one for failure to connect
- Set in SkylinkConfig if SDK will automatically reconnect to room if it failed to connect or got disconnected due to unexpected reasons (e.g. network errors)
- init method for SkylinkConnection instance does not require appKey anymore
- New method to set the room size with options : EXTRA_SMALL, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA_LARGE
- New enum for setting/getting networkTransport, timeout
- Can get a list of all peers in the room
- The refresh connection now has a new parameter doIceRestart, user can specify whether this restart is an ICE restat
- If remote peer connection has error, local peer will get a call back
- If data connection is opened with a remote peer, local peer will get a callback
- If a peer connection is refreshed, the remote peer will get a callback
- When connecting/disconnecting with a remote peer, we have 2 different callbacks. 1 is for noticing remote peer joins/leaves the room, 1 is for connecting/disconnecting with remote peer
- Media state like audioMuted/videoMuted now belongs to SkylinkMedia object, not able to get from UserInfo class
- MCU now support messaging
- Now we provide a local URL link after receiving a file from remote peer, that is saved in the /tmp folder
- Have different API for accept/reject/cancel file transfer
- Can get sent/received transfer speed by media id (and remote peer id)
- Can get sent/received WebRTC stats by media id (and remote peer id)
- No longer receive recording video link, the recorded video link will be sent to the register email on the portal
- A new config property which can set the audio video receive and send condition for a SkylinkConnection
- Add a new property which can enable/disable the P2P message in a room
- Add a new property for front camera, which can be mirrored or not
- Move all the previous advanced setting keys outside to properties, like enableSTUN, TURN, HOST, transport, enableDNSPreSolving, enableIPV6Filter, disableIceHostSolving, audio codec
- Add a new config property whether to active automatic stats receiving
- Add a new config property whether to enable the multi media creating
- Some public APIs change the name and parameters (added SkylinkCallback for error return or result return as asynchronous process)
- Most of the public API in SkylinkConnection class have SkylinkCallback to return any errors or results asynchronously
- Add an advance key "enableDNSPreSolving" for advancedSettingKey, set this to true to enable the DNS mapping in SKYLINK, the default value is false, keep it as default if SKYLINK is working well
- Add an advance key "enableIPV6Filter" for advancedSettingKey, set this to true to filter out all the IPv6 addresses in SKYLINK, the default value is false, keep it as default if SKYLINK is working well
Note: The screen sharing only works with MCU