- NVIDIA CUDA >= 10.0, CuDNN >= 7 (Recommended version: CUDA 10.2 )
- TensorRT >=, (Recommended version: TensorRT-
- CMake >= 3.12.2
- GCC >= 5.4.0, ld >= 2.26.1
- PyTorch >= 1.7.0
Note: 使用 Conda 或者 pip 安装的 pytorch 预编译版本, 所使用的 CUDA 必须和系统环境下的 CUDA toolkit 版本一致, 否则在使用 python lib 退出时可能会出现 Segmentation fault.
- Install from pip
pip3 install torch==1.7.1+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
- Install from whl Download whl from here, for example python 3.6 + CPU:
Forward 加载的模型须是 torch 的 JIT 模型, 且必须是 cpu 的模型导出. 可参考以下案例
import torch
def TracedModelFactory(file_name, traced_model):
traced_model = torch.jit.load(file_name)
print("filename : ", file_name)
class ArithmeticModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, a, b):
a1 = torch.add(a, b)
b1 = torch.rsub(a, b)
c1 = torch.sub(a, b)
d1 = torch.mul(a, b)
return a1, b1, c1, d1
a = torch.randn(4)
b = torch.randn(4)
model = ArithmeticModule()
model.eval() # 模型必须是 Eval 推理模式
model.cpu() # 模型必须是 Cpu 参数
traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, (a, b))
TracedModelFactory("arithmetic.pth", traced_model)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
-DTensorRT_ROOT="path/to/TensorRT" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="path/to/LibTorch" \
make -j
注意: 仅当 TensorRT 版本大于 7.1.xx.xx 时,才可在 INT8 推理模式下使用动态批量输入功能。
- 当动态批量功能开关打开
时, Engine 可用 1 <batch_size
的任意 batch_size 来进行推理. 另外, 也可以设置一个opt_batch_size
, 则 Engine 将会根据此批量大小进行针对性优化.
: 构建 Engine 时,dummy_input
: 构建 Engine 时, 需要显式调用接口来设置opt_batch_size
. 如果没有被设置, 则opt_batch_size
保持一致.- c++ 调用接口:
- python 调用接口:
- c++ 调用接口:
// 1. 构建 Engine
fwd::TorchBuilder torch_builder;
std::string model_path = "path/to/jit/module";
const std::string infer_mode = "float32"; // float32 / float16 / int8_calib / int8
const c10::DeviceType device = c10::kCPU; // c10::kCPU / c10::kCUDA
// 伪输入的数据类型和维度须与真实输入保持一致
std::vector<c10::IValue> dummy_inputs {torch::randn({1, 3, 224, 224}, device)};
std::shared_ptr<fwd::TorchEngine> torch_engine = torch_builder.Build(model_path, dummy_inputs);
// // 带名字的伪输入构建方式
// std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> dummy_inputs;
// // 输入名可用 Netron 查看模型获知
// dummy_inputs["input"] = torch::randn({1, 3, 224, 224}, device);
std::vector<c10::IValue> inputs = dummy_inputs;
bool need_save = true;
if (!need_save){
std::vector<torch::Tensor> outputs = torch_engine->Forward(inputs);
// std::vector<torch::Tensor> outputs = torch_engine->ForwardWithName(dummy_inputs);
std::string engine_file = "path/to/out/engine";
fwd::TorchEngine torch_engine;
std::vector<torch::Tensor> outputs = torch_engine.Forward(inputs);
// std::vector<torch::Tensor> outputs = torch_engine.ForwardWithName(dummy_inputs);
#include "common/trt_batch_stream.h"
// 继承实现数据批量获取工具类
class ImgBatchStream : public IBatchStream {
// 是否还有batch
bool next() override {...};
// 获取输入, 一个输入为一个vector<float>
std::vector<std::vector<float>> getBatch() override {...};
// 返回一个batch的大小
int getBatchSize() const override {...};
// 返回getBatch中每个输入的长度
std::vector<int64_t> size() const override {...};
std::shared_ptr<IBatchStream> ibs = std::make_shared<ImgBatchStream>();
// 创建量化器实例, 参数分别为BatchStream, 缓存名, 量化算法名[entropy | entropy_2 | minmax]
std::shared_ptr<TrtInt8Calibrator> calib = std::make_shared<TrtInt8Calibrator>(ibs, "calibrator.cache", "entropy");
fwd::TorchBuilder torch_builder;
std::shared_ptr<fwd::TorchEngine> torch_engine = torch_builder.Build(model_path, dummy_inputs);
- 相对于普通 INT8 的构建, BERT INT8 需要提前用
模式生成一个 calibrator 码本, 然后再用int8
模式自动加载生成的码本来构建 int8 推理引擎.
#include "common/trt_batch_stream.h"
// 继承实现数据批量获取工具类, 可参考 test_batch_stream.h 里面的 BertStream
class TestBertStream : public fwd::IBatchStream {
TestBertStream(int batch_size, int seq_len, int emb_count)
: mBatchSize(batch_size),
mSize(batch_size * seq_len),
mEmbCount(emb_count) {
mData.resize(3, std::vector<int>(mSize));
bool next() override { return mBatch < mBatchTotal; }
std::vector<const void*> getBatch() override {
if (mBatch < mBatchTotal) {
std::vector<const void*> batch;
for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++) mData[0].push_back(rand() % mEmbCount);
for (int i = 0; i < mBatchSize; i++) {
int rand1 = rand() % (mSeqLen - 1) + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < rand1; j++) mData[1][i * mSeqLen + j] = 1;
for (int j = rand1; j < mSeqLen; j++) mData[1][i * mSeqLen + j] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++) {
mData[2][i] = rand() % 2;
return batch;
return {{}};
int getBatchSize() const override { return mBatchSize; };
std::vector<int64_t> bytesPerBatch() const override {
std::vector<int64_t> bytes(3, mSeqLen * sizeof(int));
return bytes;
int64_t mSize;
int mBatch{0};
int mBatchTotal{500};
int mEmbCount{0};
int mBatchSize{0};
int mSeqLen{0};
std::vector<std::vector<int>> mData; // input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids
std::shared_ptr<IBatchStream> ibs = std::make_shared<BertBatchStream>();
// 创建量化器实例, 参数分别为BatchStream, 缓存名, 量化算法名用 minmax
std::shared_ptr<TrtInt8Calibrator> calib = std::make_shared<TrtInt8Calibrator>(ibs, "calibrator.cache", "minmax");
// 构建码本
fwd::TorchBuilder torch_builder;
std::shared_ptr<fwd::TorchEngine> torch_engine = torch_builder.Build(model_path, dummy_inputs);
// 使用码本构建推理引擎
fwd::TorchBuilder torch_builder;
std::shared_ptr<fwd::TorchEngine> torch_engine = torch_builder.Build(model_path, dummy_inputs);
构建成功后, 须要将 build/bin
目录下的 forward*.so
(Linux) 或 forward*.pyd
(Windows) 拷贝到 Python 工作目录下.
import torch
import forward
# 1. 构建 Engine
builder = forward.TorchBuilder()
dummy_inputs = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
infer_mode = 'float32' # float32 / float16 / int8_calib / int8
engine = builder.build('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
# (可选)使用带名字的伪输入接口构建, 输入名可用 Netron 模型查看器查看
dummy_inputs = {"input" : torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224) }
engine = builder.build_with_name('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
need_save = True
if need_save:
engine_path = 'path/to/engine'
engine = forward.TorchEngine()
# 2. 执行推理
inputs = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224).cuda() # network input tensors
outputs = engine.forward(inputs) # 如果输入是 cuda tensor, 输出也是 cuda tensor. 如果输入是 cpu tensor, 输出也是 cpu tensor
# v2.5 之后的新功能
outputs = engine.forward_with_name(dummy_inputs) # dummy_inputs 须为 dict 类型, 输入名通过 Netron 查看模型获知
import forward
import numpy as np
# 1. 继承实现数据提供工具类
class MBatchStream(forward.IPyBatchStream):
def __init__(self):
forward.IPyBatchStream.__init__(self) # 必须调用父类的初始化方法
self.batch = 0
self.maxbatch = 500
def next(self):
if self.batch < self.maxbatch:
self.batch += 1
return True
return False
def getBatchSize(self):
return 1
def size(self):
return [1*24*24*3]
def getNumpyBatch(self):
return [np.random.randn(1*24*24*3)]
bs = MBatchStream()
calibrator = forward.TrtInt8Calibrator(bs, "calibrator.cache", forward.MINMAX_CALIBRATION)
builder = forward.TorchBuilder()
# 构建 engine
engine = builder.build('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
- 相对于普通 INT8 的构建, BERT INT8 需要提前用
模式生成一个 calibrator 码本, 然后再用int8
模式自动加载生成的码本来构建 int8 推理引擎.
import forward
import bert_helpers.tokenization
import bert_helpers.data_preprocessing as dp
import numpy as np
# 1. 继承实现数据提供工具类
class BertBatchStream(forward.IPyBatchStream):
def __init__(self, squad_json, vocab_file, cache_file, batch_size, max_seq_length, num_inputs):
# Whenever you specify a custom constructor for a TensorRT class,
# you MUST call the constructor of the parent explicitly.
self.cache_file = cache_file
# Every time get_batch is called, the next batch of size batch_size will be copied to the device and returned.
self.data = dp.read_squad_json(squad_json)
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.current_index = 0
self.num_inputs = num_inputs
self.tokenizer = tokenization.BertTokenizer(
vocab_file=vocab_file, do_lower_case=True)
self.doc_stride = 128
self.max_query_length = 64
self.maxbatch = 500
# Allocate enough memory for a whole batch.
#self.device_inputs = [cuda.mem_alloc(self.max_seq_length * trt.int32.itemsize * self.batch_size) for binding in range(3)]
def free(self):
# for dinput in self.device_inputs:
# dinput.free()
def next(self):
if self.current_index < self.num_inputs:
return True
return False
def bytesPerBatch(self):
s = self.batch_size * self.max_seq_length * 4
return [s, s, s]
def getBatchSize(self):
return self.batch_size
# TensorRT passes along the names of the engine bindings to the get_batch function.
# You don't necessarily have to use them, but they can be useful to understand the order of
# the inputs. The bindings list is expected to have the same ordering as 'names'.
# def get_batch(self, names):
def getNumpyBatch(self):
if self.current_index + self.batch_size > self.num_inputs:
print("Calibrating index {:} batch size {:} exceed max input limit {:} sentences".format(
self.current_index, self.batch_size, self.num_inputs))
return None
current_batch = int(self.current_index / self.batch_size)
if current_batch % 10 == 0:
print("Calibrating batch {:}, containing {:} sentences".format(
current_batch, self.batch_size))
input_ids = []
segment_ids = []
input_mask = []
for i in range(self.batch_size):
example = self.data[self.current_index + i]
features = dp.convert_example_to_features(
example.doc_tokens, example.question_text, self.tokenizer, self.max_seq_length, self.doc_stride, self.max_query_length)
if len(input_ids) and len(segment_ids) and len(input_mask):
input_ids = np.concatenate((input_ids, features[0].input_ids))
segment_ids = np.concatenate(
(segment_ids, features[0].segment_ids))
input_mask = np.concatenate(
(input_mask, features[0].input_mask))
input_ids = np.array(features[0].input_ids, dtype=np.int32)
segment_ids = np.array(features[0].segment_ids, dtype=np.int32)
input_mask = np.array(features[0].input_mask, dtype=np.int32)
self.current_index += self.batch_size
self.current_data = [input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids]
return self.current_data
bs = BertBatchStream()
calibrator = forward.TrtInt8Calibrator(bs, "calibrator.cache", forward.MINMAX_CALIBRATION)
# 2. 构建码本
builder = forward.TorchBuilder()
builder.set_mode("int8_calib") //(可选)若不设置, 则默认为 FP32
engine = builder.build('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
# build_with_name 接口
dummy_inputs = {"input_ids" : xxx , "attention_mask" : xxx, "input" : xxx } // 模型输入名可通过 Netron 查看模型获知
engine = builder.build_with_name('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
# 3. 使用码本构建引擎
builder = forward.TorchBuilder()
builder.set_mode("int8") //(可选)若不设置, 则默认为 FP32
engine = builder.build('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
# engine = builder.build_with_name('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)
使用scale量化不需要实现IBatchStream工具类, 但需要提供每层的scale
格式为每行为需要设定的层输出名: 缩放scale值TensorName: float_scale
(Unnamed Layer* 2) [Activation]_output:10.8675
(Unnamed Layer* 3) [Pooling]_output:11.1173
// 1. 准备量化器
const std::string cacheTableName = "calibrator.cache"; // calib缓存文件名
const std::string algo = "entropy"; // 量化算法名[entropy | entropy_2 | minmax]
int batch_size = 1; // batch size
// 创建量化器实例
std::shared_ptr<TrtInt8Calibrator> calib = std::make_shared<TrtInt8Calibrator>(cacheTableName , algo , batch_size);
const std::string customized_cache_file = "path/to/scale_file.txt";
// 2. build engine
fwd::TorchBuilder torch_builder;
std::shared_ptr<fwd::TorchEngine> torch_engine = torch_builder.Build(model_path, dummy_inputs);
# 1. 准备量化器
cacheTableName = "calibrator.cache"
algo = "entropy" # algo = forward.ENTROPY_CALIBRATION | "entropy_2" | "minmax"
batch_size = 1
calib = forward.TrtInt8Calibrator(cacheTableName , algo , batch_size)
customized_cache_file = "path/to/scale_file.txt"
# 2. 构建 engine
engine = builder.build('path/to/jit/module', dummy_inputs)