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Git server

Gitlab? No, thanks

I started installing gitlab but I abandon. It's so, so, so, so bloated with features I don't need. It's a pain in the a$$ to configure with an already existing nginx server. And its a nightmare to later maintain it. So I uninstalled gitlab, reverted all changes and I installed a plain git server. Because in the end. all I want is a place to store my repos. This is not a multiuser environment.

Setup a plain git server

If you don't have it already sudo apt install git

Begin with adding a git user sudo adduser git and set up a password for it. Log into the user su git and navigate to it's home folder cd. Let's now set it up to use ssh keys to log in instead of the password.

git@thebeachlab:~$ mkdir .ssh
git@thebeachlab:~$ chmod 700 .ssh/
git@thebeachlab:~$ touch .ssh/authorized_keys
git@thebeachlab:~$ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Now copy one or more of your public keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Alternatively you can import you public keys from github or gitlab

ssh-import-id gh:thebeachlab

You should be able now to ssh into git user (or not, read the next section). Meanwhile, we are going to create 2 main folders. One for public repos that we will share on a website and another for private repos.

git@thebeachlab:~$ mkdir public
git@thebeachlab:~$ mkdir private

Optional. Disable 2FA for some users

If you have configured the ssh server for key and 2FA (with google auth) and you try to ssh into this new git user you will get this error:

[unix ~]$ ssh -p 22222
git@thebeachlab: Permission denied (keyboard-interactive).

This is because after enabling Google authenticator (2 step authentication) you need to enable 2FA for each user. So you have 2 options to run google-authenticator and follow instructions. Pretty secure but you will have to enter the verification code at every push, pull or any other operation. That's quite annoying actually.

Another option is disable 2FA for specific users. In this case I am disabling 2FA for all users in the git group sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sshd and add the following just above auth required

auth [success=done default=ignore] user ingroup git

And restart sshd sudo service sshd restart. You are welcome.

Create or clone a bare repository

It is important that you understand the difference between a bare repository and a working repository. If not, read this. In the ubuntu server all the repositories must be bare.

Create bare

To create a bare repository you have to ssh into git user and:

git@thebeachlab:~$ cd public
git@thebeachlab:~$ git init --bare myrepo.git

This repo is useless it has no commits and more importantly no branches. We cannot tell people to clone it yet. Now clone the empy repository git clone myrepo.git.

Cloning into 'streamteam'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.

Do git status

On branch master

No commits yet

This is misleading because git branch returns nothing. There is no master branch. Add some files

echo 'test git' > index.html
git add .
git config gituser
git config
git commit -m 'added file'

Now git branch returns master. So we can push it to the bare repo git push origin master. And master branch will be created in bare repo. Now the bare repo is fully functional. You can now delete the server working copy and clone it from outside.

Clone bare

To clone a bare repository:

git@thebeachlab:~$ git clone --bare repo-address.git

Beware! If the repo is private you will need either the login/password (for https address) or a private key (for the ssh address). To send a ssh private key to your server you can use the scp command

scp -P 22222 .ssh/private-key

Working repositories

Once you have the bare repositories in your server, you can clone a working repository in your computer.

git clone ssh://

Or if the working repo already exist in your computer. you can add a new remote pointing to your suitcase.

git remote add suitcase ssh://

Web Interface


If you want to go to something like and have a simple web frontend of your repos keep reading. There are a number of options, I use gitweb sudo apt install gitweb fcgiwrap. The main config file is /etc/gitweb.conf. Make sure you only list public repos:

$projectroot = "/home/git/public/";

Create a new site in /etc/nginx/sites-available/

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        root /usr/share/gitweb;
        index index.cgi;
        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.cgi =404;
        location /index.cgi {
                root /usr/share/gitweb/;
                include fastcgi_params;
                gzip off;
                fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $uri;
                fastcgi_param GITWEB_CONFIG /etc/gitweb.conf;
                fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;

Check for mistakes in the syntax sudo nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and create a link to enable the site: sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ Reload nginx sudo systemctl reload nginx.

Add ssl certificates sudo certbot --nginx -d

Now test the site by accessing the URL over browser (after adding CNAME record and entries in /etc/hosts).

There are many other things you can customize in etc/gitweb.conf and the files in /usr/share/gitweb. Check it out. I use this theme

Deploy your website with git

You can deploy and update your website to your nginx server using a bare repository and git hooks. Here's how I do it.

  • Init or clone a bare repository in your public folder /home/git/public. In my case, I cloned the one I already have from github git clone --bare I later renamed BeachLab_website.git to blweb.git as my life is shortening and every character I save counts.
  • Enter the hooks folder cd blweb.git/hooks
  • Create a new hook touch post-receive
  • WARNING: This option is probably not a good idea for you. Make /var/www writable by everyone. sudo chmod 777 /var/www. I am assuming here you already have a website up and running and configured as /var/www/, if not check the web section.
  • Create the following hook nano post-receive. This will copy the current version of the repository files to the folder where the website is being served everytime you push to it.

# The production directory

# A temporary directory for deployment

# The Git repo

# Deploy the content to the temporary directory
mkdir -p $TEMP
git --work-tree=$TEMP --git-dir=$REPO checkout -f

# Do stuffs, like npm install…

# Replace the production directory
# with the temporary directory

rm -rf $TARGET

Make this hook executable. In your local machine you will have a working copy of your repository that you can push to your suitcase and/or to github. Actually you can push to both at the same time or separately depending upon how you configure your remotes and the default upstream

[unix ~/Repositories/Beach Lab/website]$ git remote -v
github (fetch)
github (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
origin	ssh:// (push)
suitcase	ssh:// (fetch)
suitcase	ssh:// (push)

In this case I can push to github git push github master or to the suitcase git push suitcase master or to both git push origin master. You can also set what is the default upstream when you just do a git push by doing git push --set-upstream origin master.

Notice that origin has multiple remotes. You can add a remote by using git remote set-url --add --push origin git://another/repo.git

TODO: Rename all my master branches to main in all repositories. And set default to main