A vue wrapper for the keen slider library.
<keen-slider arrow-color="black" loop navigation-arrows navigation-dots>
Note: You need to import the css file:
import 'vue-keen-slider/dist/vue-keen-library.css'
All options of the keen slider library are accessible as vue prop.
This library also includes 5 additional props for more easy use:
(boolean): Enables navigation arrows like in the "arrows and dots" example.navigation-dots
(boolean): Enables navigation dots like in the "arrows and dots" example.arrow-color
(css color string): Changes the color of the navigation arrow.useParentScopeId
(boolean): Use the css scope of the parent component. Useful for styling.autoplay
(boolean, string, number): Autoplay the slider. If you only pass true, the default value will be 3000ms. Autoplay is disabled by default. You need to pass the time in ms.
Further documentation: Component Docs