Images found in the thesis are available in the images folder.
- Update data/output/data.yaml with the class labels in order and the number of classes
- Put input sign images in data/signs
- The first character of the filename MUST be the class index according to the order in data.yaml
- Run python #Images #classes
- Default values if not provided : 1000 7
- The output data in yolov5 format can be found in data/output can annotate the images in output for visualization. deletes everything in data/output and data/annotated.
Run the Train YoloV7 Notebook in google colab and follow instructions in the notebook. The training data is downloaded from Roboflow, adjust dataset and api key accordingly.
Run the Validate YOLOV7 notebook in colab. Right now, the weights for the trained model are downloaded from a hardcoded google drive location. Adjust this for your use case.
The validation dataset is downloaded from Roboflow, again adjust this and the api key.