We recommend installing via conda or docker for the latest stable releases of Earl Grey, the below are retained as a reference
If you do not currently have RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler installed, the instructions are provided further down this page. If you do have them installed, ensure the executables are in your PATH environment, including the RepeatMasker/util/ directory!
All of the scripts and associated modules are contained within this github repository. Earl Grey runs inside an anaconda environment to ensure all required packages are present and are the correct version. Therefore to run Earl Grey, you will require anaconda to be installed on your system.
If anaconda is NOT installed on your system, please install it following these instructions:
# Change to /tmp directory as we won't need the script after running it
cd /tmp
# Download the anaconda installation script
curl https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2020.02-Linux-x86_64.sh --output anaconda.sh
# Run the script to install anaconda
bash anaconda.sh
# answer yes when asked, and install anaconda3 in the specified location (recommended) unless you want it to be installed elsewhere.
# When asked "Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3 by running conda init?", answer "yes" for ease of use.
# Activate conda by refreshing terminal session
source ~/.bashrc
# If successful, you should now see (base) on the left of your username on the command line
Now that Anaconda is installed, we can install Earl Grey
Clone the Earl Grey github repo
# Clone into a home directory, or somewhere you want to install Earl Grey
git clone https://github.com/TobyBaril/EarlGrey
Enter the Earl Grey directory and configure the program
cd ./EarlGrey
chmod +x ./configure
Once this is complete, remember to activate the earlGrey conda environment before attempting to run the Earl Grey pipeline
conda activate earlGrey
earlGrey -g genome.fasta -s speciesName -o outputDirectory -t threads
For suggestions or questions, please use the discussion and issues functions in github.
Thank you for trying Earl Grey!
Earl Grey Installation and Configuration (If you DO NOT have RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler) - WITH SUDO PRIVILEGES
These instructions will guide you through configuring all required programs and scripts to run Earl Grey.
All of the scripts and associated modules are contained within this github repository. Earl Grey runs inside an anaconda environment to ensure all required packages are present and are the correct version. Therefore to run Earl Grey, you will require anaconda to be installed on your system.
If anaconda is NOT installed on your system, please install it following these instructions:
# Change to /tmp directory as we won't need the script after running it
cd /tmp
# Download the anaconda installation script
curl https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2020.02-Linux-x86_64.sh --output anaconda.sh
# Run the script to install anaconda
bash anaconda.sh
# answer yes when asked, and install anaconda3 in the specified location (recommended) unless you want it to be installed elsewhere.
# When asked "Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3 by running conda init?", answer "yes" for ease of use.
# Activate conda by refreshing terminal session
source ~/.bashrc
# If successful, you should now see (base) on the left of your username on the command line
Now that Anaconda is installed, we can install Earl Grey
RepeatMasker can be downloaded from: http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatMasker/. Installation instructions can be found on the website. Alternatively, please use the code below:
You will need to download and install a couple of programs for RepeatMasker to work.
Download rmblast
wget https://www.repeatmasker.org/rmblast/rmblast-2.13.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
Extract the rmblast package
tar -zxvf rmblast-2.13.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
Make a note of the full path to rmblast-2.13.0/bin/ as you will need this in the RepeatMasker configuration If you are not certain of the full path, please run the following command
realpath ./rmblast-2.13.0/bin/
Download RepeatMasker (this will download it to the current directory). NOTE some extra steps are required for Dfam 3.8, please refer to repeatmasker.org/RepeatMasker.
wget https://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker-4.1.6.tar.gz
Copy the RepeatMasker package to /usr/local/, or somewhere that all users will be able to access the installation. Copying to /usr/local/ might require sudo privileges
sudo cp RepeatMasker-4.1.6.tar.gz /usr/local/
Change directory to /usr/local, and extract the RepeatMasker package. This might require sudo privileges.
cd /usr/local/
sudo tar -zxvf RepeatMasker-4.1.6.tar.gz
Install the required RepeatMasker libraries - Earl Grey has been tested with Dfam 3.4 onwards and RepBase. Unfortunately, RepBase is now behind a paywall, but to ensure Earl Grey remains open it does not rely on RepBase, although inclusion of RepBase can improve classification of repeats by RepeatModeler. If you have access to this database, please include it in your configuration of RepeatMasker. We recommend that you download Dfam 3.8 before using Earl Grey, and this is required for RepeatMasker 4.1.6. The Dfam library is large - this could take a while!
We recommend downloading Dfam into your home directory (~/) or a subdirectory of home
Change directory to home
cd ~/
Download lastest Dfam release - This may take a while *** NOTE: There are many partitions for Dfam, each containing curated and uncurated TE consensi split by taxonomy. As a minimum, you need to configure RepeatMasker with the root partition, but you can also include others. Note: There may be erroneous annotations in the uncurated Dfam database, use at your own risk***
For whole Dfam library run all of the below, or run each part as required (minimum the root (0) partition):
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.0.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.1.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.2.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.3.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.4.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.5.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.6.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.7.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.8.h5.gz
Unzip the Dfam release - This may take a while with no indication that anything is happening, please be patient!
For whole Dfam library (including uncurated elements):
gunzip *.h5.gz
Move the Dfam library to the RepeatMasker library folder NOTE, a warning might come up that this will overwrite the existing file, allow this by pressing "y" then Enter
mv *.h5 /usr/local/RepeatMasker/Libraries/famdb/
DO NOT configure RepeatMasker just yet...
Add RepeatMasker and util directory to your path environment
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/RepeatMasker:/usr/local/RepeatMasker/util/' >> ~/.bashrc
RepeatModeler can be downloaded from: http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/. Installation instructions can be found on the website. Alternatively, please use the code below:
You will need to download and install a couple of programs for RepeatModeler to work.
Download RECON and RepeatScout
wget http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/RECON-1.08.tar.gz
wget http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz
Extract the RECON and RepeatScout packages
tar -zxvf RECON-1.08.tar.gz
tar -zxvf RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz
Enter the RECON directory and make from source
cd ./RECON-1.08/src/
make install
Enter the RepeatScout directory and make from source
cd ../../RepeatScout-1.0.6/
Make a note of the full path to RECON-1.08/bin/ and RepeatScout-1.0.6/ as you will need these in the RepeatModeler configuration If you are not certain of the full paths, please run the following commands
realpath ./RECON-1.08/bin/
realpath ./RepeatScout-1.0.6/
Install UCSC TwoBit Tools. Make a note of the full path to the directory where these have been installed as you will need these in the RepeatModeler configuration
mkdir ~/ucscTwoBitTools/
cd ~/ucscTwoBitTools/
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/faToTwoBit
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitToFa
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitInfo
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitMask
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitDup
# make scripts executable
chmod +x ~/ucscTwoBitTools/*
For Earl Grey, the LTR structural pipeline of RepeatModeler is not required, as this is run as part of Earl Grey's defragmentation process.
Download RepeatModeler
wget http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/RepeatModeler-2.0.4.tar.gz
Copy the RepeatModeler package to /usr/local/, or somewhere that all users will be able to access the installation. Copying to /usr/local/ might require sudo privileges
sudo cp RepeatModeler-2.0.4.tar.gz /usr/local/
Change directory to /usr/local, and extract the RepeatModeler package. This might require sudo privileges.
cd /usr/local/
sudo tar -zxvf RepeatModeler-2.0.4.tar.gz
DO NOT configure RepeatModeler just yet...
Add RepeatModeler directory to your path environment
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/RepeatModeler-2.0.4/' >> ~/.bashrc
Clone the Earl Grey github repo
# Clone into a home directory, or somewhere you want to install Earl Grey
git clone https://github.com/TobyBaril/EarlGrey
Enter the Earl Grey directory and configure the program
cd ./EarlGrey
chmod +x ./configure
Activate the conda environment
conda activate earlGrey
For configuring RepeatMasker with sudo, h5py is required in the root path. The easiest way to do this is to run the following two lines:
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip install h5py
The linux64 version of TRF is included in the modules directory of Earl Grey. Make a note of the full path to this file as this will be needed in the RepeatMasker configuration.
realpath ./modules/trf409*
NOTE: For the latest version of RepeatModeler, this must be called trf. We can make a symlinked version: ln -s ./modules/trf409* ./modules/trf
Now to finally configure RepeatMasker! - Run these lines and then follow the on-screen prompts from RepeatMasker. Again, this might require sudo privileges.
cd /usr/local/RepeatMasker
# check which perl interpreter you should use
which perl
# replace [perl] in the below command with the path printed from the command above and use this as your perl interpreter (this should be the anaconda perl interpreter)
sudo [perl] ./configure
Time to configure RepeatModeler! You need to enter the paths to lots of the directories of programs we have installed, please note them down before running the configuration script!!
cd /usr/local/RepeatModeler-2.0.4/
# check which perl interpreter you should use - COPY THIS
which perl
# replace perl in the below command with the path printed from the command above and use this as your perl interpreter
sudo perl ./configure
Once this is complete, remember to activate the earlGrey conda environment before attempting to run the Earl Grey pipeline
conda activate earlGrey
earlGrey -g genome.fasta -s speciesName -o outputDirectory -t threads
Earl Grey Installation and Configuration (If you DO NOT have RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler) - WITHOUT SUDO PRIVILEGES
These instructions will guide you through configuring all required programs and scripts to run Earl Grey.
All of the scripts and associated modules are contained within this github repository. Earl Grey runs inside an anaconda environment to ensure all required packages are present and are the correct version. Therefore to run Earl Grey, you will require anaconda to be installed on your system.
If anaconda is NOT installed on your system, please install it following these instructions:
# Change to /tmp directory as we won't need the script after running it
cd /tmp
# Download the anaconda installation script
curl https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2020.02-Linux-x86_64.sh --output anaconda.sh
# Run the script to install anaconda
bash anaconda.sh
# answer yes when asked, and install anaconda3 in the specified location (recommended) unless you want it to be installed elsewhere.
# When asked "Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3 by running conda init?", answer "yes" for ease of use.
# Activate conda by refreshing terminal session
source ~/.bashrc
# If successful, you should now see (base) on the left of your username on the command line
Now that Anaconda is installed, we can install Earl Grey
RepeatMasker can be downloaded from: http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatMasker/. Installation instructions can be found on the website. Alternatively, please use the code below:
You will need to download and install a couple of programs for RepeatMasker to work.
Download rmblast
wget https://www.repeatmasker.org/rmblast/rmblast-2.13.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
Extract the rmblast package
tar -zxvf rmblast-2.13.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
Make a note of the full path to rmblast-2.13.0/bin/ as you will need this in the RepeatMasker configuration If you are not certain of the full path, please run the following command
realpath ./rmblast-2.13.0/bin/
Download RepeatMasker (this will download it to the current directory). NOTE some extra steps are required if you wish to use Dfam 3.7, please refer to repeatmasker.org/RepeatMasker for these extra steps if required.
wget https://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker-4.1.6.tar.gz
Extract the RepeatMasker package.
tar -zxvf RepeatMasker-4.1.6.tar.gz
Install the required RepeatMasker libraries - Earl Grey has been tested with Dfam 3.3 and RepBase. Unfortunately, RepBase is now behind a paywall, but to ensure Earl Grey remains open it does not rely on RepBase, although inclusion of RepBase can improve classification of repeats by RepeatModeler. If you have access to this database, please include it in your configuration of RepeatMasker. We recommend that you download Dfam 3.8 before using Earl Grey, and this is required for RepeatMasker 4.1.6. The Dfam library is large - this could take a while!
Change directory to RepeatMasker Libraries
cd ./RepeatMasker/Libraries/famdb/
Download lastest Dfam release - This may take a while *** NOTE: There are many partitions for Dfam, each containing curated and uncurated TE consensi split by taxonomy. As a minimum, you need to configure RepeatMasker with the root partition, but you can also include others. Note: There may be erroneous annotations in the uncurated Dfam database, use at your own risk***
For whole Dfam library run all of the below, or run each part as required (minimum the root (0) partition):
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.0.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.1.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.2.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.3.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.4.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.5.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.6.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.7.h5.gz
wget https://dfam.org/releases/Dfam_3.8/families/FamDB/dfam38_full.8.h5.gz
Unzip the Dfam release - This may take a while with no indication that anything is happening, please be patient!
For whole Dfam library (including uncurated elements):
gunzip *.h5.gz
DO NOT configure RepeatMasker just yet...
Add RepeatMasker and util directory to your path environment (Replace /path/to/ with the full path to your installation directory)
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/RepeatMasker/:/path/to/RepeatMasker/util/' >> ~/.bashrc
RepeatModeler can be downloaded from: http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/. Installation instructions can be found on the website. Alternatively, please use the code below:
You will need to download and install a couple of programs for RepeatModeler to work.
Download RECON and RepeatScout (Make sure you are no longer inside your RepeatMasker directory!)
wget http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/RECON-1.08.tar.gz
wget http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz
Extract the RECON and RepeatScout packages
tar -zxvf RECON-1.08.tar.gz
tar -zxvf RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz
Enter the RECON directory and make from source
cd ./RECON-1.08/src/
make install
Enter the RepeatScout directory and make from source
cd ../../RepeatScout-1.0.6/
Make a note of the full path to RECON-1.08/bin/ and RepeatScout-1.0.6/ as you will need these in the RepeatModeler configuration If you are not certain of the full paths, please run the following commands
realpath ./RECON-1.08/bin/
realpath ./RepeatScout-1.0.6/
Install UCSC TwoBit Tools. Make a note of the full path to the directory where these have been installed as you will need these in the RepeatModeler configuration
mkdir ./ucscTwoBitTools/
cd ./ucscTwoBitTools/
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/faToTwoBit
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitToFa
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitInfo
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitMask
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/twoBitDup
# make scripts executable
chmod +x ./ucscTwoBitTools/*
For Earl Grey, the LTR structural pipeline of RepeatModeler is not required, as this is run as part of Earl Grey's defragmentation process.
Download RepeatModeler
wget http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/RepeatModeler-2.0.4.tar.gz
Unpack RepeatModeler
sudo tar -zxvf RepeatModeler-2.0.4.tar.gz
DO NOT configure RepeatModeler just yet...
Add RepeatModeler directory to your path environment (Replace /path/to/ with the full path to your installation directory)
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/RepeatModeler-2.0.4/' >> ~/.bashrc
Clone the Earl Grey github repo
# Clone into a home directory, or somewhere you want to install Earl Grey
git clone https://github.com/TobyBaril/EarlGrey
Enter the Earl Grey directory and configure the program
cd ./EarlGrey
chmod +x ./configure
Activate the conda environment
conda activate earlGrey
The linux64 version of TRF is included in the modules directory of Earl Grey. Make a note of the full path to this file as this will be needed in the RepeatMasker configuration.
realpath ./modules/trf409*
NOTE: For the latest version of RepeatModeler, this must be called trf. We can make a symlinked version: ln -s ./modules/trf409* ./modules/trf
Now to finally configure RepeatMasker! - Run these lines and then follow the on-screen prompts from RepeatMasker. Again, this might require sudo privileges.
cd /path/to/RepeatMasker
perl ./configure
Time to configure RepeatModeler! You need to enter the paths to lots of the directories of programs we have installed, please note them down before running the configuration script!!
cd /path/to/RepeatModeler-2.0.4/
perl ./configure
Once this is complete, remember to activate the earlGrey conda environment before attempting to run the Earl Grey pipeline
conda activate earlGrey
earlGrey -g genome.fasta -s speciesName -o outputDirectory -t threads