All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See README for commit guidelines.
v1.0.5 (2018-04-05)
- linting use babel-eslint as parser (d8e9624)
v1.0.4 (2018-04-05)
- project allow arrow functions in React classes (062ca70)
- project ESLint config (3376045)
- deps pin babel-plugin-transform-class-properties (c4826cd)
v1.0.3 (2018-04-04)
v1.0.2 (2018-03-30)
- deps fix dependencies (0c5f96)
v1.0.1 (2018-03-30)
- deps update react eslint and parcel (6babc38)
- deps configure renovate (2fc758f)
- deps pin dependencies (4bdf950)
- badges improve ci and automation (b172f57)
- project: contributing guidelines (6d39728)
- project: code of conduct (d9a531d)
- project: dependency badge (bbc7d27)
- project: project setup (7647e1e)