A remark-lint plugin to prohibit specified strings in markdown files. It can be used to lint consistent spelling, abbreviations, or syntax within the text of markdown files (e.g. it will not lint code blocks).
Example configuration:
"plugins": [
{ no: "End-Of-Life", yes: "End-of-Life" },
{ no: "End-of-life", yes: "End-of-Life" },
{ no: 'gatsby', yes: "Gatsby", ignoreNextTo: "-" },
{ no: 'sales', yes: "Sales", ignoreNextTo: [ "-", "\'", "'" ] },
{ no: "Github", yes: "GitHub" },
{ no: "Javascript", yes: "JavaScript" },
{ no: "Node.JS", yes: "Node.js" },
{ no: "[Rr][Ff][Cc](\\d+)", yes: "RFC $1", replaceCaptureGroups: true },
{ no: "v8", yes: "V8" },
{ yes: 'Unix' }
, optional
Specifies the string you wish to prohibit. Regular expressions are respected, but can only be supplied as a string. If no
is provided, the value must be a string, and the match is case-sensitive. If omitted, then the no
string will default to be the case-insensitive match of yes
. For example, in the configuration above, users will be told to use "Unix" instead of "unix", or "UNIX".
, optional
Specifies what users will be told to use instead of the matched no
value (if provided). For example, in the configuration above, users will be told to use "GitHub" instead of "Github".
| string []
, optional
Makes a prohibited string allowable if it appears next to that string. It is interpreted as a literal sequence of character(s) that appear immediately before or after the yes
text. For example, in the configuration above, users will be told to use "Gatsby" instead of "gatsby". However, "gatsby-plugin" and "node-gatsby" will not be flagged because '-'
is included in ignoreNextTo
for that rule.
As an array of strings, the items are combined into a regex OR condition to match a number of possible sequences of characters that might appear immediately before or after the yes
text. In the configuration above, the linter will instruct the user to use "Sales" instead of "sales", but it will ignore "pre-sales", 'sales'
, and "sales"
(within quotes).
, optional
Defaults to false
. If set to a truthy value, it enables replacement of regular expression capture groups, that are matched in the no
regular expression, with group placeholders in yes
. It can be used to provide better linting messages. The message reported to the user will use the same process as the the replacement string in String.prototype.replace(). For example, in the configuration above, users will be told to use "RFC 123" instead of "rfc123", "RFC123", or "Rfc123".