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Swinburne Weather Service (codename: ZimmerWetter)

This university project is about developing and deploying an IoT Weather Station system within the campus of Swinburne University@HCMC, providing a weather service for students, lecturers, staffs, and visitors of the campus.

This is Minh Triet's first student project at Swinburne University.

How to deploy this? / Manual

Raspberry Pi Component

  1. Prepare a Raspberry Pi 3+ with a static IP address, Git, and Docker Compose
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Create the file pwfile in config/mosquitto with 0700 permission
  4. Create the file .env by copying .env.example
  5. Enter required information into .env
  6. In the terminal working at the repository's directory, run docker compose up -d

Weather Station Component

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open the esp32 directory using either Arduino IDE or VSCode with Arduino extension
  3. Copy the file secrets.template.h and name it secrets.h
  4. Enter required information into the secrets.h file
  5. Connect an ESP32 to your device
  6. Flash the Arduino sketch into the ESP32

What does it measure?

  • Temperature (ºC)
  • Humidity (%)
  • Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
  • Rainfall (mm)
  • Wind speed (m/s)
  • Wind direction (º)

What technologies are used? / Tech stack

Technologies used in ZimmerWetter

Architecture Diagram

Who is involved? / Credits

  • Author: Nguyen Ta Minh Triet, K5 @ Swinburne University, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Co-author: Nguyen Khanh Phuc Thinh, K4 @ Swinburne University, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Member: Tong Duc Tu Tam, K5 @ Swinburne University, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Member: Nguyen Nhat Minh, K4 @ Swinburne University, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Member: Huynh Nguyen Quoc Bao, K3 @ Swinburne University, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Mentor: Dr. Pham Van Dai, Lecturer @ Swinburne University, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Manager: Ms. Titan Vo @ Swinburne University Academic Department, HCMC, VIetnam