Those familiar with GitHub webhooks or other modern CI environments webhooks will be familiar with the Fin WebhookService. Whenever a Fedora container is created, updated or deleted Fedora emits a event via ActiveMQ using the STOMP protocol. On start Fin sets up a connection to Fedora ActiveMQ service and listens for events. When a event is received Fin sends a HTTP POST to all registered Webhook services. The post is Content-Type: application/json
with a payload:
"header" : {},
"body" : {}
Where header
is the content from the header for the Fedora Message and body
is the body of the message.
To create a webhook service, simply create a web service and that listens to POSTs on the provided url. The payload of the POST should be parse as JSON.
Example using the essync service from the demo
$ fin service create \
--title "Elasticsearch Sync" \
--description "Run Elasticsearch indexer when fedora updates" \
--url http://essync:3333 \
essync WebhookService
Demo authentication services can be found here:
- ES Sync
- A service that keeps Elastic Search up to date with Fedora
- Serialization
- A service that serializes Fedora to disk