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A REST API to manage instrumentation data for the MIDAS (Monitoring Instrumentation Data Acquisition System) web application. Built with Go, using the Echo web framework.

MIDAS project management is tracked in

API Documentation

"swag" is used to generate API Documentation via code annotations in ./api/internal/handler/. These documents are available via Scalar at $API_HOSTNAME/docs on the API server. Optionally append /openapi.json or /openapi.yaml to the aforementioned URI for the respective raw API docs. Generating documnetation can be done using the compose script ./ mkdocs.

How to Develop

Quickstart - Running the API Stack Locally with Docker Compose

  1. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose. In place of these two, one can install Docker Desktop.

  2. Install Go (Golang) - needed for pulling peer dependencies when building the containers.

  3. Copy the .env.example file to .env (e.g., cp .env.example .env). This provides configuration options to Docker Compose.

  4. Use the ./ shell script to build and (re)start the Docker Compose services. You can now access the application locally through Docker. Use the up argument to start, down to spin down, and clean to spin down and remove volumes. Optionally add the mock argument to start/remove the mock datalogger service.

./ up [mock]
./ down [mock]

General Tab

Field Value
Name localhost (or other preferred name)

Connection Tab

Field Value
Host name/address db
Port 5432 (default)
Username postgres
Password postgres

Initialize the database and seed it with some data (./ up runs this for you)

Running the Go API for Local Development

Either of these options starts the API at localhost:$API_PORT, where $API_PORT is the variable set in your project's .env file. The API uses JSON Web tokens (JWT) for authorization by default. To disable JWT for testing or development, you can set the environment variable JWT_DISABLED=TRUE.

With Visual Studio Code Debugger

You can use the launch.json file in this repository in lieu of go run main.go to run the API in the VSCode debugger. This takes care of the required environment variables to connect to the database.

Without Visual Studio Code Debugger

Set the following environment variables and type go run main.go from the top level of this repository.


Running Tests

Regression tests are maintained for the project using Go httptest from the standard library. These are integration tests that run inside of the api docker container. Tests are located in the handlers folder, using the virtual package (not compiled to production binary) handler_test. Each test is an instance of HTTPTest struct with relavent properties. (test name, url path, etc.). A notable property is the ExpectedSchema, which accepts a gojsonschema.Schema. This is used to validate the response body matches the json schema string, otherwise, the test will fail. All tests are run against a test database seeded with SQL scripts locally; see the ./migrate/local/ folder.

To run specific tests, you can pass optional commands to the test script in ./ like so, where *args are passed to go test *args. The -rm flag will automatically remove containers after they run:

./ test [-rm] *args

# example
# go test -run regexp
#   Run only those tests and examples matching the regular expression.
./ test -rm -run Project  # matches any tests where the name includes "Project"

Local Lambda Invocation

The ./report directory contains an asynchronous lambda function that is called via AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service). Locally, the API service mocks this call with the Lambda RIE (Runtime Interface Emulator). If AUTH_JWT_MOCKED,(an API service environment variable) is true, the API container will attempt to invoke the Lambda via the RIE endpoint instead of the queue.

How To Deploy

Deploying Develop Core API & Telemetry API

Development deployments are done though CI (Continuous Integration) scripts using Github Actions. The core api and telemetry api are tested, built, and pushed to AWS ECR, where they should re-deploy on container push when the CI pipelines successfully finish. If the container does not automattically re-deploy on ECR push, it can be manually deployed from the AWS console.

Test and prodution deployments are currently done manually. The ./ can be used to build the application with hardened images sourced from Ironbank. Afterwards, the build images should be pushed to test and/or prod via cli.

Postgres Database on AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

First, make sure any extensions (such as PostGIS) are installed on the RDS instance.

Flyway Migrations are used for automated database migrations in order to keep the schemas of the local environment in sync with develop and stable. Any differentiations in these databases (such as loading test data in the local environment) must be specified in their respective folders within the ./sql directory ("common" applying to all environments). For database versioning, each migration script must be incrementally applied (e.g. V1.2.3__migration.sql -> V1.2.4__migration.sql). Versioned migrations must not change after they are run against the database. Instead, you must create another "version" to make modifications to a schema. Repeatable migrations (e.g. R__01_repeatable_migration.sql), may be modified if the overall schema does not change.


SQS-Worker to parse CSV Files of timeseries measurements on AWS S3 and post contents to the core api.

Works with ElasticMQ for local testing with a SQS-compatible interface. Variables noted "Used for local testing" typically do not need to be provided when deployed, for example to AWS. They can be omitted completely or set to "" if not required.

Environment Variables

Variable Example Value Notes
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 Used for local testing
LOADER_POST_URL http://instrumentation-api_api_1/instrumentation/timeseries_measurements
LOADER_AWS_S3_ENDPOINT http://minio:9000 Used for local testing
LOADER_AWS_SQS_QUEUE_NAME instrumentation-dcs-goes
LOADER_AWS_SQS_ENDPOINT http://elasticmq:9324 Used for local testing
LOADER_AWS_SQS_QUEUE_URL http://elasticmq:9324/queue/instrumentation-dcs-goes Used for local testing
LOADER_AWS_SQS_REGION elasticmq Used for local testing

Example Input File
