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LogWather INI Files
devinkramer edited this page Sep 30, 2015
20 revisions
Minimal INI configuration for LogWatcher to report default metrics.
log_name_format: /path/to/log/file/access
sla_ms: 300
distinguisher: lwexample
ignore_pattern: (/healthcheck|nagios)
nologsleep: 10
notify_schedule: 60
processing_time_regex: \s([\d.]*)$
processing_time_units: ms
Here is a more specific example in which we capture several custom key=value metrics as well as creating some calculated metrics with LogWatcher.
Log Line: logwatcher.com - [26/Sep/2015:15:59:16 -0700] "GET /profile HTTP/1.1" 200 2989 "http://referrer.com/restaurants" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" " [wsTime=7] [isCust=0] [ver=2] [showAds=true] [daoTimelisting=2.678338] [daoTimecgmdblisting=2.678338] [oTime=0] [pTime=1] [daoTimecontent=2.511219] [daoTimecgmdbcontent=2.511219] [clientIp=]" 8
log_name_format: /path/to/log/file/access
sla_ms: 300
distinguisher: lwexample
ignore_pattern: (/healthcheck|nagios)
nologsleep: 10
notify_schedule: 60
processing_time_regex: \s([\d.]*)$
processing_time_units: ms
metrics_count: return_code isCust
metrics_ratio: return_code t_wsTime t_oTime t_pTime t_daoTimeContent t_daoTimeListing apiver
metrics_sum: bytes t_wsTime t_oTime t_pTime t_daoTimeContent t_daoTimeListing Total_Processing_Time_v2 Total_Processing_Time_v1
metric_return_code_regex: HTTP/1.\d. (\d\d\d)[ ]
metric_isCust_regex: \[isCust=(\d)\]
metric_apiver_regex: /(v\d)[^\w]
metric_bytes_regex: HTTP/1.1.\ \d\d\d (\d+)\ \"
metric_t_oTime_regex: \[oTime=([\d.]+)\]
metric_t_pTime_regex: \[pTime=([\d.]+)\]
metric_t_daoTimeContent_regex: \[daoTimecontent=([\d.]+)\]
metric_t_daoTimeListing_regex: \[daoTimelisting=([\d.]+)\]
metric_t_wsTime_regex: \[wsTime=([\d.]+)\]
metric_Total_Processing_Time_v1_regex: .* /profile/\W.* ([\d.]*)$
metric_Total_Processing_Time_v2_regex: .*v2.* ([\d.]*)$
# user-defined calculated metrics
metrics_calc: Avg_Processing_Time_v1_ms Avg_Processing_Time_v2_ms
metric_Avg_Processing_Time_v1_ms_expression: s/Total_Processing_Time_v1 / c/apiver_NotSet
metric_Avg_Processing_Time_v2_ms_expression: s/Total_Processing_Time_v2 / c/apiver_v2
Option | Possible Values Example Values | Description |
log_name_format | /app/tomcat/logs/access/access_profile /usr/local/logs/access/access_guide_%Y-%m-%d:%H:00:00 | The path to the log file to parse, with some optional pattern matching capabilities. |
sla_ms | 300 | generates metrics (exceeding_SLA and exceeding_SLA_ct) based on the value specified |
nologsleep | 10 | how long to wait for a log to show up before checking again (seconds?) |
notify_schedule | 60 | how often to send metrics (seconds) |
plugins | kafka_logger | space delimited list of plugins that you would like to use |
use_graphite | True | Enable sending metrics to a graphite server assumes you have /etc/graphite.conf containing details of your graphite server.. Otherwise you should use the -G and -g command line options |
brand_regex | The regex to identify unique publishers. (related to use_brand) | |
distinguisher | text without spaces | This will be the beginning of the name of the metric, in the form: LW_<distinguisher>_<metric> (If there's only one instance of LogWatcher running on the server, we typically set this to be the server class.) |
ignore_pattern | (/healthcheck | nagios) |
metric_<metric_name>_expression | s/Total_Processing_Time_v1 / c/apiver_NotSet | Calculate a new metric, based on existing metrics. The new metric name must be added to the metrics_calc list. You must specify whether the original metrics are count or sum metrics by prefixing them with c/ or s/. |
metric_<metric_name>_regex | [isCust=(\d)] | The name of a metric, and the regex to pick out the value. |
metrics_calc | metric1 metric2 metric3 | Space separated list of metric names that you want to calculate based on the equation in the value parameter. (See the Supported metrics section above.) After adding a metric to this list, use the metric_<metric_name>_expression option to calculate a new metric, based on existing metrics. |
metrics_count | metric1 metric2 metric3 | Space separated list of metric names that should be treated as counters. (See the Supported metrics section above.) After adding a metric to this list, use it with the metric_<metric_name>_regex option. |
metrics_dist | metric1 metric2 metric3 | Space separated list of metric names that should be treated as distribution metrics. (See the Supported metrics section above.) After adding a metric to this list, use it with the metric_<metric_name>regex, metric<metric_name>count, and metric<metric_name>_size options. |
metrics_list | ? | Not used yet |
metrics_prime | return_code_500:0 return_code_500_ratio:0 | Space separated list of metrics that should be sent once at startup. (For example, this can be used to reset counters to zero when LogWatcher restarts.) |
metrics_ratio | metric1 metric2 metric3 | Space separated list of metric names that should be treated as ratios. (See the Supported metrics section above.) After adding a metric to this list, use it with the metric_<metric_name>_regex option. |
metrics_sum | metric1 metric2 metric3 | Space separated list of metric names that should be treated as sums. (See the Supported metrics section above.) After adding a metric to this list, use it with the metric_<metric_name>_regex option. |
processing_time_regex | \s([\d.]*)$ | Regex to pick out the processing time. (Is this a special variable/metric?) |
processing_time_units | ms or us | Processing time units: ms = milliseconds (tomcat) us = microseconds (apache) |
use_brand | 0 or 1 | 0 : Disable brand features. 1 : Enable brand features. When use_brand it set to 1, you can see lines like the following in debug output: DEBUG: Found new publisher: <something that matches your brand_regex> or DEBUG: Found new publisher: NULL_brand When enabled, generates the following metrics: LW_<distinguisher>_QPS_<whatever brand_regex matches> and LW_<distinguisher>_QPS_NULL_brand |