Guide to background and modelling assumptions made.
Since the SPC currently uses 2011 OA11CD and MSOA11CD codes, 2011 boundaries will be used.
- Homes: OA11CD centroids
- Work: exact location data
- Education: exact location, travel time for a given mode is used to determine the feasible zone.
- Shop (food):
- Shop (other):
- Visit:
- We are currently using the entire NTS sample, but this could include trips with unrepresentative distances (e.g. commuting distance in London is not the same as liverpool). See #16
- We use categorical matching at the household level (level 1) and then propensity score matching (PSM) at the individual level (level 2)
- We need to implement PSM from the beginning to ensure that each individual in the SPC is matched to at least one sample from the NTS. See #13
- Matching variables are decided using trial and error (see 2_match_households_and_individuals. Using PSM would allow us to use all variables
- For each SPC household, we randomly select one of the matched NTS households
- Rest of the assumptions are outlined in the wiki page
- Done based on age_group and sex only. PSM without replacement
- The NTS has a detailed breakdown of modes. We create dictionaries to map these modes to more generic modes (less categories)
- The same is done for trip purposes
- You can see the mode_mapping and purp_mapping dictionaries in 3_locations_primary
- These are still MSOA centroids (as taken from SPC). These locations need to be edited so households are assigned to different houses
- We download osm locations and label them. This is currently done through osmox with a custom config json file. See this example
- In the config file, we specify what to download from osm, and in "activity_mapping", we decide how each POI is labelled.
- For education POIs, I've done the following:
"kindergarden": ["education_kg", "work"],
"school": ["education_school", "work"],
"university": ["education_university", "work"],
"college": ["education_college", "work"],
- This is done in get_possible_zones. The function looks at the travel mode and trip duration (from NTS), and uses a pre-calculated travel time matrix by mode to identify which zones can be reached for that mode and duration. It then selects activities that have a POI that matches our activity purpose
- The function can return an empty list for some activities, as no zones match our constraints. We need to add logic to ensure at least one zone with a relevant POI is chosen. We can choose a POI based on distance and disregard the travel time matrix
- If an individual in the NTS has an "education" activity, I map their age to an education type. See the age_group_mapping dictionary in 3_locations_primary:
age_group_mapping = {
1: "education_kg", # "0-4"
2: "education_school", # "5-10"
3: "education_school", # "11-16"
4: "education_university", # "17-20"
5: "education_university", # "21-29"
6: "education_university", # "30-39"
7: "education_university", # "40-49"
8: "education_university", # "50-59"
9: "education_university" # "60+" }
- When selecting a location for an education activity in select_zone, we try to select a zone that has a POI that matches the persons age group. If we can't we choose any other feasible zone with an education POI
- This logic should be moved upstream to the get_possible_zone. For each activity, we should always ensure that our list of feasible zones has a zone with our specific POI category. This should be added in the filter_by_activity logic. The filter_by_activity logic currently looks at activity purpose from the NTS (e.g. "education"). We need to add the extra level of detail from age_group_mapping, and then filter based on that instead
- We select a zone from the feasible zones probabilistically based on total floor area of the POIs that match the relevant activity. See select_zone
- We choose a POI from the relevant POIs in the chosen zone.This is done probabilistically based on floor_area
- Should this step be embedded in
- edit
config to replace education_college with education_university. We should have mutually exclusive groups only and these two options serve the same age group - (DONE here) migrate logic for age_group_mapping from
- edit
to ensure it never returns an empty list of zones. See above for how to do this- 14/05/2024: I created another function
. see this commit
- 14/05/2024: I created another function