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A guide for programming in style.


  • Avoid merge commits by using a rebase workflow.
  • Prefix feature branch names with your initials.
  • Squash multiple trivial commits into a single commit.
  • Write a good commit message.


  • Avoid inline comments.
  • Break long lines after 80 characters.
  • Delete trailing whitespace. Your editor should be configured to do so automatically:
  • Don't include spaces after (, [ or before ], ).
  • Don't misspell.
  • Don't vertically align tokens on consecutive lines.
  • If you break up an argument list, keep the arguments on their own lines and closing parenthesis on its own line.
  • If you break up a hash, keep the elements on their own lines and closing curly brace on its own line.
  • Indent continued lines two spaces.
  • Indent private methods equal to public methods.
  • If you break up a chain of method invocations, keep each method invocation on its own line. Place the . at the end of each line, except the last. Example.
  • Use 2 space indentation (no tabs).
  • Use an empty line between methods.
  • Use empty lines around multi-line blocks.
  • Use spaces around operators, after commas, after colons and semicolons, around { and before }.
  • Use Unix-style line endings (\n).
  • Use uppercase for SQL key words and lowercase for SQL identifiers.

File Names

  • Separate words using underscores, not dashes (, not
  • Avoid multiple filetypes (, not


  • Avoid abbreviations.
  • Avoid object types in names (user_array, email_method CalculatorClass, ReportModule).
  • Name the enumeration parameter the singular of the collection.
  • Name variables, methods, and classes to reveal intent.
  • Treat acronyms as words in names (XmlHttpRequest not XMLHTTPRequest), even if the acronym is the entire name (class Html not class HTML).
  • Name variables holding a factory with _factory (user_factory).
  • Name variables created by a factory after the factory (user_factory creates user).


  • Order methods so that caller methods are earlier in the file than the methods they call.
  • Order methods so that methods are as close as possible to other methods they call.


  • Prefer CoffeeScript for new and refactored code.
  • Prefer Angular for new code.
  • Actively replace Prototype.js code with jQuery, where possible, while working on new features or refactoring.


  • Prefer Angular $http or $resource when in Angular code.
  • Avoid direct use of $http in Angular controllers—extract the requests to service objects instead.
  • Prefer jQuery everywhere else.
  • Don't use Prototype.js methods.


Data Manipulation



  • Module declarations should be both readable and concise



  • Avoid conditional modifiers (lines that end with conditionals).
  • Break up long lines with trailing dot-notation
# bad
$http.get("/api/route", params).success(successHandler).error(errorHandler)

# good
$http.get("/api/route", params).
  • Initialize arrays using [].
  • Initialize empty objects and hashes using {}.
  • Use hyphen-separated filenames, such as
  • Use PascalCase for classes, lowerCamelCase for variables and functions, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants, _single_leading_underscore for private variables and functions.
  • Prefer == and != to is and isnt.
  • Prefer || and && to or and and.
  • Prefer ! over not.
  • Prefer @ over this for referencing instance properties.
  • Prefer double quotes.



  • Use the Scss syntax.
  • Use hyphens when naming mixins, extends, classes, functions & variables: span-columns not span_columns or spanColumns.
  • Use space between property and value: width: 20px not width:20px.
  • Use a blank line above selector that has styles.
  • Prefer hex color codes #000.
  • Use // for comment blocks not /* */.
  • Use a space between selector and {.
  • Use double quotation marks.
  • Use only lowercase, including colors.
  • Don't add a unit specification after 0 values, unless required by a mixin.
  • Use space around operands: $variable * 1.5, not $variable*1.5
  • Avoid in-line operations in shorthand declarations (Ex. padding: $variable * 1.5 variable * 2)
  • Use parentheses around individual operations in shorthand declarations: padding: ($variable * 1.5) ($variable * 2)


  • Use alphabetical order for declarations.
  • Declarations with directions (border-top, border-right) should be grouped clock-wise from top.
  • top, right, bottom, left should be grouped after the alphabetized list.
  • Place @extends and @includes at the top of your declaration list.
  • Place media queries directly after the declaration list.
  • Place concatenated selectors second.
  • Place pseudo states and elements third.
  • Place nested selectors last.


  • Don't use ID's for style.
  • Use meaningful names: $visual-grid-color not $color or $vslgrd-clr.
  • Use ID and class names that are as short as possible but as long as necessary.
  • Avoid using the direct descendant selector >.
  • Avoid nesting more than 4 selectors deep.
  • Don't nest more than 6 selectors deep.
  • Use HTML tags on vague classes that need a qualifier like header.application not .main.
  • Avoid using the HTML tag in the class name: not
  • Avoid using HTML tags on classes for generic markup <div>, <span>: .widgets not div.widgets.
  • Avoid using HTML tags on classes with specific class names like .featured-articles.
  • Avoid using comma delimited selectors.
  • Avoid nesting within a media query.


  • Use Bourbon for a Sass Library.
  • Use Neat for a grid framework.
  • Use Bitters / Base folder for style on HTML tags, global variables, global extends and global mixins.
  • Use Normalize as a browser reset.
  • Use HTML structure for ordering of selectors. Don't just put styles at the bottom of the Sass file.
  • Prefer the same file structure that is found in app/views.
  • Avoid having files longer than 100 lines.


Sandi Metz's Rules

These should be treated as strong guidelines for new code and a goal to refactor towards for existing code. See thoughtbot's article for a good discussion of these rules. If you're going to break them, you need to have a good reason, which should be discussed with the team in your pull request.

  1. Classes can be no longer than one hundred lines of code.
  2. Methods can be no longer than five lines of code.
  3. Pass no more than four parameters into a method. Hash options are parameters.
  4. Controllers can instantiate only one object. Therefore, views can only know about one instance variable and views should only send messages to that object (@object.collaborator.value is not allowed).

Ruby Style

The below points contribute to uniform code that is easy to read, but remember that these are the low-hanging fruit of writing good code. When reviewing others' pull requests, if they are in violation of one of Sandi Metz's Rules, keep the discussion centered on how to fix that rather than around stylistic elements.

It's easy and low value to point out a that &:method_name should be used instead of { |item| item.method_name }; it's much higher value (and more challenging) to discuss how to break up a class that has grown to have too much responsibility.


  • Avoid conditional modifiers (lines that end with conditionals).
  • Avoid multiple assignments per line (one, two = 1, 2).
  • Avoid organizational comments (# Validations).
  • Avoid ternary operators (boolean ? true : false). Use multi-line if instead to emphasize code branches.
  • Break up long lines with trailing dot-notation Example
  • Avoid explicit return statements.
  • Avoid using semicolons.
  • Avoid bang (!) method names. Prefer descriptive names.
  • Don't use self explicitly anywhere except class methods (def self.method) and assignments (self.attribute =).
  • Prefer nested class and module definitions over the shorthand version Example
  • Prefer detect over find.
  • Prefer inject over reduce.
  • Prefer map over collect.
  • Prefer select over find_all.
  • Prefer double quotes for strings.
  • Prefer && and || over and and or. (Be aware Ruby has different precedence rules for and and && and there are cases when and is the only option Example)
  • Prefer ! over not.
  • Prefer &:method_name to { |item| item.method_name } for simple method calls.
  • Prefer if over unless.
  • Use _ for unused block parameters.
  • Prefix unused variables or parameters with underscore (_).
  • Use %{} for single-line strings needing interpolation and double-quotes.
  • Use {...} for single-line blocks. Use do..end for multi-line blocks.
  • Use ? suffix for predicate methods.
  • Use CamelCase for classes and modules, snake_case for variables and methods, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • Use def self.method, not def Class.method or class << self.
  • Use def with parentheses when there are arguments.
  • Don't use spaces after required keyword arguments. Example
  • Use each, not for, for iteration.
  • Use a trailing comma after each item in a multi-line list, including the last item. Example
  • Use heredocs for multi-line strings.
  • Prefer protected over private for non-public attr_readers, attr_writers, and attr_accessors. Example
  • Order class methods above instance methods. Example
  • Leave an empty line at the end of a file


  • When wrapping long lines, keep the method name on the same line as the ERb interpolation operator and keep each method argument on its own line.
  • Prefer double quotes for attributes.


  • Prefer double quotes for attributes.


  • Avoid member and collection routes.
  • Use private instead of protected when defining controller methods.
  • Name date columns with _on suffixes.
  • Name datetime columns with _at suffixes.
  • Name initializers for their gem name.
  • Order ActiveRecord associations alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Order ActiveRecord validations alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Order ActiveRecord associations above ActiveRecord validations.
  • Order controller contents: filters, public methods, private methods.
  • Order i18n translations alphabetically by key name.
  • Order model contents: constants, macros, public methods, private methods.
  • Put application-wide partials in the app/views/application directory.
  • Use def self.method, not the scope :method DSL.
  • Use the default render 'partial' syntax over render partial: 'partial'.
  • Use link_to for GET requests, and button_to for other HTTP verbs.

Rails Migrations

  • Set an empty string as the default constraint for non-required string and text fields. [Example][default example].
  • List timestamps first when creating a new table. [Example][timestamps example].

Rails Routes

  • Avoid the :except option in routes.
  • Order resourceful routes alphabetically by name.
  • Use the :only option to explicitly state exposed routes.

Background Jobs

  • Define a PRIORITY constant at the top of delayed job classes.
  • Define two public methods: self.enqueue and perform.
  • Put delayed job classes in app/jobs.



  • Avoid the private keyword in specs.
  • Prefer eq to == in RSpec.
  • Separate setup, exercise, verification, and teardown phases with newlines.
  • Use RSpec's expect syntax.
  • Use RSpec's allow syntax for method stubs.
  • Use should shorthand for one-liners with an implicit subject.
  • Use not_to instead of to_not in RSpec expectations.
  • Prefer the have_css matcher to the have_selector matcher in Capybara assertions.
  • Treat excessive stubbing as a sign of tightly coupled code
  • Prefer dependency injection to stubbing

Acceptance Tests

  • Avoid scenario titles that add no information, such as "successfully."
  • Avoid scenario titles that repeat the feature title.
  • Place helper methods for feature specs directly in a top-level Features module.
  • Use Capybara's feature/scenario DSL.
  • Use names like ROLE_ACTION_spec.rb, such as user_changes_password_spec.rb, for feature spec file names.
  • Use only one feature block per feature spec file.
  • Use scenario titles that describe the success and failure paths.
  • Use spec/features directory to store feature specs.
  • Use spec/support/features for support code related to feature specs.


  • Order factories.rb contents: sequences, traits, factory definitions.
  • Order factory attributes: implicit attributes, explicit attributes, child factory definitions. Each section's attributes are alphabetical.
  • Order factory definitions alphabetically by factory name.
  • Use one factories.rb file per project.

Unit Tests

  • Don't prefix it block descriptions with should. Use Imperative mood instead.
  • Put one-liner specs at the beginning of the outer describe blocks.
  • Use .method to describe class methods and #method to describe instance methods.
  • Use context to describe testing preconditions.
  • Use describe '#method_name' to group tests by method-under-test
  • Use a single, top-level describe ClassName block.
  • Order validation, association, and method tests in the same order that they appear in the class.