The CovidSupport project is built using the Umbraco CMS. Umbraco can host multiple sites, each with its own domain. Users who own a website can log in to the Umbraco backoffice using their username and password and access the content of their website.
Each site inside Umbraco can be used as a stand alone website, making use of Umbraco capabilities. Developers are able to use their own views and assets to display a fully working website under the site's domain.
They can also be used as a "headless" or back-end only content management system, without any views or displaying, but used solely as a content repository for storing and managing content. The content is accessible via a RESTful API that is explained below.
Umbraco has the capability of allowing different types of users to log in to the backoffice, with different types of permissions.
Administrator. This user has full control over all content of the different websites, as well as settings and other users' permissions.
Website Owner. This type of user has access to the Content and Media sections inside Umbraco. Permissions to each particular user will be restricted to their own website.
Content in Umbraco CMS follows a hierarchical structure. Content nodes can be created as children of other content nodes, corresponding to the URL structure of the website pages. The type of content that can be created inside other nodes depends on the specific permissions for each content type. The different content types are defined in the Settings section by an administrator.
The only content type accepted in the root of the content tree is "Website" content. Each one of these root nodes represent an instance of a website managed by a Website Owner. As specified previously, Website Owners will be restricted to access only their own website content.
A root Website node contains generic settings for the website.
A root Website can contain a "Resources" type node. This node will contain all resources available for this website, and they will be structured according to a tree of categories and subcategories.
Umbraco can store multilingual sites, making the content nodes multilingual too. Content has thus the potential of acceptiong different text/value variations for different languages when applicable.
The current available languages are English and Spanish. By common practice, different language versions are usually available by appending the language code to the main domain URL, i.e. Each domain for each different language of a website needs to be defined in the Umbraco backoffice.
A Website Owner can create content inside their own website from the Content section in the Umbraco backoffice. To do this, position the mouse over the name of the content node in the content tree to which you wish to add any children. A three-dot icon will appear to the right of the node name. If click on it, you will get a menu with a list of possible nodes that are allowed under the specific node. Just click on the one you want to create and fill in the name and the rest of fields. Once you are done, you can click on the "Save and publish" button on the bottom right corner of the screen. If you would like to save your changes, but don't want to make the content publicly available, you can click on the "Save" button instead.
The CovidSupport project offers a public RESTful API to retrieve the resources saved on the server.
Each website stored on the server has a unique URL such as {domain}/api/v1. For instance, if we are trying to get the resources from the site, the URL would be Please make sure you use the right http or https protocol to access the API.
Please note that sites that are multilingual will use a different URL to retrieve content for each language, corresponding to the domain defined for each language. For instance:
- (English)
- (Spanish)
Each website API is publicly accessible. There is no need to use any credentials or authorization. The API contains only GET
methods. Users can only retrieve data; they cannot add or edit any data stored in the server. Future methods to upload or update existing entries will be protected.
Successful calls to the API will return data in JSON format. Examples of the specific data returned by the different API endpoints are explained below.
GET /api/v1/resource/settings
It returns a list of the available resource categories (i.e. Restaurants, Farms & Farmers' Markets, etc), and a list of all available regions.
Parameter | Type | Description |
categories | Array of Category elements | The list of availabe categories, organized in a hierarchical tree structure of categories and subcategories. Each Category element |
Parameter Type Description code String The code to identify this specific category. id Integer The ID of the category. name string The name of the category. subcategories Array of Category elements The list of available subcategories contained under this specific category. Each subcategory can contain itself another list of subcategories.
Example of a JSON Response
"categories": [
"code": "food",
"id": 1001,
"name": "Food Resources",
"subcategories": [
"code": "restaurants",
"id": 1002,
"name": "Restaurants"
"code": "specialtyFoodBeverage",
"id": 1003,
"name": "Specialty Food & Beverage"
"code": "farms",
"id": 1004,
"name": "Farms & Farm Markets"
GET /api/v1/resource/get/{id}
It returns a single published resource by its ID.
A single Resource element.
A resource element contains all the available information about the resource.
The resources returned by the API might be of different types (according to their category), so some resources might contain different properties or parameters.
Below are detailed the two types of resource currently returned by the API. The parameters marked as bold in the list below are common to all types of resources.
Parameter Type Description Common to all resources address String The address of the resource. This field usually contains only the street and street number. YES category String The category of the resource. YES city String The city where the resource is at. YES contact String The main contact telephone number. YES contactSpanish String The telephone number for Spanish-speaking customers. description String An optional short description of the resource assets, for instace, the type of cuisine. YES email String The contact email address. YES facebook String The Facebook page URL for the resource. YES free Boolean It indicates whether the resource services are offered free of charge. YES id Integer The ID of the resource. YES instagram String The Instagram username for the resource. YES instructions String Optional instruction. lat Decimal The geographical latitude. lon Decimal The geographical longitude. notes String Optional extra notes. offers String Optional offers. options Array[String] All the options that are available for the resource, i.e. "delivery", "orderOnline", etc. providerAddLoc String Provider's secondary name. For example, for school meals this could be the local county department. name String The resource name. YES openHours Array[OpeningTimes] The opening hours of the resource, as an array of OpenHour object for each day of the week. YES region Array[String] The region/county the resource is at, or the region(s) where it provides its services. YES specialHours Array[OpeningTimes] The special opening hours of the resource, as an array of OpenHour object for each day of the week. state String The code of the state, i.e. "NC". YES twitter String The Twitter username for the resource. YES webLink String The URL of the resource's website. YES zip String The ZIP code of the address. YES -
Parameter Type Description Common to all resources acceptsMedicaid Boolean It indicates whether it accetps patients using MedicAid insurance. acceptsMedicare Boolean It indicates whether it accepts patients using MediCare insurance acceptsUninsuredPatients Boolean It indicates whether it accepts uninsured patients. address String The address of the resource. This field usually contains only the street and street number. YES category String The category of the resource. YES afterHoursPhone String Optional after-hour phone number. afterHoursPhoneInstructions String Specific instructions for using the after-hours phone number. city String The city where the resource is at. YES contact String The main contact telephone number. YES crisisPhone String Optional phone number for crisis or emergency situations. crisisPhoneInstructions String Specific instructions for using the crisis phone number. description String An optional short description of the resource assets. YES eligibility String The eligibility of the service. email String The contact email address. YES facebook String The Facebook page URL for the resource. YES free Boolean It indicates whether the resource services are offered free of charge. YES resourceAccessNotes String Instructions about how to gain access to this resource. id Integer The ID of the resource. YES instagram String The Instagram username for the resource. YES geographicalRestrictions String Optional field indicating any additional restrictions beyond the service regions holidayOpeningTimes String The opening times during holidays. languagePhones Array[LanguagePhone] Alternative phone numbers for different languages. languagesSupported Array[String] A list of the languages supported by the service lowCost Boolean It indicates whether it is a low cost service. name String The resource name. YES openHours Array[OpeningTimes] The opening hours of the resource, as an array of OpenHour object for each day of the week. YES region Array[String] The region/county the resource is at, or the region(s) where it provides its services. YES serviceProviderName String The name of the service provider. specialHoursOpeningTimes String The special opening hours. status String The status of the service during COVID, regarding the opening hours. resourceAccessNotes String Instructions about how to gain access to this resource. safeForUndocumentedIndividuals Boolean It indicates whether the resource services are safe for undocumented individuals. state String The code of the state, i.e. "NC". YES tags Array[String] The list of tags or categories for the service. twitter String The Twitter username for the resource. YES webLink String The URL of the resource's website. YES zip String The ZIP code of the address. YES - OpeningTimes
Parameter Type Description day String The name of the day of the week. hours Array[StartEndTime] An array of multiple values or periods of time during the day, each one containing a start and and end time. - StartEndTime
Parameter Type Description startTime String The start time, if any, of a period of the day. endTime String The end time, if any, of a period of the day. - LanguagePhone
Parameter Type Description language String The name of the language. phoneNumber String The phone number for the specific language.
Example of a JSON Response
"address": "123 Farm Ln",
"category": "Farm",
"city": "Chapel Hill",
"contact": "919-000-0000",
"contactSpanish": null,
"description": null,
"email": "",
"facebook": "",
"free": false,
"id": 2001,
"instagram": "farm",
"instructions": null,
"lat": 35.911326,
"lon": -79.218949,
"name": "Farm",
"notes": null,
"offers": null,
"openHours": [
"day": "monday",
"hours": [
{"startTime": "08:00:00", "endTime": "14:00:00"},
{"startTime": "16:00:00", "endTime": "20:00:00"}
"day": "tuesday",
"hours": [
{"startTime": "08:00:00", "endTime": "14:00:00"},
{"startTime": "16:00:00", "endTime": "20:00:00"}
"day": "wednesday",
"hours": [
{"startTime": "08:00:00", "endTime": "14:00:00"},
{"startTime": "16:00:00", "endTime": "20:00:00"}
"day": "thursday",
"hours": [
{"startTime": "08:00:00", "endTime": "14:00:00"},
{"startTime": "16:00:00", "endTime": "20:00:00"}
"day": "friday",
"hours": [
{"startTime": "08:00:00", "endTime": "14:00:00"},
{"startTime": "16:00:00", "endTime": "20:00:00"}
"day": "saturday",
"hours": [
{"startTime": "12:00:00", "endTime": "16:00:00"}
"options": [
"orderOnline", "payOnline", "mustPreorder", "farmPickup", "delivery"
"providerAddLoc": null,
"region": ["Orange"],
"specialHours": [],
"state": "NC",
"twitter": "farm",
"webLink": "",
"zip": "27516"
GET /api/v1/resource/getbycategory/{categoryId}
It returns the list of all published resources under a specific category in the category tree.
An array of ResourceListItem elements.
A ResourceListItem element contains only basic information about the resource.
The resources returned by the API might be of different types (according to their category), so some resources might contain different properties or parameters.
Below are detailed the two types of resource currently returned by the API. The parameters marked as bold in the list below are common to all types of resources.
Parameter Type Description Common to all resources address String The address of the resource. This field usually contains only the street and street number. YES category String The category of the resource. YES city String The city where the resource is at. YES description String An optional short description of the resource assets, for instace, the type of cuisine. YES id Integer The ID of the resource. YES lat Decimal The geographical latitude. lon Decimal The geographical longitude. name String The resource name. YES options Array[String] All the options that are available for the resource, i.e. "delivery", "orderOnline", etc. region Array[String] The region/county the resource is at, or the region(s) where it provides its services. YES state String The code of the state, i.e. "NC". YES zip String The ZIP code of the address. YES -
Parameter Type Description Common to all resources address String The address of the resource. This field usually contains only the street and street number. YES category String The category of the resource. YES city String The city where the resource is at. YES description String An optional short description of the resource assets, for instace, the type of cuisine. YES id Integer The ID of the resource. YES name String The resource name. YES region Array[String] The region/county the resource is at, or the region(s) where it provides its services. YES state String The code of the state, i.e. "NC". YES tags Array[String] The list of tags or categories for the service. zip String The ZIP code of the address. YES
Example of a JSON Response
"address": "123 Farm Ln",
"category": "Farm",
"city": "Chapel Hill",
"description": null,
"id": 2001,
"lat": 35.911326,
"lon": -79.218949,
"name": "Farm",
"options": [
"orderOnline", "payOnline", "mustPreorder", "farmPickup", "delivery"
"region": "Orange",
"state": "NC",
"zip": "27516"
"address": "123 Fake Dr",
"category": "Farm",
"city": "Durham",
"description": null,
"id": 2002,
"lat": 36.011597,
"lon": -79.027342,
"name": "Farm 2",
"options": [
"mustPreorder", "farmPickup", "delivery"
"region": "Orange",
"state": "NC",
"zip": "27705"
GET /api/v1/resource/getbyregion/{regionId}
It returns the list of all published resources that are located or serve a specific region.
An array of ResourceListItem elements.
See Response for Get By Category
Internally, the resource search queries are processed by Umbraco Examine, which implements a .NET search engine on the Umbraco nodes data. The Examine indexes are created dinamically and include all nodes published under each "Resources" node. Each website contains and searches its own index.
The indexes include all nodes of the type "Resource", such as restaurants, farms etc. Given the versatility of Umbraco, new resource types can be created when needed, and added to the available resources that editors can create. When a new resource type is created, it needs to be allowed to be included in the Examine index. This needs to be done by rebuilding the index. An administrator will need to perform the operation from the Settings section of Umbraco. When the index is rebuilt, it will find the new resource type and allow it.