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index 999564c..c862532 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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-# KomiX
-A simple TV:remote-control relationship software, where commands on the host computer are executed through your phone.
+# **KomiX — A remote control software**
+ About •
+ Features •
+ Development •
+ Downloads
+Transform your phone into a powerful remote control, effortlessly managing and executing commands on your computer.
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+## **About**
+Can you imagine a world devoid of remote controls? It's a challenging thought, isn't it? The world has witnessed remarkable advancements, all driven by the concept of communication—the transmission of information and intention among one another. This is how televisions made their grand debut in the entertainment industry, where remote-controls transmitted the intention of users to their televisions. However, traditional TVs are now long-gone, discarded by society nowadays. This is where KomiX comes into play: A simple TV;remote-control relationship software, where commands on the host computer are executed through your phone.
+## **Features**
+- Server configuration
+- Logging of commands output
+- Execution of commands remotely
+- Layout and commands configuration
+- ### **To-Do List**
+ - Keep-alive connection
+ - A clean and intuitive interface
+ - Logging of dynamic commands output
+## **Development**
+- Language: C++11
+- Compiler: GCC 13.1.1 20230429
+- IDE: Visual Studio Codium