iter_model - provides a convenient API for interacting with iterable objects (Iterable). iter_model uses a methods approach instead of individual functions.
iter_model also provides async analog of all methods. This is useful when interacting with asynchronous iterable objects (AsyncIterable), because python does not have ready functions for these cases.
Therefore, iter_model provides SyncIter class for Iterable, and AsyncIter for AsyncIterable.
from iter_model import SyncIter
it = SyncIter(range(10)) # SyncIter for sync iterables
result = (
it.where(lambda x: x % 2 == 0) # filter only odd values
.take(3) # take first 3 value
.map(lambda x: x ** 2) # square all values
Source code:
Documentation: iter_model
Changelog: changelog