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File metadata and controls

667 lines (477 loc) · 29 KB

Import Path Resolution

In order to be able to support reproducible builds on all platforms, the Solidity compiler has to abstract away the details of the filesystem where source files are stored. Paths used in imports must work the same way everywhere while the command-line interface must be able to work with platform-specific paths to provide good user experience. This section aims to explain in detail how Solidity reconciles these requirements.

.. index:: ! virtual filesystem, ! VFS, ! source unit name

Virtual Filesystem

The compiler maintains an internal database (virtual filesystem or VFS for short) where each source unit is assigned a unique source unit name which is an opaque and unstructured identifier. When you use the :ref:`import statement <import>`, you specify an import path that references a source unit name.

.. index:: ! import callback, ! Host Filesystem Loader

Import Callback

The VFS is initially populated only with files the compiler has received as input. Additional files can be loaded during compilation using an import callback, which is different depending on the type of compiler you use (see below). If the compiler does not find any source unit name matching the import path in the VFS, it invokes the callback, which is responsible for obtaining the source code to be placed under that name. An import callback is free to interpret source unit names in an arbitrary way, not just as paths. If there is no callback available when one is needed or if it fails to locate the source code, compilation fails.

The command-line compiler provides the Host Filesystem Loader - a rudimentary callback that interprets a source unit name as a path in the local filesystem. The JavaScript interface does not provide any by default, but one can be provided by the user. This mechanism can be used to obtain source code from locations other then the local filesystem (which may not even be accessible, e.g. when the compiler is running in a browser). For example the Remix IDE provides a versatile callback that lets you import files from HTTP, IPFS and Swarm URLs or refer directly to packages in NPM registry.


Host Filesystem Loader's file lookup is platform-dependent. For example backslashes in a source unit name can be interpreted as directory separators or not and the lookup can be case-sensitive or not, depending on the underlying platform.

For portability it is recommended to avoid using import paths that will work correctly only with a specific import callback or only on one platform. For example you should always use forward slashes since they work as path separators also on platforms that support backslashes.

Initial Content of the Virtual Filesystem

The initial content of the VFS depends on how you invoke the compiler:

  1. solc / command-line interface

    When you compile a file using the command-line interface of the compiler, you provide one or more paths to files containing Solidity code:

    solc contract.sol /usr/local/dapp-bin/token.sol

    The source unit name of a file loaded this way is constructed by converting its path to a canonical form and, if possible, making it relative to either the base path or one of the include paths. See :ref:`CLI Path Normalization and Stripping <cli-path-normalization-and-stripping>` for a detailed description of this process.

    .. index:: standard JSON
  2. Standard JSON

    When using the :ref:`Standard JSON <compiler-api>` API (via either the JavaScript interface or the --standard-json command-line option) you provide input in JSON format, containing, among other things, the content of all your source files:

        "language": "Solidity",
        "sources": {
            "contract.sol": {
                "content": "import \"./util.sol\";\ncontract C {}"
            "util.sol": {
                "content": "library Util {}"
            "/usr/local/dapp-bin/token.sol": {
                "content": "contract Token {}"
        "settings": {"outputSelection": {"*": { "*": ["metadata", "evm.bytecode"]}}}

    The sources dictionary becomes the initial content of the virtual filesystem and its keys are used as source unit names.

  3. Standard JSON (via import callback)

    With Standard JSON it is also possible to tell the compiler to use the import callback to obtain the source code:

        "language": "Solidity",
        "sources": {
            "/usr/local/dapp-bin/token.sol": {
                "urls": [
        "settings": {"outputSelection": {"*": { "*": ["metadata", "evm.bytecode"]}}}

    If an import callback is available, the compiler will give it the strings specified in urls one by one, until one is loaded successfully or the end of the list is reached.

    The source unit names are determined the same way as when using content - they are keys of the sources dictionary and the content of urls does not affect them in any way.

    .. index:: standard input, stdin, <stdin>
  4. Standard input

    On the command line it is also possible to provide the source by sending it to compiler's standard input:

    echo 'import "./util.sol"; contract C {}' | solc -

    - used as one of the arguments instructs the compiler to place the content of the standard input in the virtual filesystem under a special source unit name: <stdin>.

Once the VFS is initialized, additional files can still be added to it only through the import callback.

.. index:: ! import; path


The import statement specifies an import path. Based on how the import path is specified, we can divide imports into two categories:

import "./math/math.sol";
import "contracts/tokens/token.sol";

In the above ./math/math.sol and contracts/tokens/token.sol are import paths while the source unit names they translate to are contracts/math/math.sol and contracts/tokens/token.sol respectively.

.. index:: ! direct import, import; direct

Direct Imports

An import that does not start with ./ or ../ is a direct import.

import "/project/lib/util.sol";         // source unit name: /project/lib/util.sol
import "lib/util.sol";                  // source unit name: lib/util.sol
import "@openzeppelin/address.sol";     // source unit name: @openzeppelin/address.sol
import ""; // source unit name:

After applying any :ref:`import remappings <import-remapping>` the import path simply becomes the source unit name.


A source unit name is just an identifier and even if its value happens to look like a path, it is not subject to the normalization rules you would typically expect in a shell. Any /./ or /../ seguments or sequences of multiple slashes remain a part of it. When the source is provided via Standard JSON interface it is entirely possible to associate different content with source unit names that would refer to the same file on disk.

When the source is not available in the virtual filesystem, the compiler passes the source unit name to the import callback. The Host Filesystem Loader will attempt to use it as a path and look up the file on disk. At this point the platform-specific normalization rules kick in and names that were considered different in the VFS may actually result in the same file being loaded. For example /project/lib/math.sol and /project/lib/../lib///math.sol are considered completely different in the VFS even though they refer to the same file on disk.


Even if an import callback ends up loading source code for two different source unit names from the same file on disk, the compiler will still see them as separate source units. It is the source unit name that matters, not the physical location of the code.

.. index:: ! relative import, ! import; relative

Relative Imports

An import starting with ./ or ../ is a relative import. Such imports specify a path relative to the source unit name of the importing source unit:

import "./util.sol" as util;    // source unit name: /project/lib/util.sol
import "../token.sol" as token; // source unit name: /project/token.sol
import "./util.sol" as util;    // source unit name: lib/util.sol
import "../token.sol" as token; // source unit name: token.sol


Relative imports always start with ./ or ../ so import "util.sol", unlike import "./util.sol", is a direct import. While both paths would be considered relative in the host filesystem, util.sol is actually absolute in the VFS.

Let us define a path segment as any non-empty part of the path that does not contain a separator and is bounded by two path separators. A separator is a forward slash or the beginning/end of the string. For example in ./abc/..// there are three path segments: ., abc and ...

The compiler computes a source unit name from the import path in the following way:

  1. First a prefix is computed

    • Prefix is initialized with the source unit name of the importing source unit.
    • The last path segment with preceding slashes is removed from the prefix.
    • Then, the leading part of the normalized import path, consisting only of / and . characters is considered. For every .. segment found in this part the last path segment with preceding slashes is removed from the prefix.
  2. Then the prefix is prepended to the normalized import path. If the prefix is non-empty, a single slash is inserted between it and the import path.

The removal of the last path segment with preceding slashes is understood to work as follows:

  1. Everything past the last slash is removed (i.e. a/b//c.sol becomes a/b//).
  2. All trailing slashes are removed (i.e. a/b// becomes a/b).

The normalization rules are the same as for UNIX paths, namely:

  • All the internal . segments are removed.
  • Every internal .. segment backtracks one level up in the hierarchy.
  • Multiple slashes are squashed into a single one.

Note that normalization is performed only on the import path. The source unit name of the importing module that is used for the prefix remains unnormalized. This ensures that the protocol:// part does not turn into protocol:/ if the importing file is identified with a URL.

If your import paths are already normalized, you can expect the above algorithm to produce very intuitive results. Here are some examples of what you can expect if they are not:

import "./util/./util.sol";         // source unit name: lib/src/../util/util.sol
import "./util//util.sol";          // source unit name: lib/src/../util/util.sol
import "../util/../array/util.sol"; // source unit name: lib/src/array/util.sol
import "../.././../util.sol";       // source unit name: util.sol
import "../../.././../util.sol";    // source unit name: util.sol


The use of relative imports containing leading .. segments is not recommended. The same effect can be achieved in a more reliable way by using direct imports with :ref:`base path and include paths <base-and-include-paths>`.

.. index:: ! base path, ! --base-path, ! include paths, ! --include-path

Base Path and Include Paths

The base path and include paths represent directories that the Host Filesystem Loader will load files from. When a source unit name is passed to the loader, it prepends the base path to it and performs a filesystem lookup. If the lookup does not succeed, the same is done with all directories on the include path list.

It is recommended to set the base path to the root directory of your project and use include paths to specify additional locations that may contain libraries your project depends on. This lets you import from these libraries in a uniform way, no matter where they are located in the filesystem relative to your project. For example, if you use npm to install packages and your contract imports @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol, you can use these options to tell the compiler that the library can be found in one of the npm package directories:

solc contract.sol \
    --base-path . \
    --include-path node_modules/ \
    --include-path /usr/local/lib/node_modules/

Your contract will compile (with the same exact metadata) no matter whether you install the library in the local or global package directory or even directly under your project root.

By default the base path is empty, which leaves the source unit name unchanged. When the source unit name is a relative path, this results in the file being looked up in the directory the compiler has been invoked from. It is also the only value that results in absolute paths in source unit names being actually interpreted as absolute paths on disk. If the base path itself is relative, it is interpreted as relative to the current working directory of the compiler.


Include paths cannot have empty values and must be used together with a non-empty base path.


Include paths and base path can overlap as long as it does not make import resolution ambiguous. For example, you can specify a directory inside base path as an include directory or have an include directory that is a subdirectory of another include directory. The compiler will only issue an error if the source unit name passed to the Host Filesystem Loader represents an existing path when combined with multiple include paths or an include path and base path.

CLI Path Normalization and Stripping

On the command line the compiler behaves just as you would expect from any other program: it accepts paths in a format native to the platform and relative paths are relative to the current working directory. The source unit names assigned to files whose paths are specified on the command line, however, should not change just because the project is being compiled on a different platform or because the compiler happens to have been invoked from a different directory. To achieve this, paths to source files coming from the command line must be converted to a canonical form, and, if possible, made relative to the base path or one of the include paths.

The normalization rules are as follows:

  • If a path is relative, it is made absolute by prepending the current working directory to it.
  • Internal . and .. segments are collapsed.
  • Platform-specific path separators are replaced with forward slashes.
  • Sequences of multiple consecutive path separators are squashed into a single separator (unless they are the leading slashes of an UNC path).
  • If the path includes a root name (e.g. a drive letter on Windows) and the root is the same as the root of the current working directory, the root is replaced with /.
  • Symbolic links in the path are not resolved.
    • The only exception is the path to the current working directory prepended to relative paths in the process of making them absolute. On some platforms the working directory is reported always with symbolic links resolved so for consistency the compiler resolves them everywhere.
  • The original case of the path is preserved even if the filesystem is case-insensitive but case-preserving and the actual case on disk is different.


There are situations where paths cannot be made platform-independent. For example on Windows the compiler can avoid using drive letters by referring to the root directory of the current drive as / but drive letters are still necessary for paths leading to other drives. You can avoid such situations by ensuring that all the files are available within a single directory tree on the same drive.

After normalization the compiler attempts to make the source file path relative. It tries the base path first and then the include paths in the order they were given. If the base path is empty or not specified, it is treated as if it was equal to the path to the current working directory (with all symbolic links resolved). The result is accepted only if the normalized directory path is the exact prefix of the normalized file path. Otherwise the file path remains absolute. This makes the conversion unambiguous and ensures that the relative path does not start with ../. The resulting file path becomes the source unit name.


The relative path produced by stripping must remain unique within the base path and include paths. For example the compiler will issue an error for the following command if both /project/contract.sol and /lib/contract.sol exist:

solc /project/contract.sol --base-path /project --include-path /lib


Prior to version 0.8.8, CLI path stripping was not performed and the only normalization applied was the conversion of path separators. When working with older versions of the compiler it is recommended to invoke the compiler from the base path and to only use relative paths on the command line.

.. index:: ! allowed paths, ! --allow-paths, remapping; target

Allowed Paths

As a security measure, the Host Filesystem Loader will refuse to load files from outside of a few locations that are considered safe by default:

  • Outside of Standard JSON mode:
    • The directories containing input files listed on the command line.
    • The directories used as :ref:`remapping <import-remapping>` targets. If the target is not a directory (i.e does not end with /, /. or /..) the directory containing the target is used instead.
    • Base path and include paths.
  • In Standard JSON mode:
    • Base path and include paths.

Additional directories can be whitelisted using the --allow-paths option. The option accepts a comma-separated list of paths:

cd /home/user/project/
solc token/contract.sol \
    lib/util.sol=libs/util.sol \
    --base-path=token/ \
    --include-path=/lib/ \

When the compiler is invoked with the command shown above, the Host Filesystem Loader will allow importing files from the following directories:

  • /home/user/project/token/ (because token/ contains the input file and also because it is the base path),
  • /lib/ (because /lib/ is one of the include paths),
  • /home/user/project/libs/ (because libs/ is a directory containing a remapping target),
  • /home/user/utils/ (because of ../utils/ passed to --allow-paths),
  • /tmp/libraries/ (because of /tmp/libraries passed to --allow-paths),


The working directory of the compiler is one of the paths allowed by default only if it happens to be the base path (or the base path is not specified or has an empty value).


The compiler does not check if allowed paths actually exist and whether they are directories. Non-existent or empty paths are simply ignored. If an allowed path matches a file rather than a directory, the file is considered whitelisted, too.


Allowed paths are case-sensitive even if the filesystem is not. The case must exactly match the one used in your imports. For example --allow-paths tokens will not match import "Tokens/IERC20.sol".


Files and directories only reachable through symbolic links from allowed directories are not automatically whitelisted. For example if token/contract.sol in the example above was actually a symlink pointing at /etc/passwd the compiler would refuse to load it unless /etc/ was one of the allowed paths too.

.. index:: ! remapping; import, ! import; remapping, ! remapping; context, ! remapping; prefix, ! remapping; target

Import Remapping

Import remapping allows you to redirect imports to a different location in the virtual filesystem. The mechanism works by changing the translation between import paths and source unit names. For example you can set up a remapping so that any import from the virtual directory would be seen as an import from dapp-bin/library/ instead.

You can limit the scope of a remapping by specifying a context. This allows creating remappings that apply only to imports located in a specific library or a specific file. Without a context a remapping is applied to every matching import in all the files in the virtual filesystem.

Import remappings have the form of context:prefix=target:

  • context must match the beginning of the source unit name of the file containing the import.
  • prefix must match the beginning of the source unit name resulting from the import.
  • target is the value the prefix is replaced with.

For example, if you clone locally to /project/dapp-bin and run the compiler with:

solc --base-path /project source.sol

you can use the following in your source file:

import ""; // source unit name: dapp-bin/library/math.sol

The compiler will look for the file in the VFS under dapp-bin/library/math.sol. If the file is not available there, the source unit name will be passed to the Host Filesystem Loader, which will then look in /project/dapp-bin/library/iterable_mapping.sol.


Information about remappings is stored in contract metadata. Since the binary produced by the compiler has a hash of the metadata embedded in it, any modification to the remappings will result in different bytecode.

For this reason you should be careful not to include any local information in remapping targets. For example if your library is located in /home/user/packages/mymath/math.sol, a remapping like @math/=/home/user/packages/mymath/ would result in your home directory being included in the metadata. To be able to reproduce the same bytecode with such a remapping on a different machine, you would need to recreate parts of your local directory structure in the VFS and (if you rely on Host Filesystem Loader) also in the host filesystem.

To avoid having your local directory structure embedded in the metadata, it is recommended to designate the directories containing libraries as include paths instead. For example, in the example above --include-path /home/user/packages/ would let you use imports starting with mymath/. Unlike remapping, the option on its own will not make mymath appear as @math but this can be achieved by creating a symbolic link or renaming the package subdirectory.

As a more complex example, suppose you rely on a module that uses an old version of dapp-bin that you checked out to /project/dapp-bin_old, then you can run:

solc \ \
     --base-path /project \

This means that all imports in module2 point to the old version but imports in module1 point to the new version.

Here are the detailed rules governing the behaviour of remappings:

  1. Remappings only affect the translation between import paths and source unit names.

    Source unit names added to the VFS in any other way cannot be remapped. For example the paths you specify on the command-line and the ones in sources.urls in Standard JSON are not affected.

    solc /project/=/contracts/ /project/contract.sol # source unit name: /project/contract.sol

    In the example above the compiler will load the source code from /project/contract.sol and place it under that exact source unit name in the VFS, not under /contract/contract.sol.

  2. Context and prefix must match source unit names, not import paths.

    • This means that you cannot remap ./ or ../ directly since they are replaced during the translation to source unit name but you can remap the part of the name they are replaced with:

      solc ./=a/ /project/=b/ /project/contract.sol # source unit name: /project/contract.sol
      import "./util.sol" as util; // source unit name: b/util.sol
    • You cannot remap base path or any other part of the path that is only added internally by an import callback:

      solc /project/=/contracts/ /project/contract.sol --base-path /project # source unit name: contract.sol
      import "util.sol" as util; // source unit name: util.sol
  3. Target is inserted directly into the source unit name and does not necessarily have to be a valid path.

    • It can be anything as long as the import callback can handle it. In case of the Host Filesystem Loader this includes also relative paths. When using the JavaScript interface you can even use URLs and abstract identifiers if your callback can handle them.

    • Remapping happens after relative imports have already been resolved into source unit names. This means that targets starting with ./ and ../ have no special meaning and are relative to the base path rather than to the location of the source file.

    • Remapping targets are not normalized so @root/=./a/b// will remap @root/contract.sol to ./a/b//contract.sol and not a/b/contract.sol.

    • If the target does not end with a slash, the compiler will not add one automatically:

      solc /project/=/contracts /project/contract.sol # source unit name: /project/contract.sol
      import "/project/util.sol" as util; // source unit name: /contractsutil.sol
  4. Context and prefix are patterns and matches must be exact.

    • a//b=c will not match a/b.
    • source unit names are not normalized so a/b=c will not match a//b either.
    • Parts of file and directory names can match as well. /newProject/con:/new=old will match /newProject/contract.sol and remap it to oldProject/contract.sol.
  5. At most one remapping is applied to a single import.

    • If multiple remappings match the same source unit name, the one with the longest matching prefix is chosen.
    • If prefixes are identical, the one specified last wins.
    • Remappings do not work on other remappings. For example a=b b=c c=d will not result in a being remapped to d.
  6. Prefix cannot be empty but context and target are optional.

    • If target is the empty string, prefix is simply removed from import paths.
    • Empty context means that the remapping applies to all imports in all source units.
.. index:: Remix IDE, file://

Using URLs in imports

Most URL prefixes such as https:// or data:// have no special meaning in import paths. The only exception is file:// which is stripped from source unit names by the Host Filesystem Loader.

When compiling locally you can use import remapping to replace the protocol and domain part with a local path:

solc : contract.sol

Note the leading :, which is necessary when the remapping context is empty. Otherwise the https: part would be interpreted by the compiler as the context.