This is a microservice that uses the Alpha Vantage API to get real-time currency quotes and perform currency conversions. By entering a specific amount along with the source and destination currencies, the service quickly calculates the converted amount based on current exchange rates
- Python
- FastAPI
- Alpha Vantage API | click here for more details
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
First, clone the repository
git clone
Install poetry
pip install poetry
Activate your virtual environment using Poetry
poetry shell
Install the dependencies
poetry install
🔑 Before starting the service, go to Alpha Vantage to generate your key, create a .env file with an ALPHAVANTAGE_APIKEY variable and put your key there
Use the command to run the service using uvicorn
uvicorn main:app --reload
GET /converter/{from_currency}?to_currencies={one or more currencies}&price{float}&apikey={ALPHAVANTAGE_APIKEY}
GET /converter/v2/{from_currency}
JSON example:
"price": 0,
"to_currencies": [
GET /converter/close_daily/{from_currency}$to={to_currency}$in={date}