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Releases: WerewolvesRevamped/Werewolves-Roles


25 Jun 17:05
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will write a changelog here when i actually have time to do so!


14 Dec 17:27
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Role Additions:
Town: :TownsfolkPlaceholder: Apothecary (TK)
Werewolves: Howling Wolf (WK), Occult Wolf (WG-T)
Extra: Journal Holder (EM), Restaurant Customer (EP), Wager Recipient (EP)
Elected: Monarch (EE)

Notable Changes:
Revamped Abilities: The technical descriptions of all ability types have been revamped and extended, or for previously undefined ability types created.
Definitions: Various new definitions for game components such as "roles", "alignment" and many more have been created.
Recruitment Removal: The Recruitment category has been removed and merged back into the Power category
Extra Categories: "Extra Miscellaneous" roles have now been split into Extra Miscellaneous, Extra Group, Extra Power and Extra Killing
Fletcher: Can no longer manually revoke, but automatically revokes on death
Recategorizations: Hag (UAM -> UAA), Innkeeper (TP -> TI)
Removed Roles: Imp (SM-T), Cerberus (SP), Rogue Wolf (TK), Trickster Wolf (TM-T), Loyal Cupid (UAA-T), Spectral Cupid (UAA-T), Spirit (SM)
Unlimited Roles: Horsemen Team


12 Aug 22:02
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Bard: Deleted
Child/Cult Acolyte: Consistency with Wolf's Cub (ability still triggers post role loss)
Bloody Butcher: Now strongly disguised as Butcher
Pack Join Transformation: Lone Wolf/Warlock become a Wolf when joining the pack
Cerberus Now attacks attacker
Grandma: Must select two targets now
Pack Tanner: Unlimited
Bakers: Nerfed, a baker dying now gives the wolves more actions
Cat & Dog: Revamped, now has FT/Warlock/Rival as options
Firebug: Buffed, now auto powders if warding would do nothing
Nightmare Team: Another revamp/simplification of the last revamp
Hellhound: Deleted

Town Crier: Only learns a role at the start of Night 1 now
Pyromancer: Now can't be killed by ignition
Allow Unselecting: Assistant, Huntress, Ranger, Executioner, Journalist, Herald, Angel, Flute Apprentice and Fletcher's Customer can now target nothing
Pyromancer Clarification: Now learns if powdering fails
Amnesiac: Receives info start of N2 instead of end of D1
Cerberus Clarification: Keeps disguise on role change to Demon


30 Jun 21:05
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V16 Changelog

  • Elected changed to Extra Elected (EE)
  • Unaligned Extra (UAE) changed to Extra Miscellaneous (EM)
  • New Categories: UAI, UAK, UAP, SI
  • Renamed "Hag Team" to "Coven Team"
  • Updated delay conditions


  • Fletcher's Customer UAE->EM
  • Cupid's Lover UAE->EM
  • Mayor E->EE
  • Reporter E->EE
  • Guardian E->EE
  • Coroner TI->TM
  • Horseman SP->SM
  • Flute Apprentice SP->SM
  • Psychopath UAM->UAI
  • Angel UAM->UAK
  • Chef UAM->UAK
  • Vicious Hag UAA->UAK
  • Prophetic Hag UAA->UAI
  • Hag UAA->UAM
  • Cautious Hag UAA->UAP
  • Innkeeper TI->TP
  • Plague Doctor UAM->UAI
  • Unemployed Chef UAM->UAP
  • Flute Charmer SP->SI
  • Detective UAM->UAI

New Roles

  • Added Rogue Wolf (TK)
  • Added Ravenkeeper (TP)
  • Added Test Subject (EM)
  • Added Baroness (WI)
  • Added Greater Coyote (WK)
  • Added Lesser Coyote (WG)
  • Added Loyal Cupid (UAA)
  • Added Gallant Fox (WP)
  • Added Amulet of Protection (EM)

Unlimited Roles

  • Unlimited Recluse
  • Unlimited Alcoholic
  • Unlimited Tracking Wolf
  • Unlimited Archivist Fox
  • Unlimited Corrupt Wolf


  • Change Despot: Wins on any election
  • Added Corrupt Wolf 0/1 vote option
  • Coroner change/clarify death type info
  • Removed Hooker protection edge case
  • Stalker cannot use ability on D1
  • Buffed Bitter Hag (each spell once per night)
  • "Amulet of Protection" is now an EM role
  • Fixed some whisper roles being affected by redirections
  • Renamed Amulet Holder to Amulet Crafter
  • Clarifications for visits
  • Exorcist cannot exorcise soulless anymore
  • Flute Charmer is now affected by weak disguises
  • Plague Doctor vial ability is now a day ability
  • Cupid revamp, now joins their lovers team
  • Horseman of Pestilence ability is next day/night instead of this night and next day
  • Horseman of War and Famine can doom twice per night
  • Imp is now also second cerberus
  • Allow alliance in special cases


  • Deleted Apprentice
  • Deleted Bat
  • Deleted Unemployed Chef
  • Deleted Thief
  • Deleted Graveyard Team (Zombie, Corpse, Zombified Cupid)
  • Deleted Look-Alike
  • Deleted Cupid Variants (Apocalyptic Cupid, Lupine Cupid, Flaming Cupid, Plagued Cupid)
  • Deleted Flock Team (Shepherd, Herding Dog)

Added & Removed Roles

  • Bear
  • Swindler
  • Spirtualist


09 Dec 20:05
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Role Additions

  • Alcoholic: New role to make Bartender work better
  • Firebug: Protective Pyro Role
  • Horsemen: Full new solo team (7 roles)
  • Flute Charmer: Investigative Flute Role
  • Amulet Holder: Protective Town Role
  • Cerebus: Protective Hell Role
  • Detective: Investigative Unaligned Role
  • Recluse: Packless Lycanless Werewolf Misc Role
  • Cult Acolyte: Child/Apprentice cultist role

Role Changes

  • Inform entire team on exorcism
  • CF: Invest result reveal immediate
  • Lone Wolf: Doesnt double kill anymore, instead a wolf priest
  • Trickster Wolf: If last wolf, turns into a normal wolf
  • Reaper: Revamp to be more managable, Category change to SK
  • Bard: Revamp to be much less precise
  • Unlimited: Direwolf, Amnesiac, Devout Villager
  • Removed: Scared White Werewolf
  • Dog/Cat: TC Option -> Journalist
  • Saboteur Wolf: Buff; Target is now hidden
  • Alpha Wolf: Now has DV power on top of its existing powers
  • Jury: Now gets a check every night (except Night 1) regardless of amount of Jurors
  • Royal Knight: Can't use their powers Day 1 anymore
  • Psychopath Buff: Guaranteed to have a person from each team. May investigate OR disguise a player each day.
  • Wolf Cub: Renamed from Wolf's Cub
  • Stalker: No more whisper channels, invisible votes arent revealed anymore, threatened player doesnt know, now a day effect
  • Look-Alike: Updated LA cases
  • Bat Buff: May now haunt anyone
  • Zombie Nerf: Now requires bites two nights in a row
  • Grandma & Corrupt Wolf: Now affected by redirections
  • New Hags: Now wronged by killing, lynching, and recruitment only. Require at least one wronging. Cupid Hag now basically a proper hag.
  • Golem: Deleted the role

Other Changes

  • Additional channel info message (e.g. for Bakers and Couple channels)
  • Usages of role icon emojis in channel info messages
  • Wolfish: A new term to collectively refer to werewolves, pack members and lycans
  • New Werewolf role category: Werewolf Group
  • Removed Werewolf Transformation category and changed how Transformation works (its now a status, like limited)


10 Jun 13:09
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+ Added a new type of delaying: lynch conditional delaying
+ Added info messages for all common types of abilities/powers (e.g. investigating, targeting, etc)
+ Added Start Day and Start Night in the event order, some abilities (e.g. wager) have been moved there
+ Added Simplified role descriptions for all roles.
+ Added new info messages for lone and packless werewolves
+ Added a new role category: Solo Recruitment
+ Added additional info messages for cupid
+ New Roles: Plagued Cupid
+ New Limited Roles: Devout Villager, Archivist Fox, Bat, Corpse, Corrupt Wolf, Golem, Scared White Werewolf, Spirit, Tracking Wolf, Unemployed Chef, Zombie, Zombified Cupid, Cupid Hag, Spectral Cupid
* Plague Carrier buff: Will be informed how many people have the plague
* Reclassified White Werewolf as having a team, though it will always only have the WWW.
* Buffed & updated Flock team
* Nerfed & updated Nightmare team
* Renamed Knowledge Wolf to Knowledgable Wolf
* Unlimited: Plague Team, Underworld Team, Idiot, Exorcist, Herald, Cat, Knowledgable Wolf
* Added more information into the group info messages
* Reclassified the Psychopath's disguise as semi-permanent (a new category)
* Angel negative vote removed; now just doesn't win if nobody besides itself votes for it.
- Fully removed the two s0g0 teams: Heaven and Graveyard
- Removed the old Corrupt Wolf


04 May 16:23
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+ Added Hags (Prophetic, Vicious, Cautious, Bitter & plain Hag) as limited roles
+ Introduced a Werewolf Killing category (consisting of Alpha Wolf and Lone Wolf)
+ Added Trickster Wolf (can only be created mid-game)
+ Added Wisp and Assistant as full roles
+ Introduced a Werewolf Transformation category (containing Trickster Wolf)
+ New Limited Roles: Amnesiac (TM), Cat (UAA), Direwolf (WK), Herald (TP)
+ Added a bunch of cupid variants. These only rarely occur and can only be created mid-game. They resolve edge cases and buff the cupid/lover pair in situations where they become a solo team
* Revamp of Evil Scientist, now Plague Bearer / Plague Team (also includes a new Plague Carrier role as well as a fully revamped Immune Survivor, now Plague Doctor)
* Nerfed Angel: Now also cancels the next lynch
* Buffed Guardian: Now protects from Night Kills instead of from lynches
* Buffed White Werewolf: May attack during any night after N1, but never in consecutive nights
* Clarifications regarding the use of the word "alignment" and similiar terms
* Clarifications for several rules (attack order, game results)
* Clarifications regarding what investigative roles are affected by
* Renamed Receptionist to Innkeeper
* Changed Shepherd
- Removed Roles: Acrobat, Tasty Villager, Gray Werewolf


09 Jul 10:19
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v13-pre2 Pre-release

Second pre-release for v13


02 Jul 17:07
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v13-pre1 Pre-release

First pre-release for v13.


22 Jun 17:13
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* Gray Werewolf doesn't live lose when only werewolves are left anymore
* Clarifications for Coroner, Trickster, Alpha Wolf and Exorcist
* Cupid/Lover Suicides are now announced (was already done, but not in the role)
* Clairvoyant Fox and Disguised Fox once again have immediate abilities. They can be delayed using the EoD Delay method (from v12.1)