This folder is meant to contain the domains
that the ontology project will develop for. Each of these domains should contain some motivating scenarios
During an iteration, a motivating scenario
is written. It explains a situation and adresses questions in natural language named competency questions
that cannot be described by the ontology, while it should. The current iteration should then determine which minimal set of terms named glossary of terms
are needed to be added in order to implement the competency questions
using SparQL.
These terms are then developped in a ontology fragment named modelet
and this modelet is populated in a dataset
. Finally the competency questions are then implemented in SparQL, showing that the situation can now be described with these new terms.
The motivating scenarios
are sorted here by domain
Check here the domain named domain-template, its related template motivating scenario. This scenario has a scenario definition, a modelet, a dataset and a competency question implementation.