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Supported APIs & Methods (DOM)

Ally edited this page Dec 25, 2013 · 3 revisions

Ejecta-X has very basic Browser support to stay lightweight and super fast. However, there are some APIs available as listed;


  • Request local files (NO)
  • open(method, url, [async], [user], [pass])
  • send(data)
  • setRequestHeader(header,value)
  • abort
  • getAllResponseHeaders
  • getResponseHeade(header)
  • readyState
  • responseType ("text" or "json")
  • response (text or JSON object, depending on responseType)
  • responseText
  • statusText
  • status
  • timeout
  • readystatechange
  • loadend, load, error, abort, progress, loadstart and timeout events

...(coming soon)

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