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Example of database.js

robiso edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 3 revisions

Database.js gets generated the first time you visit your website.

Below is an example of the default database.

    "config": {
        "dbVersion": "2.1.0",
        "siteTitle": "Website title",
        "theme": "default",
        "defaultPage": "home",
        "login": "loginURL",
        "password": "$2y$10$iBhhaMaWZJy9NVg1iq1kie88vM03Yh6vM80JxLZoo4OdzoYtGN\/iG",
        "menuItems": {
            "0": {
                "name": "Home",
                "slug": "home",
                "visibility": "show"
            "1": {
                "name": "Example",
                "slug": "example",
                "visibility": "show"
    "pages": {
        "home": {
            "title": "Home",
            "keywords": "Keywords, are, good, for, search, engines",
            "description": "A short description is also good.",
            "content": "Content on the home page!"
        "example": {
            "title": "Example",
            "keywords": "Keywords, are, good, for, search, engines",
            "description": "A short description is also good.",
            "content": "Content on the example page!"
    "blocks": {
        "footer": {
            "content": "©2017 Your website"
        "subside": {
            "content": "<h3>About your website<\/h3>"
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