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Hosting Projects

The projects of the Hosting team can vary, in addition to being able to cross with those of other teams.

Currently the list of projects to contribute is:

WordPress Hosting Team Handbook


The Handbook contains information about the Hosting Team, along with hosting recommendations for running WordPress.

The recommendations were put together by the team and used as a basis for Site Health recommendations in WordPress. They're meant both as a reference for folks learning to host WordPress, and a way to help WordPress and Hosts improve together.


  • Technical writing
  • Systems Administration

Those skills are not required, but help.


The handbook is in the process of being audited and improved. You can see the progress and contribute through Github.

The first thing you'll have to do is visit the repository page where all the information is. It's best to visit the Issues list, check if your proposal is already contemplated or pending, and if it isn't, create a New issue.

After you submit an issue, we can discuss together the suggested changes.

Once a PR is submitted, it will require an approval process. By default, once it is submitted, it will require review and approval by two people from the Hosting team. In cases where there are PRs related to corrections or internal operational elements, created by someone from the Hosting Team, only one review will be required.


To work on this project yo will need:

  • A GitHub account
  • A text / Markdown editor


If help is needed, please ask in the #hosting channel or contact @Crixu, @JavierCasares.

Automated Hosting Tests


The Runner repo (PHPUnit test runner) contains the parts of the hosting tests that run on a host, and the Reporter repo (PHPUnit test reporter) contains the plugin that runs on for receiving and displaying the tests.


  • PHP coding
  • Systems Administration

Those skills are not required, but help.


You can propose improvements or solve those available in both the PHPUnit test runner (issues) and the PHPUnit test reporter (issues).


To work on this project yo will need:

  • A GitHub account
  • A text / PHP editor


If help is needed, please ask in the #hosting channel or contact @pfefferle.

Advanced Admin Handbook


This new documentation is proposed as advanced regarding what currently exists for end users (UserHub / Support), with the goal that the documentation for users is free of advanced technical material, and that the documentation for developers (DevHub) is very differentiated between what is development, and what are advanced development or system configurations.


  • Technical writing

Those skills are not required, but help.


Although we are still in a first step, if you know of other WordPress content that could be in this Handbook, please open an issue and discuss it with the Documentation team. Please use the label "advanced administration".

If you want to help launch the Handbook as soon as possible, please take an issue and work on it. You can comment on the site itself if you have any questions, suggestions or improvements.


To work on this project yo will need:

  • A GitHub account
  • A text / Markdown editor


If help is needed, please ask in the #docs, #hosting channel or contact @JavierCasares, @lucp, @milana_cap.


  • 2023-09-07: First version, from the Contributor Day page.