A small web application to make static websites in local azure storage emulators much better to use
Well, I was building what is essentially a giant static site generator that uses Azure Blob Storage to store the output and to test things locally using the Azure storage emulator and Azurite I needed a way of viewing the results through a web browser. After many months of downloading from storage and then feeding it through another http server I built this.
And hey, working offline on an airplane using just the local emulator is pretty cool too.
A simple dotnet build
or just use an IDE like Visual Studio or Rider
Before running this you'll need to set two variables in the appsettings.json
- AzureStorageConnectionString: Your connection string to your Azure Storage (For the local emulator just use "UseDevelopmentStorage=True")
- AzureStorageContainer The container to use as the source
You could also set them in your dotnet run command by doing dotnet run AzureStorageConnectionString="ConnectionString" AzureStorageContainer="container"