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Evaluating and Training Agents on Mobile-Env

Choose the Simulator Type

Mobile-Env now supports two types of Android simulators: local simulator and remote simulator. If a local simulator is used, the simulator should be on the same host machine with Mobile-Env environment interface. If a remote simulator is used, the simulator can be launched alone on a remote machine and be accessed remotely through Mobile-Env. Mobile-Env provides consistent interfaces for both local and remote simulators and the internal implementation is completely transparent to the agent. You won't need to further modify your agent to switch the simulator type. Considering to launch an Android emulator requires hardware-based acceleration like KVM (Kernel-Based Virtual Machine), which is usually invalid on GPU clusters, the remote simulator will be helpful.

Once the simulator type is chosen, you can follow the guidelines below to configure Android Emulator and create Android Virtual Device.

Create an Android Virtual Device

An Android Virtual Device (AVD) running on Android Emulator is required to run Mobile-Env. The AVD can be created through both Android Studio and Android Commandline Tools.

Create an AVD through Android Studio

Launch the Android Studio after downloading and installing. You will first need to install the Standard Development Kit (SDK). Open the SDK Manager and enter Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK sequentially. Here you can check the installation path of the ADK (Android SDK Location). It is commonly ~/Android/Sdk. The desired version can be selected in the list below. It is recommended to install Android 11 (API Level 30), as it is observed in the test that, on the amd64 host devices, Android 11 emulator and image offer the best support for the arm packages.

Android SDK Manager

Then it is the turn to create an AVD. Open the AVD Manager (or Virtual Device Manager) and click Create device.

AVD Manager

Then choose an desired AVD hardware:

Choose an AVD Hardware Config

Subsequently, select a version for the system image. For the same reason, Android 11 (API Level 30) is recommended. Meanwhile, please choose the version of Google APIs, but not that of Google Play. This is due to the root privillige cannot be seized on Google Play images, which is required to solve the problem of certificate pinning for Internet-based apps.

Choose an AVD Image

Finally, you can name your AVD and make several other configs.

Config the AVD

The created AVD can be checked in the AVD list. The AVD folder can also be opened in the file manager. It is always ~/.android/avd.

More options are referred to in the document offered by Android Studio.

Create an AVD through the Commandline Tools

If the Android Studio is undesired, or a headless server is in use, the Commandline Tools can be adopted to create an AVD.

Download and unzip the Android Commandline Tools.

export ANDROID_HOME="$HOME/Android/Sdk"
unzip -d $ANDROID_HOME

Then install the emulator, image, and the platform tools by sdkmanager.

$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=$android_home "emulator" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-30" "system-images;android-30;google_apis;x86_64"

Then use avdmanager to create an AVD.

avdmanager create avd -n $AVD_NAME -c 8G -k "system-images;android-30;google_apis;x86_64" -d pixel_2

It is worth noting that there may be a config line in the avdmanager-created AVD. You may need to change the line

image.sysdir.1 = Sdk/

in ~/.android/avd/$AVD_NAME.avd/config.ini to

image.sysdir.1 = 

Or you can modify the file directly using the following command.

sed -i.bak -e 's#^\(image\.sysdir\.1[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\)Sdk/#\1#g' ~/.android/avd/$AVD_NAME.avd/config.ini

Solution of Certificate Pinning of Internet-Based Apps

Lots of information apps rely on the varying contents from the Internet. The Internet contents vary according to the user's spatiotemporal position, which will make the evaluation and training of agents inconsistent and the results will be uncomparable. Commonly, we can crawl and store the necessary online contents of the app and replay the stored contents during evaluation and training through an MitM (Man-in-the-Middle) proxy. However, most apps tranfer their data through HTTPS, thus, the MitM proxy can intercept the flow and replay the contents correctly only if the app trusts its SSL certificate. However, many apps adopt a policy named certificate pinning, so that the certificates added into the "User Certificate" list in the operating system (OS) will not be trusted. Three solutions are tested for this problem and quick config scripts are provided. The details are referred to in Certificate Pinning Problem & Solutions.

Launch the Interaction Environment

Launch an Interaction Environment with Local Simulator

import android_env
from import EasyOCRWrapper
from android_env.components.coordinator import EventCheckControl

env = android_env.load( task_path
                      , avd_name
                      , android_avd_home="~/.android/avd"
                      , android_sdk_root="~/Android/Sdk"
                      , emulator_path="~/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator"
                      , adb_path="~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb"
                      , run_headless=True
                      , mitm_config=None
                      , start_token_mark=""
                      , non_start_token_mark="##"
                      , special_token_pattern: str = r"\[\w+\]"
                      , unify_vocabulary="vocab.txt"
                      , text_model=EasyOCRWrapper()
                      , icon_model=ResNet()
                      , with_view_hierarchy=False
                      , coordinator_args={ "vh_check_control_method": EventCheckControl.LIFT
                                         , "vh_check_control_value": 3.
                                         , "screen_check_control_method": EventCheckControl.LIFT
                                         , "screen_check_control_value": 1.

The parameters are

  • task_path - str. The path to the textproto task definition file. A folder is acceptable, in which case multiple textproto files can be loaded once to switch between them at runtime. If multiple tasks are being loaded, the tasks will be sorted as string according to their file name.
  • avd_name - str. The name of the AVD.
  • android_avd_home, android_sdk_root, emulator_path, adb_path - str. The path to several Android tools. The arguments in the example are the default values.
  • run_headless - If the emulator should be launched headlessly. True is for headless, which means no graphical window will be created. False indicates that a graphical window will be available. False is the default.
  • mitm_config - The config for the MitM proxy. If an MitM proxy is required for flow replaying, this parameter should be provided with a dict argument, in which there are three common fields:
    • address - The address the MitM proxy listens to, defaults to
    • port - The port the MitM proxy listens to, defaults to 8080.
    • method - The solution of certificate pinning. Three solutions are supported.
      • syscert - Mocking a system certificate with the proxy's certificate
      • frida - Replacing the certificate verifier of the app at runtime by the instrument tool Frida.
      • packpatch - Modifying the config inside the app package to unpin its certificate The details are presented in Certificate Pinning Problem & Solutions. If frida solution is adopted, then three extra parameters can be set in the dict:
      • frida-server - The path to the frida server on the Android system, defaults to /data/local/tmp/frida-server.
      • frida - The path to the frida client on the host system, defaults to frida
      • frida-script - The path to the frida script on the host system which is used to replace the app's certificate verifier, defaults to frida-script.js packpatch will enable an extra parameter as well:
      • patch-suffix - This parameter defines a suffix $suffix. If the package file name defined in the task definition file is $package.apk, then the platform will seek $package-$suffix.apk for the patched package file. The prameter defaults to patched.
  • start_token_mark - str. The prefix of the beginning tokens in the vocabulary. The typed beginning tokens will be separated with the preceding texts by a white space. This parameter defaults to the empty string "".
  • non_start_token_mark - str. The prefix of the non-beginning tokens in the vocabulary. The typed non-beginning tokens are prepended to the existing texts directly. This parameter defaults to the prefix of BERT-style vocabularies ##.
  • special_token_pattern - str. The regex pattern of the special tokens in the vocabulary, defauts to r"\[\w+\]", which matches the special tokens in BERT-style vocabularies like [CLS].
  • unify_vocabulary - Optional[str]. If a file name is specified, then it will be regarded as the vocabulary file, in which each line constitutes a token. This file will be loaded as the unified vocabulary for all the loaded tasks. If the parameter is unspecified, the small vocabulary defined in the task definition file will be adopted, in which case the small vocabulary for the different tasks may be different. This parameter defauts to None, which means "unspecified".
  • text_model - Text model to enable recognizing the episode signals (i.e., step instruction, reward, and the episode end) from the screen texts. No valid models will be loaded with the default argument.
  • icon_model - Icon model to enable recognizing the episode signals (i.e., step instruction, reward, and the episode end) from the screen icons. No valid models will be loaded with the default argument.
  • with_view_hierarchy - If the view hierarchy (VH) should be returned in the observation. This option is disabled defaultly for the long latency of VH acquisition through ADB.
  • coordinator_args - Used to cover the default arguments to create a Coordinator. It can be used to customize the arguments controlling the check to VH and screenshot. The parameters are:
    • vh_check_control_method & vh_check_control_value
    • screen_check_control_method & screen_check_control_value Here the _method parameters expect a EventCheckControl enum flag (enum.Flag). The valid values are LIFT, TEXT, TIME, and STEP. LIFT specifies to check "after LIFT action". TEXT specifies to check "after TEXT action". TIME indicates to check in a certain time. STEP indicates to check in a certain step. These control methods can be applied combined, while STEP will not task effect if TIME is specified, too. The _value parameters are used to specify the seconds to wait for TIME or the steps to wait for STEP.

The text model is supposed to implement two interfaces:

Expand to view the interface details.
def text_detector( screen: torch.Tensor
                 , bboxes: List[torch.Tensor]
                 ) -> List[List[str]]:
        screen (torch.Tensor): tensor of float32 with shape (3, height, width)
        bboxes (List[torch.Tensor]): list with length nb_bboxes of torch.Tensor
          of float32 with shape (1, 4) as the list of bboxes from which texts
          will be detected

        List[List[str]]: list with length nb_bboxes of list of str as the
          detection results for each bbox

    return [[] for _ in bboxes]

def text_recognizer( screen: torch.Tensor
                   , bboxes: List[torch.Tensor]
                   ) -> List[str]:
        screen (torch.Tensor): tensor of float32 with shape (3, height, width)
        bboxes (List[torch.Tensor]): list with length nb_bboxes of torch.Tensor
          of float32 with shape (1, 4) as the list of bboxes from which texts
          will be recognized

        List[str]: list with length nb_bboxes of str as the recognition results
          of each bbox

    return ["" for _ in bboxes]

All the bounding boxes (bbox) are supposed to be given in the form of [x0, y0, x1, y1]. The icon model is supposed to implement three interfaces:

Expand to view the interface details.
def icon_detector( screen: torch.Tensor
                 , bboxes: List[torch.Tensor]
                 ) -> Tuple[ torch.Tensor
                           , List[List[str]]
        screen (torch.Tensor): tensor of float32 with shape (3, height, width)
        bboxes (List[torch.Tensor]): list with length nb_bboxes of torch.Tensor
          of float32 with shape (1, 4) as the list of bboxes from which icons
          will be detected

        torch.Tensor: tensor of float with shape (nb_bboxes, nb_candidates, 4)
        List[List[str]]: list with length nb_bboxes of list with length
          nb_candidates of str as the icon classes

    return torch.stack(bboxes)\
         , [[""] for _ in bboxes]

def icon_recognizer( screen: torch.Tensor
                   , bboxes: List[torch.Tensor]
                    ) -> List[str]:
        screen (torch.Tensor): tensor of float32 with shape (3, height, width)
        bboxes (List[torch.Tensor]): list with length nb_bboxes of torch.Tensor
          of float32 with shape (1, 4) as the list of bboxes from which icons
          will be recognized

        List[str]: list with length nb_bboxes of str as the icon classes

    return ["" for _ in bboxes]

def icon_matcher( screen: torch.Tensor
                , targets: List[torch.Tensor]
                , bboxes: torch.Tensor
                ) -> List[List[bool]]:
        screen (torch.Tensor): tensor of float32 with shape (3, height, width)
        targets (List[torch.Tensor]): list with length nb_targets of
          torch.Tensor of float32 with shape (3, height', width') as the target
          icon to match
        bboxes (torch.Tensor): tensor of float32 with shape (nb_targets, nb_candidates, 4)
          as the candidates for each target, may be the output from

        List[List[bool]]: list with length nb_targets of list with length
          nb_candidates of bool indicating if the candidate is matched with the
          corresponding target

    return [[False for _ in bb] for bb in bboxes]

Launch an Interaction Environment with Remote Simulator

Launch Remote Simulator Daemon

To launch an environment with remote simulator, you need to first launch a simulator daemon on the remote machine. The daemon program is implemented with Flask framework and you can launch the daemon with:

flask --app android_env.components.simulators.remote.daemon run -h <a.b.c.d> -p <ppp>

The daemon process will read simulator configuration from android-envd.conf.yaml under the current working path. The config parameters are the same with those of the aforementioned android_env.load function. An example of configuration is provided as examples/android-envd.conf.yaml.

Currently, HTTPS protocol is not supported. You can establish the connection through a secure channel like SSH.

Launch Interaction Environment to Connect to Remote Simulator

Then you can launch an environment with the remote simulator daemon through the function below:

import android_env
from import EasyOCRWrapper
from android_env.components.coordinator import EventCheckControl

env = android_env.load_remote( task_path
                             , address
                             , port
                             , timeout=5. # in seconds
                             , launch_timeout=2. # in minutes
                             , retry=3
                             , mitm_config=None
                             , start_token_mark=""
                             , non_start_token_mark="##"
                             , special_token_pattern: str = r"\[\w+\]"
                             , unify_vocabulary="vocab.txt"
                             , text_model=EasyOCRWrapper()
                             , icon_model=ResNet()
                             , with_view_hierarchy=False
                             , coordinator_args={ "vh_check_control_method": EventCheckControl.LIFT
                                                , "vh_check_control_value": 3.
                                                , "screen_check_control_method": EventCheckControl.LIFT
                                                , "screen_check_control_value": 1.

Several parameters:

  • address specifies the IP address the remote simulator daemon listens to. A string is expected.
  • port specifies the port the remote daemon listens to. An interger is expected.
  • timeout specifies the timeout for common revocation in seconds.
  • launch_timeout specifies the timeout for launch revocation in minutes. This parameter is specified individually for the launch of a simulator instance takes much longer time.
  • retry specifies the total number of attempts when timeouts or other network errors occur.

The other parameters are the same with those of the aforementioned android_env.load function.

Interact with the Environment

After loading the environment, you can create an agent to interact with the environment.

step: dm_env.TimeStep = env.switch_task(0) # switch to task 0
task_description: str = "\n".join(env.command()) # fetch the task description
instruction: str = "\n".join(env.task_instructions()) # fetch the current step instruction

reward: float = step.reward # record the current reward
while not step.last():
    # the agent makes decision
    action: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = agent(task_description, step.observation, instruction)
    # execute the action and obtain the new observation
    step = env.step(action)
    # update the step instruction
    if len(env.task_instructions())>0:
        instruction = "\n".join(env.task_instructions())
    reward += step.reward

dm_env.TimeStep is defined in dm_env. Commonly, there are 2 properties you will always access:

  1. reward, a floating number, records the current reward.
  2. observation, records the current observation.

In addition, dm_env.TimeStep is equipped with three methods returning a boolean: first, mid, and last. These methods tell what state of the episode the agent is in. first means that this is the first step after resetting the environment, while last indicates that this is the last step of the current episode (i.e., the episode end).

observation is a dict object containing four items:

  • pixels - The shape is (H, W, 3) (height, width, channels). The data type (dtype) is np.uint8 (8-bit unsigned integer). This item stores the RGB representation of the screen.
  • timedelta - An scalar array of a 64-bit float as the seconds after the last step.
  • orientation - A 4-dim one-hot vector with dtype as 8-bit unsigned interger. This item records the orientation of the screen. The positions of the "one" as 0, 1, 2, and 3 represent that the screen is rotated from the upright clockwise by 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees respectively.
  • view_hierarchy - This item will be included if the with_view_hierarchy option is enabled while loading the environment. The value is an lxml.etree.Element object representing the VH of the current screen. The platform will request for the VH only at the initial step and LIFT steps owing to the long latency. In the other cases, this item will return None.

Here the first three items are returned as NumPy arrays.

task_instructions method returns a list of string storing the instructions at the current step.

Mobile-Env accepts a dict object as the action containing four items:

  • action_type - A NumPy scalar array. The dtype is integer. It is corresponding to 4 action types:
    • 0 (android_env.components.action_type.ActionType.TOUCH) - The touch action.
    • 1 (android_env.components.action_type.ActionType.LIFT) - The (finger) lifting action.
    • 2 (android_env.components.action_type.ActionType.REPEAT) - "Repeat" action, i.e. doing nothing. This action will keep the previous touching or lifting status and inputing no tokens meanwhile.
    • 3 (android_env.components.action_type.ActionType.TEXT) - The token input action. This action will type a token from the vocabulary. If the unify_vocabulary parameter is specified during loading the environment, then the large vocabulary specified by this parameter is adopted. Otherwise the small vocabulary defined by the vocabulary field in the definition file of the current task will be used.
  • touch_position - A NumPy array with the dtype as floating number and length as 2. This argument represents the coordinates of the touch position (x, y). The coordinate values should be normalized to [0, 1]. This argument should be present for TOUCH and LIFT actions, but only has effect for TOUCH actions.
  • input_token - A NumPy scalar array. The dtype is integer. It is used to indicate the index of the token in the vocabulary. The index starts from 0. This argument is required only for the TEXT actions
  • response - A NumPy scalar array of Python str object. This field is designed for the responses from the agent to the human user.

env.observation_spec and env.action_spec can be invoked to obtain a declaration of the observation space and the action space. Meanwhile, two examples using a random policy and a human agent respectively are offered under examples for reference.

In order to adapt to different types of agents, a suite of wrappers are designed to alter the observation and action spaces. A few typical predefined wrappers are listed below:

Wrapper Description
DiscreteActionWrapper Gridizes the screen to enable discrete agents.
ImageRescaleWrapper Resizes the raw screen pixels.
GymInterfaceWrapper Provides Gymnasium-compatible interfaces.
VhIoWrapper Provides VH-based interfaces for text-based agents.

If new wrappers are expected to be defined, you can inherit android_env.wrappers.BaseWrapper and implement the necessary hook methods declared in it. There are four key hooks:

Hook Description
_reset_state Invoked before resetting the environment or switching task goals.
_post_switch_task Invoked after switching task goals.
_process_timestep Alters dm_env.TimeStep before returning it to agent.
_process_action Alters the action before sending it to Android OS.

As regard more details about the wrappers and the usage, we refer you to android_env.wrappers module.