Releases: XYOracleNetwork-v1/sdk-xyo-swift
Complete support for Swift Package Repository
Merge pull request #29 from XYOracleNetwork/develop add full support for swift packages
Swift Package Workflow Added
Merge pull request #20 from XYOracleNetwork/develop Develop - github actions and additional code clean up
Bug fix
Update heuristics
You can also set a string payload data on any node that gets passed in a bound witness
class SomeViewController: UIViewController, BoundWitnessDelegate {
if var bleClient = (xyoNode?.networks["ble"] as? XyoBleNetwork)?.client {
bleClient.pollingInterval = 10
bleClient.stringHeuristic = "Hi I'm Client"
if var bleServer = (xyoNode?.networks["ble"] as? XyoBleNetwork)?.server {
bleServer.stringHeuristic = "Yo I'm Server"
RSSI values and time values are now passed by default client and server nodes
Resolvers and polling interval
Exposed Polling interval on BLE client to specify the minimum wait duration after a bound witness to attempt another one. When connecting to devices like the sentinel X, this should be larger than 30 seconds.
Also added new resolver extensions on XyoBoundWitness to more easily pull payload data from the bound witness.
First stable release for hackathon usage and building apps.
XYO is releasing a newly refreshed Swift sdk that makes it as easy as possible to get started on the XYO protocol.
After adding the pod:
pod 'sdk-xyo-swift'
Import the sdk in your controller to control the node:
import sdk_xyo_swift
You can make any iOS device a node with the XyoNodeBuilder:
let builder = XyoNodeBuilder()
do {
xyoNode = try
catch {
print("Caught Error Building Xyo Node\(error)")
Make that node scan for devices to start bound witnessing and passing secure data over bluetooth or tcpip.
let ble = xyoNode?.networks["ble"] as? XyoBleNetwork
if isClient {
ble?.client?.scan = on
} else {
ble?.server?.listen = on
Check out the example project and head on over to to view our extensive developer docs!