Helper components for generating @yr/component containers that can efficiently respond to data updates.
const { connect, Provider, select, Subscription } = require('@yr/connect-component');
const { define, el, render } = require('@yr/component');
const data = { bar: 'bar' };
const subscription = new Subscription(data);
const root = document.getElementById('root');
const barSelector = (context, props) => {
const App = connect(select([barSelector], ([bar], context, props) => {
return {
text: bar
render(props, state, context) {
return el('div', null, props.text);
const AppProvider = Provider.create();
render(el(AppProvider, { data, subscription }, el(App)), root);
//=> <div>bar</div> = 'foo';
//=> <div>foo</div>
is a higher-order component used to define the shape and content of the context
object passed to it's children. By default, it defines both data
and subscription
, though additional custom properties can also be defined.
Create component definition with contextShape
, then pass their implementation as render props:
const { PropTypes } = require('@yr/component');
const App = define({
render(props, state, { data, locale }) {
return el('div', null, `${} ${}`)
const AppProvider = Provider.create({ locale: PropTypes.object });
const locale = {
foo: 'le foo'
render(el(AppProvider, { data, locale }, el(App)), root);
//=> <div>bar le foo</div>
Instances of Subscription
are simple event dispatchers used to notify container components about potential data changes.
Instantiate instance with a reference to a data
const subscription = new Subscription(data);
Notify all container components about potential data changes.
After a Subscription
instance has been passed to Provider
, calling notify()
will signal to all connected container components that data
has been updated: = 'foo';
// Or wire automatically to a complex data object:
data.onUpdate(() => {
The connect()
factory function allows a component to be wrapped in a container component that will efficiently re-render based on data updates.
Create container component factory that will pass the results of generateProps
to it's wrapped component.
will be passed the current context
, and any passed props
const ContainerFactory = connect((context, props) => {
return {
Invoking the factory with a component definition (ComponentToWrap
) will return a new container component definition:
const Container = ContainerFactory(
render(props, state, context) {
return el('div', null,;
Instances of this container are responsible for controlling whether ComponentToWrap
should render based on the results of invoking generateProps
. If the props returned by generateProps
have not changed since the last update, ComponentToWrap
will not be re-rendered.
select(inputSelectors: Array<(context, props) => any>, computeResult: (inputs: Array, context: Object, props: Object) => Object): (context, props) => Object
Create a generateProps
function, based on one or more input selector functions, that will return cached results if passed the same props
and if all input selector functions return the same values:
const userSelector = (context, props) => {
const generateProps = select([userSelector], ([user], context, props) => {
return {
const results1 = generateProps({ data }, { id: 'foo' });
const results2 = generateProps({ data }, { id: 'foo' });
console.log(results1 === results2); //=> true