This guide will show you how to deploy Open Event on Digital Ocean. The basic idea is installing Docker on Digital Ocean droplet and then running Open Event in it.
Create a droplet with Ubuntu x64 as the image. At the time of writing this guide, Ubuntu 16.04.1 was used.
Choose a size with atleast 1 GB RAM. We found 512 MB RAM to be insufficient when running Open Event inside Docker.
Choose other options according to need and then 'Create' the droplet.
Once droplet has been created, you will get email from DigitalOcean with its information IP Address, username and password.
- Open a terminal window and ssh into the server. The command is
. When run, it will ask for the password you got through email. Ctrl-Shift-V to paste the password and ENTER. An example has been given below.
ssh root@
# Enter password you got in the email and enter
- If you are ssh'ing into your droplet for the first time, you will get a prompt to change password. The step is compulsary so change the password here. Once this step is done, you will be running the droplet's shell.
Now we need to install the requirements needed to run it on the server.
First, update and upgrade all packages to ensure we are up-to-date on everything
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Next we need to install Nodejs to our system. For this project, we recommend you use Nodejs v6.x
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Also, additionally, install build tools
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
Now you should clone this repository to a folder
git clone -b development
(Leave use branch master for stable release, development for latest source)
After that we need to install the dependencies
cd open-event-webapp
npm install
Run the app
npm run start
npm run server.generator
The app will be running on http://localhost:5000
If you want the app to run on port 80, use the following command instead
sudo PORT=80 npm run start
You'd like to keep the server running persistently, without having to keep ssh connection open. For that case,
Next install PM2 (a package manager for Node)
sudo npm install -g pm2
Run the app using pm start npm -- start
To make the server automatically run on startup, use this command pm2 startup systemd
For a detailed tutorial on how to set up Node.js Apps for production usage, checkout