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Discord SDK: Activities


This module offers a collection of functions designed to address specific tasks and provide utilities for various purposes. Explore the available functions to make the most of the functionalities provided by this module.


This module offers a collection of structs, which serve as custom data models for organizing and structuring data. Explore the provided structs to better understand the relationships between data elements and simplify your data manipulation tasks.


This module includes a set of predefined constants that can be utilized for various purposes. Browse through the available constants to find values relevant to your needs and enhance the efficiency of your code.

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Discord Function: UpdateActivity

This function sets a user's presence in Discord to a new activity.


It is possible for users to hide their presence on Discord (User Settings -> Game Activity). Presence set through this SDK may not be visible when this setting is toggled off.


This has a rate limit of 5 updates per 20 seconds.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


Argument Type Description
activity Activity The data to be applied to the user's activity




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "Discord_Activities_UpdateActivity"
result Real Result code of the async request.
success Boolean Whether the current request was successful or not.


identifier = Discord_Activity_UpdateActivity({
   state: "Creating Games",
   type: Discord_Activity_Type_Playing,
   details: "Details...",
   smallImage: "mySmallImageName",
   smallText: "mySmallText",
   largeImage: "myLargeImageName",
   largeText: "myLargeText"

The code sample above saves the identifier that can be used to differentiate between two requests in the Social Async Event.

if (async_load[? "type"] == "Discord_Activity_UpdateActivity")
    if (async_load[? "result"] == Discord_OK)
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " succeeded!");
        show_debug_message(async_load[? "type"] + " failed!");

The code above matches the response against the correct event type and logs the success of the task.

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Discord Function: AcceptInvite

This function accepts a game invitation from a given userId.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


Argument Type Description
userId Int64 The ID of the user who invited you




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "Discord_Activities_AcceptInvite"
result Real Result code of the async request.
success Boolean Whether the current request was successful or not.



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Discord Function: ClearActivity

This function clears a user's presence in Discord to make it show nothing.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.






Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "Discord_Activities_ClearActivity"
result Real Result code of the async request.
success Boolean Whether the current request was successful or not.



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Discord Function: SendInvite

This function sends a game invite to a given user. If you do not have a valid activity with all the required fields, this call will error. See Activity Action Field Requirements for the fields required to have join and spectate invites function properly.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


Discord_Activities_SendInvite(userId, type, content)
Argument Type Description
userId Int64 the ID of the user to invite
type Discord_ActivityActionType marks the invite as an invitation to join or spectate
content String a message to send along with the invite




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "Discord_Activities_SendInvite"
result Real Result code of the async request.
success Boolean Whether the current request was successful or not.


Discord_Activities_SendInvite(otherUserId, Discord_ActivityActionType_Join, "Come join my awesome game!");

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Discord Function: SendRequestReply

This function sends a reply to an Ask to Join request.

This function operates asynchronously, which means that it does not immediately return the requested result. Instead, upon completion of the task, it will trigger the Social Async Event.


Discord_Activities_SendRequestReply(userId, reply)
Argument Type Description
userId Int64 The user ID of the person who asked to join
reply Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_No, Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_Yes or Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_Ignore




Social Async Event

Key Type Description
type String The string "Discord_Activities_SendRequestReply"
result Real Result code of the async request.
Whether Boolean the current request was successful or not.


Discord_Activities_SendRequestReply(otherUserId, Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_Yes);

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Discord Enum: ActivityType Enum

This represents the type of a user activity and is to be used with Discord_Activities_UpdateActivity.

Member Description
Discord_ActivityType_Playing 0 Represents the playing activity type; useful when user is playing games.
Discord_ActivityType_Streaming 1 Represents the streaming activity type; useful when user is streaming on discord, twitch or other platforms.
Discord_ActivityType_Listening 2 Represents the listening activity type; useful when user is listening to music on Spotify or other platforms.
Discord_ActivityType_Watching 3 Represents the watching activity type; useful when user is watching their favorite shows.
Discord_ActivityType_Custom 4 Represents any custom activity type
Discord_ActivityType_Competing 5 Represents the competing activity type

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Discord Enum: ActivityActionType Enum

This represents the type of activity action and is to be used with Discord_Overlay_OpenActivityInvite.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
Discord_ActivityActionType_Join 1 Represents the action of joining an activity.
Discord_ActivityActionType_Spectate 2 Represents the action of spectating an activity.

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Discord Enum: ActivityJoinRequestReply Enum

This enum provides options for how to respond to a user's request to join an activity.

These constants are referenced by the following functions:

Member Description
Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_No 0 Do not join
Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_Yes 1 Join
Discord_ActivityJoinRequestReply_Ignore 2 Ignore the join request

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Discord Struct: Activity Struct

The Activity struct contains information about a user's current activity, including the application ID, name of the application, current party status, what the player is currently doing, timestamps, assets to display on the player's profile, party information, and secret passwords for joining and spectating the player's game.

This struct is referenced by the following functions:

This struct is referenced by the following structs:

Member Type Description
applicationId Int64 Your application ID. This is a read-only field.
name String Name of the application. This is a read-only field.
state String The player's current party status.
details String What the player is currently doing.
timestamps ActivityTimestamps Helps create elapsed/remaining timestamps on a player's profile.
assets ActivityAssets Assets to display on the player's profile.
party ActivityParty Information about the player's party.
secrets ActivitySecrets Secret passwords for joining and spectating the player's game.
instance Boolean Whether this activity is an instanced context, like a match.

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Discord Struct: ActivityTimestamps Struct

The ActivityTimestamps struct is used to create elapsed/remaining timestamps on a player's profile. It contains two fields: startTimestamp and endTimestamp, both of which are Unix timestamps.

This struct is referenced by the following structs:

Member Type Description
startTimestamp Int64 Unix timestamp - send this to have an "elapsed" timer
endTimestamp Int64 Unix timestamp - send this to have a "remaining" timer

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Discord Struct: ActivityAssets Struct

The ActivityAssets struct contains assets to display on a player's profile, including both large and small images and corresponding hover text.

This struct is referenced by the following structs:

Member Type Description
largeImage String The key for the large image asset
largeText String The text to display when hovering over the asset
smallImage String The key for the small image asset
smallText String The text to display when hovering over the asset

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Discord Struct: ActivityParty Struct

The ActivityParty struct contains information about the player's party, including a unique identifier and party size.

This struct is referenced by the following structs:

Member Type Description
id String A unique identifier for this party
size PartySize Info about the size of the party

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Discord Struct: PartySize Struct

The PartySize struct contains information about the size of a party, including both the current size and maximum possible size.

This struct is referenced by the following structs:

Member Type Description
currentSize Real The current size of the party.
maxSize Real The max possible size of the party.

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Discord Struct: ActivitySecrets Struct

The ActivitySecrets struct contains secret passwords for joining and spectating the player's game, as well as a unique hash for the given match context.

This struct is referenced by the following structs:

Member Type Description
match String unique hash for the given match context
join String unique hash for chat invites and Ask to Join
spectate String unique hash for Spectate button

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