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File metadata and controls

190 lines (161 loc) · 5.73 KB

detek has two main components, Collectorand Detector. The Collector collects information by fetching data from external APIs (e.g, Kubernetes API). The Detector, on the other hand, by using data collected by the Collector, determines whether a specific situation has happened or not.


The Collector is one of the interfaces in detek, which only has two methods.

type Collector interface {
	// Give detek metadata of this Collector
	GetMeta() CollectorInfo

	// Collect Data using external API and store it in DetekContext
	Do(ctx DetekContext) error 

below is the example of the Pod Collector, which collects Pod manifests using Kubernetes API and save it to DetekContext.

const (
	KeyK8sCoreV1PodList  = "kubernetes_core_v1_podlist"

// just type hinting. Not necessary.
// "K8sCoreV1PodCollector" is a implemntation of the "Collector"
var _ detek.Collector = &K8sCoreV1PodCollector{}

type K8sCoreV1PodCollector struct{}

// Give detek a metadata of this collector
// GetMeta implements detek.Collector
func (*K8sCoreV1PodCollector) GetMeta() detek.CollectorInfo {
	return detek.CollectorInfo{
		MetaInfo: detek.MetaInfo{
			ID:          "kubernetes_core_v1_pod",
			Description: "collect core v1 pod resources from kubernetes",
			Labels:      []string{"kubernetes", "core/v1", "pod", "manifest"},
		Required: detek.DependencyMeta{
			// K8sCoreV1PodCollector need K8sClient (may collected by the other Collector)
			KeyK8sClient: {Type: detek.TypeOf(&kubernetes.Clientset{})},
		Producing: detek.DependencyMeta{
			// K8sCoreV1PodCollector will produce PodList
			KeyK8sCoreV1PodList:  {Type: detek.TypeOf(v1.PodList{})},

// Collecting logic here
// detek will execute this, and will expect to get PodList as declared at GetMeta
// Do implements detek.Collector
func (*K8sCoreV1Collector) Do(dctx detek.DetekContext) error {
	// Get Kubernetes Client (collected by the other Collector)
	c, err := detek.Typing[*kubernetes.Clientset]( // <- This is a syntactic sugar.
		dctx.Get(KeyK8sClient, nil), // <- Get data from a detek Store
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("fail to get kubernetes client: %w", err)
  // Get Pod List
  podList, err := c.CoreV1().Pods("").List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
	if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("fail to get Pod list from kubernetes: %w", err)
  // Give Pod List to detek (as declared at GetMeta)
  return dctx.Set(KeyK8sCoreV1PodList, *podList) // <- Set data to a detek Store

Collector (Pod Collector, in this case) can be used by appending it on cases/collector_set.go.

var CollectorSet map[string]CollectorSetInitiator = map[string]CollectorSetInitiator{
	DefaultSet: func(m map[string]string) []detek.Collector {
		return []detek.Collector{
			&collector.K8sClientCollector{KubeconfigPath: m[CONFIG_KUBECONFIG]},
			&collector.K8sCoreV1PodCollector{}, // APPENDED
	// add more preset here


The Detector is also one of the interfaces in detek, with two methods.

type Detector interface {
	// Give detek metadata of this Collector
	GetMeta() DetectorInfo

	// Find issues using data stored by Collector. 
	Do(ctx DetekContext) (*ReportSpec, error)

With collected data (stored in DetekContext), Detector can use those data to validate whether the cluster has an issue or not. Below is the example of the failed_pod Detector, which tries to find any pod with a Failed state.

// just type hinting. Not necessary.
var _ detek.Detector = &FailedPod{}

type FailedPod struct{}

// Give detek a metadata of this detector
// GetMeta implements detek.Detector
func (*FailedPod) GetMeta() detek.DetectorInfo {
	return detek.DetectorInfo{
		MetaInfo: detek.MetaInfo{
			ID:          "failed_pod",
			Description: "check if there is a pod with a 'Failed' status",
			Labels:      []string{"kubernetes", "pod"},
		// Severity of this case is (if happened)
		Level: detek.Error,
		// What user can do (if happened)
		IfHappened: detek.Description{
			Explanation: `some of pods are in a "Failed" status`,
			Solution:    `check why pods are failed`,
		Required: detek.DependencyMeta{
			// This Detector requires following dependency
			// (if the dependency not exists, it will not be run by detek)
			collector.KeyK8sCoreV1PodList: {Type: detek.TypeOf(v1.PodList{})},

// Do implements detek.Detector
func (i *FailedPod) Do(ctx detek.DetekContext) (*detek.ReportSpec, error) {
	// fetch PodList from a detek
	podList, err := detek.Typing[v1.PodList](
		ctx.Get(collector.KeyK8sCoreV1PodList, nil))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	type Problem struct {
		Namespace, Name, Reason string
	problems := []Problem{}

	for _, po := range podList.Items {
		// if Pod's Phase is Failed, than append to the Problem List
		if po.Status.Phase == v1.PodFailed {
			problems = append(problems, Problem{
				Namespace: po.Namespace,
				Name:      po.Name,
				Reason:    i.parseFailReason(po),

	report := &detek.ReportSpec{
		HasPassed:  true,
		Attachment: []detek.JSONableData{{Description: "# of Pods", Data: len(podList.Items)}},
  // if found some problem
  if len(problems) != 0 {
		// Detector reports this is not passed 
		report.HasPassed = false
		// and shows users what is the problem.
		report.Problem = detek.JSONableData{
			Description: "Failed pod list",
			Data:        problems,
	return report, nil

Detector (FailedPod Detector, in this case) can be used by appending it on cases/detector_set.go.

var (
	DetectorSet map[string]DetectorSetInitiator = map[string]DetectorSetInitiator{
		DefaultSet: func(m map[string]string) []detek.Detector {
			return []detek.Detector{
		// add more preset here