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EKS Terraform module



module "eks" {
  source = "Z3r0Sum/eks/aws"

  eks_cluster_name                    = "eks-test"
  region                              = "us-east-1"
  private_subnet_ids                  = ["${aws_subnet_ids.private.*.id}"]
  public_subnet_ids                   = ["${aws_subnet_ids.public.*.id}"]
  vpc_id                              = "${}"

  # Default worker pool
  eks_worker_ssh_key_name             = "eks-worker-ssh-key"
  eks_worker_desired_capacity         = "1"
  eks_worker_max_size                 = "1"
  eks_worker_min_size                 = "1"
  eks_worker_public_ip_enable         = "false"


Additional worker pools:

module "test_pool" {
  source = "Z3r0Sum/eks/aws//modules/eks-compute"

  eks_cluster_name            = "eks-test"
  eks_cluster_ca_data         = "${module.eks.eks_cluster_ca_data}"
  eks_cluster_endpoint        = "${module.eks.eks_cluster_endpoint}"
  eks_worker_max_pods         = "2"
  eks_worker_ssh_key_name     = "eks-worker-ssh-key"
  eks_worker_instance_type    = "t2.nano"
  eks_worker_desired_capacity = "1"
  eks_worker_max_size         = "1"
  eks_worker_min_size         = "1"
  eks_worker_instance_profile = "${module.eks.eks_node_instance_profile_name}"

  eks_worker_group_name       = "test-pool"
  eks_worker_sg_id            = "${module.eks.eks_node_sg_id}"
  eks_worker_subnet_ids       = ["${aws_subnet_ids.private.*.id}"]
  eks_worker_public_ip_enable = "false"
  region                      = "us-east-1"

Accessing Cluster

  • terraform output kubeconfig > ~/.kube/eks-kubeconfig
  • export KUBECONFIG="~/.kube/eks-kubeconfig"

Authorize Nodes

  • terraform output config_map_aws_auth | kubectl apply -f -

Terraform version

Terraform version 0.11.7 or newer is required for this module to work.


Name Description Type Default Required
eks_cluster_name Name give to EKS cluster string `` yes
eks_worker_ssh_key_name SSH Key to be assigned to a worker pool string `` yes
eks_worker_group_name Unique Name to be appended to Instances and ASG string default yes
eks_worker_instance_type Instance type that makes up that worker pool string t2.medium yes
eks_worker_desired_capacity ASG Desired Capacity for that worker pool string 1 yes
eks_worker_max_size ASG Max Size for that worker pool string 1 yes
eks_worker_min_size ASG Min Size for that worker pool string 1 yes
eks_worker_max_pods Max pods to run on instance (based on instance type - consult AWS Documentation) string 17 yes
eks_worker_ami_name AWS AMI to use for that worker pool string eks-worker-v20 yes
eks_worker_public_ip_enable Enable Public IPs in ASG for worker pool string false yes
private_subnet_ids Private Subnet IDs in VPC to leverage for worker pool & Cluster list `` yes
public_subnet_ids Public Subnet IDs in VPC to leverage for worker pool & Cluster list `` yes
region AWS Region to deploy Cluster into (must be: us-east-1 or us-west-2) string `` yes
vpc_id VPC ID to leverage for cluster/worker pool(s) string `` yes


Name Description
config_map_aws_auth K8S ConfigMap to apply for Nodes to join the cluster and Heptio Authenticator for IAM
eks_cluster_ca_data EKS Cluster CA Cert Data
eks_cluster_endpoint EKS Cluster Endpoint URL
eks_cluster_sg_id SG ID for cluster communication with worker nodes (Control Plane SG)
eks_node_sg_id EKS Worker Node SG ID
eks_node_iam_role_arn EKS Node IAM Role
eks_node_instance_profile_name Worker Nodes IAM Instance Profile Name
kubeconfig K8S Kubeconfig used to access the cluster via 'kubectl'


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.