All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Converted unchanged variable to const
- Replaced default album cover with an icon
- Replaced drop-shadow in ablum cover with a drop-shadow
- Fixed card footer component layout and changed user icon styles
- V2.3.3
- V2.3.2
- Added svg as a divider instead of html div
- Upgraded packages
- V2.3.0
- V2.3.0
- V2.3.1
- Added the mode prop for handling errors in error view
- Added better documentation for usage
- Changed solid-js external name to "solidJs"
- Added a test component to test for built library
- V2.3.0
- V2.2.6
- Removed relative color in pasttracks title background
- Added project logo and homepage
- V2.2.5
- Changed font sizing to adapt to any page styles
- V2.2.4
- Converted all http links to https
- V2.2.3
- Fixed some of daisyui themes are applied to the whole page
- Modified package git repo url
- Added bun as an installer in README
- V2.2.2
- Scoped daisyui styles to avoid unwanted conflicts
- V2.2.1
- Fixed wrong number formatting when displaying track length
- Used a simpler array method to display past tracks
- Changed album cover shadow to hsla color for better browser compatibility
- V2.2.0
- Moved all utility functions and types to the util package
- Renamed monorepo to @lastfm-viewer
- V2.1.3
- V2.1.5
- V2.1.2
- V2.1.3
- Modified shadow color for album cover
- Modified background color for past tracks title
- V2.1.1
- V2.1.2
- V2.1.1
- Wrong solidJs config in vite
- Wrong solidJs import
- Renamed package
- Added package git repo link
- V2.0.1
- V2.1.0
- Added turbo folder to gitignore
- Fixed wrong import typo
- V2.0.0
- V2.0.1
- Use imageUrl in Track info instead of conditionally rendering the image based on sources
- Simplified colors and used color data from track info
- Removed color.js as a dependency (now handeled in the utility package)
- V2.0.0
- Skeleton not showing when first time loading the component
- Avoid reloading when the same track is playing
- Modified README
- Fixed typo in README
- View small MB cover image for network effeciency
- Modified update script
- Modified CHANGELOG
- Migrated project to the monorepo
- Unused imports
- Unused package-lock file
- Unused import
- Added build name for solid-lastfm-viewer
- Modified update script
- V1.1.5
- Changeset version
- Added CHANGELOG file
- Use solid store instead of multiple signals
- Modified context to use the new store
- Changed component logic to use the store instead of prevoius signals
- Refactored LoadingSkeleton component to use the new context
- Refactored PastTracks component to use the new context
- Refactored TrackProgressBar component to use the new context
- Used createResource to fetch track info instead of naiive loading state
- Use Switch Component instead of Show for more clarity
- Renamed fallback prop in LoadingSKeleton component
- Modified fallback in LoadingSkeleton to be an element
- Added some styles and animations for smooth visuals
- Modified update script
- Unused imports
- Unused imports
- V1.0.5
- Not showing album name even when it is available
- Destructuring props caused reduced reactivity
- Reduced padding on past tracks title
- Modified update script
- V1.0.4
- Not fetching album cover from MB when lastfm album isn't available
- Removed tailwind's opnionated preflight styles to avoid style conflicts
- Show artist name even when no album is available or no album cover is available
- Added preconnect links to root component
- Moved most of the logic to seperate components
- Style changes and improvements to album cover image and link colors
- Added prettier cofig file
- Format files usinf prettier
- Unused constant
- Added update script
- V1.0.3
- Added inject Css plugin to vite to inject all styles in the component
- Version1.0.2