diff --git a/LuaUI/Configs/lang/epicmenu.en.json b/LuaUI/Configs/lang/epicmenu.en.json index 9175aff851..ebb8a6a645 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Configs/lang/epicmenu.en.json +++ b/LuaUI/Configs/lang/epicmenu.en.json @@ -1,14 +1,1293 @@ { "actiontrackingcamera_option_camera_rotation" : "Camera rotation", "actiontrackingcamera_option_camera_rotation_desc" : "Can rotate the camera to keep up with the action", - "actiontrackingcamera_option_user_interrupts_tracking" : "Pause tracking on user input", - "actiontrackingcamera_option_user_interrupts_tracking_desc" : "Pause camera tracking when the user moves the mouse etc", "actiontrackingcamera_option_show_commentary" : "Show commentary", "actiontrackingcamera_option_show_commentary_desc" : "Show a commentary panel with information about the action", "actiontrackingcamera_option_tracking_reticle" : "Show tracking reticle", "actiontrackingcamera_option_tracking_reticle_desc" : "Draw a reticle around the units being tracked", + "actiontrackingcamera_option_user_interrupts_tracking" : "Pause tracking on user input", + "actiontrackingcamera_option_user_interrupts_tracking_desc" : "Pause camera tracking when the user moves the mouse etc", + "areareclaimtrees_option_defaultavoidtrees" : "Area reclaim avoids energy", + "areareclaimtrees_option_defaultavoidtrees_desc" : "Enabling causes area reclaim orders to avoid reclaiming trees and other energy-only features. Reclaim trees by issuing the order centred on a tree or by holding Ctrl.\\n\\nThe behaviour is reversed when disabled, causing orders given with Ctrl held to avoid reclaiming trees.", + "attritioncounter_option_updatefrequency" : "Update every N Frames", + "autogroup_option_addall" : "Add All", + "autogroup_option_addall_desc" : "Existing units will be added to group# when setting autogroup#.", + "autogroup_option_cleargroups" : "Clear All Auto Groups", + "autogroup_option_groupnumbers" : "Display Group Numbers", + "autogroup_option_immediate" : "Immediate Mode", + "autogroup_option_immediate_desc" : "Units built/resurrected/received are added to autogroups immediately instead of waiting them to be idle.", + "autogroup_option_loadgroups" : "Preserve Auto Groups", + "autogroup_option_loadgroups_desc" : "Preserve auto groupings for next game. Unchecking this clears the groups!", + "autogroup_option_removefromgroup" : "Remove From Autogroup", + "autogroup_option_text_hotkey" : "Auto Groups", + "autogroup_option_verbose" : "Verbose Mode", + "autopatrolnanos_option_patrol_idle_nanos" : "Caretaker automation", + "autopatrolnanos_option_patrol_idle_nanos_desc" : "Caretakers will automatically find tasks when idle. They may assist, repair or reclaim. Also applies to Strider Hub.", + "autopatrolnanos_option_stop_disables" : "Disable caretakers with stop", + "autopatrolnanos_option_stop_disables_desc" : "Caretakers automation is put on hold with the Stop command. Automation resumes after any other command. Also applies to Strider Hub.", + "autopatrolnanosv2_option_patrol_idle_nanos" : "Caretaker automation (v2)", + "autopatrolnanosv2_option_patrol_idle_nanos_desc" : "Caretakers will automatically find tasks when idle. They may assist, repair or reclaim. Also applies to Strider Hub.", + "autopatrolnanosv2_option_stop_disables" : "Disable caretakers with stop (v2)", + "autopatrolnanosv2_option_stop_disables_desc" : "Caretakers automation is put on hold with the Stop command. Automation resumes after any other command. Also applies to Strider Hub.", + "autotogglefalsecolorvision_option_engineheightview" : "Heightview Color", + "autotogglefalsecolorvision_option_engineheightview_desc" : "TERRAFORM & BUILD toggle heightmap vision.", + "autotogglefalsecolorvision_option_enginemetalview" : "Metalview Color", + "autotogglefalsecolorvision_option_enginemetalview_desc" : "RECLAIM & RESURRECT toggle metalmap vision.", + "autotogglefalsecolorvision_option_enginepathview" : "Pathview Color", + "autotogglefalsecolorvision_option_enginepathview_desc" : "MOVE & JUMP toggle pathmap vision.", + "battleresourcetracker_option_clearevents" : "Clear data", + "battleresourcetracker_option_clearevents_desc" : "Forget previous events. Hotkey this button.", + "battleresourcetracker_option_eventtimeout" : "Battle time (seconds)", + "battleresourcetracker_option_eventtimeout_desc" : "How long a battle persists until it fades. New kills refresh battle time.", + "battleresourcetracker_option_fontsize" : "Font size", + "battleresourcetracker_option_searchradius" : "Battle radius (elmos)", + "battleresourcetracker_option_searchradius_desc" : "The size of an individual battle. Lower radius detects more distinct battles.", + "battleresourcetracker_option_showtext" : "Show text", + "battleresourcetracker_option_showtext_desc" : "Whether to show text. Use this to toggle the text while keeping tracking active.", + "battleresourcetracker_option_textalpha" : "Font opacity", + "buildeta_option_drawheight" : "Display Height", + "buildeta_option_fontsize" : "Size", + "buildeta_option_showforicons" : "Show for icons", + "buildeta_option_showforicons_desc" : "Whether to show for radar icons during strategic zoom.", + "buildeta_option_showonlyonshift" : "Show only on shift", + "buildingstarter_option_hotkey" : "Place Nanoframes", + "buildingstarter_option_hotkey_desc" : "Hold this key during structure placement to queue structures which are to placed but not constructed.", + "camerarecorder_option_help" : "Help", + "camerarecorder_option_play" : "Play", + "camerarecorder_option_play_desc" : "Play now", + "camerarecorder_option_record" : "Record", + "camerarecorder_option_record_desc" : "Record now", + "camerasaveposition_option_lbl_alert" : "Alert Hotkeys", + "camerasaveposition_option_lbl_pos" : "Position Save/Recall Hotkeys", + "camerasaveposition_option_pos_zoom_speed" : "Position transition time", + "camerasaveposition_option_recallstartpos" : "Zoom to start position", + "camerasaveposition_option_savezoom" : "Save zoom as well as position", + "camerasaveposition_option_savezoom_desc" : "Save more information about the camera state. This may break if you change camera type midgame.", + "camerasaveposition_option_zoom_speed" : "Alert transition time", + "camerasaveposition_option_zoomalert" : "Zoom to last alert", + "camerasaveposition_option_zoomdamage" : "Zoom to last damaged unit", + "camerasaveposition_option_zoommessage" : "Zoom to last message", + "camerashake_option_camshake" : "Camera Shake (when explosions occur)", + "camerashake_option_camshakemax" : "Camera Shake Limit", + "cegspawner_option_radius" : "Radius (0 - 100)", + "cegspawner_option_reload" : "Reload CEGs", + "cegspawner_option_xdir" : "X (-1,1)", + "cegspawner_option_ydir" : "Y (-1,1)", + "cegspawner_option_zdir" : "Z (-1,1)", + "chilichat22_option_autohide" : "Autohide chat", + "chilichat22_option_autohide_desc" : "Hides the chat when not in use", + "chilichat22_option_autohide_time" : "Autohide time", + "chilichat22_option_clickable_points" : "Clickable points and labels", + "chilichat22_option_color_ally" : "Ally text", + "chilichat22_option_color_background" : "Background color", + "chilichat22_option_color_chat" : "Everyone chat text", + "chilichat22_option_color_dup" : "Duplicate message mark", + "chilichat22_option_color_highlight" : "Highlight mark", + "chilichat22_option_color_other" : "Other text", + "chilichat22_option_color_spec" : "Spectator text", + "chilichat22_option_dedupe_messages" : "Dedupe messages", + "chilichat22_option_dedupe_points" : "Dedupe points and labels", + "chilichat22_option_defaultallychat" : "Default ally chat", + "chilichat22_option_defaultallychat_desc" : "Sets default chat mode to allies at game start", + "chilichat22_option_hideally" : "Hide Ally Chat", + "chilichat22_option_hidelabel" : "Hide Labels", + "chilichat22_option_hidelog" : "Hide Engine Logging Messages", + "chilichat22_option_hidepoint" : "Hide Points", + "chilichat22_option_hidespec" : "Hide Spectator Chat", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_all_private" : "Highlight all private messages", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_filter" : "Highlight filter", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_filter_allies" : "Check allies messages for highlight", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_filter_enemies" : "Check enemy messages for highlight", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_filter_other" : "Check other messages for highlight", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_filter_specs" : "Check spec messages for highlight", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_sound" : "Sound for highlighted messages", + "chilichat22_option_highlight_surround" : "Surround highlighted messages", + "chilichat22_option_highlighted_text_height" : "Highlighted Text Size", + "chilichat22_option_max_lines" : "Maximum Lines (20-100)", + "chilichat22_option_mousewheel" : "Scroll with mousewheel", + "chilichat22_option_pointbuttonopacity" : "Point button opacity", + "chilichat22_option_text_height" : "Text Size", + "chilichatbubbles_option_filterautohostmsg" : "Filter Autohost Messages", + "chilichatbubbles_option_filterautohostmsg_desc" : "Filter out messages from autohost", + "chilichatbubbles_option_filterglobalchat" : "Filter Global Chat", + "chilichatbubbles_option_filterglobalchat_desc" : "Filter out messages made in global chat", + "chilichatbubbles_option_firstbubble_y" : "Screen Height of First Bubble", + "chilichatbubbles_option_firstbubble_y_desc" : "How high up the first bubble should start on the right of the screen.", + "chilichatbubbles_option_setavatar" : "Set An Avatar", + "chilichatbubbles_option_setavatar_desc" : "Avatar to show next to your bubble. Requires the Avatar widget", + "chilichatbubbles_option_text_height" : "Font Size (10-18)", + "chilichatbubbles_option_window_height" : "Height 60-120", + "chilichatbubbles_option_window_margin" : "Margin (0 - 10)", + "chilichatbubbles_option_window_margin_desc" : "Margin between bubbles", + "chilichatbubbles_option_window_timeout" : "Timeout (5 - 50)", + "chilichatbubbles_option_window_width" : "Width (200 - 600)", + "chilicoreselector_option_background_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chilicoreselector_option_buttonsizelong" : "Button Size", + "chilicoreselector_option_buttonspacing" : "Button Spacing", + "chilicoreselector_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chilicoreselector_option_horpaddingleft" : "Horizontal Padding Left", + "chilicoreselector_option_horpaddingright" : "Horizontal Padding Right", + "chilicoreselector_option_lblselection" : "Quick Selection Bar", + "chilicoreselector_option_lblselectionidle" : "Idle Units", + "chilicoreselector_option_leftmousecenter" : "Swap Camera Center Button", + "chilicoreselector_option_leftmousecenter_desc" : "When enabled left click a commander or factory to center the camera on it. When disabled right click centers.", + "chilicoreselector_option_leftsideofscreen" : "Left side of screen", + "chilicoreselector_option_minbuttonspaces" : "Minimum Button Space", + "chilicoreselector_option_monitoridlecomms" : "Track idle commanders", + "chilicoreselector_option_monitoridlenano" : "Track idle nanotowers", + "chilicoreselector_option_monitorinbuiltcons" : "Track constructors being built", + "chilicoreselector_option_selectcomm" : "Select Commander", + "chilicoreselector_option_selectidlecon" : "Select idle constructor", + "chilicoreselector_option_selectidlecon_all" : "Select all idle constructors", + "chilicoreselector_option_selectidlecon_desc" : "Selects an idle constructor. Use multiple times to select more. Deselects any units which are not idle constructors.", + "chilicoreselector_option_selectprecbomber" : "Select idle precision bomber", + "chilicoreselector_option_selectprecbomber_desc" : "Selects an idle, armed precision bomber. Use multiple times to select more. Deselects any units which are not idle, armed precision bombers.", + "chilicoreselector_option_showcoreselector" : "Selection Bar Visibility", + "chilicoreselector_option_specspaceoverride" : "Spectating Space Override", + "chilicoreselector_option_vertical" : "Vertical Bar", + "chilicoreselector_option_vertpadding" : "Vertical Padding", + "chilicrudeplayerlist_option_aligntotop" : "Align to top", + "chilicrudeplayerlist_option_backgroundopacity" : "Background opacity", + "chilicrudeplayerlist_option_text_height" : "Font Size (10-18)", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_aligntotop" : "Align to top", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_allyteamperteam" : "Display team for each player", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_backgroundopacity" : "Background opacity", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_debugmessages" : "Enable debug messages", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_debugmessages_desc" : "Enables some debug messages (disable if it starts flooding console)", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_inc_wins_1" : "Increment Team 1 Wins", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_inc_wins_2" : "Increment Team 2 Wins", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_mousewheel" : "Scroll with mousewheel", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_reset_wins" : "Reset Wins", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_reset_wins_desc" : "Reset the win counts of all players", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_showspecs" : "Show spectators", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_showspecs_desc" : "Show spectators in main window (rather than confining them to tooltip. Note: tooltip might block mouse click in some cases)", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_text_height" : "Font Size (10-18)", + "chilicrudeplayerlistold_option_win_show_condition" : "Show Wins", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_aligntoleft" : "Align to left", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_aligntoleft_desc" : "Align to left and grow rightwards (vs. align to right and grow leftwards)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_aligntotop" : "Align to top", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_aligntotop_desc" : "Align to top and grow downwards (vs. align to bottom and grow upwards)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_backgroundopacity" : "Background Opacity", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_colorresourcestats" : "Show stats in color", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_cpu_ping_as_text" : "Show ping/cpu as text", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_cpu_ping_as_text_desc" : "Show ping and cpu stats as text (vs. as an icon)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_inc_wins_1" : "Increment Team 1 Wins", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_inc_wins_2" : "Increment Team 2 Wins", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_income_width" : "Income width (2-5)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_list_size" : "List Size: Who should be included?", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_mousewheel" : "Scroll with mousewheel", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_name_width" : "Name Width (50-200)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_reset_wins" : "Reset Wins", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_reset_wins_desc" : "Reset the win counts of all players", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_ccr" : "Show clan/country/rank", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_ccr_desc" : "Show the clan, country, and rank columns", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_cpu_ping" : "Show ping and cpu", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_stats" : "Show unit and income stats", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_stats_desc" : "Display resource statistics: metal in mobile units and static defences; metal and energy income.", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_tooltips" : "Show tooltips", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_show_tooltips_desc" : "Show tooltips where available (vs. hiding all tooltips. Note: tooltip might block mouse click in some cases)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_showsummaries" : "Show team summaries", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_stats_width" : "Metal worth stats width (2-5)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_text_height" : "Font Size (10-18)", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_visible" : "Visible", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_visible_desc" : "Set a hotkey here to toggle the playerlist on and off", + "chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_option_win_show_condition" : "Show Wins", + "chilidocking_option_dockenabled" : "Enable docking", + "chilidocking_option_dockenabled_desc" : "Dock windows to screen edges", + "chilidocking_option_dockenabledpanels" : "Use docking between panels", + "chilidocking_option_dockenabledpanels_desc" : "Dock windows each other to prevent overlaps. Requires docking to be enabled via the previous setting.", + "chilidocking_option_dockthreshold" : "Docking distance", + "chilidocking_option_minimizeenabled" : "Minimizable windows", + "chilidocking_option_minimizeenabled_desc" : "When enabled certain windows will have minimization tabs.", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_colourblind" : "Colourblind mode", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_defaultenergyreserve" : "Initial Energy Reserve", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_defaultmetalreserve" : "Initial Metal Reserve", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_ecopanelhidespec" : "Hide if spectating", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_ecopanelhidespec_desc" : "Should the panel hide when spectating?", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_eexcessflash" : "Flash On Energy Excess", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_enablereservebar" : "Enable Reserve", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_energyflash" : "Energy Stall Flash", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_energywarning" : "Energy Stall Warning", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_flowasarrows" : "Flow as arrows", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_flowasarrows_desc" : "Use arrows instead of a number for the flow. Each arrow is 5 resources per second.", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_fontsize" : "Font Size", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_metalflash" : "Metal Excess Flash", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_metalwarning" : "Metal Excess Warning", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_efficiency" : "Show Efficiency", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_efficiency_desc" : "Show the minimum of Metal Income/Metal Pull and Energy Income/Energy Pull as a percentage. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition as Escape to cancel.", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_overdrive" : "Show Overdrive", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_overdrive_desc" : "Show overdrive energy:metal ratio, metal income, and energy cost. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition and Escape to cancel.", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_usage" : "Show Usage", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_usage_desc" : "Show the Metal Pull/Metal Income as a percentage. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition and Escape to cancel.", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_wind" : "Show Wind", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_panel_wind_desc" : "Show wind strength as a percentage. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition and Escape to cancel.", + "chilieconomypaneldefault_option_warningfontsize" : "Warning Font Size", + "chiliendgamewindow_option_togglestatsgraph" : "Toggle stats graph", + "chiliendgamewindow_option_togglestatsgraph_desc" : "Shows and hides the statistics graph.", + "chilifactorybar_option_buttonsize" : "Button Size", + "chilifactorybar_option_maxvisiblebuilds" : "Visible Units in Que", + "chilifactorypanel_option_backgroundopacity" : "Background opacity", + "chilifactorypanel_option_buttonsize" : "Button Size", + "chilifactorypanel_option_showallplayers" : "Show All Players", + "chilifactorypanel_option_showallplayers_desc" : "When spectating, show the factory queues of all players. When disabled, only shows the factory queue of the currently spectated player.", + "chilifactorypanel_option_showeta" : "Show ETA", + "chilifactorypanel_option_showeta_desc" : "Show ETA for the unit currently being built.", + "chiligesturemenu_option_allowmultiple" : "Allow for multiple selected units", + "chiligesturemenu_option_allowmultiple_desc" : "Allows gestures even for multiple units selected", + "chiligesturemenu_option_alternateconfig" : "Alternate Keyboard Layout", + "chiligesturemenu_option_alternateconfig_desc" : "Centre hotkeys around D instead of S.", + "chiligesturemenu_option_icondistance" : "Icon distance (20-360)", + "chiligesturemenu_option_iconsize" : "Icon size (10-100)", + "chiligesturemenu_option_keyboardonly" : "Keyboard only", + "chiligesturemenu_option_keyboardonly_desc" : "Disables gesture recognition", + "chiligesturemenu_option_markingmenu" : "Open Menu (set a hotkey ->)", + "chiligesturemenu_option_mouseidlethreshold" : "Mouse idle threshold (0.1-3s)", + "chiligesturemenu_option_mouseidlethreshold_desc" : "When you hold right button still, menu appears after this time(s)", + "chiligesturemenu_option_mousemovethreshold" : "Mouse move threshold (10-2000)", + "chiligesturemenu_option_mousemovethreshold_desc" : "When you hold right button, you must move this distance(squared) to show menu", + "chiligesturemenu_option_onlyopenwithkeyboard" : "Only open with keyboard", + "chiligesturemenu_option_onlyopenwithkeyboard_desc" : "Disables right click drag to open", + "chiligesturemenu_option_qwertz" : "qwertz keyboard", + "chiligesturemenu_option_qwertz_desc" : "keys for qwertz keyboard", + "chiligesturemenu_option_selectediconsize" : "Selected icon size (10-100)", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_hide" : "Hide GBC", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_hide_desc" : "Hides the Global Bar of Commands.", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_showeco" : "Toggle Economy Overlay", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_showeco_desc" : "Show metal, geo spots and energy grid", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_simplifiedteamcolor" : "Simplified Team Colors", + "chiliglobalcommands_option_simplifiedteamcolor_desc" : "Toggles simplified team colors.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_altinsertbehind" : "Alt Inserts Behind", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_altinsertbehind_desc" : "When enabled, the Alt modifier will insert construction behind the current item in the queue. When disabled, and if the factory is not set to repeat, Alt will insert the command in front of the current construction (destroying its progress).", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_applycustomgrid" : "Apply Changes", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_background_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_commands_disable_all" : "Hide all commands", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_commands_enable_all" : "Show all commands", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_commands_reset_default" : "Reset to default", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_commands_reset_default_desc" : "Show the basic commands and hide the advanced ones", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_ctrldisablegrid" : "Ctrl Disables Hotkeys", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_ctrldisablegrid_desc" : "When enabled, grid and tab hotkeys will deactivate while Ctrl is held. This allows for Ctrl+key hotkeys to be used while a construtor or factory is selected.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_enable_return_fire" : "Enable return fire state", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_enable_return_fire_desc" : "When enabled, the Hold Fire state is extended to a three-option toggle with Return Fire as an additional option.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_enable_roam" : "Enable roam move state", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_enable_roam_desc" : "When enabled, the Hold Position state is extended to a three-option toggle with Roam as an additional option.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_flushleft" : "Flush Left", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_helpwindow" : "Command Visibility", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_hide_when_spectating" : "Hide when Spectating", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_keyboardtype2" : "Grid Keyboard Layout", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_label_apply" : "Note: Click above to refresh", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_label_super_grid_config" : "Tab specific overrides", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_label_tab" : "Tab Hotkeys", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_leftpadding" : "Left Padding", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_rightpadding" : "Right Padding", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_selectionclosestab" : "Construction Closes Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_selectionclosestab_desc" : "When enabled, issuing or cancelling a construction command will switch back to the Orders tab (except for build options in the factory queue tab).", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_selectionclosestabonselect" : "Selection Closes Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_selectionclosestabonselect_desc" : "When enabled, selecting a construction command will switch back to the Orders tab (except for build options in the factory queue tab).", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_simple_mode" : "Large State Icons", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_simple_mode_desc" : "Large state icons are arranged in four rows and display their hotkey (if the hotkey is short). When disabled, the icons are arranged in five rows and do not display hotkeys. Individual states can be added or removed under Settings -> Interface -> Commands.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_states_disable_all" : "Hide all states", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_states_enable_all" : "Show all states", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_defence" : "Defence Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_defence_desc" : "Switches to defence tab.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_economy" : "Economy Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_economy_desc" : "Switches to economy tab.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_factory" : "Factory Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_factory_desc" : "Switches to factory tab.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_special" : "Special Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_special_desc" : "Switches to special tab.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_units" : "Units Tab", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tab_units_desc" : "Switches to units tab.", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_tabfontsize" : "Tab Font Size", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_unitshotkeys2" : "Factories use grid", + "chiliintegralmenu_option_unitshotkeys2_desc" : "When enabled, factory unit production uses grid hotkeys.", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_gotocommands" : "Commands...", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_gotoselections" : "Selections...", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_layout" : "Keyboard Layout", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_old_menu_at_shutdown" : "Reenable Spring Menu at Shutdown", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_sevenperrow" : "Rows of 7 keys", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_sevenperrow_desc" : "Each row has 7 keys instead of the 6 default.", + "chilikeyboardmenu_option_showglobalcommands" : "Show Global Commands", + "chiliminimap_option_alwaysresizable" : "Resizable", + "chiliminimap_option_buttonsonright" : "Map buttons on the right", + "chiliminimap_option_clearmapmarks" : "Erase Map Drawing", + "chiliminimap_option_clearmapmarks_desc" : "Erases all map drawing and markers (for you, not for others on your team).", + "chiliminimap_option_disableminimap" : "Disable Minimap", + "chiliminimap_option_drawinmap" : "Map Drawing Hotkey", + "chiliminimap_option_drawinmap_desc" : "Hold this hotkey to draw on the map and write messages. Left click to draw, right click to erase, middle click to place a marker. Double left click to type a marker message.", + "chiliminimap_option_echolos" : "Print LOS config to console", + "chiliminimap_option_fademinimaponzoomout" : "Minimap fading when zoomed out", + "chiliminimap_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chiliminimap_option_hidebuttons" : "Hide Minimap Buttons", + "chiliminimap_option_hideonoverview" : "Hide on Overview", + "chiliminimap_option_initialsensorstate" : "Start with LOS enabled", + "chiliminimap_option_initialsensorstate_desc" : "Game starts with Line of Sight Overlay enabled", + "chiliminimap_option_lastmsgpos" : "Zoom To Last Message", + "chiliminimap_option_lastmsgpos_desc" : "Moves the camera to the most recently placed map marker or message.", + "chiliminimap_option_leftclickonminimap" : "Left Click Behaviour", + "chiliminimap_option_minimizable" : "Minimizable", + "chiliminimap_option_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_fog_brightness1" : "Fog Brightness", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_jammer_color" : "Jammer Color", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_preset_blue_line" : "Blue Outline", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_preset_double_outline" : "Double Outline (default)", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_preset_green" : "Green Area Fill", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_preset_green_in_blue" : "Green in Blue Outline", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_preset_only_los" : "Only LOS", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_preset_two_tone" : "LOS Brighter", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_radar2_color" : "Radar Interior Color", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_radar_color" : "Radar Edge Color", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_view_colors_label2" : "* Note: These colors are additive.", + "chiliminimap_option_radar_view_presets_label1" : "Radar Presets", + "chiliminimap_option_showeco" : "Toggle Economy Overlay", + "chiliminimap_option_showeco_desc" : "Show metal, geo spots and energy grid", + "chiliminimap_option_simpleminimapcolors" : "Simplified Minimap Colors", + "chiliminimap_option_simpleminimapcolors_desc" : "Show minimap blips as green for you, teal for allies and red for enemies (only minimap will use this simple color scheme).", + "chiliminimap_option_use_map_ratio" : "Keep Aspect Ratio", + "chiliminimap_option_viewblockmap" : "Toggle Pathing Map", + "chiliminimap_option_viewblockmap_desc" : "Select a unit to see where it can go. Select a building blueprint to see where it can be placed.", + "chiliminimap_option_viewfow" : "Toggle Line of Sight", + "chiliminimap_option_viewfow_desc" : "Shows sight distance and radar coverage.", + "chiliminimap_option_viewheightmap" : "Toggle Height Map", + "chiliminimap_option_viewheightmap_desc" : "Shows contours of terrain elevation.", + "chiliminimap_option_viewstandard" : "Clear Overlays", + "chiliminimap_option_viewstandard_desc" : "Disables Heightmap, Pathing and Line of Sight overlays.", + "chilinukewarning_option_mainlabel" : "Nuclear launch warning", + "chilinukewarning_option_nukewarningishuge" : "Full-screen nuclear launch warning", + "chilinukewarning_option_nukewarningopacity" : "Nuclear launch warning opacity", + "chiliproconsole2_option_autohide_text_time" : "Text decay time", + "chiliproconsole2_option_backchatopacity" : "Backlog Border Opacity", + "chiliproconsole2_option_changefont" : "Change message entering font.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_changefont_desc" : "With this enabled the text-entering font will be changed to match the chat. May cause Spring to competely lock up intermittently on load. Requires reload to update.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_clickable_points" : "Clickable points and labels", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_ally" : "Ally text", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_chat" : "Everyone chat text", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_chat_background" : "Chat Background color", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_console_background" : "Console Background color", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_dup" : "Duplicate message mark", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_highlight" : "Highlight mark", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_other" : "Other text", + "chiliproconsole2_option_color_spec" : "Spectator text", + "chiliproconsole2_option_dedupe_messages" : "Dedupe messages", + "chiliproconsole2_option_dedupe_points" : "Dedupe points and labels", + "chiliproconsole2_option_defaultallychat" : "Default ally chat", + "chiliproconsole2_option_defaultallychat_desc" : "Sets default chat mode to allies at game start", + "chiliproconsole2_option_defaultbacklogenabled" : "Enable backlog at start", + "chiliproconsole2_option_defaultbacklogenabled_desc" : "Starts with the backlog chat enabled.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_enablechatbackground" : "Enable chat background.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_enablechatbackground_desc" : "Enables a background for the text-entering box.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_enableconsole" : "Enable the debug console", + "chiliproconsole2_option_enableswap" : "Backlog Arrow", + "chiliproconsole2_option_enableswap_desc" : "Enable the button to swap between chat and backlog chat.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_hideally" : "Hide Ally Chat", + "chiliproconsole2_option_hidelabel" : "Hide Labels", + "chiliproconsole2_option_hidelog" : "Hide Engine Logging Messages", + "chiliproconsole2_option_hidepoint" : "Hide Points", + "chiliproconsole2_option_hidespec" : "Hide Spectator Chat", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_all_private" : "Highlight all private messages", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_filter" : "Highlight filter", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_filter_allies" : "Check allies messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_filter_enemies" : "Check enemy messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_filter_other" : "Check other messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_filter_specs" : "Check spec messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_sound" : "Sound for highlighted messages", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlight_surround" : "Surround highlighted messages", + "chiliproconsole2_option_highlighted_text_height" : "Highlighted Text Size", + "chiliproconsole2_option_max_lines" : "Maximum Lines (20-100)", + "chiliproconsole2_option_mousewheel" : "Scroll with mousewheel", + "chiliproconsole2_option_mousewheelbacklog" : "Mousewheel Backlog", + "chiliproconsole2_option_mousewheelbacklog_desc" : "Scroll the backlog chat with the mousewheel.", + "chiliproconsole2_option_text_height_chat" : "Chat Text Size", + "chiliproconsole2_option_text_height_console" : "Log Text Size", + "chiliproconsole2_option_togglebacklog" : "Toggle backlog", + "chiliproconsole2_option_togglebacklog_desc" : "The toggle backlog button is here to let you hotkey this action.", + "chiliproconsole_option_autohide_text_time" : "Text decay time", + "chiliproconsole_option_backchatopacity" : "Backlog Border Opacity", + "chiliproconsole_option_backlogarrowonright" : "Backlong Arrow On Right", + "chiliproconsole_option_backlogarrowonright_desc" : "Puts the backlong arrow on the right. It appear on the left if disabled..", + "chiliproconsole_option_backloghidenotchat" : "Hide arrow when not chatting", + "chiliproconsole_option_backloghidenotchat_desc" : "Enable to hide the backlog arrow when not entering chat.", + "chiliproconsole_option_backlogshowwithchatentry" : "Auto-toggle backlog", + "chiliproconsole_option_backlogshowwithchatentry_desc" : "Enable to have the backlog enabled when entering text and disabled when not entering text.", + "chiliproconsole_option_changefont" : "Change message entering font.", + "chiliproconsole_option_changefont_desc" : "With this enabled the text-entering font will be changed to match the chat. May cause Spring to competely lock up intermittently on load. Requires reload to update.", + "chiliproconsole_option_clickable_points" : "Clickable points and labels", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_ally" : "Ally text", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_chat" : "Everyone chat text", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_chat_background" : "Chat Background color", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_console_background" : "Console Background color", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_dup" : "Duplicate message mark", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_from_lobby" : "Lobby notification color", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_highlight" : "Highlight mark", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_other" : "Other text", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_spec" : "Spectator text", + "chiliproconsole_option_color_usernames" : "Color usernames in messages", + "chiliproconsole_option_dedupe_messages" : "Dedupe messages", + "chiliproconsole_option_dedupe_points" : "Dedupe points and labels", + "chiliproconsole_option_defaultallychat" : "Default Chat Mode", + "chiliproconsole_option_defaultallychat_desc" : "Sets default chat mode to allies at game start", + "chiliproconsole_option_defaultbacklogenabled" : "Enable backlog at start", + "chiliproconsole_option_defaultbacklogenabled_desc" : "Starts with the backlog chat enabled.", + "chiliproconsole_option_enablechatbackground" : "Enable chat background.", + "chiliproconsole_option_enablechatbackground_desc" : "Enables a background for the text-entering box.", + "chiliproconsole_option_enableconsole" : "Enable the debug console", + "chiliproconsole_option_enableswap" : "Show backlog arrow", + "chiliproconsole_option_enableswap_desc" : "Enable the button to swap between chat and backlog chat.", + "chiliproconsole_option_hideally" : "Hide Ally Chat", + "chiliproconsole_option_hidechat" : "Hide when not chatting", + "chiliproconsole_option_hidechat_desc" : "Hide the chat completely when not entering chat.", + "chiliproconsole_option_hidelabel" : "Hide Labels", + "chiliproconsole_option_hidelog" : "Hide Engine Logging Messages", + "chiliproconsole_option_hidepoint" : "Hide Points", + "chiliproconsole_option_hidespec" : "Hide Spectator Chat", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_all_private" : "Highlight all private messages", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_filter" : "Highlight filter", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_filter_allies" : "Check allies messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_filter_enemies" : "Check enemy messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_filter_other" : "Check other messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_filter_specs" : "Check spec messages for highlight", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_sound" : "Sound for highlighted messages", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlight_surround" : "Surround highlighted messages", + "chiliproconsole_option_highlighted_text_height" : "Highlighted Text Size", + "chiliproconsole_option_max_lines" : "Maximum Lines (20-100)", + "chiliproconsole_option_mousewheel" : "Scroll with mousewheel", + "chiliproconsole_option_mousewheelbacklog" : "Mousewheel Backlog", + "chiliproconsole_option_mousewheelbacklog_desc" : "Scroll the backlog chat with the mousewheel.", + "chiliproconsole_option_pointbuttonopacity" : "Point button opacity", + "chiliproconsole_option_send_lobby_updates" : "Display lobby chat and updates", + "chiliproconsole_option_sound_for_lobby" : "Play sound for lobby updates", + "chiliproconsole_option_text_height_chat" : "Chat Text Size", + "chiliproconsole_option_text_height_console" : "Log Text Size", + "chiliproconsole_option_togglebacklog" : "Toggle backlog", + "chiliproconsole_option_togglebacklog_desc" : "The toggle backlog button is here to let you hotkey this action.", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_defaultenergyreserve" : "Initial Energy Reserve", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_defaultmetalreserve" : "Initial Metal Reserve", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_eexcessflashalways" : "Always Flash On Energy Excess", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_enablereservebar" : "Enable Reserve", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_energyflash" : "Energy Stall Flash", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_onlyshowexpense" : "Only Show Expense", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chiliresourcebarsclassic_option_workerusage" : "Show Worker Usage", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_allowclickthrough" : "Allow clicking through", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_allowclickthrough_desc" : "Mouse clicks through empty parts of the panel act on whatever is underneath.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_ctrlfilter" : "Ctrl Selection Filtering", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_ctrlfilter_desc" : "Hold Ctrl and click on some units. These units will be selected when Ctrl is released.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_groupbehaviour" : "Unit Grouping Behaviour", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_independant_world_tooltip_delay" : "Unit and Feature tooltip delay (0 - 4s)", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_jumpreloadbar_desc" : "Show reload progress for jumpjets (only for ungrouped unit selection)", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_leftpadding" : "Left Padding", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_manualweaponreloadbar_desc" : "Show reload progress for weapon that use manual trigger (only for ungrouped unit selection)", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_selection_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_show_for_units" : "Show Tooltip for Units", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_show_for_units_desc" : "Show the tooltip for units.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_show_for_unreclaimable" : "Show Tooltip for Unreclaimables", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_show_for_unreclaimable_desc" : "Show the tooltip for unreclaimable features.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_show_for_wreckage" : "Show Tooltip for Wreckage", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_show_for_wreckage_desc" : "Show the tooltip for wreckage and map features.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_showdrawtools" : "Show Drawing Tools When Drawing", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_showdrawtooltip" : "Show Map-drawing Tooltip", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_showdrawtooltip_desc" : "Show map-drawing tooltip when holding down the tilde (~).", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_showgroupinfo" : "Show Group Info", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_showterratooltip" : "Show Terraform Tooltip", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_showterratooltip_desc" : "Show terraform tooltip when performing terraform commands.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_tooltip_delay" : "Tooltip display delay (0 - 4s)", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_tooltip_delay_desc" : "Determines how long you can leave the mouse idle until the tooltip is displayed.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_tooltip_opacity" : "Opacity", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_tooltipthroughpanels" : "Allow hovering through", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_tooltipthroughpanels_desc" : "Show tooltips for units behind empty interface panels.", + "chiliselectionscursortip_option_uniticon_size" : "Icon size on selection list", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_automation_clanmerge" : "Auto clan merge", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_automation_clanmerge_desc" : "Automatically merge with clan members.", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_enablenumwhr" : "Show player rating", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_enablenumwhr_desc" : "Shows the WHR current rating of each player after their name. Uses the rating category of the current game mode (Casual or MM).", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_fixhotkeys" : "Fix hotkeys on start", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_fixhotkeys_desc" : "Fixes old hotkey issues once and then disables.", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_sharemenu" : "Show Player List", + "chilisharemenuv124_option_sharemenu_desc" : "Hold this button to bring up the Player List.", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_clannamelengthcutoff" : "Max Clan Name Length", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_colourblind" : "Colourblind mode", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_enableeconomypanels" : "Enable Economy Panels", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_enableplayerpanel" : "Enable Player Panel", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_enablespectator" : "Enable as Spectator", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_fancyskinning" : "Fancy Skinning", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_flowasarrows" : "Flow as arrows", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_flowasarrows_desc" : "Use arrows instead of a number for the flow. Each arrow is 5 resources per second.", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_lable_economypanels" : "Economy Panels", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_lable_playerpanel" : "Player Panel", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_playerfontsize" : "Font Size", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_playermainfontsize" : "Main Font Size", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_playeropacity" : "Opacity", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_resourcefontsize" : "Font Size", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_resourcemainfontsize" : "Main Font Size", + "chilispectatorpanels_option_resourceopacity" : "Opacity", + "chiliwidgetselector_option_widgetlist_2" : "Widget List", + "clippycomments_option_cartoonbubbles" : "Cartoon Bubbles", + "clippycomments_option_cartoonbubbles_desc" : "Use cartoon bubbles + font instead of a standard panel.", + "clippycomments_option_ranklimit" : "Rank Limit", + "clippycomments_option_ranklimit_desc" : "Units make comments only to newbies.", + "clippycomments_option_warnexpensiveunits" : "Warning for Expensive Units", + "clippycomments_option_warnexpensiveunits_desc" : "Units complain about expensive units made early game.", + "cloakfirestate2_option_enable_cloak_holdfire" : "Hold fire when cloaked", + "cloakfirestate2_option_enable_cloak_holdfire_desc" : "Units which cloak will hold fire so as not to reveal themselves.", + "colorblindnesscorrection_option_cbcmethod" : "Color Blindness Correction Method", + "colorblindnesscorrection_option_cbconlysim" : "Only simulate color blindness", + "colorblindnesscorrection_option_cbctype" : "Color Blindness Type", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_alt_retains_track" : "Alt retains track", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_alt_retains_track_desc" : "Trackmode will (probably) cancel when doing the type of camera rotation enabled by Alt.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_ctrl_retains_track" : "Ctrl retains track", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_ctrl_retains_track_desc" : "Trackmode will (probably) cancel when doing the type of camera rotation enabled by Ctrl.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_disablealt" : "Disable Alt", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_disablealt_desc" : "Make the camera unaffected by holding Alt.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_disablectrl" : "Disable Ctrl", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_disablectrl_desc" : "Make the camera unaffected by holding Ctrl.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_disableshift" : "Disable Shift", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_disableshift_desc" : "Make the camera unaffected by holding Shift.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_drifttocenter" : "Drift zoom target to center", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_drifttocenter_desc" : "Moves object under cursor to screen center. Only works when zooming to cursor.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_enablecycleview" : "Pan to cluster", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_enablecycleview_desc" : "If you double-tap the group numbers (1,2,3 etc.) it will move the camera position to different clusters of units within the group rather than to the average position of the entire group.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followautozoom" : "Auto zoom", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followinscrollspeed" : "On Screen Tracking Speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followinscrollspeed_desc" : "Tracking speed while cursor is on-screen. \\n\\nRecommend: Lowest (prevent jerky movement)", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followoutscrollspeed" : "Off Screen Tracking Speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followoutscrollspeed_desc" : "Tracking speed while cursor is off-screen. \\n\\nRecommend: Highest (prevent missed action)", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoominspeed" : "Zoom-in Speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoominspeed_desc" : "Zoom-in speed when cursor is on-screen. Default: 50%", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoommaxdist" : "Farthest Zoom", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoommaxdist_desc" : "The furthest zoom. Default: 2000", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoommindist" : "Closest Zoom", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoommindist_desc" : "The closest zoom. Default: 500", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoomoutspeed" : "Zoom-out Speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_followzoomoutspeed_desc" : "Zoom-out speed when cursor is at screen edge and off-screen. Default: 50%", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_fov" : "Field of View (Degrees)", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_freemode" : "FreeMode (risky)", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_freemode_desc" : "Be free. Camera movement not bound to map edge. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!\\nTips: press TAB if you get lost.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_groundrot" : "Rotate When Camera Hits Ground", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_groupselectiontaptimeout" : "Pan to cluster tap timeout", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_groupselectiontaptimeout_desc" : "How quickly do you have to double-tap group numbers to move the camera? Smaller timeout means faster tapping.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_helpwindow" : "COFCam Help", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_invertalt" : "Invert altitude", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_invertalt_desc" : "Invert the scroll wheel direction for altitude.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_invertscroll" : "Invert scrolling direction", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_inverttilt" : "Invert tilt", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_inverttilt_desc" : "Invert the tilt direction when using ctrl+mousewheel.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_invertzoom" : "Invert zoom", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_invertzoom_desc" : "Invert the scroll wheel direction for zooming.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_leftrightedge" : "Left/Right Edge Behaviour", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_middlemousebutton" : "Middle Mouse Button Behaviour", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_overridetilt" : "Override tilt", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_overridetilt_desc" : "Disable tilt, instead keeping the camera at a fixed tilt set by Tilt override value.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_overviewmode" : "Toggle map overview", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_overviewmode_desc" : "Go to overview mode, then restore view to cursor position.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_overviewset" : "Set Overview Viewpoint", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_persistenttrackmode" : "Persistent trackmode state", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_persistenttrackmode_desc" : "Trackmode will not cancel when deselecting unit. Trackmode will always attempt to track newly selected unit. Press mouse midclick to cancel this mode.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_resetcam" : "Reset Camera", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_resetcam_desc" : "Reset the camera position and orientation. Map a hotkey or use + + ", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_rotatebackfromov" : "Rotate Back From Overview", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_rotatebackfromov_desc" : "When returning from overview mode, rotate the camera to its original position (only applies when you have set an overview viewpoint).", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_rotatefactor" : "Rotation speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_rotsmoothness" : "Rotation Smoothness", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_rotsmoothness_desc" : "Controls how smoothly the camera rotates.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_scrollhelp" : "Scroll Hotkeys", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_smoothmeshscroll" : "Smooth Mesh Scrolling", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_smoothmeshscroll_desc" : "A smoother way to scroll. Applies to all types of mouse/keyboard scrolling.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_smoothness" : "Smoothness", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_smoothness_desc" : "Controls how smoothly the camera moves.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_smoothscroll" : "Smooth scrolling", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_smoothscroll_desc" : "Use smoothscroll method when mouse scrolling.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_speedfactor" : "Mouse scroll speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_speedfactor_desc" : "This speed applies to scrolling with the middle button.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_speedfactor_k" : "Keyboard/edge scroll speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_speedfactor_k_desc" : "This speed applies to edge scrolling and keyboard keys.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_speedfactor_k_mult" : "Multiply the above by 10", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_speedfactor_mult" : "Multiply the above by 10", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_targetmouse" : "Rotate world origin at cursor", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_targetmouse_desc" : "Rotate world using origin at the cursor rather than the center of screen.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_thirdpersontrack" : "Enter 3rd Person Trackmode", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_thirdpersontrack_desc" : "3rd Person track the selected unit (mouse midclick to exit mode). Press arrow key to jump to nearby units, or move mouse to edge of screen to jump to current unit selection (will exit mode if no selection).", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tiltedzoom" : "Tilt camera while zooming", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tiltedzoom_desc" : "Have the camera tilt while zooming. Camera faces ground when zoomed out, and looks out nearly parallel to ground when fully zoomed in", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tiltfactor" : "Tilt speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tiltoverride" : "Tilt override value", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tiltzoomfactor" : "Tilt amount", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tiltzoomfactor_desc" : "How tilted the camera is when fully zoomed in. 0.1 is fully tilted, 2.0 is not tilted.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_topbottomedge" : "Top/Bottom Edge Behaviour", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tpv_height_mult" : "Over-the-shoulder height mult", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_tpv_height_mult_desc" : "Height multiplier for looking over the shoulter.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_track_rotate_disable_dist_change" : "Track rotate fix zoom", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_track_rotate_disable_dist_change_desc" : "Disable zoom changes while track rotating.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_track_while_rotate" : "Track while rotating", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_track_while_rotate_desc" : "Trackmode works while rotating, but may cause a bug.", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_trackmode" : "Activate Trackmode", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_trackmode_desc" : "Track the selected unit (mouse midclick to exit mode)", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_zoomin" : "Zoom In", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_zoominfactor" : "Zoom-in speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_zoomout" : "Zoom Out", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_zoomoutfactor" : "Zoom-out speed", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_zoomouttocenter" : "Zoom out to center", + "combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_option_zoomouttocenter_desc" : "Center the map as you zoom out.", + "commandsfx_option_indicate_cf_v2" : "Indicate for custom formations", + "commandsfx_option_indicate_cf_v2_desc" : "Draw the command indication for commands given with custom formations.", + "commandsfx_option_lblformations" : "Formations", + "commandsfx_option_onclick" : "Indicate for clicks", + "commandsfx_option_onclick_desc" : "Draw the command indication for every click.", + "commnelostartposinfo_option_showrankicon" : "Show rank icon for everyone", + "commnelostartposinfo_option_showrankicon_desc" : "Show rank icon under player name before game start", + "contextmenu_option_shortnotation" : "Short Number Notation", + "contextmenu_option_shortnotation_desc" : "Shows short number notation for HP and other values.", + "contextmenu_option_text_hotkey" : "Global Construction Hotkeys", + "contextmenu_option_window_height" : "Window Height", + "contextmenu_option_window_height_desc" : "Set default window height.", + "contextmenu_option_window_pos_x" : "Window Default X", + "contextmenu_option_window_pos_y" : "Window Default Y", + "contextmenu_option_window_to_cursor" : "Create window under cursor", + "contextmenu_option_window_to_cursor_desc" : "Creates the window under the mouse cursor, otherwise uses the values below for position.", + "contrastadaptivesharpen_option_cas_height_scale2" : "Zoom sharpening range", + "contrastadaptivesharpen_option_cas_height_scale2_end" : "Zoom end", + "contrastadaptivesharpen_option_cas_height_scale2_start" : "Zoom start", + "contrastadaptivesharpen_option_cas_sharpness6" : "Sharpening", + "customformations_option_dotsize" : "Size of dots", + "customformations_option_drawmode_v2" : "Draw mode", + "customformations_option_ignorespreadsize" : "Merge spread group size", + "customformations_option_ignorespreadsize_desc" : "Groups of unit types of this size and smaller are merged into the largest group when spreading unit types evenly along the line.", + "customformations_option_linewidth" : "Width of lines", + "customformations_option_overrideguard" : "Override Guard on single unit", + "customformations_option_overrideguard_desc" : "When enabled, dragging a short line on a unit will give move commands rather than a guard command.", + "customformations_option_rank_gap" : "Formation rank spacing", + "customformations_option_rank_gap_desc" : "The gap between front and back formations. All units start at the same formation rank by default. Enable Formation Rank in Settings/Interface/Commands or edit Formation Rank in Settings/Unit Behaviour/Default States.", + "customformations_option_rmblineformation" : "RMB can issue line formation", + "customformations_option_rmblineformation_desc" : "When enabled you can also issue the line formation command with dragging rmb, clicking rmb without moving still cancels.", + "customformations_option_spreadtypes" : "Evenly spread unit types along lines", + "decloakrange_option_drawranges" : "Draw decloak ranges", + "decloakrange_option_label" : "Decloak Ranges", + "decloakrange_option_mergecircles" : "Draw merged cloak circles", + "decloakrange_option_mergecircles_desc" : "Merge overlapping grid circle visualisation. Does not work on older hardware and should automatically disable.", + "defaultgrouprecallfix_option_enabletimeout" : "Enable Timeout", + "defaultgrouprecallfix_option_enabletimeout_desc" : "When enabled, the key must be pressed twice in quick sucession to zoom to a control group.", + "defaultgrouprecallfix_option_lbl_group" : "Control Groups", + "defaultgrouprecallfix_option_shift_adds" : "Shift Adds To Group", + "defaultgrouprecallfix_option_shift_adds_desc" : "When enabled, hold shift and press a group hotkey to add the selected units to the group.", + "defaultgrouprecallfix_option_timeoutlength" : "Double Press Speed", + "defenserangezerok_option_allyair" : "Show Ally Air Defence", + "defenserangezerok_option_allyground" : "Show Ally Ground Defence", + "defenserangezerok_option_allynuke" : "Show Ally Nuke Defence", + "defenserangezerok_option_enemyair" : "Show Enemy Air Defence", + "defenserangezerok_option_enemyground" : "Show Enemy Ground Defence", + "defenserangezerok_option_enemynuke" : "Show Enemy Nuke Defence", + "defenserangezerok_option_enemyradar" : "Show Enemy Radar Coverage", + "defenserangezerok_option_enemyshield" : "Show Enemy Shields", + "defenserangezerok_option_specair" : "Show Air Defence as Spectator", + "defenserangezerok_option_specground" : "Show Ground Defence as Spectator", + "defenserangezerok_option_specnuke" : "Show Nuke Defence as Spectator", + "deferredrendering_option_enablebloom" : "Apply Bloom Effect (HDR Only)", + "deferredrendering_option_enablehdr" : "Use High Dynamic Range Color", + "deferredrendering_option_illumthreshold" : "Illumination Threshold", + "deferredrendering_option_maxbrightness" : "Maximum Highlight Brightness", + "depthoffieldshader_option_autofocus" : "Automatically Set Focus", + "depthoffieldshader_option_autofocusfocallength" : "Autofocus Focal Length", + "depthoffieldshader_option_autofocusinfocusmultiplier" : "Autofocus Minimum In-Focus region size", + "depthoffieldshader_option_autofocuspower" : "Autofocus Power (lower = blurrier at range)", + "depthoffieldshader_option_focusdepth" : "Focus Depth (Manual & Non-Mouse Focus)", + "depthoffieldshader_option_fstop" : "F-Stop (Manual Focus Only)", + "depthoffieldshader_option_highquality" : "High Quality", + "depthoffieldshader_option_mousefocus" : "Focus on Mouse Position", + "depthoffieldshader_option_usedof" : "Apply Depth of Field Effect", + "devcommands_option_cheat" : "Cheat", + "devcommands_option_debug" : "Debug", + "devcommands_option_debugcolvol" : "Debug Colvol", + "devcommands_option_debugpath" : "Debug Path", + "devcommands_option_destroyunit" : "Destroy Units", + "devcommands_option_destroyunit_desc" : "Destroy selected units (gentle).", + "devcommands_option_echocommand" : "Echo Given Commands", + "devcommands_option_exportallyteamcommands" : "AllyTeam Unit Export (Selected and Commands)", + "devcommands_option_godmode" : "Godmode", + "devcommands_option_luarulesreload" : "Reload LuaRules", + "devcommands_option_luauireload" : "Reload LuaUI", + "devcommands_option_missionexport" : "Mission Units Export", + "devcommands_option_missionexportcommands" : "Mission Unit Export (Commands)", + "devcommands_option_missionexportfeatures" : "Mission Feature Export", + "devcommands_option_missionexportselectedcommands" : "Mission Unit Export (Selected and Commands)", + "devcommands_option_moveunit" : "Move Unit", + "devcommands_option_moveunit_desc" : "Move selected unit to the mouse cursor.", + "devcommands_option_moveunitdelay" : "Move Unit Repeat Time", + "devcommands_option_moveunitsnap" : "Move Unit Snap", + "devcommands_option_moveunitsnap_desc" : "Move selected unit to the mouse cursor. Snaps to grid.", + "devcommands_option_nocost" : "No Cost", + "devcommands_option_printunitnames" : "Print Unit Names", + "devcommands_option_printunits" : "Print Units", + "devcommands_option_rotateunitleft" : "Rotate Unit Anticlockwise", + "devcommands_option_rotateunitright" : "Rotate Unit Clockwise", + "devcommands_option_singlestep" : "Single Step", + "devcommands_option_spectator" : "Spectator", + "devcommands_option_testunit" : "Spawn Testunit", + "displaykeys2_option_enable" : "Show input visualizer", + "displaykeys2_option_enable_desc" : "Shows pressed key combinations and mouse buttons. Useful for video tutorials.", + "displaykeys2_option_keyreleasetimeout" : "Key Release Timeout", + "displaykeys2_option_mousereleasetimeout" : "Mouse Release Timeout", + "doubleclickattackmove_option_enabled" : "Double right-click to attack-move", + "doubleclickattackmove_option_enabled_desc" : "Double right-click gives an Attack-Move order instead of Move.", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_cloakyalwaysflee" : "Cloakies always flee", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_cloakyalwaysflee_desc" : "Force cloakies & constructor to always flee from enemy when idle except if they are under hold-position state. \\n\\nNote: Unit can wander around and could put themselves in danger. Default:Off", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_consretreattimeoutoption" : "Constructor retreat auto-expire:", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_consretreattimeoutoption_desc" : "Amount in second before constructor retreat command auto-expire (is deleted), and then constructor will return to its previous area-reclaim command.\\n\\nTips: small value is better.", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_dbg_ignoreselectedcons" : "Debug: Ignore current selection", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_dbg_removeavoidancesplitsecond" : "Debug: Constructor instant retreat", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_dbg_removeavoidancesplitsecond_desc" : "Widget to issue a retreat order first before issuing an avoidance (to reduce chance of avoidance putting constructor into more danger).\\n\\nDefault:On.", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablecloaky" : "Enable for cloakies", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablecons" : "Enable for constructors", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enableground" : "Enable for ground units", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enableground_desc" : "Enable for ground units (INCLUDE Commander).\\n\\nAll ground unit will avoid enemy while being outside camera view and/or while reloading except when hold-position state is used.\\n\\nTips:\\n1) is optimized for masses of Thug or Knight.\\n2) You can use Guard to make your unit swarm the guarded unit in presence of enemy.\\nDefault:On", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablegunship" : "Enable for gunships", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablereloadavoidance" : "Jink during attack", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablereloadavoidance_desc" : "Unit with slow reload will randomly jink to random direction when attacking. NOTE: This have no benefit and bad versus fast attacker or fast weapon but have high chance of dodging versus slow ballistic weapon. Default:On", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablereturntobase" : "Find base", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_enablereturntobase_desc" : "Allow constructor to return to base when having area-reclaim or area-ressurect command, else it will return to center of the circle when retreating. \\n\\nTips: build 3 new buildings at new location to identify as base, unit will automatically select nearest base. Default:On", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_retreatavoidance" : "Retreating unit always flee", + "dynamicavoidancesystem_option_retreatavoidance_desc" : "Force retreating unit to always avoid the enemy (Note: this require the use of RETREAT functionality provided by cmd_retreat.lua widget a.k.a unit retreat widget). Default:On", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_econmultiplier" : "Economy multiplier", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_econmultiplier_desc" : "A team wins if it has this times more value than any other team.", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_enable" : "Enable economic victory announcer", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_enable_desc" : "Announces the total assets of the teams at set times. For use with a manually run economic victory condition.", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_firstcall" : "First check time", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_sayresult" : "Say results publicly (adjudicators only)", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_sayresult_desc" : "Enable to say the result of the match publicly. Only for adjudicators.", + "economicvictoryannouncer_option_secondcall" : "Second check time", + "externalvrgrid_option_mirrorheightmap" : "Mirror heightmap", + "externalvrgrid_option_mirrorheightmap_desc" : "Mirrors heightmap on the grid", + "externalvrgrid_option_northsouthtext" : "North, East, South, & West text", + "externalvrgrid_option_range" : "Range (1024-8192)", + "externalvrgrid_option_range_desc" : "How far outside the map to draw", + "externalvrgrid_option_res" : "Tile size (64-512)", + "externalvrgrid_option_res_desc" : "Sets tile size (lower = more detail)\\nStepsize is 64; recommend powers of 2", + "factoryplateplacer_option_ctrl_toggle" : "Ctrl toggles Factory/Plate", + "factoryplateplacer_option_ctrl_toggle_desc" : "When placing a factory or plate, press Ctrl to select whether a factory or construction plate is placed.", + "globalbuildcommand_option_alwaysshow" : "Always Show", + "globalbuildcommand_option_alwaysshow_desc" : "If this is enabled queued commands will always be displayed, otherwise they are only visible when \\255\\200\\200\\200shift\\255\\255\\255\\255 is held.\\n (default = false)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_autoconvertres" : "Convert Resurrect", + "globalbuildcommand_option_autorepair" : "Auto-Repair", + "globalbuildcommand_option_autorepair_desc" : "Automatically add repair jobs whenever units are damaged.\\n (Note: If this is enabled, repair jobs will only be visible when \\255\\200\\200\\200shift\\255\\255\\255\\255 is held!) \\n (default = false)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_chicken" : "Auto-Chicken", + "globalbuildcommand_option_cleanwrecks" : "Auto-Reclaim/Resurrect", + "globalbuildcommand_option_cleanwrecks_desc" : "Automatically add reclaim/res for wrecks near your base. This does not target map features and is not a replacement for area reclaim/res.\\n (default = false)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_drawicons" : "Draw Status Icons", + "globalbuildcommand_option_drawicons_desc" : "Check to draw status icons over each unit, which shows its command state.\\n (default = true)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_intellicost" : "Intelligent Cost Model", + "globalbuildcommand_option_intellicost_desc" : "Tries to optimize build order for better worker safety and faster overall construction, but makes it \\nmore difficult to control what gets built first.\\n (default = true)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_isselectionoverridesetoption" : "Global build overrides selection rank", + "globalbuildcommand_option_isselectionoverridesetoption_desc" : "Units controlled by global build command will be treated as a different selection rank.", + "globalbuildcommand_option_selectionoverriderankoption" : "Global build selection override:", + "globalbuildcommand_option_selectionoverriderankoption_desc" : "Units controlled by global build command are treated as this selection rank, if override is enabled.", + "globalbuildcommand_option_separateconstructors" : "Separate Constructors", + "globalbuildcommand_option_separateconstructors_desc" : "Replace factory inherited orders for constructors so that they can be assigned jobs immediately.\\n (default = true)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_splitarea" : "Split Area Commands", + "globalbuildcommand_option_splitarea_desc" : "Automatically capture single targets from area commands so that more workers will be assigned to those jobs.\\n (default = true)", + "globalbuildcommand_option_updaterate" : "Worker Update Rate (higher numbers are faster but more CPU intensive):", + "grabinput_option_grabinput" : "Lock Cursor to Window", + "grabinput_option_lobbydisables" : "Lobby overlay disables lock", + "grabinput_option_pausedisables2" : "Pausing disables lock", + "guardremove_option_repairguards" : "Repair in factory queues guard", + "guardremove_option_repairguards_desc" : "Prevents accidentally not assisting by right clicking on the unit in the factory instead of the factory.", + "guardremove_option_shiftremovesguard" : "Additional queue removes guard", + "guardremove_option_shiftremovesguard_desc" : "Removes non-terminating commands (guard and patrol) from command queues when additional commands are queued.", + "havenhandler_option_cancelretreat" : "Cancel Retreat", + "havenhandler_option_cancelretreat_desc" : "Set your selected units to not retreat. It might be useful to assign it a hotkey.", + "havenhandler_option_onlyshowmyzones" : "Only Show My Zones", + "havenhandler_option_onlyshowmyzones_desc" : "With this enabled you will only see your retreat zones.", + "healthbars_option_barscale" : "Bar size scale", + "healthbars_option_debugmode" : "Debug Mode", + "healthbars_option_debugmode_desc" : "Pings units with debug information", + "healthbars_option_drawbarpercentages" : "Draw percentages", + "healthbars_option_drawbarpercentages_desc" : "Shows percentages next to bars", + "healthbars_option_drawfeaturehealth" : "Draw health of features (corpses)", + "healthbars_option_drawfeaturehealth_desc" : "Shows healthbars on corpses", + "healthbars_option_featuremaxheight" : "Wreckage Bar Fade Height", + "healthbars_option_featuremaxheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, health bars will not be drawn.", + "healthbars_option_featurepercentheight" : "Wreckage Bar Percentage Height", + "healthbars_option_featurepercentheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, health bar percentages will not be drawn.", + "healthbars_option_featuretitleheight" : "Wreckage Bar Title Heightt", + "healthbars_option_featuretitleheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, health bar titles will not be drawn.", + "healthbars_option_flashjump" : "Jump reload flash", + "healthbars_option_flashjump_desc" : "Set jump reload to flash when issuing the jump command", + "healthbars_option_minreloadtime" : "Min reload time", + "healthbars_option_minreloadtime_desc" : "Min reload time (sec)", + "healthbars_option_showhealthbars" : "Show Healthbars", + "healthbars_option_unitmaxheight" : "Unit Bar Fade Height", + "healthbars_option_unitmaxheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, health bars will not be drawn.", + "healthbars_option_unitpercentheight" : "Unit Bar Percentage Height", + "healthbars_option_unitpercentheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, health bar percentages will not be drawn.", + "healthbars_option_unittitleheight" : "Unit Bar Title Heightt", + "healthbars_option_unittitleheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, health bar titles will not be drawn.", + "hideinterfaceandmousecursor_option_cursor_animated" : "Large cursor", + "hideinterfaceandmousecursor_option_hideinterfaceandcursor" : "Hide Interface", + "hideinterfaceandmousecursor_option_hideinterfaceandcursor_desc" : "Toggle to show/hide the interface and mouse cursor.", + "highlightunitgl4_option_highlightsat" : "Mouse hover highlight saturation", + "highlightunitgl4_option_highlightstrength" : "Mouse hover highlight strength", + "highlightunitgl4_option_selfhoversameasallies" : "Use ally hover cover for self", + "holdctrlduringplacementtomorph_option_enable_automorph" : "Morph buildings when placed with Ctrl", + "holdctrlduringplacementtomorph_option_enable_automorph_desc" : "If queued holding Ctrl, morphable buildings will start morphing when finished.", + "hudpresets_option_interfacepreset" : "UI Preset", + "hudpresets_option_maintaindefaultui" : "Reset on screen resolution change", + "hudpresets_option_maintaindefaultui_desc" : "Resets the UI when screen resolution changes. Disable if you plan to customise your UI.", + "hudpresets_option_minimapscreenspace" : "Minimap Size", + "hudpresets_option_settodefault" : "Set To Default Once", + "hudpresets_option_settodefault_desc" : "Resets the HUD to the default next time this widget is initialized.", + "hudpresets_option_updatenewdefaults" : "Stay up to date", + "hudpresets_option_updatenewdefaults_desc" : "Updates your UI when new defaults are released.", + "iconheight_option_iconheight" : "Icon Height", + "iconheight_option_iconheight_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, all units will be icons; if below, no units will be icons.\\n\\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\\n\\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.", + "iconheight_option_iconmodehotkey" : "Icon Mode Hotkey", + "iconheight_option_iconmodehotkey_desc" : "Define a hotkey to switch between icon display modes (On/Off/Dynamic).\\n\\nSingle-press to switch between On/Off.\\n\\nDouble-press to switch to Dynamic.", + "iconsets_option_coniconchassis" : "Show constructor chassis", + "iconsets_option_coniconchassis_desc" : "Do constructor icons show chassis? Conveys more information but reduces visibility somewhat.", + "iconsets_option_ships" : "Use standard ship icons", + "iconsets_option_ships_desc" : "Do ships use the standarized chassis-role icons instead of hull shape pictograms?", + "iconzoomtransition_option_iconmodehotkey" : "Icon Mode Hotkey", + "iconzoomtransition_option_iconmodehotkey_desc" : "Define a hotkey to switch between icon display modes (On/Off/Dynamic).\\n\\nSingle-press to switch between On/Off.\\n\\nDouble-press to switch to Dynamic.", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionbottom" : "Icon Transition Bottom", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionbottom_desc" : "If the camera is below this height, units will be models only.\\n\\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\\n\\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionmaxopacity" : "Icon Transition Max Opacity", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionmaxopacity_desc" : "Opacity of the icons when the transition begins.", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionmaxsize" : "Icon Transition Max Size", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionmaxsize_desc" : "Size of the icons when the transition begins.", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionminopacity" : "Icon Transition Min Opacity", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionminopacity_desc" : "Opacity of the icons when the transition ends.", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionminsize" : "Icon Transition Min Size", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitionminsize_desc" : "Size of the icons when the transition ends.", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitiontop" : "Icon Transition Top", + "iconzoomtransition_option_icontransitiontop_desc" : "If the camera is above this height, units will be icons only.\\n\\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\\n\\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_concept_cloak" : "Cloak", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_concept_radar" : "Radar", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_concept_wreckage" : "Wreckage", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_damage_disarm" : "Disarm", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_damage_emp" : "EMP", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_damage_fire" : "Fire", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_damage_slow" : "Slow", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_roles_raider" : "Raider", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_roles_riot" : "Riot", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_roles_skirm" : "Skirmisher", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_ferryroutes" : "Ferry routes", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_firestates" : "Fire States", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_labels" : "Labels", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_movestates" : "Move States", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_priority" : "Priority", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_repeat" : "Repeat", + "ingameguide_option_ingameguide_ui_retreat" : "Retreat", + "inspectcommands_option_enableonselection" : "Set units", + "inspectcommands_option_enableonselection_desc" : "Sets the selected units to command inspection mode", + "keeptarget_option_keeptarget" : "Prioritise overridden attack target", + "keeptarget_option_keeptarget_desc" : "Cancelling an attack command by issuing a movement command continues prioritising the target of the previous attack command.", + "keeptarget_option_keeptargetbombers" : "Prioritise overridden attack for bombers", + "keeptarget_option_removetarget" : "Stop clears target", + "keeptarget_option_removetarget_desc" : "Target prioritisation is reset by Stop, Fight, Guard, Patrol and Attack commands.", + "lassoterraformgui_option_catlabel" : "Build Height", + "lassoterraformgui_option_label_preset" : "Terraform Preset Hotkeys", + "lassoterraformgui_option_staticmousethreshold" : "Mouse drag threshold", + "lassoterraformgui_option_staticmousethreshold_desc" : "Dragging the mouse more than this many pixels to start registering as a mouse movement.", + "lassoterraformgui_option_staticmousetime" : "Structure Terraform Press Time", + "lassoterraformgui_option_structure_altselect" : "Terraform by selecting with Alt", + "lassoterraformgui_option_structure_altselect_desc" : "When enabled, holding Alt while selecting a build option (either on the command card or with a hotkey) will cause height selection mode when the structure is placed.", + "lassoterraformgui_option_structure_holdmouse" : "Terraform by holding mouse click", + "lassoterraformgui_option_structure_holdmouse_desc" : "When enabled, holding down the left mouse button while placing a structure will enter height selection mode.", + "lassoterraformgui_option_text_hotkey_level" : "Level Presets", + "lassoterraformgui_option_text_hotkey_raise" : "Raise Presets", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_checkrange" : "Check Range", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_checkrange_desc" : "Do not draw highlight for Lobsters that out of range of the cursor.", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_checkreloadtime" : "Check Reload Time", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_checkreloadtime_desc" : "Do not draw highlight for Lobsters that are reloading.", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_draweffectcircle" : "Show effect circle", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_draweffectcircle_desc" : "Draws a circle around Lobsters showing their effect range.", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_drawfor" : "Draw highlight for", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_edgerange" : "Nearby detection range", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_highlightstrength" : "Highlight strength", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_usehightlight" : "Default visualisation", + "lobsterunitshighlighter_option_usehightlight_desc" : "Highlight units which will be lobbed. When disabled, circles are drawn below units that show more information.", + "localteamcolors_option_colorsetting" : "Team Color Mode", + "localteamcolors_option_matchcolors" : "Sync Colors With Team", + "localteamcolors_option_simpleenemyallyteam" : "Colour Enemies By Team", + "mapedgebarrier_option_drawforislands" : "Draw for islands", + "mapedgebarrier_option_drawforislands_desc" : "Draws boundary wall when map is an island", + "mapedgebarrier_option_northsouthtext" : "North, East, South, & West text", + "mapedgebarrier_option_wallfromoutside" : "Visible walls from outside", + "mapedgeextension_option_curvature2" : "Curvature Effect", + "mapedgeextension_option_curvature2_desc" : "Add a curvature to the extension.", + "mapedgeextension_option_drawforislands" : "Draw for islands", + "mapedgeextension_option_drawforislands_desc" : "Draws mirror map when map is an island", + "mapedgeextension_option_fogeffect" : "Edge Fog Effect", + "mapedgeextension_option_fogeffect_desc" : "Blurs the edges of the map slightly to distinguish it from the extension.", + "mapedgeextension_option_gridsizeexp" : "Heightmap resolution (2^n)", + "mapedgeextension_option_gridtexturesizeexp" : "Grid tile size (2^n)", + "mapedgeextension_option_gridtexturesizeexp_desc" : "Cannot be less than heightmap resolution", + "mapedgeextension_option_mapborderstyle" : "Exterior Effect", + "mapedgeextension_option_texturebrightness3" : "Texture Brightness", + "mapedgeextension_option_texturebrightness3_desc" : "Sets the brightness of the realistic texture (doesn't affect the grid)", + "mapedgeextension_option_useshader" : "Use shader", + "mapedgeextension_option_useshader_desc" : "Use a shader when mirroring the map", + "metalfeaturesgl3old_option_minmetal" : "Minimum Reclaim To Highlight", + "metalfeaturesgl3old_option_minmetal_desc" : "Metal below this amount will not be highlighted", + "metalfeaturesgl3old_option_pregamehighlight" : "Show Reclaim Before Round Start", + "metalfeaturesgl3old_option_pregamehighlight_desc" : "Enabled: Show reclaimable metal features before game begins \\n Disabled: No highlights before game begins", + "metalfeaturesgl3old_option_showhighlight" : "Show Reclaim", + "metalfeaturesgl3old_option_showhighlight_desc" : "When to highlight reclaimable features", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_disablewithui" : "Disable with hidden UI", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_disablewithui_desc" : "Toggles outlines with Ctrl+F5.", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_minmetal" : "Minimum Reclaim To Highlight", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_minmetal_desc" : "Metal below this amount will not be highlighted", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_pregamehighlight" : "Show Reclaim Before Round Start", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_pregamehighlight_desc" : "Enabled: Show reclaimable metal features before game begins \\n Disabled: No highlights before game begins", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_showhighlight" : "Show Reclaim", + "metalfeaturesgl4_option_showhighlight_desc" : "When to highlight reclaimable features", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_intensity" : "Highlighted Reclaim Brightness", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_intensity_desc" : "Increase or decrease visibility of effect", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_minmetal" : "Minimum Reclaim To Highlight", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_minmetal_desc" : "Metal below this amount will not be highlighted", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_pregamehighlight" : "Show Reclaim Before Round Start", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_pregamehighlight_desc" : "Enabled: Show reclaimable metal features before game begins \\n Disabled: No highlights before game begins", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_showhighlight" : "Show Reclaim", + "metalfeaturesveryold_option_showhighlight_desc" : "When to highlight reclaimable features", + "mexplacementhandler_option_area_point_command" : "Point click queues mex", + "mexplacementhandler_option_area_point_command_desc" : "Clicking on the map with Area Mex or Area Terra Mex snaps to the nearest spot, like placing a mex.", + "mexplacementhandler_option_burry_deep" : "Deep burry depth", + "mexplacementhandler_option_burry_deep_desc" : "How deep should a deeper burried mex (hold Alt+Ctrl) be?", + "mexplacementhandler_option_burry_shallow" : "Shallow burry depth", + "mexplacementhandler_option_burry_shallow_desc" : "How deep should a burried mex (hold Alt) be?", + "mexplacementhandler_option_catlabel" : "Area Mex", + "mexplacementhandler_option_catlabel_terra" : "Area Terra Mex (Alt+W by default)", + "mexplacementhandler_option_drawicons" : "Show Income as Icon", + "mexplacementhandler_option_drawicons_desc" : "Enabled: income is shown pictorially.\\nDisabled: income is shown as a number.", + "mexplacementhandler_option_rounding" : "Display decimal digits", + "mexplacementhandler_option_rounding_desc" : "How precise should the number be?\\nNo effect on icons.", + "mexplacementhandler_option_size" : "Income Display Size", + "mexplacementhandler_option_size_desc" : "How large should the font or icon be?", + "mexplacementhandler_option_wall_high" : "High Wall height", + "mexplacementhandler_option_wall_high_desc" : "How high should a tall terraformed wall (hold Ctrl) be?", + "mexplacementhandler_option_wall_low" : "Low Wall height", + "mexplacementhandler_option_wall_low_desc" : "How high should a default terraformed wall be?", + "miscdefaultcommandreplacements_option_guard_cons" : "Right click guards constructors", + "miscdefaultcommandreplacements_option_guard_cons_desc" : "If enabled, rightclicking a constructor will always Guard it.\\nIf disabled, the command can be Repair.", + "miscdefaultcommandreplacements_option_guard_facs" : "Right click guards factories", + "miscdefaultcommandreplacements_option_guard_facs_desc" : "If enabled, rightclicking a factory will always Guard it.\\nIf disabled, the command can be Repair.", + "miscdefaultcommandreplacements_option_set_target_instead_of_attack" : "Right click sets target instead of attacking", + "miscdefaultcommandreplacements_option_set_target_instead_of_attack_desc" : "If enabled, rightclicking an enemy will give the Set Target command.\\nIf disabled, the command is Attack.", + "missileimpactpoints_option_alpha" : "Line opacity", + "missileimpactpoints_option_thickness" : "Line thickness", + "missilesilorange_option_missile_silo_advanced" : "Advanced Missile Silo ranges", + "missilesilorange_option_missile_silo_advanced_desc" : "When placing a Missile Silo, show at what range the missiles will fall vertically, ie. are unblockable by terrain geometry and walls. Also, show how far away from the nominal range you can reach through AoE.", + "musicplayer_option_albumselection" : "Track list", + "musicplayer_option_pausemusic" : "Pause Music", + "musicplayer_option_pausemusic_desc" : "Music pauses with game", + "musicplayer_option_useincludedtracks" : "Use Included Tracks", + "musicplayer_option_useincludedtracks_desc" : "Use the tracks included with Zero-K", + "newsticker_option_backgroundopacity" : "Background opacity", + "newsticker_option_hidebar" : "Hide Bar", + "newsticker_option_hidebar_desc" : "Hides the visible bar", + "newsticker_option_mincostmult" : "Minimum cost mult (1-20)", + "newsticker_option_mincostmult_desc" : "Multiplies metal income for minimum cost of newsworthy units", + "newsticker_option_usesounds" : "Use Sounds", + "newsticker_option_usesounds_desc" : "Voice announcements for events.", + "newtonfirezone_option_alwaysdrawzones" : "Always draw firezones", + "newtonfirezone_option_alwaysdrawzones_desc" : "Enable to always draw Newton firezones. Otherwise they are only drawn on selection.", + "newtonfirezone_option_jumponprediction" : "Jump on prediction", + "newtonfirezone_option_jumponprediction_desc" : "Enable to have jumpjet units jump to the predicted land location.", + "newtonfirezone_option_lbl_newton" : "Newton Launchers", + "newtonfirezone_option_lbl_transports" : "Transports", + "newtonfirezone_option_predictdrop" : "Predict transport drop location for", + "newtonfirezone_option_predictnewton" : "Predict impact location for", + "newtonfirezone_option_transportspeed" : "Drop prediction speed threshold", + "newtonfirezone_option_transportspeed_desc" : "Draw prediction for transports above this speed.", + "night_option_bases" : "Searchlight Bases", + "night_option_beam" : "Searchlight Beams", + "night_option_beam_desc" : "Display searchlight beams", + "night_option_coloredunits" : "Bright Units", + "night_option_coloredunits_desc" : "Bright units even at night", + "night_option_cycle" : "Day/night cycle", + "night_option_cycle_desc" : "Enable day/night cycle", + "night_option_night" : "Night View", + "night_option_night_desc" : "Turns night widget on/off.", + "night_option_secperday" : "Game Minute Per Day", + "night_option_time" : "Time of day", + "night_option_time_desc" : "Starting Time of day.\\n <--Midnight, Noon-->", + "noises_option_attacknoisevolume" : "Commander Under Attack Volume", + "noises_option_commandsoundcooldown" : "Command Reply Cooldown", + "noises_option_ordernoisevolume" : "Command Volume", + "noises_option_selectnoisevolume" : "Selection Volume", + "noises_option_selectsoundcooldown" : "Select Reply Cooldown", + "outlinenoshader_option_functionscalewithheight" : "Subtle Scale With Distance", + "outlinenoshader_option_functionscalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.", + "outlinenoshader_option_lowqualityoutlines" : "Low Quality Outlines", + "outlinenoshader_option_lowqualityoutlines_desc" : "Reduces outline accuracy to improve perfomance, only recommended for low-end machines", + "outlinenoshader_option_scalerange" : "Zoom Scale Minimum", + "outlinenoshader_option_scalerange_desc" : "Minimum outline thickness muliplier when zoomed out.", + "outlinenoshader_option_scalewithheight" : "Scale With Distance", + "outlinenoshader_option_scalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.", + "outlinenoshader_option_thickness" : "Outline Thickness", + "outlinenoshader_option_thickness_desc" : "How thick the outline appears around objects", + "outlineshadergl3_option_functionscalewithheight" : "Subtle Scale With Distance", + "outlineshadergl3_option_functionscalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.", + "outlineshadergl3_option_scalerange" : "Zoom Scale Minimum", + "outlineshadergl3_option_scalerange_desc" : "Minimum outline thickness muliplier when zoomed out.", + "outlineshadergl3_option_scalewithheight" : "Scale With Distance", + "outlineshadergl3_option_scalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.", + "outlineshadergl3_option_thickness" : "Outline Thickness", + "outlineshadergl3_option_thickness_desc" : "How thick the outline appears around objects", + "outlineshadergl4_option_disablewithui" : "Disable with hidden UI", + "outlineshadergl4_option_disablewithui_desc" : "Toggles outlines with Ctrl+F5.", + "outlineshadergl4_option_functionscalewithheight" : "Subtle Scale With Distance", + "outlineshadergl4_option_functionscalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.", + "outlineshadergl4_option_overridedrawbox" : "Override draw box", + "outlineshadergl4_option_overridedrawbox_desc" : "Debug enabling below.", + "outlineshadergl4_option_overridedrawbox_x" : "Override X", + "outlineshadergl4_option_overridedrawbox_y" : "Override Y", + "outlineshadergl4_option_overridedrawbox_yoff" : "Override Y Offset", + "outlineshadergl4_option_scalerange" : "Zoom Scale Minimum", + "outlineshadergl4_option_scalerange_desc" : "Minimum outline thickness muliplier when zoomed out.", + "outlineshadergl4_option_scalewithheight" : "Scale With Distance", + "outlineshadergl4_option_scalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.", + "outlineshadergl4_option_thickness" : "Outline Thickness", + "outlineshadergl4_option_thickness_desc" : "How thick the outline appears around objects", + "outlineshaderold_option_drawunderceg" : "Draw through effects", + "outlineshaderold_option_drawunderceg_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.", + "outlineshaderold_option_functionscalewithheight" : "Subtle Scale With Distance", + "outlineshaderold_option_functionscalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.", + "outlineshaderold_option_scalewithheight" : "Scale With Distance", + "outlineshaderold_option_scalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.", + "outlineshaderold_option_thickness" : "Outline Thickness", + "outlineshaderold_option_thickness_desc" : "How thick the outline appears around objects", + "outlineshaderv3_option_functionscalewithheight" : "Scale With Distance", + "outlineshaderv3_option_functionscalewithheight_desc" : "Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out", + "outlineshaderv3_option_thickness" : "Outline Thickness", + "outlineshaderv3_option_thickness_desc" : "How thick the outline appears around objects (the thicker - the more expensive)", + "pausescreen_option_autofade" : "Pause Screen automatically fade out", + "pausescreen_option_autofade_desc" : "Automatically fade to background without needing to click it.", + "pausescreen_option_disablesound" : "Disable Voice", + "pausescreen_option_disablesound_desc" : "Remember to not play voice-over for pausing anymore.", + "pausescreen_option_hideimage" : "Disable Pause Screen", + "pausescreen_option_nopicture" : "Disable Logo", + "pausescreen_option_nopicture_desc" : "Only display pause text.", + "persistentbuildheight_option_altmousetosetheight" : "Alt mouse wheel to set height", + "persistentbuildheight_option_entersetheightwithb" : "Toggle set height", + "persistentbuildheight_option_hotkey_lower" : "Lower Structure Terraform", + "persistentbuildheight_option_hotkey_lower_desc" : "Decrease the height of structure terraform. Also possible with Alt + Scrollwheel.", + "persistentbuildheight_option_hotkey_raise" : "Raise Structure Terraform", + "persistentbuildheight_option_hotkey_raise_desc" : "Increase the height of structure terraform. Also possible with Alt + Scrollwheel.", + "persistentbuildheight_option_hotkey_toggle" : "Toggle Structure Terraform", + "persistentbuildheight_option_hotkey_toggle_desc" : "Press during structure placement to make a strucutre on a spire or a hold. Alt + MMB also toggles this mode.", + "persistentbuildheight_option_label_structure" : "Terraform Structure Placement", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_dec" : "Decrease Build Spacing", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_dec_desc" : "Decrease the spacing between structures queued in a line or rectangle. Hold Shift to queue a line of structures. Add Alt to queue a rectangle. Add Ctrl to queue a hollow rectangle.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_facing_dec" : "Rotate Clockwise", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_facing_dec_desc" : "Rotate the structure placement blueprint clockwise.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_facing_inc" : "Rotate Counterclockwise", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_facing_inc_desc" : "Rotate the structure placement blueprint counterclockwise.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_inc" : "Increase Build Spacing", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_hotkey_inc_desc" : "Increase the spacing between structures queued in a line or rectangle. Hold Shift to queue a line of structures. Add Alt to queue a rectangle. Add Ctrl to queue a hollow rectangle.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_rects_bad_color" : "..with bad colors for bad placements,", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_rects_bad_color_desc" : "Reddish color if it cannot be placed", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_rects_follow_ground" : "..following the ground height,", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_rects_follow_ground_desc" : "..unless, of course, if it should float !", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_reverse_wheel" : "..reversed.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_only_2_rects" : "..of only two rectangles, ", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_only_2_rects_desc" : "If 8 rectangles bug you too much, only show 2 horizontal rectangles", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_rects_only_on_change" : "..only on spacing change, ", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_spacing_rects" : "Visualise spacing", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_spacing_rects_desc" : "Briefly show spaced rectangles in all directions around the cursor", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_spacing_value" : "Show spacing value", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_spacing_value_desc" : "Briefly show separation value", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_time_rects" : "... for this many seconds.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_time_value" : "... for this many seconds.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_show_value_only_on_change" : "..only on spacing change, ", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_spacing_label" : "Build Spacing", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_stick_to_wrong_grid" : "..according to the placement grid,", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_stick_to_wrong_grid_desc" : "In case of building moving units, the placement grid is misleading, uncheck this is you want to see the rectangles following where the placements will really occur.", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_text_hotkey" : "Structure Placement Modifiers", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_wheel_spacing" : "Change with Shift + MouseWheel", + "persistentbuildspacing_option_wheel_spacing_desc" : "Change the spacing Shift down and the MouseWheel", "playernametags_option_onlycomms" : "Only tag Commanders", "playernametags_option_onlycomms_desc" : "Name tags will only be shown on Commanders", + "projectilelights_option_light_brightness" : "Light Brightness", + "projectilelights_option_light_color" : "Light Color", + "projectilelights_option_light_override" : "Override Parameters", + "projectilelights_option_light_override_desc" : "Override lights with the following parameters.", + "projectilelights_option_light_projectile_enable" : "Enable Projectile Lights", + "projectilelights_option_light_radius" : "Light Radius", + "projectilelights_option_light_reload" : "Reload", + "projectilelights_option_light_reload_desc" : "Reload settings from the next projectile fired.", + "projectilelights_option_light_strength_mult" : "Strength Multiplier", + "projectilelights_option_projectilefade" : "Fade Projectiles", + "projectilelights_option_projectilefade_desc" : "Projectile lights smoothly fade out after the projectile disappears.", + "projectilelights_option_uselod" : "Use LOD", + "projectilelights_option_uselod_desc" : "Reduces the number of lights drawn based on camera distance and current fps.", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_flashstrength" : "Field flashing strength", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_flashstrength_desc" : "How intensely the reclaim fields should pulse over time", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_fontscaling" : "Font scaling factor", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_fontscaling_desc" : "How quickly the font size of the metal value display should grow with the size of the field", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_fontsizemax" : "Maximum font size", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_fontsizemax_desc" : "The largest font size to use for the largest reclaim fields", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_fontsizemin" : "Minimum font size", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_fontsizemin_desc" : "The smallest font size to use for the smallest reclaim fields", + "reclaimfieldhighlight_option_showhighlight" : "Show Field Summary", + "replacecloakconorders_option_reclaim" : "Replace Reclaim", + "replacecloakconorders_option_repair" : "Replace Repair", + "replacecloakconorders_option_resurrect" : "Replace Resurrect", "replaycontrolbuttons_option_visibleprogress" : "Progress Bar", - "replaycontrolbuttons_option_visibleprogress_desc" : "Show progress bar for the replay" + "replaycontrolbuttons_option_visibleprogress_desc" : "Show progress bar for the replay", + "savegamemenu_option_autosavefrequency" : "Autosave Frequency (minutes)", + "savegamemenu_option_enableautosave" : "Enable Autosave", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_ally_strength" : "Ally Selection Strength", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_ally_strength_desc" : "Opacity multiplier for ally selections when playing", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_drawdepthcheck" : "Draw Selections in Unit Plane", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_drawdepthcheck_desc" : "If disabled, selections are only drawn below units and never above - even for planes. This can cause the selection to be invisible. On the other hand, disabling this can increase performance.", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_linewidth" : "Outline Width", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_outlineopacity" : "Outline Opacity", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_outlineopacity_desc" : "Opacity of the selection outline - 1 is solid", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_platteropacity" : "Fill Opacity", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_platteropacity_desc" : "Opacity of the selection fill - 0 is invisble", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_selectioncolor" : "Other Selections (allies and spectating)", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_selectionheight" : "Selection Height", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_selectionheight_desc" : "How much to float the selection above the unit baseline - a value of 0 is more likely to be clipped by units", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_spec_strength" : "Player Selection Strength (as spectator)", + "selectedunitsgl4_option_spec_strength_desc" : "Opacity multiplier for player selections while spectating", + "selectionblurryhalo2_option_blur" : "Outline Blurriness", + "selectionblurryhalo2_option_blur_desc" : "How smooth the outlines appear", + "selectionblurryhalo2_option_showally" : "Show Ally Selections", + "selectionblurryhalo2_option_showally_desc" : "Highlight the units your allies currently have selected.", + "selectionblurryhalo2_option_thickness" : "Outline Thickness", + "selectionblurryhalo2_option_thickness_desc" : "How thick the outline appears around objects", + "selectionhierarchy_option_altblockshighrankselection" : "Hold Alt to filter out ranks above:", + "selectionhierarchy_option_altblockshighrankselection_desc" : "Useful for selecting low-rank units, such as constructors as they default to rank 2.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_controlgroupflattenrank" : "Control groups ignore rank difference above:", + "selectionhierarchy_option_controlgroupflattenrank_desc" : "Allows selecting entire control groups of differing selection rank.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_ctrlflattenrankoption" : "Hold Ctrl to ignore rank difference above:", + "selectionhierarchy_option_ctrlflattenrankoption_desc" : "Useful so that global selection hotkeys (such as Ctrl+Z) can expand upon a mixed selection.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_doubleclickflattenrankoption" : "Double click ignores rank difference above:", + "selectionhierarchy_option_doubleclickflattenrankoption_desc" : "Allows for double click selection of many units of the same type and differing selection rank.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_label_selection_rank" : "Selection Rank Filtering", + "selectionhierarchy_option_retreatdeselects" : "Retreat deselects", + "selectionhierarchy_option_retreatdeselects_desc" : "Whether a unit that starts retreating will be deselected, so as not to keep accidentally bringing units back into danger.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_retreatingrankoption" : "Retreat selection override:", + "selectionhierarchy_option_retreatingrankoption_desc" : "Retreating units are treated as this selection rank, if override is enabled.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_retreatoverrideoption" : "Retreat overrides selection rank", + "selectionhierarchy_option_retreatoverrideoption_desc" : "Retreating units will be treated as a different selection rank.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_selectionfilteringonlyaltoption" : "Only filter when Alt is held", + "selectionhierarchy_option_selectionfilteringonlyaltoption_desc" : "Enable selection filtering when Alt is held. Requires the main selection filtering option to be enabled.", + "selectionhierarchy_option_useselectionfilteringoption" : "Enable selection filtering", + "selectionhierarchy_option_useselectionfilteringoption_desc" : "Enables selection rank, which filters constructors from combat units by default.", + "selectionmodkeys_option_enable" : "New left click selection modifiers", + "selectionmodkeys_option_enable_desc" : "Implements new modifiers for left clicking on units. There is essentially no reason to disable this.", + "selectionmodkeys_option_leeway_distance" : "Selection leeway distance (pixels)", + "selectionmodkeys_option_leeway_distance_desc" : "If the mouse is clicked and released within the leeway time, and moves less than the leeway distance, then the unit clicked on will be selected.", + "selectionmodkeys_option_leeway_time" : "Selection leeway time (seconds)", + "selectionmodkeys_option_leeway_time_desc" : "If the mouse is clicked and released within the leeway time, and moves less than the leeway distance, then the unit clicked on will be selected.", + "showallcommands_option_includeallies" : "Include ally selections", + "showallcommands_option_includealliesunits" : "Include ally units", + "showallcommands_option_includealliesunits_desc" : "When showing commands, show them for both your own and your allies units.", + "showallcommands_option_includeneutral" : "Include Neutral Units", + "showallcommands_option_includeneutral_desc" : "Toggle whether to show commands for neutral units (relevant while spectating).", + "showallcommands_option_lbl_filters" : "Filters", + "showallcommands_option_showallcommandselection" : "Commands are drawn for", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_always_show_mexes" : "Always show Mexes", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_always_show_mexes_desc" : "Show metal extractors even when the full economy overlay is not enabled.", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_drawqueued" : "Draw grid in queue", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_drawqueued_desc" : "Shows the grid of not-yet constructed buildings in the queue of a selected constructor. Activates only when placing grid structures.", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_mergecircles" : "Draw merged grid circles", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_mergecircles_desc" : "Merge overlapping grid circle visualisation. Does not work on older hardware and should automatically disable.", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_start_with_showeco" : "Start with economy overlay", + "showecoandgriddrawer_option_start_with_showeco_desc" : "Game starts with Economy Overlay enabled", + "showselectedunitrange_option_showselectedunitrange" : "Show selected unit(s) range(s)", + "smokesignals_option_enable" : "Smoke signal markers", + "smokesignals_option_enable_desc" : "Labels are additionally marked by a smoke signal flare.", + "smoothcam_option_camspeed" : "Camera Smoothness", + "smoothcam_option_tiltzoom" : "Tilt Zoom", + "smoothscroll_option_smooth_mmb_scroll" : "MMB scrolls instead of dragging", + "spectateselectedteam_option_follownextplayer" : "Select Next Player", + "spectateselectedteam_option_follownextplayer_desc" : "Quickly select next player. Hotkey this button.", + "spectateselectedteam_option_specviewselection" : "View and Selection Restriction", + "spotter_option_showenemycircle" : "Show Circle Around Enemies", + "spotter_option_showenemycircle_desc" : "Show a hard circle rround enemy units", + "ssao2_option_quality_preset" : "Quality", + "ssao2_option_radius" : "Radius", + "ssao2_option_strength" : "Strength", + "startupinfoandselector_option_camerazoom" : "Zoom camera to start position", + "startupinfoandselector_option_camerazoomdistance" : "Start position zoom distance", + "startupinfoandselector_option_camerazoomdistance_desc" : "Distance that the start position zoom zooms the camera to.", + "stateicons_option_showarmorstate" : "Armor state visibility", + "stateicons_option_showarmorstate_desc" : "When to show an icon for armored units.", + "stateicons_option_showmiscpriorityonshift" : "Show misc priorty on shift", + "stateicons_option_showmiscpriorityonshift_desc" : "When holding shift, an icon appears over unit with low or high misc priority (morph or stockpile).", + "stateicons_option_showpriority" : "Priority state visibility", + "stateicons_option_showpriority_desc" : "When to show an icon for prioritized units.", + "stateicons_option_showstateonshift" : "Show move/fire states on shift", + "stateicons_option_showstateonshift_desc" : "When holding shift, icons appear over units indicating move state and fire state.", + "stereo3d_option_camera" : "Camera Type", + "stereo3d_option_conv" : "Convergence", + "stereo3d_option_conv_desc" : "How crosseyed you are.", + "stereo3d_option_helpwindow" : "Stereo3D Help", + "stereo3d_option_hidecursor" : "Hide Cursor", + "stereo3d_option_lasersight" : "Laser Sight", + "stereo3d_option_lasersight_desc" : "Enable Laser sight for cursor.", + "stereo3d_option_lblsettings" : "Settings", + "stereo3d_option_s3dmode" : "3D Modes", + "stereo3d_option_sep" : "Separation", + "stereo3d_option_sep_desc" : "How far apart your eyes are.", + "stereo3d_option_swapeyes" : "Swap Eyes", + "stereo3d_option_toggle3d" : "Enable Stereo 3D", + "stereo3d_option_toggle3d_desc" : "Turn Stereo3D vision on or off.", + "suddendeath_option_color" : "Sudden death color", + "suddendeath_option_mid_color" : "Middle ring color", + "suddendeath_option_thickness" : "Line thickness", + "teamhighlightoption_option_enable_th" : "Lagging players flash", + "teamhighlightoption_option_enable_th_desc" : "When enabled, the units of lagging players will flash (with increasing intensity as their latency increases).", + "teamplatter_option_extraradius" : "Platter size", + "teamplatter_option_fillopacity" : "Fill opacity", + "teamplatter_option_outlineopacity" : "Outline opacity (0 boosts performance)", + "texttospeechcontrol_option_tts_vol" : "Text-to-speech volume", + "texttospeechcontrol_option_tts_vol_desc" : "TTS reads the ally chat.", + "transportai_option_ignorebuilders" : "Ignore Constructors From Factory", + "transportai_option_ignorebuilders_desc" : "Enable to not transport newly completed constructors.", + "transportai_option_lingeronconstructortransport" : "Linger on Constructor Transport", + "transportai_option_lingeronconstructortransport_desc" : "Enable to make transports sit next to constructors after transporting them.", + "transportai_option_minimumtransportbenefit" : "Factory transport benefit threshold (s)", + "transportai_option_transportfromfactory" : "Transport From Factory", + "transportai_option_transportfromfactory_desc" : "When enabled newly completed units will be transported to the waypoint of their parent factory.", + "uniticons_option_forradaricons" : "Draw on Icons", + "uniticons_option_forradaricons_desc" : "Draws state icons when zoomed out.", + "uniticons_option_iconsize" : "Hovering Icon Size", + "unitmarkerzerok_option_disableall" : "Disable All", + "unitmarkerzerok_option_disableall_desc" : "Mark nothing.", + "unitmarkerzerok_option_enableall" : "Enable All", + "unitmarkerzerok_option_enableall_desc" : "Marks all listed units.", + "unitmarkerzerok_option_unitslabel" : "unitslabel", + "unitshapes3_option_allyselectionlevel" : "Show Ally Selections", + "unitshapes3_option_animatehover" : "Animate Hover Shape", + "unitshapes3_option_animateselectionbox" : "Animate Shapes in Selection Box", + "unitshapes3_option_showallyplayercolours" : "Use Player Colors when Spectating", + "unitshapes3_option_showhover" : "Highlight Hovered Unit", + "unitshapes3_option_showhover_desc" : "Highlight the unit under your cursor.", + "unitshapes3_option_showinselectionbox" : "Highlight Units in Selection Box", + "unitshapes3_option_showinselectionbox_desc" : "Highlight the units in the selection box.", + "unittargetcommandhelper_option_circledragthreshold" : "Area command drag threshold", + "unittargetcommandhelper_option_circledragthreshold_desc" : "Distance that the mouse must move to issue an area command.", + "unittargetcommandhelper_option_unittargethelper" : "Speedy unit click helper", + "unittargetcommandhelper_option_unittargethelper_desc" : "When enabled, clicking on a unit will target it even if it is no longer under the mouse when the click is released.", + "verticallineonradardots_option_enable_vertical_lines_air" : "Show for enemy aircraft", + "verticallineonradardots_option_enable_vertical_lines_air_desc" : "Draw a line perpendicular to the ground for enemy airborne units", + "verticallineonradardots_option_enable_vertical_lines_ally" : "Show for allied units", + "verticallineonradardots_option_enable_vertical_lines_ally_desc" : "Draw the lines for allied units", + "verticallineonradardots_option_enable_vertical_lines_water" : "Show for enemy underwater", + "verticallineonradardots_option_enable_vertical_lines_water_desc" : "Draw a line perpendicular to the surface for enemy submerged units", + "widgetprofiler_option_fontsize" : "Font size", + "widgetprofiler_option_hidelowvalues" : "Hide low values", + "widgetprofiler_option_hidelowvalues_desc" : "Hide readings for widgets with <0.5% FPS cost", + "xrayhaloselections_option_showally" : "Show Ally Selections", + "xrayhaloselections_option_showally_desc" : "Highlight the units your allies currently have selected.", + "xrayhaloselections_option_useteamcolors" : "Use Team Colors", + "xrayshader_option_zmax" : "Maximum distance", + "xrayshader_option_zmax_desc" : "Distance at which XRay effect is at full strength", + "xrayshader_option_zmin" : "Minimum distance", + "xrayshader_option_zmin_desc" : "Minimum distance for XRay effect to show up" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_docking.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_docking.lua index 30a1e8967d..b213e513d5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_docking.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_docking.lua @@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ local lastHeight = 0 ---------------------------------------------------- -- Options ---------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'chilidocking_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Extras/Docking' options_order = { 'dockEnabled', 'dockEnabledPanels', 'minimizeEnabled', 'dockThreshold'} options = { dockThreshold = { - name = "Docking distance", type = 'number', advanced = true, value = 5, @@ -45,28 +45,22 @@ options = { end }, }, dockEnabled = { - name = 'Enable docking', advanced = false, type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Dock windows to screen edges', }, dockEnabledPanels = { - name = 'Use docking between panels', advanced = false, type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Dock windows each other to prevent overlaps. Requires docking to be enabled via the previous setting.', }, minimizeEnabled = { - name = 'Minimizable windows', advanced = false, type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'When enabled certain windows will have minimization tabs.', }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_widgetselector.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_widgetselector.lua index 8076038a22..05b43cdba9 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_widgetselector.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/api_chili_widgetselector.lua @@ -16,11 +16,10 @@ function MakeWidgetList() end function KillWidgetList() end local window_widgetlist +i18nPrefix = 'chiliwidgetselector_' options_path = 'Settings/Misc' -options = -{ +options = { widgetlist_2 = { - name = 'Widget List', type = 'button', --hotkey = {key='f11', mod='A'}, -- In zk_keys.lua advanced = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/api_grabinput.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/api_grabinput.lua index c6c32157c1..c637615dc6 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/api_grabinput.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/api_grabinput.lua @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ local grabPaused = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Widget Options +i18nPrefix = 'grabinput_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Mouse Cursor' options_order = { 'grabinput', @@ -35,7 +36,6 @@ options_order = { -- toggle grabinput easily. options = { grabinput = { - name = "Lock Cursor to Window", tooltip = "Prevents the cursor from leaving the Window/Screen", type = "bool", value = true, @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ options = { end }, lobbyDisables = { - name = "Lobby overlay disables lock", tooltip = "Disables input grabbing when the lobby overlay is visible.", type = "bool", value = true, @@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, pauseDisables2 = { - name = "Pausing disables lock", tooltip = "Disables input grabbing when the game is paused.", type = "bool", value = false, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_cofc.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_cofc.lua index b4e167ebdf..e24c7b57b5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_cofc.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_cofc.lua @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ local rotateFollowing = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'combooverheadfreecameraexperimental_' options_path = 'Settings/Camera/COFC Controls' local zoomPath = 'Settings/Camera/COFC Zoom Behaviour' local rotatePath = 'Settings/Camera/COFC Rotation Behaviour' @@ -156,7 +157,6 @@ options = { lblFollowUnit = {name='Unit Following', type='label', path=cameraFollowPath}, topBottomEdge = { - name = 'Top/Bottom Edge Behaviour', type = 'radioButton', value = 'pan', items = { @@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ options = { }, leftRightEdge = { - name = 'Left/Right Edge Behaviour', type = 'radioButton', value = 'pan', items = { @@ -182,7 +181,6 @@ options = { }, middleMouseButton = { - name = 'Middle Mouse Button Behaviour', type = 'radioButton', value = 'pan', items = { @@ -195,8 +193,6 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, smoothness = { - name = 'Smoothness', - desc = "Controls how smoothly the camera moves.", type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 0.8, step = 0.1, value = 0.3, @@ -213,7 +209,6 @@ options = { helpwindow = { - name = 'COFCam Help', type = 'text', value = [[ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: @@ -226,37 +221,30 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: }, zoominfactor = { --should be lower than zoom-out-speed to help user aim tiny units - name = 'Zoom-in speed', type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.05, value = 0.5, path = zoomPath, }, zoomoutfactor = { --should be higher than zoom-in-speed to help user escape to bigger picture - name = 'Zoom-out speed', type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.05, value = 0.8, path = zoomPath, }, invertzoom = { - name = 'Invert zoom', - desc = 'Invert the scroll wheel direction for zooming.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path = zoomPath, }, invertalt = { - name = 'Invert altitude', - desc = 'Invert the scroll wheel direction for altitude.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = zoomPath, }, zoomin = { - name = 'Zoom In', type = 'radioButton', value = 'toCursor', items = { @@ -267,7 +255,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = zoomPath, }, zoomout = { - name = 'Zoom Out', type = 'radioButton', value = 'fromCenter', items = { @@ -278,8 +265,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = zoomPath, }, zoomouttocenter = { - name = 'Zoom out to center', - desc = 'Center the map as you zoom out.', type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -294,24 +279,18 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = zoomPath, }, drifttocenter = { - name = 'Drift zoom target to center', - desc = 'Moves object under cursor to screen center. Only works when zooming to cursor.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path = zoomPath, }, tiltedzoom = { - name = 'Tilt camera while zooming', - desc = 'Have the camera tilt while zooming. Camera faces ground when zoomed out, and looks out nearly parallel to ground when fully zoomed in', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path = zoomPath, }, tiltzoomfactor = { - name = 'Tilt amount', - desc = 'How tilted the camera is when fully zoomed in. 0.1 is fully tilted, 2.0 is not tilted.', type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 2, step = 0.1, value = 1.0, @@ -320,15 +299,12 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: }, rotatefactor = { - name = 'Rotation speed', type = 'number', min = 0.5, max = 10, step = 0.5, value = 2, path = rotatePath, }, rotsmoothness = { - name = 'Rotation Smoothness', - desc = "Controls how smoothly the camera rotates.", type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 0.8, step = 0.1, value = 0.1, @@ -350,24 +326,18 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: -- noHotkey = true, -- }, targetmouse = { - name = 'Rotate world origin at cursor', - desc = 'Rotate world using origin at the cursor rather than the center of screen.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path = rotatePath, }, inverttilt = { - name = 'Invert tilt', - desc = 'Invert the tilt direction when using ctrl+mousewheel.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = rotatePath, }, overridetilt = { - name = 'Override tilt', - desc = 'Disable tilt, instead keeping the camera at a fixed tilt set by Tilt override value.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -379,7 +349,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = rotatePath, }, tiltoverride = { - name = 'Tilt override value', type = 'number', min = 0.01, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = 1, @@ -391,14 +360,12 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = rotatePath, }, tiltfactor = { - name = 'Tilt speed', type = 'number', min = 2, max = 40, step = 2, value = 10, path = rotatePath, }, groundrot = { - name = "Rotate When Camera Hits Ground", desc = "If world-rotation motion causes the camera to hit the ground, camera-rotation motion takes over. Doesn't apply in Free Mode.", type = 'bool', value = true, @@ -408,37 +375,30 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: }, speedFactor = { - name = 'Mouse scroll speed', - desc = 'This speed applies to scrolling with the middle button.', type = 'number', min = 10, max = 100, value = 25, path = scrollPath, }, speedFactor_mult = { - name = 'Multiply the above by 10', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = scrollPath, }, speedFactor_k = { - name = 'Keyboard/edge scroll speed', - desc = 'This speed applies to edge scrolling and keyboard keys.', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 100, value = 40, path = scrollPath, }, speedFactor_k_mult = { - name = 'Multiply the above by 10', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = scrollPath, }, invertscroll = { - name = "Invert scrolling direction", desc = "Invert scrolling direction (doesn't apply to smoothscroll).", type = 'bool', value = true, @@ -446,23 +406,18 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = scrollPath, }, smoothscroll = { - name = 'Smooth scrolling', - desc = 'Use smoothscroll method when mouse scrolling.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = scrollPath, }, smoothmeshscroll = { - name = 'Smooth Mesh Scrolling', - desc = 'A smoother way to scroll. Applies to all types of mouse/keyboard scrolling.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path = scrollPath, }, scrollhelp = { - name = 'Scroll Hotkeys', type = 'text', value = [[The scroll keys (arrow keys by default) can be set in Hotkeys/Camera.]], path = scrollPath, @@ -480,31 +435,24 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: disablelabel = {name='Hotkeys and Modifiers', type='label', path=miscPath}, disableshift = { - name = 'Disable Shift', - desc = 'Make the camera unaffected by holding Shift.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = miscPath, }, disablectrl = { - name = 'Disable Ctrl', - desc = 'Make the camera unaffected by holding Ctrl.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = miscPath, }, disablealt = { - name = 'Disable Alt', - desc = 'Make the camera unaffected by holding Alt.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, path = miscPath, }, fov = { - name = 'Field of View (Degrees)', --desc = "FOV (25 deg - 100 deg).", type = 'number', min = 10, max = 100, step = 5, @@ -514,38 +462,29 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path=miscPath, }, overviewmode = { - name = "Toggle map overview", - desc = "Go to overview mode, then restore view to cursor position.", type = 'button', hotkey = {key='tab', mod=''}, OnChange = function(self) OverviewAction() end, path=miscPath, }, overviewset = { - name = "Set Overview Viewpoint", desc = "Save the current view as the new overview mode viewpoint. Use 'Reset Camera' to remove it.", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) OverviewSetAction() end, path=miscPath, }, rotatebackfromov = { - name = "Rotate Back From Overview", - desc = "When returning from overview mode, rotate the camera to its original position (only applies when you have set an overview viewpoint).", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path=miscPath, }, resetcam = { - name = "Reset Camera", - desc = "Reset the camera position and orientation. Map a hotkey or use + + ", type = 'button', -- OnChange defined later path=miscPath, }, freemode = { - name = "FreeMode (risky)", - desc = "Be free. Camera movement not bound to map edge. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!\nTips: press TAB if you get lost.", type = 'bool', advanced = true, value = false, @@ -566,23 +505,18 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: OnChange = function(self) Spring.Echo("COFC: follow cursor " .. (self.value and "active" or "inactive")) end, }, followautozoom = { - name = "Auto zoom", desc = "Auto zoom in and out while following player's cursor (zoom level will represent player's focus). \n\nDO NOT enable this if you want to control the zoom level yourself.", type = 'bool', value = false, path = cameraFollowPath, }, tpv_height_mult = { - name = "Over-the-shoulder height mult", - desc = "Height multiplier for looking over the shoulter.", type = 'number', min = 1, max = 2, step = 0.05, value = 1, path = cameraFollowPath, }, followinscrollspeed = { - name = "On Screen Tracking Speed", - desc = "Tracking speed while cursor is on-screen. \n\nRecommend: Lowest (prevent jerky movement)", type = 'number', min = 1, max = 14, step = 1, mid = (14+1)/2, @@ -591,8 +525,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = cameraFollowPath, }, followoutscrollspeed = { - name = "Off Screen Tracking Speed", - desc = "Tracking speed while cursor is off-screen. \n\nRecommend: Highest (prevent missed action)", type = 'number', min = 2, max = 15, step = 1, mid = (15+2)/2, @@ -601,8 +533,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = cameraFollowPath, }, followzoommindist = { - name = "Closest Zoom", - desc = "The closest zoom. Default: 500", type = 'number', min = 200, max = 10000, step = 100, value = 500, @@ -610,8 +540,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = cameraFollowPath, }, followzoommaxdist = { - name = "Farthest Zoom", - desc = "The furthest zoom. Default: 2000", type = 'number', min = 200, max = 10000, step = 100, value = 2000, @@ -619,8 +547,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = cameraFollowPath, }, followzoominspeed = { - name = "Zoom-in Speed", - desc = "Zoom-in speed when cursor is on-screen. Default: 50%", type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.05, value = 0.5, @@ -628,8 +554,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: path = cameraFollowPath, }, followzoomoutspeed = { - name = "Zoom-out Speed", - desc = "Zoom-out speed when cursor is at screen edge and off-screen. Default: 50%", type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.05, value = 0.5, @@ -640,8 +564,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: -- follow unit trackmode = { - name = "Activate Trackmode", - desc = "Track the selected unit (mouse midclick to exit mode)", type = 'button', hotkey = {key='t', mod='alt+'}, path = cameraFollowPath, @@ -657,37 +579,27 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: }, persistenttrackmode = { - name = "Persistent trackmode state", - desc = "Trackmode will not cancel when deselecting unit. Trackmode will always attempt to track newly selected unit. Press mouse midclick to cancel this mode.", type = 'bool', value = false, path = cameraFollowPath, }, ctrl_retains_track = { - name = "Ctrl retains track", - desc = "Trackmode will (probably) cancel when doing the type of camera rotation enabled by Ctrl.", type = 'bool', value = false, path = cameraFollowPath, }, alt_retains_track = { - name = "Alt retains track", - desc = "Trackmode will (probably) cancel when doing the type of camera rotation enabled by Alt.", type = 'bool', value = false, path = cameraFollowPath, }, track_while_rotate = { - name = "Track while rotating", - desc = "Trackmode works while rotating, but may cause a bug.", type = 'bool', value = false, path = cameraFollowPath, }, track_rotate_disable_dist_change = { - name = "Track rotate fix zoom", - desc = "Disable zoom changes while track rotating.", type = 'bool', value = false, path = cameraFollowPath, @@ -695,8 +607,6 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: thirdpersontrack = { - name = "Enter 3rd Person Trackmode", - desc = "3rd Person track the selected unit (mouse midclick to exit mode). Press arrow key to jump to nearby units, or move mouse to edge of screen to jump to current unit selection (will exit mode if no selection).", type = 'button', hotkey = {key='k', mod='alt+'}, path = cameraFollowPath, @@ -723,15 +633,11 @@ Complete Overhead/Free Camera has six actions: label_controlgroups = {name='Pan To Cluster', type='label', path = 'Settings/Interface/Control Groups'}, enableCycleView = { - name = "Pan to cluster", type = 'bool', value = false, path = 'Settings/Interface/Control Groups', - desc = "If you double-tap the group numbers (1,2,3 etc.) it will move the camera position to different clusters of units within the group rather than to the average position of the entire group.", }, groupSelectionTapTimeout = { - name = 'Pan to cluster tap timeout', - desc = "How quickly do you have to double-tap group numbers to move the camera? Smaller timeout means faster tapping.", type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 5.0, step = 0.1, value = 2.0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_recorder.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_recorder.lua index 046d21460c..f86636c026 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_recorder.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_recorder.lua @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ reload luaui it will save to (or read from) the file camrec_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --]] +i18nPrefix = 'camerarecorder_' options_path = 'Settings/Camera/Recording' --options_order = { } @@ -47,21 +48,16 @@ local OverviewAction = function() end options = { record = { - name = "Record", - desc = "Record now", type = 'button', -- OnChange defined later }, play = { - name = "Play", - desc = "Play now", type = 'button', -- OnChange defined later }, help = { - name = 'Help', type = 'text', value = [[ * Start a game (such as a replay). diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_save_position.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_save_position.lua index 5f9d46b64d..dd27fcaee1 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_save_position.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_save_position.lua @@ -29,15 +29,14 @@ local savedCameraStates = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'camerasaveposition_' options_path = 'Hotkeys/Camera/Camera Position Hotkeys' options_order = {'lbl_alert', 'zoom_speed', 'zoomAlert', 'zoomDamage', 'zoomMessage', 'lbl_pos', 'savezoom', 'pos_zoom_speed', 'recallStartPos'} options = { lbl_alert = { type = 'label', - name = 'Alert Hotkeys', }, zoom_speed = { - name = 'Alert transition time', type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, @@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ options = { end }, zoomAlert = { - name = "Zoom to last alert", type = 'button', OnChange = function() if lastDamageX then @@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ options = { end }, zoomDamage = { - name = "Zoom to last damaged unit", type = 'button', OnChange = function() if lastDamageX then @@ -66,7 +63,6 @@ options = { end }, zoomMessage = { - name = "Zoom to last message", type = 'button', OnChange = function() if lastMarkX then @@ -76,17 +72,13 @@ options = { }, lbl_pos = { type = 'label', - name = 'Position Save/Recall Hotkeys', }, savezoom = { - name = 'Save zoom as well as position', - desc = 'Save more information about the camera state. This may break if you change camera type midgame.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, pos_zoom_speed = { - name = 'Position transition time', type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, @@ -97,7 +89,6 @@ options = { end }, recallStartPos = { - name = "Zoom to start position", type = 'button', OnChange = function() local x, y, z = Spring.GetTeamStartPosition(myTeamID) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_shake.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_shake.lua index d4485636fc..099926fcbe 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_shake.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_shake.lua @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ local spSetShockFrontFactors = Spring.SetShockFrontFactors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Configuration--------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'camerashake_' options_path = 'Settings/Camera' options_order = { 'camShake', 'camShakeMax'} options = { camShake = { - name = 'Camera Shake (when explosions occur)', type = "number", value = 0.5, min = 0, @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, camShakeMax = { - name = 'Camera Shake Limit', type = "number", value = 0.3, min = 0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smooth_move.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smooth_move.lua index 72e0565dd2..c5207c989f 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smooth_move.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smooth_move.lua @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ function widget:GetInfo() return { local isEnabled = false +i18nPrefix = 'smoothscroll_' options_path = 'Settings/Camera' options_order = { 'smooth_mmb_scroll'} options = { smooth_mmb_scroll = { - name = 'MMB scrolls instead of dragging', desc = "When enabled hold middle mouse button to scroll the map in a direction.\n" .. "When disabled click and drag the map with middle mouse button.", type = 'bool', diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smoothcam.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smoothcam.lua index e08512ac8b..c44503294b 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smoothcam.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/camera_smoothcam.lua @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Configuration--------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'smoothcam_' options_path = 'Settings/Camera' options_order = { 'camSpeed', 'tiltZoom'} options = { camSpeed = { - name = 'Camera Smoothness', type = "number", value = 0.30, min = 0, @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, tiltZoom = { - name = 'Tilt Zoom', type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_customformations2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_customformations2.lua index d0635c2680..ab965ba2e5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_customformations2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_customformations2.lua @@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ local overrideCmdSingleUnit = { [CMD.GUARD] = true, } +i18nPrefix = 'customformations_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Line Formations' options_order = { 'spreadtypes', 'ignorespreadsize', 'rank_gap', 'drawmode_v2', 'linewidth', 'dotsize', 'overrideGuard','RMBLineFormation' } options = { spreadtypes = { - name = "Evenly spread unit types along lines", type = 'radioButton', value = 'move', items={ @@ -50,21 +50,16 @@ options = { }, }, ignorespreadsize = { - name = 'Merge spread group size', - desc = "Groups of unit types of this size and smaller are merged into the largest group when spreading unit types evenly along the line.", type = 'number', value = 1, min = 0, max = 50, step=1, }, rank_gap = { - name = 'Formation rank spacing', - desc = "The gap between front and back formations. All units start at the same formation rank by default. Enable Formation Rank in Settings/Interface/Commands or edit Formation Rank in Settings/Unit Behaviour/Default States.", type = 'number', value = 100, min = 20, max = 250, step=5, }, drawmode_v2 = { - name = 'Draw mode', -- desc is not supported here :( -- desc = 'Change the formation display. Formations are drawn by moving the mouse while the mouse button is pressed. Supported commands are Move, Fight, Patrol, Manual attacks, Jump and with the ALT key held down Attack, Set target and Unload.' -- (new) players might not even know about custom formations, so ultimately this should probably be displayed above these options @@ -79,7 +74,6 @@ options = { }, linewidth = { - name = 'Width of lines', type = 'number', value = 2, min = 1, max = 2, step=1, @@ -87,14 +81,11 @@ options = { }, dotsize = { - name = 'Size of dots', type = 'number', value = 1, min = 0.5, max = 2, step=0.1, }, overrideGuard = { - name = "Override Guard on single unit", - desc = "When enabled, dragging a short line on a unit will give move commands rather than a guard command.", type = "bool", value = true, path = 'Settings/Interface/Commands', @@ -109,8 +100,6 @@ options = { end, }, RMBLineFormation = { - name = "RMB can issue line formation", - desc = "When enabled you can also issue the line formation command with dragging rmb, clicking rmb without moving still cancels.", type = "bool", value = false, path = 'Settings/Interface/Commands', diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua index 7ebbbb980a..18355cbaaa 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_doubleclick_attackmove.lua @@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ local function ToggleCallins(self) end end +i18nPrefix = 'doubleclickattackmove_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { enabled = { - name = 'Double right-click to attack-move', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Double right-click gives an Attack-Move order instead of Move.', value = false, noHotkey = true, OnChange = ToggleCallins, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_factory_plate_placer.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_factory_plate_placer.lua index 89f0865937..7492d75ce9 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_factory_plate_placer.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_factory_plate_placer.lua @@ -51,15 +51,14 @@ local glLineStipple = gl.LineStipple -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'factoryplateplacer_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement' options_order = { 'ctrl_toggle'} options = { ctrl_toggle = { - name = "Ctrl toggles Factory/Plate", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'When placing a factory or plate, press Ctrl to select whether a factory or construction plate is placed.', }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_guard_remove.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_guard_remove.lua index 81a796d6f2..001bf1f56d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_guard_remove.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_guard_remove.lua @@ -17,20 +17,17 @@ include("keysym.lua") -- Epic Menu Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'guardremove_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { shiftRemovesGuard = { - name = "Additional queue removes guard", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Removes non-terminating commands (guard and patrol) from command queues when additional commands are queued.", noHotkey = true, }, repairGuards = { - name = "Repair in factory queues guard", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Prevents accidentally not assisting by right clicking on the unit in the factory instead of the factory.", noHotkey = true, }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_hold_ctrl_to_place_and_morph.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_hold_ctrl_to_place_and_morph.lua index bb5a5563e0..7eff4b572f 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_hold_ctrl_to_place_and_morph.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_hold_ctrl_to_place_and_morph.lua @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +i18nPrefix = 'holdctrlduringplacementtomorph_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { enable_automorph = { - name = 'Morph buildings when placed with Ctrl', - desc = "If queued holding Ctrl, morphable buildings will start morphing when finished.", type = 'bool', value = false, -- not polished enough, see FIXMEs below OnChange = function(self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_keep_target.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_keep_target.lua index 78799cc81f..0f4ed2fb21 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_keep_target.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_keep_target.lua @@ -21,28 +21,24 @@ end -- Epic Menu Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'keeptarget_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options_order = {'keepTarget', 'keepTargetBombers', 'removeTarget'} options = { keepTarget = { - name = "Prioritise overridden attack target", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Cancelling an attack command by issuing a movement command continues prioritising the target of the previous attack command.", noHotkey = true, }, keepTargetBombers = { - name = "Prioritise overridden attack for bombers", type = "bool", value = false, desc = "Also enables the behaviour of 'Prioritise overridden attack target' for bombers and Blastwing.", noHotkey = true, }, removeTarget = { - name = "Stop clears target", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Target prioritisation is reset by Stop, Fight, Guard, Patrol and Attack commands.", noHotkey = true, }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_mex_placement.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_mex_placement.lua index 173c80bbac..7b8f9afadb 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_mex_placement.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_mex_placement.lua @@ -138,20 +138,17 @@ local TEXT_CORRECT_Y = 1.25 local PRESS_DRAG_THRESHOLD_SQR = 25^2 local MINIMAP_DRAW_SIZE = math.max(mapX,mapZ) * 0.0145 +i18nPrefix = 'mexplacementhandler_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Map/Metal Spots' options_order = { 'drawicons', 'size', 'rounding', 'catlabel', 'area_point_command', 'catlabel_terra', 'wall_low', 'wall_high', 'burry_shallow', 'burry_deep'} options = { drawicons = { - name = 'Show Income as Icon', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Enabled: income is shown pictorially.\nDisabled: income is shown as a number.", OnChange = function() updateMexDrawList() end }, size = { - name = "Income Display Size", - desc = "How large should the font or icon be?", type = "number", value = 40, min = 10, @@ -162,8 +159,6 @@ options = { OnChange = function() updateMexDrawList() end }, rounding = { - name = "Display decimal digits", - desc = "How precise should the number be?\nNo effect on icons.", type = "number", value = 1, min = 1, @@ -174,25 +169,19 @@ options = { OnChange = function() updateMexDrawList() end }, catlabel = { - name = 'Area Mex', type = 'label', path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement', }, area_point_command = { - name = 'Point click queues mex', type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Clicking on the map with Area Mex or Area Terra Mex snaps to the nearest spot, like placing a mex.", path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement', }, catlabel_terra = { - name = 'Area Terra Mex (Alt+W by default)', type = 'label', path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement', }, wall_low = { - name = "Low Wall height", - desc = "How high should a default terraformed wall be?", type = "number", value = 40, min = 2, @@ -201,8 +190,6 @@ options = { path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement', }, wall_high = { - name = "High Wall height", - desc = "How high should a tall terraformed wall (hold Ctrl) be?", type = "number", value = 75, min = 2, @@ -211,8 +198,6 @@ options = { path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement', }, burry_shallow = { - name = "Shallow burry depth", - desc = "How deep should a burried mex (hold Alt) be?", type = "number", value = 55, min = 2, @@ -221,8 +206,6 @@ options = { path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement', }, burry_deep = { - name = "Deep burry depth", - desc = "How deep should a deeper burried mex (hold Alt+Ctrl) be?", type = "number", value = 90, min = 2, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_newton_firezone.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_newton_firezone.lua index 4b63b2109b..4d79304431 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_newton_firezone.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/cmd_newton_firezone.lua @@ -106,13 +106,15 @@ local alwaysDrawFireZones = false local transportPredictLevel = 1 local transportPredictionSpeedSq = 5^2 +i18nPrefix = 'newtonfirezone_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Falling Units'--/Formations' options_order = { 'lbl_newton', 'predictNewton', 'alwaysDrawZones', 'jumpOnPrediction', 'lbl_transports', 'predictDrop', 'transportSpeed'} options = { - lbl_newton = { name = 'Newton Launchers', type = 'label'}, + lbl_newton = { + type = 'label', + }, predictNewton = { type='radioButton', - name='Predict impact location for', items = { {name = 'All units', key = 'all', desc = "All units will have their impact predicted whenever they take damge."}, {name = 'Launched units', key = 'newton', desc = "Units hit by a gravity gun will have their impact predited."}, @@ -134,8 +136,6 @@ options = { end, }, alwaysDrawZones = { - name = "Always draw firezones", - desc = "Enable to always draw Newton firezones. Otherwise they are only drawn on selection.", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -143,15 +143,14 @@ options = { end, }, jumpOnPrediction = { - name = "Jump on prediction", - desc = "Enable to have jumpjet units jump to the predicted land location.", type = 'bool', value = true, }, - lbl_transports = { name = 'Transports', type = 'label'}, + lbl_transports = { + type = 'label' + }, predictDrop = { type='radioButton', - name='Predict transport drop location for', items = { {name = 'All units', key = 'all', desc = "All units will have their drop location predicted."}, {name = 'Bombs only', key = 'bomb', desc = "Crawling bombs will have their drop loction predicted."}, @@ -170,8 +169,6 @@ options = { end, }, transportSpeed = { - name = "Drop prediction speed threshold", - desc = "Draw prediction for transports above this speed.", type = 'number', min = 0, max = 8, step = 0.2, value = 5, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_ceg_spawner.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_ceg_spawner.lua index b29e07f73a..a3cd9924fe 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_ceg_spawner.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_ceg_spawner.lua @@ -22,35 +22,31 @@ local ALPHA = true local echo = Spring.Echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'cegspawner_' options_order = { 'reload', 'xdir', 'ydir', 'zdir', 'radius', } options_path = 'Settings/Toolbox/CEG Spawner' options = { reload = { - name = 'Reload CEGs', type = 'button', OnChange = function() Spring.SendCommands('reloadcegs') end, }, xdir = { - name = 'X (-1,1)', type = 'number', min = -1, max = 1, step = 0.1, value = 0, }, ydir = { - name = 'Y (-1,1)', type = 'number', min = -1, max = 1, step = 0.1, value = 0, }, zdir = { - name = 'Z (-1,1)', type = 'number', min = -1, max = 1, step = 0.1, value = 0, }, radius = { - name = 'Radius (0 - 100)', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, value = 20, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_devcommands.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_devcommands.lua index 8e71355fa1..7ea1051925 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_devcommands.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_devcommands.lua @@ -344,73 +344,62 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'devcommands_' options_path = 'Settings/Toolbox/Dev Commands' options = { cheat = { - name = "Cheat", type = 'button', action = 'cheat', }, nocost = { - name = "No Cost", type = 'button', action = 'nocost', }, spectator = { - name = "Spectator", type = 'button', action = 'spectator', }, godmode = { - name = "Godmode", type = 'button', action = 'godmode', }, testunit = { - name = "Spawn Testunit", type = 'button', action = 'give testunit', }, luauireload = { - name = "Reload LuaUI", type = 'button', action = 'luaui reload', }, luarulesreload = { - name = "Reload LuaRules", type = 'button', action = 'luarules reload', }, debug = { - name = "Debug", type = 'button', action = 'debug', }, debugcolvol = { - name = "Debug Colvol", type = 'button', action = 'debugcolvol', }, debugpath = { - name = "Debug Path", type = 'button', action = 'debugpath', }, singlestep = { - name = "Single Step", type = 'button', action = 'singlestep', }, printunits = { - name = "Print Units", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) for i=1,#UnitDefs do @@ -421,7 +410,6 @@ options = { end, }, printunitnames = { - name = "Print Unit Names", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) for i=1,#UnitDefs do @@ -432,7 +420,6 @@ options = { end, }, echoCommand = { - name = 'Echo Given Commands', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -440,69 +427,55 @@ options = { end, }, missionexport = { - name = "Mission Units Export", type = 'button', action = 'mission_units_export', OnChange = ExportUnitsForMission, }, missionexportcommands = { - name = "Mission Unit Export (Commands)", type = 'button', action = 'mission_unit_commands_export', OnChange = ExportUnitsAndCommandsForMission, }, missionexportselectedcommands = { - name = "Mission Unit Export (Selected and Commands)", type = 'button', action = 'mission_unit_commands_export', OnChange = ExportSelectedUnitsAndCommandsForMission, }, exportallyteamcommands = { - name = "AllyTeam Unit Export (Selected and Commands)", type = 'button', action = 'allyteam_unit_commands_export', OnChange = ExportAllyTeamUnitsAndCommands, }, missionexportfeatures = { - name = "Mission Feature Export", type = 'button', action = 'mission_features_export', OnChange = ExportFeaturesForMission, }, moveUnit = { - name = "Move Unit", - desc = "Move selected unit to the mouse cursor.", type = 'button', action = 'debug_move_unit', OnChange = MoveUnit, }, moveUnitSnap = { - name = "Move Unit Snap", - desc = "Move selected unit to the mouse cursor. Snaps to grid.", type = 'button', action = 'debug_move_unit_snap', OnChange = MoveUnitSnap, }, moveUnitDelay = { - name = "Move Unit Repeat Time", type = "number", value = 0.1, min = 0.01, max = 0.4, step = 0.01, }, destroyUnit = { - name = "Destroy Units", - desc = "Destroy selected units (gentle).", type = 'button', action = 'debug_destroy_unit', OnChange = DestroyUnit, }, RotateUnitLeft = { - name = "Rotate Unit Anticlockwise", type = 'button', action = 'debug_rotate_unit_anticlockwise', OnChange = RotateUnitLeft, }, RotateUnitRight = { - name = "Rotate Unit Clockwise", type = 'button', action = 'debug_rotate_unit_clockwise', OnChange = RotateUnitRight, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_inspect_commands.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_inspect_commands.lua index 20d6cd30dc..3f92d3e5dd 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_inspect_commands.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_inspect_commands.lua @@ -33,12 +33,11 @@ local function ActivateOnSelectedUnits() end end +i18nPrefix = 'inspectcommands_' options_path = 'Settings/Toolbox/Inspect Commands' options_order = {'enableOnSelection'} options = { enableOnSelection = { - name = "Set units", - desc = "Sets the selected units to command inspection mode", type = "button", OnChange = ActivateOnSelectedUnits, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_widgetprofiler.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_widgetprofiler.lua index 12d33511c0..572bb70dfc 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_widgetprofiler.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/dbg_widgetprofiler.lua @@ -32,16 +32,14 @@ local inHook = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'widgetprofiler_' options_path = 'Settings/Misc/Widget Profiler' options = { hideLowValues = { - name = "Hide low values", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Hide readings for widgets with <0.5% FPS cost", }, fontSize = { - name = 'Font size', type = 'number', min = 6, max = 24, value = 8, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_cas.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_cas.lua index e7400342da..eb71357319 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_cas.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_cas.lua @@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ local function UpdateShader() end end +i18nPrefix = 'contrastadaptivesharpen_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Effects/CAS' options_order = {'cas_sharpness6', 'cas_height_scale2', 'cas_height_scale2_start', 'cas_height_scale2_end'} options = { cas_sharpness6 = { - name = 'Sharpening', type = 'number', value = defaultValue, -- note `isDisabled` above, change to false if not leaving at 0. The value does not seem to be in any specific unit. min = 0.0, @@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ options = { update_on_the_fly = true, }, cas_height_scale2 = { - name = 'Zoom sharpening range', type = 'number', value = 0.2, min = 0, @@ -214,7 +213,6 @@ options = { update_on_the_fly = true, }, cas_height_scale2_start = { - name = 'Zoom start', type = 'number', value = 800, min = 0.05, @@ -230,7 +228,6 @@ options = { update_on_the_fly = true, }, cas_height_scale2_end = { - name = 'Zoom end', type = 'number', value = 6000, min = 0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua index e969f00f3b..ca15b62c2e 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_color_blindness_correction.lua @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +i18nPrefix = 'colorblindnesscorrection_' options_path = "Settings/Accessibility" options_order = { "cbcType", "cbcMethod", "cbcOnlySim" } options = { cbcType = { - name = "Color Blindness Type", type = "radioButton", value = "none", items = { @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, cbcMethod = { - name = "Color Blindness Correction Method", type = "number", value = 2, min = 1, max = 2, step = 1, @@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, cbcOnlySim = { - name = 'Only simulate color blindness', type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_commands_fx.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_commands_fx.lua index d65c111825..4852bf8556 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_commands_fx.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_commands_fx.lua @@ -41,23 +41,22 @@ local spGetTeamColor = Spring.GetTeamColor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'commandsfx_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Command Visibility'--/Formations' options_order = { 'lblformations', 'indicate_cf_v2', 'onClick'} options = { - lblformations = { name = 'Formations', type = 'label'}, + lblformations = { + type = 'label', + }, indicate_cf_v2 = { - name = "Indicate for custom formations", - desc = "Draw the command indication for commands given with custom formations.", type = 'bool', noHotkey = true, - value = true + value = true, }, onClick = { - name = "Indicate for clicks", - desc = "Draw the command indication for every click.", type = 'bool', noHotkey = true, - value = false + value = false, } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_deferred_rendering.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_deferred_rendering.lua index fb94aeaedf..5ee30d1c8d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_deferred_rendering.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_deferred_rendering.lua @@ -80,18 +80,37 @@ local spGetSmoothMeshHeight = Spring.GetSmoothMeshHeight local GLSLRenderer = true +i18nPrefix = 'deferredrendering_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/HDR (experimental)' options_order = {'enableHDR', 'enableBloom', 'illumThreshold', 'maxBrightness'} options = { - enableHDR = {type = 'bool', name = 'Use High Dynamic Range Color', value = true,}, - enableBloom = {type = 'bool', name = 'Apply Bloom Effect (HDR Only)', value = true,}, + enableHDR = { + type = 'bool', + alue = true, + }, + enableBloom = { + type = 'bool', + value = true, + }, -- how bright does a fragment need to be before being considered a glow source? [0, 1] - illumThreshold = {type = 'number', name = 'Illumination Threshold', value = 0.85, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05,}, + illumThreshold = { + type = 'number', + value = 0.85, + min = 0, + max = 1, + step = 0.05, + }, -- maximum brightness of bloom additions [1, n] - maxBrightness = {type = 'number', name = 'Maximum Highlight Brightness', value = 0.35, min = 0.05, max = 1, step = 0.05,}, + maxBrightness = { + type = 'number', + value = 0.35, + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + step = 0.05, + }, } for key,option in pairs(options) do diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_dof.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_dof.lua index a9710fe1b4..671752d35d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_dof.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_dof.lua @@ -11,81 +11,62 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +i18nPrefix = 'depthoffieldshader_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Effects/Depth of Field' options_order = {'useDoF', 'highQuality', 'autofocus', 'mousefocus', 'autofocusLabel', 'autofocusInFocusMultiplier', 'autofocusPower', 'autofocusFocalLength', 'manualfocusLabel', 'focusDepth', 'fStop'} options = { - useDoF = - { + useDoF = { type='bool', - name='Apply Depth of Field Effect', value=false, advanced = false, }, - highQuality = - { + highQuality = { type='bool', - name='High Quality', value=false, advanced=false, OnChange = function(self) InitTextures() end, }, - autofocus = - { + autofocus = { type='bool', - name='Automatically Set Focus', value=true, }, - mousefocus = - { + mousefocus = { type='bool', - name='Focus on Mouse Position', value=false, }, - autofocusLabel = - { + autofocusLabel = { type='label', name='Autofocus Parameters' }, - autofocusInFocusMultiplier = - { + autofocusInFocusMultiplier = { type='number', - name='Autofocus Minimum In-Focus region size', min = 0.05, max = 10.0, step = 0.05, value = 0.4, }, - autofocusPower = - { + autofocusPower = { type='number', - name='Autofocus Power (lower = blurrier at range)', min = 0.05, max = 50.0, step = 0.05, value = 6.0, }, - autofocusFocalLength = - { + autofocusFocalLength = { type='number', - name='Autofocus Focal Length', min = 0.005, max = 1.0, step = 0.005, value = 0.03, }, - manualfocusLabel = - { + manualfocusLabel = { type='label', name='Manual Focus Parameters' }, - focusDepth = - { + focusDepth = { type='number', - name='Focus Depth (Manual & Non-Mouse Focus)', min = 0.0, max = 2000.0, step = 0.1, value = 300.0, }, - fStop = - { + fStop = { type='number', - name='F-Stop (Manual Focus Only)', min = 1.0, max = 80.0, step = 0.1, value = 16.0, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua index 6bbb5e21fe..ab8b3dfaa1 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_lups_smokesignal.lua @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ function widget:GetInfo() return { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'smokesignals_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Effects' options_order = { 'enable' } options = { enable = { - name = "Smoke signal markers", - desc = "Labels are additionally marked by a smoke signal flare.", type = "bool", value = false, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_night.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_night.lua index 424250efe0..3482aabcf1 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_night.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_night.lua @@ -80,46 +80,38 @@ local cache = {} --cache some calculation result for efficiency local function UpdateColors() end -- redefined below local function UpdateDayPeriod() end +i18nPrefix = 'night_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Effects/Night View' options_order = {"coloredUnits", "cycle", "time","secperday", "beam", "bases"} options = { --[[ night = { - name = 'Night View', - desc = 'Turns night widget on/off.', type = 'bool', value = 0, }, ]]-- coloredUnits = { - name = "Bright Units", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Bright units even at night', noHotkey = true, }, cycle = { - name = "Day/night cycle", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Enable day/night cycle', noHotkey = true, }, time = { - name = "Time of day", type = 'number', min = 0, max = 0.5, step = 0.05, value = 0.4, - desc = 'Starting Time of day.\n <--Midnight, Noon-->', OnChange = function(self) currDayTime = self.value UpdateColors() end, }, secperday = { - name = "Game Minute Per Day", type = 'number', min = 1, max = 20, @@ -132,14 +124,11 @@ options = { end, }, beam = { - name = "Searchlight Beams", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Display searchlight beams', noHotkey = true, }, bases = { - name = "Searchlight Bases", type = 'radioButton', items = { { key = 'none', name = 'None', }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_no_shader.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_no_shader.lua index f7051baa5c..32f236b792 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_no_shader.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_no_shader.lua @@ -47,19 +47,16 @@ local function QualityChangeCheckFunc() end end +i18nPrefix = 'outlinenoshader_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Outline (No Shader)' options = { thickness = { - name = 'Outline Thickness', - desc = 'How thick the outline appears around objects', type = 'number', min = 0.2, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = 0.5, OnChange = OnchangeFunc, }, scaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -71,8 +68,6 @@ options = { end, }, scaleRange = { - name = 'Zoom Scale Minimum', - desc = 'Minimum outline thickness muliplier when zoomed out.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = zoomScaleRange, @@ -81,8 +76,6 @@ options = { end, }, functionScaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Subtle Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -94,8 +87,6 @@ options = { end, }, lowQualityOutlines = { - name = 'Low Quality Outlines', - desc = 'Reduces outline accuracy to improve perfomance, only recommended for low-end machines', type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl3.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl3.lua index f5738d44b9..b2be1ea37a 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl3.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl3.lua @@ -104,11 +104,10 @@ local scaleWithHeight = true local functionScaleWithHeight = true local zoomScaleRange = 0.5 +i18nPrefix = 'outlineshadergl3_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Outline' options = { thickness = { - name = 'Outline Thickness', - desc = 'How thick the outline appears around objects', type = 'number', min = 0.2, max = 2, step = 0.01, value = DEFAULT_STRENGTH_MULT, @@ -118,8 +117,6 @@ options = { end, }, scaleRange = { - name = 'Zoom Scale Minimum', - desc = 'Minimum outline thickness muliplier when zoomed out.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = zoomScaleRange, @@ -129,8 +126,6 @@ options = { end, }, scaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -142,8 +137,6 @@ options = { end, }, functionScaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Subtle Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl4.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl4.lua index 9be674f7d2..f438d83504 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl4.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_gl4.lua @@ -99,12 +99,11 @@ local function PrintDrawBox() end end +i18nPrefix = 'outlineshadergl4_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Outline' options_order = {'thickness', 'scaleRange', 'scaleWithHeight', 'functionScaleWithHeight', 'disableWithUi', 'overrideDrawBox', 'overrideDrawBox_x', 'overrideDrawBox_y', 'overrideDrawBox_yoff'} options = { thickness = { - name = 'Outline Thickness', - desc = 'How thick the outline appears around objects', type = 'number', min = 0.2, max = 5, step = 0.05, value = DEFAULT_STRENGTH_MULT, @@ -113,8 +112,6 @@ options = { end, }, scaleRange = { - name = 'Zoom Scale Minimum', - desc = 'Minimum outline thickness muliplier when zoomed out.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = zoomScaleRange, @@ -123,8 +120,6 @@ options = { end, }, scaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -133,8 +128,6 @@ options = { end, }, functionScaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Subtle Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -143,8 +136,6 @@ options = { end, }, disableWithUi = { - name = 'Disable with hidden UI', - desc = 'Toggles outlines with Ctrl+F5.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -155,8 +146,6 @@ options = { -- Debug overrideDrawBox = { - name = 'Override draw box', - desc = 'Debug enabling below.', type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, @@ -174,7 +163,6 @@ options = { end, }, overrideDrawBox_x = { - name = 'Override X', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 300, step = 5, value = 100, @@ -184,7 +172,6 @@ options = { end, }, overrideDrawBox_y = { - name = 'Override Y', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 300, step = 5, value = 100, @@ -194,7 +181,6 @@ options = { end, }, overrideDrawBox_yoff = { - name = 'Override Y Offset', type = 'number', min = -200, max = 200, step = 5, value = 0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_old.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_old.lua index 39762d7012..f12295d235 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_old.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_old.lua @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ -local wiName = "Outline Shader Old" function widget:GetInfo() return { - name = wiName, + name = "Outline Shader Old", desc = "Displays small outline around units based on deferred g-buffer", author = "ivand", date = "2019", @@ -11,6 +10,8 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +local wiName = widget:GetInfo().name + ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -88,11 +89,10 @@ local thickness = DEFAULT_THICKNESS local scaleWithHeight = true local functionScaleWithHeight = true +i18nPrefix = 'outlineshaderold_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Outline' options = { thickness = { - name = 'Outline Thickness', - desc = 'How thick the outline appears around objects', type = 'number', min = 0.2, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = DEFAULT_THICKNESS, @@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ options = { end, }, scaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -114,8 +112,6 @@ options = { end, }, functionScaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Subtle Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out, in a subtle way.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -127,8 +123,6 @@ options = { end, }, drawUnderCeg = { - name = 'Draw through effects', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out.', type = 'bool', value = false, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_v3.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_v3.lua index b6bc388fdb..74bc4063a2 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_v3.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_outline_shader_v3.lua @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -local wiName = "Outline Shader v3" + function widget:GetInfo() return { - name = wiName, + name = "Outline Shader v3", desc = "Displays small outline around units based on deferred g-buffer", author = "ivand", date = "2019", @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +local wiName = widget:GetInfo().name + ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -42,11 +44,10 @@ local USE_MATERIAL_INDICES = true local functionScaleWithHeight = true +i18nPrefix = 'outlineshaderv3_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Outline v3' options = { thickness = { - name = 'Outline Thickness', - desc = 'How thick the outline appears around objects (the thicker - the more expensive)', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 3, step = 1, value = 1, @@ -55,8 +56,6 @@ options = { end, }, functionScaleWithHeight = { - name = 'Scale With Distance', - desc = 'Reduces the screen space width of outlines when zoomed out', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_projectile_lights.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_projectile_lights.lua index 5d031525f3..0875aa5bd3 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_projectile_lights.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_projectile_lights.lua @@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ local function LoadParams(param) WG.RemakeEpicMenu() end +i18nPrefix = 'projectilelights_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Lighting' options_order = {'light_projectile_enable', 'light_strength_mult', 'useLOD', 'projectileFade', 'light_override', 'light_radius', 'light_brightness', 'light_color', 'light_reload'} options = { light_projectile_enable = { - name = "Enable Projectile Lights", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function (self) @@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, light_strength_mult = { - name = 'Strength Multiplier', type = 'number', value = 1, min = 0.01, max = 1.15, step = 0.01, @@ -108,20 +107,14 @@ options = { end, }, useLOD = { - name = 'Use LOD', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Reduces the number of lights drawn based on camera distance and current fps.', value = true, }, projectileFade = { - name = 'Fade Projectiles', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Projectile lights smoothly fade out after the projectile disappears.', value = true, }, light_override = { - name = "Override Parameters", - desc = "Override lights with the following parameters.", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function (self) @@ -131,7 +124,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, light_radius = { - name = 'Light Radius', type = 'number', value = 3, min = 20, max = 1000, step = 10, @@ -142,7 +134,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, light_brightness = { - name = 'Light Brightness', type = 'number', value = 3, min = 0.05, max = 5, step = 0.05, @@ -153,7 +144,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, light_color = { - name = 'Light Color', type = 'colors', value = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1}, OnChange = function (self) @@ -163,9 +153,7 @@ options = { advanced = true }, light_reload = { - name = 'Reload', type = 'button', - desc = "Reload settings from the next projectile fired.", OnChange = function (self) wantLoadParams = true end, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_ssao.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_ssao.lua index f5db43eac3..6133904898 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_ssao.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_ssao.lua @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ if gpuMem and gpuMem > 0 and gpuMem < 1800 then end -local widgetName = "SSAO 2" function widget:GetInfo() return { - name = widgetName, + name = "SSAO 2", version = 2.0, desc = "Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion", author = "ivand", @@ -23,6 +22,8 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +local widgetName = widget:GetInfo().name + ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -101,11 +102,11 @@ local presets = { }, } +i18nPrefix = 'ssao2_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Ambient Occlusion' options_order = {'quality_preset', 'strength', 'radius'} options = { quality_preset = { - name = 'Quality', type = 'radioButton', value = 2, items = { @@ -120,7 +121,6 @@ options = { end, }, strength = { - name = 'Strength', type = 'number', value = SSAO_ALPHA_POW, min = 0.5, max = 32, step = 0.5, @@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ options = { end, }, radius = { - name = 'Radius', type = 'number', value = SSAO_RADIUS, min = 1, max = 32, step = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_stereo3d.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_stereo3d.lua index 934a3e3838..1b462596e5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_stereo3d.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_stereo3d.lua @@ -261,20 +261,18 @@ local function UpdateConvSep() conv = options.conv.value * swap end +i18nPrefix = 'stereo3d_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Effects/Stereo3D' options_order = { 'toggle3d', 'helpwindow', 'lblblank1', 'lblsettings', 'swapeyes', 'lasersight', 'hidecursor', 'sep', 'conv', 'lblblank2', 's3dmode', 'lblblank3', } options = { toggle3d = { - name = 'Enable Stereo 3D', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = 'Turn Stereo3D vision on or off.', noHotkey = true, }, helpwindow = { - name = 'Stereo3D Help', type = 'text', value = [[ - Press alt+ctrl+shift to toggle the mouse cursor (doesn't work if gui is hidden). @@ -287,51 +285,44 @@ options = { ]], }, - lblsettings = {name='Settings', type='label'}, + lblsettings = { + type='label', + }, swapeyes = { - name = 'Swap Eyes', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = UpdateConvSep, noHotkey = true, }, lasersight = { - name = 'Laser Sight', type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Enable Laser sight for cursor.', noHotkey = true, }, hidecursor = { - name = 'Hide Cursor', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, sep = { - name = 'Separation', type = 'number', value = sep, min=0,max=30,step=0.1, - desc = 'How far apart your eyes are.', OnChange = UpdateConvSep, }, conv = { - name = 'Convergence', type = 'number', value = conv, min=0,max=0.05,step=0.001, - desc = 'How crosseyed you are.', OnChange = UpdateConvSep, }, s3dmode = { - name = '3D Modes', type = 'list', items = possibleRenderer, OnChange = function() @@ -349,7 +340,6 @@ options = { --[[ camera = { - name = 'Camera Type', type = 'list', items = { {name = 'Default', key = 'viewta'}, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_xray_shader.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_xray_shader.lua index 52499586db..602b762db2 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_xray_shader.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gfx_xray_shader.lua @@ -23,18 +23,15 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +i18nPrefix = 'xrayshader_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/XRay Shader' options = { zMin = { - name = 'Minimum distance', - desc = 'Minimum distance for XRay effect to show up', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10000, step = 100, value = 1200, }, zMax = { - name = 'Maximum distance', - desc = 'Distance at which XRay effect is at full strength', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10000, step = 100, value = 4200, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_attrition_counter.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_attrition_counter.lua index 9560b82a3d..1ac2857286 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_attrition_counter.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_attrition_counter.lua @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/constants.lua") local GetLeftRightAllyTeamIDs = VFS.Include("LuaUI/Headers/allyteam_selection_utilities.lua") +i18nPrefix = 'attritioncounter_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Extras/Attrition Counter' options_order = {'updateFrequency'} options = { updateFrequency = { -- fixme: this setting should die and the counters should update if and only if needed - name = "Update every N Frames", type = 'number', min = 1, max = 150, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua index 52ad2fdd34..073e19a52f 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_auto_engine_falsecolor.lua @@ -20,24 +20,19 @@ local spSendCommands = Spring.SendCommands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --options for epicmenu: +i18nPrefix = 'autotogglefalsecolorvision_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Map/Auto Toggle Overlay' options_order = {'enginemetalview','engineheightview','enginepathview'} options={ enginemetalview ={ - name = 'Metalview Color', - desc = 'RECLAIM & RESURRECT toggle metalmap vision.', type = 'bool', value = false, }, engineheightview ={ - name = 'Heightview Color', - desc = 'TERRAFORM & BUILD toggle heightmap vision.', type = 'bool', value = false, }, enginepathview ={ - name = 'Pathview Color', - desc = 'MOVE & JUMP toggle pathmap vision.', type = 'bool', value = false, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_battle_resource_tracker.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_battle_resource_tracker.lua index 80a86d5c0d..9652f88ffd 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_battle_resource_tracker.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_battle_resource_tracker.lua @@ -176,26 +176,21 @@ function GetColor(colormap, slider) end +i18nPrefix = 'battleresourcetracker_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Battle Value Tracker' options_order = { 'showText', 'clearEvents', 'searchRadius', 'eventTimeout', 'fontSize', 'textAlpha' } options = { showText = { - name = 'Show text', - desc = 'Whether to show text. Use this to toggle the text while keeping tracking active.', type = 'bool', value = true, }, clearEvents = { - name = "Clear data", - desc = "Forget previous events. Hotkey this button.", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) spatialHash = SpatialHash.new(config.spatialHashCellSize) end, }, searchRadius = { - name = 'Battle radius (elmos)', - desc = 'The size of an individual battle. Lower radius detects more distinct battles.', type = 'number', value = 600, min = 200, @@ -203,8 +198,6 @@ options = { step = 50, }, eventTimeout = { - name = 'Battle time (seconds)', - desc = 'How long a battle persists until it fades. New kills refresh battle time.', type = 'number', value = 16, min = 2, @@ -212,7 +205,6 @@ options = { step = 1, }, fontSize = { - name = 'Font size', type = 'number', value = 30, min = 10, @@ -220,7 +212,6 @@ options = { step = 1, }, textAlpha = { - name = 'Font opacity', type = 'number', value = 0.7, min = 0.01, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_build_eta.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_build_eta.lua index 02adc23f67..63fe2c9852 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_build_eta.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_build_eta.lua @@ -32,24 +32,21 @@ local fontSize = 8 local displayETA = true local previousFullview = false +i18nPrefix = 'buildeta_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Build ETA' options_order = { 'showonlyonshift', 'showforicons', 'fontsize', 'drawHeight'} options = { showonlyonshift = { - name = 'Show only on shift', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, showforicons = { - name = 'Show for icons', - desc = 'Whether to show for radar icons during strategic zoom.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, fontsize = { - name = 'Size', type = 'number', value = 9, min = 2, max = 100, step = 1, @@ -58,7 +55,6 @@ options = { end, }, drawHeight = { - name = 'Display Height', type = 'number', value = 1500, min = 0, max = 5000, step = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chat2_1.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chat2_1.lua index 7ab2f60d4c..18883c4de4 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chat2_1.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chat2_1.lua @@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ local DiffTimers = Spring.DiffTimers ---- +i18nPrefix = 'chilichat22_' options_path = "Settings/HUD Panels/Chat/Console" options_order = { 'lblError', @@ -230,21 +231,18 @@ options = { }, text_height = { - name = 'Text Size', type = 'number', value = 14, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, highlighted_text_height = { - name = 'Highlighted Text Size', type = 'number', value = 16, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, clickable_points = { - name = "Clickable points and labels", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -252,7 +250,6 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, pointButtonOpacity = { - name = "Point button opacity", type = 'number', value = 0.25, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, @@ -261,7 +258,6 @@ options = { -- TODO work in progress dedupe_messages = { - name = "Dedupe messages", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -269,7 +265,6 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, dedupe_points = { - name = "Dedupe points and labels", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -277,35 +272,30 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, highlight_all_private = { - name = "Highlight all private messages", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, advanced = true, }, highlight_filter_allies = { - name = "Check allies messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, advanced = true, }, highlight_filter_enemies = { - name = "Check enemy messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, advanced = true, }, highlight_filter_specs = { - name = "Check spec messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, advanced = true, }, highlight_filter_other = { - name = "Check other messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -313,7 +303,6 @@ options = { }, --[[ highlight_filter = { - name = 'Highlight filter', type = 'list', OnChange = onOptionsChanged, -- NO NEED value = 'allies', @@ -327,7 +316,6 @@ options = { --]] highlight_surround = { - name = "Surround highlighted messages", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -335,7 +323,6 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, highlight_sound = { - name = "Sound for highlighted messages", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -343,42 +330,36 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, hideSpec = { - name = "Hide Spectator Chat", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, advanced = false, }, hideAlly = { - name = "Hide Ally Chat", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, advanced = false, }, hidePoint = { - name = "Hide Points", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, advanced = true, }, hideLabel = { - name = "Hide Labels", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, advanced = true, }, hideLog = { - name = "Hide Engine Logging Messages", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, advanced = true, }, max_lines = { - name = 'Maximum Lines (20-100)', type = 'number', value = 60, min = 20, max = 100, step = 1, @@ -386,43 +367,36 @@ options = { }, color_chat = { - name = 'Everyone chat text', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, color_ally = { - name = 'Ally text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, color_other = { - name = 'Other text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, color_spec = { - name = 'Spectator text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, color_dup = { - name = 'Duplicate message mark', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 0.2, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, color_highlight = { - name = 'Highlight mark', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 1, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, color_background = { - name = "Background color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 0, 0, 0}, OnChange = function(self) @@ -435,29 +409,23 @@ options = { end, }, mousewheel = { - name = "Scroll with mousewheel", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, OnChange = function(self) scrollpanel1.ignoreMouseWheel = not self.value; end, }, defaultAllyChat = { - name = "Default ally chat", - desc = "Sets default chat mode to allies at game start", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, autohide = { - name = "Autohide chat", - desc = "Hides the chat when not in use", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, autohide_time = { - name = "Autohide time", type = 'number', value = 8, min = 1, max = 30, step = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chatbubbles.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chatbubbles.lua index 3698eab7c2..c80e115502 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chatbubbles.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_chatbubbles.lua @@ -54,44 +54,35 @@ local window_width = 400 local window_timeout = 10 --]] --options_section = 'Interface' +i18nPrefix = 'chilichatbubbles_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Chat/Bubbles' options_order = {'setavatar','filterGlobalChat', 'filterAutohostMsg', 'text_height', 'window_margin', 'window_width', 'window_height', 'window_timeout', 'firstbubble_y',} options = { setavatar = { - name = 'Set An Avatar', - desc = 'Avatar to show next to your bubble. Requires the Avatar widget', type = 'button', OnChange = function() Spring.SendCommands{"luaui enablewidget Avatars", "setavatar"} end, path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Chat', }, filterGlobalChat = { - name = 'Filter Global Chat', - desc = 'Filter out messages made in global chat', type = 'bool', value = true, }, filterAutohostMsg = { - name = 'Filter Autohost Messages', - desc = 'Filter out messages from autohost', type = 'bool', value = true, }, text_height = { - name = 'Font Size (10-18)', type = 'number', value = 12, min=10,max=18,step=1, }, window_margin = { - name = 'Margin (0 - 10)', - desc = 'Margin between bubbles', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10, value = 0, }, window_width = { - name = 'Width (200 - 600)', desc = '', type = 'number', min = 200, @@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ options = { value = 260, }, window_height = { - name = 'Height 60-120', desc = '', type = 'number', min = 40, @@ -108,7 +98,6 @@ options = { }, window_timeout = { - name = 'Timeout (5 - 50)', desc = '', type = 'number', min = 5, @@ -116,8 +105,6 @@ options = { value = 20, }, firstbubble_y = { - name = 'Screen Height of First Bubble', - desc = 'How high up the first bubble should start on the right of the screen.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 600, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_core_selector.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_core_selector.lua index b9f4fce0c1..00335f27d0 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_core_selector.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_core_selector.lua @@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ local defaultFacHotkeys = { {key='T', mod='alt+'}, } +i18nPrefix = 'chilicoreselector_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Quick Selection Bar' options_order = { 'showCoreSelector', 'vertical', 'buttonSizeLong', 'background_opacity', 'monitoridlecomms','monitoridlenano', 'monitorInbuiltCons', 'leftMouseCenter', 'lblSelectionIdle', 'selectprecbomber', 'selectidlecon', 'selectidlecon_all', 'lblSelection', 'selectcomm', 'horPaddingLeft', 'horPaddingRight', 'vertPadding', 'buttonSpacing', 'minButtonSpaces', 'specSpaceOverride', 'fancySkinning', 'leftsideofscreen'} options = { showCoreSelector = { - name = 'Selection Bar Visibility', type = 'radioButton', value = 'specHide', items = { @@ -205,21 +205,18 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, vertical = { - name = 'Vertical Bar', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, buttonSizeLong = { - name = 'Button Size', type = 'number', value = 58, min = 10, max = 200, step = 1, OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, background_opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -230,60 +227,54 @@ options = { end }, monitoridlecomms = { - name = 'Track idle commanders', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, monitoridlenano = { - name = 'Track idle nanotowers', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, monitorInbuiltCons = { - name = 'Track constructors being built', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, leftMouseCenter = { - name = 'Swap Camera Center Button', - desc = 'When enabled left click a commander or factory to center the camera on it. When disabled right click centers.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, - lblSelectionIdle = { type='label', name='Idle Units', path='Hotkeys/Selection', }, + lblSelectionIdle = { + type='label', + path='Hotkeys/Selection', + }, selectprecbomber = { type = 'button', - name = 'Select idle precision bomber', - desc = 'Selects an idle, armed precision bomber. Use multiple times to select more. Deselects any units which are not idle, armed precision bombers.', action = 'selectprecbomber', path = 'Hotkeys/Selection', dontRegisterAction = true, }, selectidlecon = { type = 'button', - name = 'Select idle constructor', - desc = 'Selects an idle constructor. Use multiple times to select more. Deselects any units which are not idle constructors.', action = 'selectidlecon', path = 'Hotkeys/Selection', dontRegisterAction = true, }, selectidlecon_all = { type = 'button', - name = 'Select all idle constructors', action = 'selectidlecon_all', path = 'Hotkeys/Selection', dontRegisterAction = true, }, - lblSelection = { type='label', name='Quick Selection Bar', path='Hotkeys/Selection', }, + lblSelection = { + type='label', + path='Hotkeys/Selection', + }, selectcomm = { type = 'button', - name = 'Select Commander', action = 'selectcomm', path = 'Hotkeys/Selection', dontRegisterAction = true, }, horPaddingLeft = { - name = 'Horizontal Padding Left', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, @@ -291,7 +282,6 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, horPaddingRight = { - name = 'Horizontal Padding Right', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, @@ -299,7 +289,6 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, vertPadding = { - name = 'Vertical Padding', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, @@ -307,7 +296,6 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, buttonSpacing = { - name = 'Button Spacing', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, @@ -315,7 +303,6 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, minButtonSpaces = { - name = 'Minimum Button Space', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, @@ -323,7 +310,6 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, specSpaceOverride = { - name = 'Spectating Space Override', desc = 'Size of the spacer which is present while spectating with "Only keep space when spectating".', type = 'number', value = 50, @@ -332,7 +318,6 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsUpdateLayout, }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'radioButton', value = 'panel', items = { @@ -349,7 +334,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, leftsideofscreen = { - name = 'Left side of screen', type = 'bool', value = true, hidden = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua index e187221092..af0d2d9df9 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist.lua @@ -626,11 +626,11 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'chilicrudeplayerlist_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Player List' options_order = {'text_height', 'backgroundOpacity', 'alignToTop'} options = { text_height = { - name = 'Font Size (10-18)', type = 'number', value = 13, min = 10, max = 18, step = 1, @@ -638,7 +638,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, backgroundOpacity = { - name = "Background opacity", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -648,7 +647,6 @@ options = { end, }, alignToTop = { - name = "Align to top", type = 'bool', value = false, desc = "Align list entries to top (i.e. don't push to bottom)", diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist_old.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist_old.lua index b4d3561dae..b2bf9b9116 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist_old.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_crudeplayerlist_old.lua @@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ include("keysym.lua") function SetupPlayerNames() end +i18nPrefix = 'chilicrudeplayerlistold_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Player List' options_order = {'text_height', 'backgroundOpacity', 'reset_wins', 'inc_wins_1', 'inc_wins_2','alignToTop','showSpecs','allyTeamPerTeam','debugMessages','mousewheel','win_show_condition'} options = { text_height = { - name = 'Font Size (10-18)', type = 'number', value = 13, min = 10, max = 18, step = 1, @@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, backgroundOpacity = { - name = "Background opacity", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -147,8 +146,6 @@ options = { end, }, reset_wins = { - name = "Reset Wins", - desc = "Reset the win counts of all players", type = 'button', OnChange = function() if WG.WinCounter_Reset ~= nil then @@ -158,7 +155,6 @@ options = { end, }, inc_wins_1 = { - name = "Increment Team 1 Wins", desc = "", type = 'button', OnChange = function() @@ -171,7 +167,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, inc_wins_2 = { - name = "Increment Team 2 Wins", desc = "", type = 'button', OnChange = function() @@ -184,7 +179,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, win_show_condition = { - name = 'Show Wins', type = 'radioButton', value = 'whenRelevant', items = { @@ -195,34 +189,27 @@ options = { OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, alignToTop = { - name = "Align to top", type = 'bool', value = false, desc = "Align list entries to top (i.e. don't push to bottom)", OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, showSpecs = { - name = "Show spectators", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Show spectators in main window (rather than confining them to tooltip. Note: tooltip might block mouse click in some cases)", OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, allyTeamPerTeam = { - name = "Display team for each player", type = 'bool', value = true, desc = "Write the team number next to each player's name (rather than only for first player)", OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, debugMessages = { - name = "Enable debug messages", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Enables some debug messages (disable if it starts flooding console)", }, mousewheel = { - name = "Scroll with mousewheel", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_deluxeplayerlist.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_deluxeplayerlist.lua index 8b909dbc57..0f6c0113bb 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_deluxeplayerlist.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_deluxeplayerlist.lua @@ -55,18 +55,16 @@ local incolor2color local window_cpl, scroll_cpl +i18nPrefix = 'chilideluxeplayerlistalpha_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Player List' options_order = { 'visible', 'backgroundOpacity', 'reset_wins', 'inc_wins_1', 'inc_wins_2','win_show_condition', 'text_height', 'name_width', 'stats_width', 'income_width', 'mousewheel', 'alignToTop', 'alignToLeft', 'showSummaries', 'show_stats', 'colorResourceStats', 'show_ccr', 'show_cpu_ping', 'cpu_ping_as_text', 'show_tooltips', 'list_size'} options = { visible = { - name = "Visible", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Set a hotkey here to toggle the playerlist on and off", OnChange = function() ToggleVisibility() end, }, backgroundOpacity = { - name = "Background Opacity", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -76,15 +74,12 @@ options = { end, }, reset_wins = { - name = "Reset Wins", - desc = "Reset the win counts of all players", type = 'button', OnChange = function() if WG.WinCounter_Reset ~= nil then WG.WinCounter_Reset() end end, }, inc_wins_1 = { - name = "Increment Team 1 Wins", desc = "", type = 'button', OnChange = function() @@ -96,7 +91,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, inc_wins_2 = { - name = "Increment Team 2 Wins", desc = "", type = 'button', OnChange = function() @@ -108,7 +102,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, win_show_condition = { - name = 'Show Wins', type = 'radioButton', value = 'whenRelevant', items = { @@ -119,7 +112,6 @@ options = { OnChange = function() SetupPanels() end, }, text_height = { - name = 'Font Size (10-18)', type = 'number', value = 13, min=10,max=18,step=1, @@ -127,7 +119,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, name_width = { - name = 'Name Width (50-200)', type = 'number', value = 120, min=50,max=200,step=10, @@ -135,7 +126,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, stats_width = { - name = 'Metal worth stats width (2-5)', type = 'number', value = 4, min=2,max=5,step=1, @@ -143,7 +133,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, income_width = { - name = 'Income width (2-5)', type = 'number', value = 3, min=2,max=5,step=1, @@ -151,7 +140,6 @@ options = { advanced = true }, mousewheel = { - name = "Scroll with mousewheel", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -159,70 +147,54 @@ options = { end, }, alignToTop = { - name = "Align to top", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Align to top and grow downwards (vs. align to bottom and grow upwards)", OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, alignToLeft = { - name = "Align to left", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Align to left and grow rightwards (vs. align to right and grow leftwards)", OnChange = function() SetupScrollPanel() end, }, showSummaries = { - name = "Show team summaries", type = 'bool', value = true, desc = "Display summary information for each team (note: even with this checked, summaries won't be displayed if all the teams are very small)", OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, show_stats = { - name = "Show unit and income stats", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Display resource statistics: metal in mobile units and static defences; metal and energy income.", OnChange = function() SetupPanels() end, }, colorResourceStats = { - name = "Show stats in color", type = 'bool', value = false, desc = "Display resource statistics such as unit metal and income in each player's color (vs. white)", OnChange = function() SetupPlayerNames() end, }, show_ccr = { - name = "Show clan/country/rank", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Show the clan, country, and rank columns", OnChange = function() SetupPanels() end, }, show_cpu_ping = { - name = "Show ping and cpu", type = 'bool', value = true, desc = "Show player's ping and cpu", OnChange = function() SetupPanels() end, }, cpu_ping_as_text = { - name = "Show ping/cpu as text", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Show ping and cpu stats as text (vs. as an icon)", OnChange = function() SetupPanels() end, }, show_tooltips = { - name = "Show tooltips", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Show tooltips where available (vs. hiding all tooltips. Note: tooltip might block mouse click in some cases)", OnChange = function() SetupPanels() end, }, list_size = { - name = 'List Size: Who should be included?', type = 'list', value = 3, items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_display_keys.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_display_keys.lua index 7f52f7f374..9d9085094e 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_display_keys.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_display_keys.lua @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ local keyData, mouseData -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Options +i18nPrefix = 'displaykeys2_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Extras/Display Keys' options_order = { @@ -32,18 +33,14 @@ options_order = { options = { enable = { - name = "Show input visualizer", - desc = "Shows pressed key combinations and mouse buttons. Useful for video tutorials.", type = "bool", value = false, }, keyReleaseTimeout = { - name = "Key Release Timeout", type = "number", value = 0.6, min = 0, max = 2, step = 0.025, }, mouseReleaseTimeout = { - name = "Mouse Release Timeout", type = "number", value = 0.3, min = 0, max = 2, step = 0.025, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua index a6c1e80651..6697675226 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_economy_panel2.lua @@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ extraPanels = { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'chilieconomypaneldefault_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Economy Panel' local function UpdateExtraPanelHide(wantHide) @@ -373,32 +374,27 @@ options_order = { options = { lbl_metal = {name='Metal Warnings', type='label'}, metalFlash = { - name = "Metal Excess Flash", type = "number", value = 0.9, min = 0,max = 1, step = 0.02, desc = "Metal storage will flash when metal storage exceeds this value." }, metalWarning = { - name = "Metal Excess Warning", type = "number", value = 0.9, min = 0,max = 1, step = 0.02, desc = "Recieve a warning when metal storage exceeds this value." }, lbl_energy = {name='Energy Warnings', type='label'}, energyFlash = { - name = "Energy Stall Flash", type = "number", value = 0.1, min=0,max=1,step=0.02, desc = "Energy storage will flash when it drops below this fraction of your total storage." }, energyWarning = { - name = "Energy Stall Warning", type = "number", value = 0.1, min = 0,max = 1, step = 0.02, desc = "Recieve a warning when energy storage drops below this value." }, eExcessFlash = { - name = 'Flash On Energy Excess', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -406,67 +402,52 @@ options = { }, lbl_reserve = {name='Reserve', type='label'}, enableReserveBar = { - name = 'Enable Reserve', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, desc = "Ctrl+Click on the resource bars will set reserve when enabled. Low and Normal priority constructors cannot use resources in reserve storage." }, defaultEnergyReserve = { - name = "Initial Energy Reserve", type = "number", value = 0.05, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, }, defaultMetalReserve = { - name = "Initial Metal Reserve", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, }, lbl_extra = {name='Extras', type='label'}, panel_efficiency = { - name = 'Show Efficiency', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Show the minimum of Metal Income/Metal Pull and Energy Income/Energy Pull as a percentage. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition as Escape to cancel.", OnChange = option_toggleExtra, extraKey = 'efficiency', }, panel_usage = { - name = 'Show Usage', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Show the Metal Pull/Metal Income as a percentage. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition and Escape to cancel.", OnChange = option_toggleExtra, extraKey = 'usage', }, panel_overdrive = { - name = 'Show Overdrive', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Show overdrive energy:metal ratio, metal income, and energy cost. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition and Escape to cancel.", OnChange = option_toggleExtra, extraKey = 'overdrive', }, panel_wind = { - name = 'Show Wind', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Show wind strength as a percentage. Use Ctrl+F11 to reposition and Escape to cancel.", OnChange = option_toggleExtra, extraKey = 'wind', }, lbl_visual = {name='Visuals', type='label'}, ecoPanelHideSpec = { - name = 'Hide if spectating', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Should the panel hide when spectating?", OnChange = option_recreateWindow }, flowAsArrows = { - name = "Flow as arrows", - desc = "Use arrows instead of a number for the flow. Each arrow is 5 resources per second.", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -490,7 +471,6 @@ options = { end, }, opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.6, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -498,7 +478,6 @@ options = { end, }, colourBlind = { - name = "Colourblind mode", type = "bool", value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -506,19 +485,16 @@ options = { desc = "Uses Blue and Yellow instead of Red and Green for number display" }, fontSize = { - name = "Font Size", type = "number", value = 20, min = 8, max = 40, step = 1, OnChange = option_recreateWindow }, warningFontSize = { - name = "Warning Font Size", type = "number", value = 14, min = 8, max = 40, step = 1, OnChange = option_recreateWindow }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'radioButton', value = 'panel', items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua index a89b4226d2..e4d4e8397e 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_endgamewindow.lua @@ -88,12 +88,11 @@ local teamApmStatsLabels = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --options +i18nPrefix = 'chiliendgamewindow_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Stats Graph' options_order = {'togglestatsgraph'} options = { togglestatsgraph = { type = 'button', - name = 'Toggle stats graph', - desc = 'Shows and hides the statistics graph.', action = 'togglestatsgraph', dontRegisterAction = true, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facbar.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facbar.lua index 2f35c2abd4..ff4ed885c6 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facbar.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facbar.lua @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ local echo = Spring.Echo local function RecreateFacbar() end +i18nPrefix = 'chilifactorybar_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/FactoryBar' options = { maxVisibleBuilds = { type = 'number', - name = 'Visible Units in Que', desc = "The maximum units to show in the factory's queue", min = 2, max = 14, value = 5, @@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ options = { buttonsize = { type = 'number', - name = 'Button Size', min = 40, max = 100, step=5, value = 50, OnChange = function() RecreateFacbar() end, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facpanel.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facpanel.lua index fd8b0cbcd5..9485e4e750 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facpanel.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_facpanel.lua @@ -56,19 +56,18 @@ local echo = Spring.Echo local function RecreateFacbar() end local function UpdateFactoryList () end +i18nPrefix = 'chilifactorypanel_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/FactoryPanel' options = { buttonsize = { type = 'number', - name = 'Button Size', min = 40, max = 100, step=5, value = 50, OnChange = function() RecreateFacbar() end, }, backgroundOpacity = { - name = "Background opacity", type = "number", value = 1, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -78,17 +77,13 @@ options = { end, }, showAllPlayers = { - name = "Show All Players", type = 'bool', - desc = 'When spectating, show the factory queues of all players. When disabled, only shows the factory queue of the currently spectated player.', value = false, OnChange = function() UpdateFactoryList() end, }, showETA = { - name = "Show ETA", type = 'bool', - desc = 'Show ETA for the unit currently being built.', value = true, OnChange = function() RecreateFacbar() end, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_gesture_menu.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_gesture_menu.lua index 92a21aa77c..7792d4825e 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_gesture_menu.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_gesture_menu.lua @@ -80,17 +80,16 @@ local function OptionsChanged() end end +i18nPrefix = 'chiligesturemenu_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Gesture Menu' options_order = { 'markingmenu', 'iconDistance', 'iconSize', 'selectedIconSize', 'mouseMoveThreshold', 'mouseIdleThreshold', 'keyboardOnly', 'onlyOpenWithKeyboard', "qwertz", 'alternateconfig', 'allowMultiple'} options = { markingmenu = { - name = "Open Menu (set a hotkey ->)", type = 'button', --OnChange defined later }, iconDistance = { - name = "Icon distance (20-360)", type = 'number', value = 50, min=20,max=360,step=10, @@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ options = { }, iconSize = { - name = "Icon size (10-100)", type = 'number', value = 20, min=10,max=100,step=1, @@ -106,7 +104,6 @@ options = { }, selectedIconSize = { - name = "Selected icon size (10-100)", type = 'number', value = 32, min=10,max=100,step=1, @@ -114,60 +111,46 @@ options = { }, mouseMoveThreshold = { - name = "Mouse move threshold (10-2000)", type = 'number', value = 900, min=10,max=1000,step=1, - desc = "When you hold right button, you must move this distance(squared) to show menu", OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, mouseIdleThreshold = { - name = "Mouse idle threshold (0.1-3s)", type = 'number', value = 1, min=0.1,max=3,step=0.1, - desc = "When you hold right button still, menu appears after this time(s)", OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, keyboardOnly = { - name = 'Keyboard only', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = 'Disables gesture recognition', OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, onlyOpenWithKeyboard = { - name = 'Only open with keyboard', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = 'Disables right click drag to open', OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, qwertz = { - name = "qwertz keyboard", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "keys for qwertz keyboard", OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, alternateconfig = { - name = "Alternate Keyboard Layout", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "Centre hotkeys around D instead of S.", OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, allowMultiple = { - name = "Allow for multiple selected units", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Allows gestures even for multiple units selected", OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_global_commands.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_global_commands.lua index 1d391d618d..0fccf41cc0 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_global_commands.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_global_commands.lua @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ local strings = { lastmsgpos = {"", ""}, } +i18nPrefix = 'chiliglobalcommands_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Global Commands' options = { background_opacity = { @@ -94,14 +95,10 @@ options = { action = 'togglelos', }, simplifiedteamcolor = { - name = 'Simplified Team Colors', - desc = 'Toggles simplified team colors.', type = 'button', OnChange = toggleTeamColors, }, showeco = { - name = 'Toggle Economy Overlay', - desc = 'Show metal, geo spots and energy grid', hotkey = {key='f4', mod=''}, type ='button', action='showeco', @@ -113,7 +110,6 @@ options = { end, }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'radioButton', value = 'panel', items = { @@ -146,8 +142,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, hide = { - name = 'Hide GBC', - desc = 'Hides the Global Bar of Commands.', type = 'bool', value = false, hidden = true, -- hidden on purpose diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_integral_menu.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_integral_menu.lua index 71053cb3ac..ed2db54e27 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_integral_menu.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_integral_menu.lua @@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ local buildTabHolder, buttonsHolder -- Required for padding update setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Widget Options +i18nPrefix = 'chiliintegralmenu_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Command Panel' options_order = { 'simple_mode', 'enable_return_fire', 'enable_roam', @@ -160,8 +161,6 @@ WG.RemoveRoamState = true -- matches default options = { simple_mode = { - name = "Large State Icons", - desc = "Large state icons are arranged in four rows and display their hotkey (if the hotkey is short). When disabled, the icons are arranged in five rows and do not display hotkeys. Individual states can be added or removed under Settings -> Interface -> Commands.", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -170,8 +169,6 @@ options = { end, }, enable_return_fire = { - name = "Enable return fire state", - desc = "When enabled, the Hold Fire state is extended to a three-option toggle with Return Fire as an additional option.", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -186,8 +183,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, enable_roam = { - name = "Enable roam move state", - desc = "When enabled, the Hold Position state is extended to a three-option toggle with Roam as an additional option.", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -202,7 +197,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, background_opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.8, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -212,7 +206,6 @@ options = { }, keyboardType2 = { type='radioButton', - name='Grid Keyboard Layout', items = { {name = 'QWERTY (standard)',key = 'qwerty', hotkey = nil}, {name = 'QWERTZ (central Europe)', key = 'qwertz', hotkey = nil}, @@ -226,121 +219,92 @@ options = { path = commandPanelPath, }, selectionClosesTab = { - name = 'Construction Closes Tab', - desc = "When enabled, issuing or cancelling a construction command will switch back to the Orders tab (except for build options in the factory queue tab).", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, selectionClosesTabOnSelect = { - name = 'Selection Closes Tab', - desc = "When enabled, selecting a construction command will switch back to the Orders tab (except for build options in the factory queue tab).", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, altInsertBehind = { - name = 'Alt Inserts Behind', - desc = "When enabled, the Alt modifier will insert construction behind the current item in the queue. When disabled, and if the factory is not set to repeat, Alt will insert the command in front of the current construction (destroying its progress).", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, unitsHotkeys2 = { - name = 'Factories use grid', - desc = "When enabled, factory unit production uses grid hotkeys.", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, path = commandPanelPath, }, ctrlDisableGrid = { - name = 'Ctrl Disables Hotkeys', - desc = "When enabled, grid and tab hotkeys will deactivate while Ctrl is held. This allows for Ctrl+key hotkeys to be used while a construtor or factory is selected.", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, hide_when_spectating = { - name = 'Hide when Spectating', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, applyCustomGrid = { - name = "Apply Changes", type = 'button', path = customGridPath, }, label_apply = { type = 'text', - name = 'Note: Click above to refresh', value = 'Update modified custom grid hotkeys by clicking the button above. Reselecting any selected units may also be required. Note that "Apply Changes" can be bound to a key for convinence.', path = customGridPath }, label_tab = { type = 'label', - name = 'Tab Hotkeys', path = commandPanelPath }, tab_economy = { - name = "Economy Tab", - desc = "Switches to economy tab.", type = 'button', path = commandPanelPath, }, tab_defence = { - name = "Defence Tab", - desc = "Switches to defence tab.", type = 'button', path = commandPanelPath, }, tab_special = { - name = "Special Tab", - desc = "Switches to special tab.", type = 'button', path = commandPanelPath, }, tab_factory = { - name = "Factory Tab", - desc = "Switches to factory tab.", type = 'button', path = commandPanelPath, }, tab_units = { - name = "Units Tab", - desc = "Switches to units tab.", type = 'button', path = commandPanelPath, }, leftPadding = { - name = 'Left Padding', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, min = 0, max = 500, step=1, }, tabFontSize = { - name = "Tab Font Size", type = "number", value = 14, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, }, rightPadding = { - name = 'Right Padding', type = 'number', value = 0, advanced = true, min = 0, max = 500, step=1, }, flushLeft = { - name = 'Flush Left', type = 'bool', value = false, hidden = true, noHotkey = true, }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'bool', value = false, hidden = true, @@ -348,12 +312,10 @@ options = { }, label_super_grid_config = { type = 'label', - name = 'Tab specific overrides', path = customGridPath }, helpwindow = { - name = 'Command Visibility', type = 'text', value = "Each command can be hidden from the command panel, with some advanced ones hidden by default. Hotkeys can be used to issue commands or toggle states even when hidden.", path = commandOptPath, @@ -362,8 +324,6 @@ options = { }, commands_reset_default = { type = 'button', - name = "Reset to default", - desc = "Show the basic commands and hide the advanced ones", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #cullingSettingsList do local data = cullingSettingsList[i] @@ -380,7 +340,6 @@ options = { }, commands_enable_all = { type = 'button', - name = "Show all commands", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #cullingSettingsList do local data = cullingSettingsList[i] @@ -397,7 +356,6 @@ options = { }, commands_disable_all = { type = 'button', - name = "Hide all commands", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #cullingSettingsList do local data = cullingSettingsList[i] @@ -414,7 +372,6 @@ options = { }, states_enable_all = { type = 'button', - name = "Show all states", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #cullingSettingsList do local data = cullingSettingsList[i] @@ -431,7 +388,6 @@ options = { }, states_disable_all = { type = 'button', - name = "Hide all states", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #cullingSettingsList do local data = cullingSettingsList[i] diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_keyboardmenu.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_keyboardmenu.lua index ff118a4e1a..2171281583 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_keyboardmenu.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_keyboardmenu.lua @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ local function SetupKeybuttons() end -- options +i18nPrefix = 'chilikeyboardmenu_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/KB Menu' options_order = { 'layout', @@ -147,7 +148,6 @@ options_order = { options = { layout = { - name = 'Keyboard Layout', type = 'radioButton', OnChange = function(self) SetupKeybuttons() @@ -163,9 +163,7 @@ options = { }, }, sevenperrow = { - name = 'Rows of 7 keys', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Each row has 7 keys instead of the 6 default.', OnChange = function(self) SetupKeybuttons() UpdateButtons() @@ -174,33 +172,28 @@ options = { }, showGlobalCommands = { - name = 'Show Global Commands', type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, }, goToCommands = { - name = 'Commands...', type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) WG.crude.OpenPath('Hotkeys/Commands') end }, goToSelections = { - name = 'Selections...', type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) WG.crude.OpenPath('Hotkeys/Selection') end }, opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.4, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) window_main.color = {1,1,1,self.value}; window_main:Invalidate() end, }, old_menu_at_shutdown = { - name = 'Reenable Spring Menu at Shutdown', desc = "Upon widget shutdown (manual or upon crash) reenable Spring's original command menu.", type = 'bool', advanced = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_minimap.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_minimap.lua index 3cfe8b1508..8a9399aa89 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_minimap.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_minimap.lua @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ end local function MakeMinimapWindow() end +i18nPrefix = 'chiliminimap_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Map' local minimap_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Minimap' local hotkeysPath = 'Hotkeys/Misc' @@ -188,22 +189,16 @@ options = { label_drawing = { type = 'label', name = 'Map Drawing and Messaging', path = hotkeysPath}, drawinmap = { - name = 'Map Drawing Hotkey', - desc = 'Hold this hotkey to draw on the map and write messages. Left click to draw, right click to erase, middle click to place a marker. Double left click to type a marker message.', type = 'button', action = 'drawinmap', path = hotkeysPath, }, clearmapmarks = { - name = 'Erase Map Drawing', - desc = 'Erases all map drawing and markers (for you, not for others on your team).', type = 'button', action = 'clearmapmarks', path = hotkeysPath, }, lastmsgpos = { - name = 'Zoom To Last Message', - desc = 'Moves the camera to the most recently placed map marker or message.', type = 'button', action = 'lastmsgpos', path = hotkeysPath, @@ -212,38 +207,28 @@ options = { lblViews = { type = 'label', name = 'Map Overlays', path = hotkeysPath}, viewstandard = { - name = 'Clear Overlays', - desc = 'Disables Heightmap, Pathing and Line of Sight overlays.', type = 'button', action = 'showstandard', path = hotkeysPath, }, viewheightmap = { - name = 'Toggle Height Map', - desc = 'Shows contours of terrain elevation.', type = 'button', action = 'showelevation', path = hotkeysPath, }, viewblockmap = { - name = 'Toggle Pathing Map', - desc = 'Select a unit to see where it can go. Select a building blueprint to see where it can be placed.', type = 'button', action = 'showpathtraversability', path = hotkeysPath, }, viewfow = { - name = 'Toggle Line of Sight', - desc = 'Shows sight distance and radar coverage.', type = 'button', action = 'togglelos', path = hotkeysPath, }, showeco = { - name = 'Toggle Economy Overlay', - desc = 'Show metal, geo spots and energy grid', hotkey = {key='f4', mod=''}, type ='button', action='showeco', @@ -259,8 +244,6 @@ options = { lable_initialView = { type = 'label', name = 'Initial Map Overlay', }, initialSensorState = { - name = "Start with LOS enabled", - desc = "Game starts with Line of Sight Overlay enabled", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -275,7 +258,6 @@ options = { }, radar_fog_brightness1 = { - name = "Fog Brightness", type = "number", value = default_fog_brightness, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function() updateRadarColors() end, @@ -287,25 +269,23 @@ options = { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- radar_view_colors_label2 = { - type = 'label', name = '* Note: These colors are additive.', path = radar_path_edit, + type = 'label', + path = radar_path_edit, }, radar_radar_color = { - name = "Radar Edge Color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 0, 1, 0}, OnChange = function() updateRadarColors() end, path = radar_path_edit, }, radar_radar2_color = { - name = "Radar Interior Color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 1, 0, 0}, OnChange = function() updateRadarColors() end, path = radar_path_edit, }, radar_jammer_color = { - name = "Jammer Color", type = "colors", value = { 0.1, 0, 0, 0}, OnChange = function() updateRadarColors() end, @@ -313,7 +293,6 @@ options = { }, echoLos = { - name = 'Print LOS config to console', type = 'button', OnChange = function() local always, los, radar, jam, inRadar = Spring.GetLosViewColors() @@ -332,11 +311,11 @@ options = { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- radar_view_presets_label1 = { - type = 'label', name = 'Radar Presets', path = radar_path, + type = 'label', + path = radar_path, }, radar_preset_only_los = { - name = 'Only LOS', type = 'button', OnChange = function() -- options.radar_fog_color.value = { 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1} @@ -352,7 +331,6 @@ options = { }, radar_preset_double_outline = { - name = 'Double Outline (default)', type = 'button', OnChange = function() options.radar_fog_brightness1.value = default_fog_brightness @@ -366,7 +344,6 @@ options = { path = radar_path, }, radar_preset_two_tone = { - name = 'LOS Brighter', type = 'button', OnChange = function() options.radar_fog_brightness1.value = 0.2 @@ -380,7 +357,6 @@ options = { }, radar_preset_blue_line = { - name = 'Blue Outline', type = 'button', OnChange = function() options.radar_fog_brightness1.value = default_fog_brightness @@ -394,7 +370,6 @@ options = { }, radar_preset_green = { - name = 'Green Area Fill', type = 'button', OnChange = function() options.radar_fog_brightness1.value = default_fog_brightness @@ -408,7 +383,6 @@ options = { }, radar_preset_green_in_blue = { - name = 'Green in Blue Outline', type = 'button', OnChange = function() options.radar_fog_brightness1.value = default_fog_brightness @@ -425,14 +399,12 @@ options = { -- Minimap path area 'Settings/HUD Panels/Minimap' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- disableMinimap = { - name = 'Disable Minimap', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) MakeMinimapWindow() end, path = minimap_path, }, hideOnOverview = { - name = 'Hide on Overview', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) MakeMinimapWindow() end, @@ -440,7 +412,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, use_map_ratio = { - name = 'Keep Aspect Ratio', type = 'radioButton', value = 'arwindow', items = { @@ -462,7 +433,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -478,7 +448,6 @@ options = { path = minimap_path, }, alwaysResizable = { - name = 'Resizable', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange= function(self) MakeMinimapWindow() end, @@ -486,7 +455,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, buttonsOnRight = { - name = 'Map buttons on the right', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) MakeMinimapWindow() end, @@ -494,7 +462,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, hidebuttons = { - name = 'Hide Minimap Buttons', type = 'bool', advanced = true, OnChange= function(self) @@ -506,7 +473,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, minimizable = { - name = 'Minimizable', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange= function(self) MakeMinimapWindow() end, @@ -515,7 +481,6 @@ options = { }, lblblank1 = {name=' ', type='label'}, leftClickOnMinimap = { - name = 'Left Click Behaviour', type = 'radioButton', value = 'camera', items={ @@ -527,7 +492,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, fadeMinimapOnZoomOut = { - name = "Minimap fading when zoomed out", type = 'radioButton', value = 'none', items={ @@ -542,7 +506,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'radioButton', value = 'panel', path = minimap_path, @@ -586,9 +549,7 @@ options = { }, --[[ simpleMinimapColors = { - name = 'Simplified Minimap Colors', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Show minimap blips as green for you, teal for allies and red for enemies (only minimap will use this simple color scheme).', springsetting = 'SimpleMiniMapColors', OnChange = function(self) Spring.SendCommands{"minimap simplecolors " .. (self.value and 1 or 0) } end, path = minimap_path, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua index 0da6b8ce4a..a5e0a02514 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_nuke_warning.lua @@ -210,18 +210,17 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'chilinukewarning_' options_path = "Settings/Accessibility" options_order = { "mainlabel", "nukeWarningIsHuge", "nukeWarningOpacity" } options = { mainlabel = { - name='Nuclear launch warning', type='label', simpleMode = true, everyMode = true, }, nukeWarningIsHuge = { - name = "Full-screen nuclear launch warning", type = "bool", value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -240,7 +239,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, nukeWarningOpacity = { - name = "Nuclear launch warning opacity", type = "number", value = 100, min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole2.lua index f021e9d1f2..c8e9ead902 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole2.lua @@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ local lastMsgChat, lastMsgBackChat, lastMsgConsole ------------------------------------------------------------ -- options +i18nPrefix = 'chiliproconsole2_' options_path = "Settings/HUD Panels/Chat" local dedupe_path = options_path .. '/De-Duplication' @@ -217,7 +218,6 @@ options = { }, enableConsole = { - name = "Enable the debug console", type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, @@ -233,14 +233,12 @@ options = { }, text_height_chat = { - name = 'Chat Text Size', type = 'number', value = 14, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, text_height_console = { - name = 'Log Text Size', type = 'number', value = 14, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, @@ -248,14 +246,12 @@ options = { }, highlighted_text_height = { - name = 'Highlighted Text Size', type = 'number', value = 16, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, clickable_points = { - name = "Clickable points and labels", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -264,7 +260,6 @@ options = { -- TODO work in progress dedupe_messages = { - name = "Dedupe messages", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -273,7 +268,6 @@ options = { path = dedupe_path, }, dedupe_points = { - name = "Dedupe points and labels", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -282,7 +276,6 @@ options = { path = dedupe_path, }, highlight_all_private = { - name = "Highlight all private messages", type = 'bool', value = true, advanced = true, @@ -290,7 +283,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_allies = { - name = "Check allies messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, advanced = true, @@ -298,7 +290,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_enemies = { - name = "Check enemy messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, advanced = true, @@ -306,7 +297,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_specs = { - name = "Check spec messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, advanced = true, @@ -314,7 +304,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_other = { - name = "Check other messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, @@ -323,7 +312,6 @@ options = { }, --[[ highlight_filter = { - name = 'Highlight filter', type = 'list', OnChange = onOptionsChanged, -- NO NEED value = 'allies', @@ -338,7 +326,6 @@ options = { --[[ highlight_surround = { - name = "Surround highlighted messages", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -347,7 +334,6 @@ options = { }, --]] highlight_sound = { - name = "Sound for highlighted messages", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -356,7 +342,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, hideSpec = { - name = "Hide Spectator Chat", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -364,7 +349,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hideAlly = { - name = "Hide Ally Chat", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -372,7 +356,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hidePoint = { - name = "Hide Points", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -380,7 +363,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hideLabel = { - name = "Hide Labels", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -388,7 +370,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hideLog = { - name = "Hide Engine Logging Messages", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -396,7 +377,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, max_lines = { - name = 'Maximum Lines (20-100)', type = 'number', value = 60, min = 20, max = 100, step = 1, @@ -404,28 +384,24 @@ options = { }, color_chat = { - name = 'Everyone chat text', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_ally = { - name = 'Ally text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_other = { - name = 'Other text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_spec = { - name = 'Spectator text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -433,7 +409,6 @@ options = { }, --[[ color_dup = { - name = 'Duplicate message mark', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 0.2, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -441,14 +416,12 @@ options = { }, --]] color_highlight = { - name = 'Highlight mark', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 1, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = hilite_path, }, color_chat_background = { - name = "Chat Background color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 0, 0, 0}, OnChange = function(self) @@ -459,7 +432,6 @@ options = { path = color_path, }, color_console_background = { - name = "Console Background color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 0, 0, 0}, OnChange = function(self) @@ -476,34 +448,25 @@ options = { }, --[[ mousewheel = { - name = "Scroll with mousewheel", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) scrollpanel_console.ignoreMouseWheel = not self.value; end, }, --]] defaultAllyChat = { - name = "Default ally chat", - desc = "Sets default chat mode to allies at game start", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, defaultBacklogEnabled = { - name = "Enable backlog at start", - desc = "Starts with the backlog chat enabled.", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, toggleBacklog = { - name = "Toggle backlog", - desc = "The toggle backlog button is here to let you hotkey this action.", type = 'button', }, mousewheelBacklog = { - name = "Mousewheel Backlog", - desc = "Scroll the backlog chat with the mousewheel.", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -513,8 +476,6 @@ options = { end, }, enableSwap = { - name = "Backlog Arrow", - desc = "Enable the button to swap between chat and backlog chat.", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -558,16 +519,12 @@ options = { end, }, changeFont = { - name = "Change message entering font.", - desc = "With this enabled the text-entering font will be changed to match the chat. May cause Spring to competely lock up intermittently on load. Requires reload to update.", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, advanced = true, }, enableChatBackground = { - name = "Enable chat background.", - desc = "Enables a background for the text-entering box.", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -582,7 +539,6 @@ options = { end, }, backchatOpacity = { - name = "Backlog Border Opacity", type = 'number', value = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, @@ -592,7 +548,6 @@ options = { end, }, autohide_text_time = { - name = "Text decay time", type = 'number', value = 20, min = 10, max = 60, step = 5, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua index 42c5279ea6..519f45d455 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_proconsole_test.lua @@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ local lastMsgChat, lastMsgBackChat, lastMsgConsole ------------------------------------------------------------ -- options +i18nPrefix = 'chiliproconsole_' options_path = "Settings/HUD Panels/Chat" local dedupe_path = options_path .. '/De-Duplication' @@ -291,7 +292,6 @@ options = { }, enableConsole = { - name = "Enable the debug console", type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, @@ -307,14 +307,12 @@ options = { }, text_height_chat = { - name = 'Chat Text Size', type = 'number', value = 14, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, text_height_console = { - name = 'Log Text Size', type = 'number', value = 14, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, @@ -322,14 +320,12 @@ options = { }, highlighted_text_height = { - name = 'Highlighted Text Size', type = 'number', value = 16, min = 8, max = 30, step = 1, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, }, clickable_points = { - name = "Clickable points and labels", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -338,7 +334,6 @@ options = { }, --[[ pointButtonOpacity = { - name = "Point button opacity", type = 'number', value = 0.25, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, @@ -347,7 +342,6 @@ options = { --]] -- TODO work in progress dedupe_messages = { - name = "Dedupe messages", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -356,7 +350,6 @@ options = { path = dedupe_path, }, dedupe_points = { - name = "Dedupe points and labels", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -365,7 +358,6 @@ options = { path = dedupe_path, }, highlight_all_private = { - name = "Highlight all private messages", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -373,7 +365,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_allies = { - name = "Check allies messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -381,7 +372,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_enemies = { - name = "Check enemy messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -389,7 +379,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_specs = { - name = "Check spec messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -397,7 +386,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_filter_other = { - name = "Check other messages for highlight", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -406,7 +394,6 @@ options = { }, --[[ highlight_filter = { - name = 'Highlight filter', type = 'list', OnChange = onOptionsChanged, -- NO NEED value = 'allies', @@ -420,7 +407,6 @@ options = { --]] highlight_surround = { - name = "Surround highlighted messages", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -429,7 +415,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, highlight_sound = { - name = "Sound for highlighted messages", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -438,7 +423,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, send_lobby_updates = { - name = "Display lobby chat and updates", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -446,7 +430,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, sound_for_lobby = { - name = "Play sound for lobby updates", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -454,7 +437,6 @@ options = { path = hilite_path, }, hideSpec = { - name = "Hide Spectator Chat", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -462,7 +444,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hideAlly = { - name = "Hide Ally Chat", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -470,7 +451,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hidePoint = { - name = "Hide Points", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -478,7 +458,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hideLabel = { - name = "Hide Labels", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -486,7 +465,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, hideLog = { - name = "Hide Engine Logging Messages", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -494,7 +472,6 @@ options = { path = filter_path, }, max_lines = { - name = 'Maximum Lines (20-100)', type = 'number', value = 60, min = 20, max = 100, step = 1, @@ -502,35 +479,30 @@ options = { }, color_chat = { - name = 'Everyone chat text', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_ally = { - name = 'Ally text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.2, 1, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_other = { - name = 'Other text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_spec = { - name = 'Spectator text', type = 'colors', value = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = color_path, }, color_usernames = { - name = "Color usernames in messages", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, @@ -538,28 +510,24 @@ options = { path = color_path, }, color_dup = { - name = 'Duplicate message mark', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 0.2, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = dedupe_path, }, color_highlight = { - name = 'Highlight mark', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 1, 0.2, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = hilite_path, }, color_from_lobby = { - name = 'Lobby notification color', type = 'colors', value = { 1, 0.2, 1, 1 }, OnChange = onOptionsChanged, path = hilite_path, }, color_chat_background = { - name = "Chat Background color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 0, 0, 0}, OnChange = function(self) @@ -570,7 +538,6 @@ options = { path = color_path, }, color_console_background = { - name = "Console Background color", type = "colors", value = { 0, 0, 0, 0}, OnChange = function(self) @@ -587,16 +554,13 @@ options = { }, --[[ mousewheel = { - name = "Scroll with mousewheel", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) scrollpanel_console.ignoreMouseWheel = not self.value; end, }, --]] defaultAllyChat = { - name = "Default Chat Mode", type = 'radioButton', - desc = "Sets default chat mode to allies at game start", value = 'auto', items = { {key = 'on', name = 'Ally/Spectator Chat', desc = "Always start the game with ally chat or spectator chat enabled."}, @@ -607,20 +571,14 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, defaultBacklogEnabled = { - name = "Enable backlog at start", - desc = "Starts with the backlog chat enabled.", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, toggleBacklog = { - name = "Toggle backlog", - desc = "The toggle backlog button is here to let you hotkey this action.", type = 'button', }, mousewheelBacklog = { - name = "Mousewheel Backlog", - desc = "Scroll the backlog chat with the mousewheel.", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -630,8 +588,6 @@ options = { end, }, enableSwap = { - name = "Show backlog arrow", - desc = "Enable the button to swap between chat and backlog chat.", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -677,8 +633,6 @@ options = { end, }, backlogHideNotChat = { - name = "Hide arrow when not chatting", - desc = "Enable to hide the backlog arrow when not entering chat.", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -694,14 +648,10 @@ options = { end }, backlogShowWithChatEntry = { - name = "Auto-toggle backlog", - desc = "Enable to have the backlog enabled when entering text and disabled when not entering text.", type = 'bool', value = false, }, backlogArrowOnRight = { - name = "Backlong Arrow On Right", - desc = "Puts the backlong arrow on the right. It appear on the left if disabled..", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -716,16 +666,12 @@ options = { end, }, changeFont = { - name = "Change message entering font.", - desc = "With this enabled the text-entering font will be changed to match the chat. May cause Spring to competely lock up intermittently on load. Requires reload to update.", type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, noHotkey = true, }, enableChatBackground = { - name = "Enable chat background.", - desc = "Enables a background for the text-entering box.", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -740,8 +686,6 @@ options = { end, }, hideChat = { - name = "Hide when not chatting", - desc = "Hide the chat completely when not entering chat.", type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -749,7 +693,6 @@ options = { end, }, backchatOpacity = { - name = "Backlog Border Opacity", type = 'number', value = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, @@ -759,7 +702,6 @@ options = { end, }, autohide_text_time = { - name = "Text decay time", type = 'number', value = 20, min = 10, max = 60, step = 5, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_resource_bars.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_resource_bars.lua index b8f05fb6f1..b75d0242a8 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_resource_bars.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_resource_bars.lua @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'chiliresourcebarsclassic_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Resource Bars' local function option_workerUsageUpdate() @@ -90,23 +91,40 @@ end options_order = {'eexcessflashalways', 'energyFlash', 'workerUsage','opacity','onlyShowExpense','enableReserveBar','defaultEnergyReserve','defaultMetalReserve'} options = { - eexcessflashalways = {name='Always Flash On Energy Excess', type='bool', value=false}, - onlyShowExpense = {name='Only Show Expense', type='bool', value=false}, - enableReserveBar = {name='Enable Reserve', type='bool', value=false, tooltip = "Enables high priority reserve"}, + eexcessflashalways = { + type='bool', + value=false, + }, + onlyShowExpense = { + type='bool', + value=false, + }, + enableReserveBar = { + type='bool', + value=false, + tooltip = "Enables high priority reserve", + }, defaultEnergyReserve = { - name = "Initial Energy Reserve", type = "number", value = 0.05, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, }, defaultMetalReserve = { - name = "Initial Metal Reserve", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, }, - workerUsage = {name = "Show Worker Usage", type = "bool", value=false, OnChange = option_workerUsageUpdate}, - energyFlash = {name = "Energy Stall Flash", type = "number", value=0.1, min=0,max=1,step=0.02}, + workerUsage = { + type = "bool", + value=false, + OnChange = option_workerUsageUpdate, + }, + energyFlash = { + type = "number", + value=0.1, + min=0, + max=1, + step=0.02, + }, opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) window.color = {1,1,1,self.value}; window:Invalidate() end, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua index 7ba7ab762f..3d4422b11e 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_selections_and_cursortip.lua @@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ local ctrlFilterUnits = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings +i18nPrefix = 'chiliselectionscursortip_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Tooltip' local selPath = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Selected Units Panel' @@ -293,68 +294,53 @@ local showJumpReload = true options = { tooltip_delay = { - name = 'Tooltip display delay (0 - 4s)', - desc = 'Determines how long you can leave the mouse idle until the tooltip is displayed.', type = 'number', min=0,max=4,step=0.05, value = 0, }, independant_world_tooltip_delay = { -- Done - name = 'Unit and Feature tooltip delay (0 - 4s)', --desc = 'Determines how long you can leave the mouse over a unit or feature until the tooltip is displayed.', type = 'number', min=0,max=4,step=0.05, value = 0.2, }, show_for_units = { - name = "Show Tooltip for Units", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Show the tooltip for units.', }, show_for_wreckage = { - name = "Show Tooltip for Wreckage", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Show the tooltip for wreckage and map features.', }, show_for_unreclaimable = { - name = "Show Tooltip for Unreclaimables", type = 'bool', advanced = true, value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Show the tooltip for unreclaimable features.', }, showdrawtooltip = { - name = "Show Map-drawing Tooltip", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Show map-drawing tooltip when holding down the tilde (~).', }, showterratooltip = { - name = "Show Terraform Tooltip", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Show terraform tooltip when performing terraform commands.', }, showDrawTools = { - name = "Show Drawing Tools When Drawing", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, desc = 'Show pencil or eraser when drawing or erasing.' }, tooltipThroughPanels = { - name='Allow hovering through', type='bool', value=false, - desc = 'Show tooltips for units behind empty interface panels.', + type='bool', + value=false, }, tooltip_opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.92, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, update_on_the_fly = true, @@ -367,7 +353,6 @@ options = { }, selection_opacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.8, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, update_on_the_fly = true, @@ -379,8 +364,8 @@ options = { path = selPath, }, allowclickthrough = { - name = 'Allow clicking through', type='bool', value=false, - desc = 'Mouse clicks through empty parts of the panel act on whatever is underneath.', + type='bool', + value=false, path = selPath, OnChange = function(self) if selectionWindow then @@ -388,7 +373,8 @@ options = { end end, }, - groupbehaviour = {name='Unit Grouping Behaviour', type='radioButton', + groupbehaviour = { + type='radioButton', value='overflow', items = { {key = 'overflow', name = 'On window overflow'}, @@ -397,7 +383,9 @@ options = { }, path = selPath, }, - showgroupinfo = {name='Show Group Info', type='bool', value=true, + showgroupinfo = { + type='bool', + value=true, path = selPath, OnChange = function(self) if selectionWindow then @@ -406,9 +394,7 @@ options = { end, }, ctrlFilter = { - name = 'Ctrl Selection Filtering', type = 'bool', - desc = "Hold Ctrl and click on some units. These units will be selected when Ctrl is released.", value = true, path = selPath, }, @@ -421,7 +407,6 @@ options = { -- path = selPath, --}, uniticon_size = { - name = 'Icon size on selection list', --desc = 'Determines how small the icon in selection list need to be.', type = 'number', min=30,max=100,step=1, @@ -438,7 +423,6 @@ options = { type='bool', value= true, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Show reload progress for weapon that use manual trigger (only for ungrouped unit selection)", path = selPath, OnChange = function(self) showManualFire = self.value @@ -449,14 +433,12 @@ options = { type='bool', value= true, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Show reload progress for jumpjets (only for ungrouped unit selection)", path = selPath, OnChange = function(self) showJumpReload = self.value end, }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'radioButton', value = 'panel', path = selPath, @@ -475,7 +457,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, leftPadding = { - name = "Left Padding", type = "number", value = 0, min = 0, max = 500, step = 1, OnChange = function(self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_share.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_share.lua index 6835c299a0..dedf21ed9b 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_share.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_share.lua @@ -94,30 +94,25 @@ local function PingTimeOut(pingTime) end +i18nPrefix = 'chilisharemenuv124_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Player List' --[[ Change path if necessary. I just dumped it here because it made sense. Note: remerge is used in case of bugs! Feel free to remove it in a few stables.]] options = { automation_clanmerge = { - name = 'Auto clan merge', - desc = 'Automatically merge with clan members.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, fixHotkeys = { - name = "Fix hotkeys on start", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Fixes old hotkey issues once and then disables.", advanced = true, noHotkey = true, }, enableNumWHR = { - name = "Show player rating", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "Shows the WHR current rating of each player after their name. Uses the rating category of the current game mode (Casual or MM).", noHotkey = true, OnChange = function(self) if SetWantRebuild then @@ -126,8 +121,6 @@ options = { end, }, sharemenu = { - name = 'Show Player List', - desc = 'Hold this button to bring up the Player List.', type = 'button', hotkey = "tab", OnChange = function(self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua index e243446020..d0e5f46dc3 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_chili_spectator_panels.lua @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ ShowOptions = {ShowOptions} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Options +i18nPrefix = 'chilispectatorpanels_' options_path = 'Settings/Spectating/Team Information Panels' options_order = { @@ -152,7 +153,6 @@ options_order = { local econName, econPath = "Chili Economy Panel Default", "Settings/HUD Panels/Economy Panel" options = { enableSpectator = { - name = "Enable as Spectator", type = "bool", value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -162,21 +162,20 @@ options = { desc = "Automatically enables the spectator panels and disables the player resource bar when spectating." }, clanNameLengthCutoff = { - name = "Max Clan Name Length", type = "number", value = 12, min = 0, max = 60, step = 1, desc = "Clans with full names shorter than this are displayed in full. Otherwise the short name is used. Requires reload." }, - lable_playerPanel = {type = 'label', name = 'Player Panel',}, + lable_playerPanel = { + type = 'label', + }, enablePlayerPanel = { - name = "Enable Player Panel", type = "bool", value = true, OnChange = function(self) option_CheckEnablePlayer(self) end, }, playerOpacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.6, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -189,35 +188,31 @@ options = { end, }, playerMainFontSize = { - name = "Main Font Size", type = "number", value = 25, min = 8, max = 60, step = 1, OnChange = option_UpdateFonts, }, playerFontSize = { - name = "Font Size", type = "number", value = 16, min = 8, max = 40, step = 1, OnChange = option_UpdateFonts, }, - lable_economyPanels = {type = 'label', name = 'Economy Panels',}, + lable_economyPanels = { + type = 'label', + }, enableEconomyPanels = { - name = "Enable Economy Panels", type = "bool", value = true, OnChange = function(self) option_CheckEnableResource(self) end, }, flowAsArrows = { - name = "Flow as arrows", - desc = "Use arrows instead of a number for the flow. Each arrow is 5 resources per second.", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, OnChange = option_UpdateFonts, }, resourceOpacity = { - name = "Opacity", type = "number", value = 0.6, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -241,19 +236,16 @@ options = { end, }, resourceMainFontSize = { - name = "Main Font Size", type = "number", value = 25, min = 8, max = 60, step = 1, OnChange = option_UpdateFonts, }, resourceFontSize = { - name = "Font Size", type = "number", value = 16, min = 8, max = 40, step = 1, OnChange = option_UpdateFonts, }, colourBlind = { - name = "Colourblind mode", type = "bool", value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -261,7 +253,6 @@ options = { desc = "Uses Blue and Yellow instead of Red and Green for number display" }, fancySkinning = { - name = 'Fancy Skinning', type = 'radioButton', value = 'panel', items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_contextmenu.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_contextmenu.lua index e47451186c..e84eaac5b3 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_contextmenu.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_contextmenu.lua @@ -169,35 +169,29 @@ end local function MakeStatsWindow() end +i18nPrefix = 'contextmenu_' options_order = {'shortNotation', 'window_height', 'window_to_cursor', 'window_pos_x', 'window_pos_y', 'text_hotkey'} options_path = 'Help/Unit List' options = { shortNotation = { - name = "Short Number Notation", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Shows short number notation for HP and other values.', path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Unit Stats Help Window' }, window_height = { - name = "Window Height", type = 'number', value = 450, min = 450, max = 1000, - desc = 'Set default window height.', path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Unit Stats Help Window' }, window_to_cursor = { - name = "Create window under cursor", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Creates the window under the mouse cursor, otherwise uses the values below for position.', path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Unit Stats Help Window' }, window_pos_x = { - name = "Window Default X", type = 'number', value = 150, min = 0, @@ -205,7 +199,6 @@ options = { path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Unit Stats Help Window' }, window_pos_y = { - name = "Window Default Y", type = 'number', value = 150, min = 0, @@ -214,7 +207,6 @@ options = { }, text_hotkey = { - name = 'Global Construction Hotkeys', type = 'text', value = [[These hotkey are always active. To edit the in-tab hotkeys look in "Hotkeys/Command Panel". Each tab can even have their own layout.]], path = 'Hotkeys/Construction', diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_defenseRange.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_defenseRange.lua index f7e05b7473..ab33b00c28 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_defenseRange.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_defenseRange.lua @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ local global_command_button -- EPIC options +i18nPrefix = 'defenserangezerok_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Defence and Cloak Ranges' local function OnOptChange(self) @@ -218,57 +219,46 @@ end options = { label = { type = 'label', name = 'Defence Ranges' }, allyground = { - name = 'Show Ally Ground Defence', type = 'bool', value = false, }, allyair = { - name = 'Show Ally Air Defence', type = 'bool', value = false, }, allynuke = { - name = 'Show Ally Nuke Defence', type = 'bool', value = true, }, enemyground = { - name = 'Show Enemy Ground Defence', type = 'bool', value = true, }, enemyair = { - name = 'Show Enemy Air Defence', type = 'bool', value = true, }, enemynuke = { - name = 'Show Enemy Nuke Defence', type = 'bool', value = true, }, enemyshield = { - name = 'Show Enemy Shields', type = 'bool', value = true, }, enemyradar = { - name = 'Show Enemy Radar Coverage', type = 'bool', value = false, }, specground = { - name = 'Show Ground Defence as Spectator', type = 'bool', value = false, }, specair = { - name = 'Show Air Defence as Spectator', type = 'bool', value = false, }, specnuke = { - name = 'Show Nuke Defence as Spectator', type = 'bool', value = true, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua index 3f4b534d21..71ec7d8942 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_economic_victory_announcer.lua @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ end local enabled = false +i18nPrefix = 'economicvictoryannouncer_' options_path = 'Settings/Toolbox/Economy Announcer' options_order = { @@ -41,7 +42,6 @@ options_order = { options = { enable = { - name = "Enable economic victory announcer", type = "bool", value = false, OnChange = function(self) @@ -53,28 +53,21 @@ options = { end end, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Announces the total assets of the teams at set times. For use with a manually run economic victory condition." }, sayResult = { - name = "Say results publicly (adjudicators only)", type = "bool", value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Enable to say the result of the match publicly. Only for adjudicators." }, firstCall = { - name = "First check time", type = "number", value = 25, min = 0, max = 90, step = 1, }, secondCall = { - name = "Second check time", type = "number", value = 30, min = 0, max = 90, step = 1, }, econMultiplier = { - name = "Economy multiplier", - desc = "A team wins if it has this times more value than any other team.", type = "number", value = 2, min = 1, max = 5, step = 0.1, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_epicmenu.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_epicmenu.lua index 7bb4c7bf2a..c07207fe77 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_epicmenu.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_epicmenu.lua @@ -1018,14 +1018,14 @@ local function UpdateI18n(option, checkRedundancy) local name = WG.Translate('epicmenu', option.i18nKey) if checkRedundancy and option.name and name then - echo("Warning: overwriting name of option '" + option.key + "' from i18n" ) + echo("Warning: overwriting name of option '" .. option.key .. "' from i18n" ) end option.name = name or option.name -- Suppress logging for description as it is optional local desc = WG.Translate('epicmenu', option.i18nKey .. '_desc', nil, { suppressWarnings = true }) if checkRedundancy and option.desc and desc then - echo("Warning: overwriting desc of option '" + option.key + "' from i18n" ) + echo("Warning: overwriting desc of option '" .. option.key .. "' from i18n" ) end option.desc = desc or option.desc end diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_group_recall_fix.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_group_recall_fix.lua index 645091a956..ce5d68d000 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_group_recall_fix.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_group_recall_fix.lua @@ -21,18 +21,16 @@ local _, ToKeysyms = include("Configs/integral_menu_special_keys.lua") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local hotkeysPath = "Hotkeys/Selection/Control Groups" +i18nPrefix = 'defaultgrouprecallfix_' options_path = 'Settings/Camera/Control Group Zoom' options_order = { 'enabletimeout', 'timeoutlength', 'lbl_group', 'shift_adds'} options = { enabletimeout = { - name = "Enable Timeout", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "When enabled, the key must be pressed twice in quick sucession to zoom to a control group.", noHotkey = true, }, timeoutlength = { - name = "Double Press Speed", type = "number", value = 0.4, min = 0, @@ -41,14 +39,11 @@ options = { }, lbl_group = { type = 'label', - name = 'Control Groups', path = hotkeysPath, }, shift_adds = { - name = "Shift Adds To Group", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "When enabled, hold shift and press a group hotkey to add the selected units to the group.", noHotkey = true, path = hotkeysPath, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_havens.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_havens.lua index 1cada8b480..8c296937e5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_havens.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_havens.lua @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/customcmds.h.lua") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'havenhandler_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Retreat Zones' options_order = {'onlyShowMyZones', 'cancelRetreat'} @@ -26,8 +27,6 @@ local RETREAT_OFF_TABLE = {0} options = { onlyShowMyZones = { - name = 'Only Show My Zones', - desc = 'With this enabled you will only see your retreat zones.', type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -35,8 +34,6 @@ options = { end, }, cancelRetreat = { - name = 'Cancel Retreat', - desc = 'Set your selected units to not retreat. It might be useful to assign it a hotkey.', type = 'button', action = 'cancelretreat', hidden = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hide_interface_action.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hide_interface_action.lua index 14c7241d28..f3ffed0e00 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hide_interface_action.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hide_interface_action.lua @@ -68,12 +68,11 @@ function widget:Update() widgetHandler:RemoveCallIn("Update") end +i18nPrefix = 'hideinterfaceandmousecursor_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Extras' options = { hideinterfaceandcursor = { - name = 'Hide Interface', - desc = 'Toggle to show/hide the interface and mouse cursor.', hotkey = {key = 'f5', mod = 'C'}, type = 'button', action = 'hideinterfaceandcursor', @@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ options = { end, }, cursor_animated = { - name = 'Large cursor', desc = 'Double cursor size. WARNING: won\'t render cursors at all on some older graphics cards!', type = 'bool', value = false, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua index 6d41fb5462..59f9415a54 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_highlight_unit_gl4.lua @@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ local function UpdateTeamColors() Spring.Echo("enemyUnitColor", enemyUnitColor[1], enemyUnitColor[2], enemyUnitColor[3]) end +i18nPrefix = 'highlightunitgl4_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility' options_order = { 'highlightStrength', 'highlightSat', 'selfHoverSameAsAllies'} options = { highlightStrength = { - name = "Mouse hover highlight strength", type = "number", value = 0.35, min = 0, @@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ options = { step = 0.01, }, highlightSat = { - name = "Mouse hover highlight saturation", type = "number", value = 0.5, min = 0, @@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ options = { OnChange = UpdateTeamColors }, selfHoverSameAsAllies = { - name = 'Use ally hover cover for self', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = UpdateTeamColors diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hud_presets.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hud_presets.lua index d3820cf212..f5c96dc2b0 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hud_presets.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_hud_presets.lua @@ -1438,33 +1438,27 @@ end ---------------------------------------------------- -- Options ---------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'hudpresets_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Presets' options_order = {'updateNewDefaults', 'setToDefault', 'maintainDefaultUI', 'minimapScreenSpace', 'interfacePreset'} options = { updateNewDefaults = { - name = "Stay up to date", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Updates your UI when new defaults are released.", noHotkey = true, }, setToDefault = { - name = "Set To Default Once", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Resets the HUD to the default next time this widget is initialized.", advanced = true, noHotkey = true, }, maintainDefaultUI = { - name = "Reset on screen resolution change", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Resets the UI when screen resolution changes. Disable if you plan to customise your UI.", noHotkey = true, }, minimapScreenSpace = { - name = "Minimap Size", type = "number", value = 0.19, min = 0.05, max = 0.4, step = 0.01, --desc = "Controls minimap size for the New UI presets.", -- supresses value tooltip @@ -1473,7 +1467,6 @@ options = { end, }, interfacePreset = { - name = 'UI Preset', type = 'radioButton', value = 'default', items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icon_sets.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icon_sets.lua index 42c2ecc6ea..41cd2a6842 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icon_sets.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icon_sets.lua @@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ function widget:GetInfo() return { enabled = true, } end +i18nPrefix = 'iconsets_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Radar Icons' options_order = { 'coniconchassis', 'ships' } options = { coniconchassis = { - name = 'Show constructor chassis', - desc = 'Do constructor icons show chassis? Conveys more information but reduces visibility somewhat.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -45,8 +44,6 @@ options = { end, }, ships = { - name = 'Use standard ship icons', - desc = 'Do ships use the standarized chassis-role icons instead of hull shape pictograms?', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_iconheight.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_iconheight.lua index 9db9a0c972..7fcd924843 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_iconheight.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_iconheight.lua @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ local GotHotkeypress = function() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'iconheight_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility' options_order = { @@ -110,15 +111,11 @@ options = { lblIconHeight = {name='Icon Height Widget', type='label'}, iconheight = { - name = 'Icon Height', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, all units will be icons; if below, no units will be icons.\n\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\n\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10000, value = 2500, }, iconmodehotkey = { - name = "Icon Mode Hotkey", - desc = "Define a hotkey to switch between icon display modes (On/Off/Dynamic).\n\nSingle-press to switch between On/Off.\n\nDouble-press to switch to Dynamic.", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) GotHotkeypress() end, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icontransition.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icontransition.lua index e69523169a..b06a62f4e5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icontransition.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_icontransition.lua @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ renderAtPos = { -- Options -- +i18nPrefix = 'iconzoomtransition_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Icon Zoom Transition' options_order = { @@ -113,54 +114,40 @@ options_order = { options = { lblIconTransition = {name = 'Icon Transition Parameters', type = 'label'}, icontransitiontop = { - name = 'Icon Transition Top', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, units will be icons only.\n\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\n\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10000, step = 50, value = 4500, }, icontransitionbottom = { - name = 'Icon Transition Bottom', - desc = 'If the camera is below this height, units will be models only.\n\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\n\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10000, step = 50, value = 350, }, icontransitionmaxsize = { - name = 'Icon Transition Max Size', - desc = 'Size of the icons when the transition begins.', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 250, step = 1, value = 58, }, icontransitionminsize = { - name = 'Icon Transition Min Size', - desc = 'Size of the icons when the transition ends.', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 250, step = 1, value = 6, }, icontransitionmaxopacity = { - name = 'Icon Transition Max Opacity', - desc = 'Opacity of the icons when the transition begins.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 100, value = 100, }, icontransitionminopacity = { - name = 'Icon Transition Min Opacity', - desc = 'Opacity of the icons when the transition ends.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 100, value = 100, }, iconmodehotkey = { - name = "Icon Mode Hotkey", - desc = "Define a hotkey to switch between icon display modes (On/Off/Dynamic).\n\nSingle-press to switch between On/Off.\n\nDouble-press to switch to Dynamic.", type = 'button', hotkey = 'Alt+I', OnChange = function(self) GotHotkeypress() end, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_ingame_guide.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_ingame_guide.lua index 7d6970597f..0929238261 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_ingame_guide.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_ingame_guide.lua @@ -4,91 +4,75 @@ function widget:GetInfo() return { enabled = true, } end +i18nPrefix = 'ingameguide_' options_path = 'Help' options = { ingameguide_concept_wreckage = { - name = "Wreckage", value= "When destroyed, units leave wreckage containing a part of their metal worth. This value can then be Reclaimed by constructors, which makes wreckage an important source of income. Wrecks are also physical objects and thus can obstruct projectiles and movement.", path = "Concepts" }, ingameguide_concept_radar = { - name = "Radar", value= "Radar is a sensor type that can detect the presence of enemy units at long range. It is very cheap, but cannot determine the unit types and the reported position is not perfectly accurate. Radar can be jammed to prevent units from being detected.", path = "Concepts" }, ingameguide_concept_cloak = { - name = "Cloak", value= "Cloak prevents units from being detected and seen by enemies. Taking damage, shooting, or moving too close to an enemy will decloak the unit.", path = "Concepts" }, ingameguide_damage_emp = { - name = "EMP", value= "EMP does not reduce the target's health; instead, it accumulates in the unit and will stun it when it exceeds its current health (reaching 100% on the health bar). Further EMP damage will increase the stun time. A stunned unit cannot do anything. EMP gradually wears off on its own.", path = "Damage Types" }, ingameguide_damage_slow = { - name = "Slow", value= "Slow damage accumulates in units and reduces most of their parameters, including movement and reload speed. A unit cannot be slowed beyond 50% and slow gradually wears off on its own.", path = "Damage Types" }, ingameguide_damage_disarm = { - name = "Disarm", value= "Disarm damage does not reduce the target's health; instead, it accumulates in the unit and will prevent shooting and using abilities it when it exceeds its current health (reaching 100% on the health bar). Further Disarm damage will increase the time of that effect. Disarm gradually wears off on its own.", path = "Damage Types" }, ingameguide_damage_fire = { - name = "Fire", value= "Flamethrowers and napalm can set units on fire. This causes them to steadily take damage for extended periods of time. Amphibious units can extinguish fire by moving underwater.", path = "Damage Types" }, ingameguide_roles_raider = { - name = "Raider", value= "Fast, light units who deal high damage. Use to harass the enemy economy and to counter skirmishers. Counter with riot units and defences.", path = "Unit Roles" }, ingameguide_roles_skirm = { - name = "Skirmisher", value= "Skirmishers are units designed to stay at range and kite their targets. Good in numbers and against slow units such as assaults and riots.", path = "Unit Roles" }, ingameguide_roles_riot = { - name = "Riot", value= "Riot units excel at crowd control, typically dealing lots of damage in a wide area - excellent against raiders. They are typically slow and have low range though, so counter them with skirmishers.", path = "Unit Roles" }, ingameguide_ui_priority = { - name = "Priority", value= "Constructors and units under construction can be assigned high or low priority. Units with higher priority are guaranteed to be assigned resources before those with lower.", path = "UI Features" }, ingameguide_ui_repeat = { - name = "Repeat", value= "The repeat toggle causes all finished orders to be copied onto the end of the order queue. Most importantly, factories can be made to build the selected unit composition indefinitely, but it can also be used for normal orders, for example area-repair on repeat sets up a repair haven.", path = "UI Features" }, ingameguide_ui_labels = { - name = "Labels", value= "By holding the ~ key and double-leftclicking on a location, a text label marker can be placed. The middle mouse button can be used to place a marker without a label. Dragging the left mouse button can be used to draw markings and the right mouse button is used to erase markers and drawings.", path = "UI Features" }, ingameguide_ui_ferryroutes = { - name = "Ferry routes", value= "Air transports can be made to automatically ferry units from a selected area to another. First, place a ferry route using the ferry route placement button. Transports can be assigned to ferry routes by moving them into the input circle. Units given a move order inside the circle will automatically wait for being transported before continuing with their orders.", path = "UI Features" }, ingameguide_ui_retreat = { - name = "Retreat", value= "Mobile units can be set to retreat when their health is brought low. Retreat zones can be placed on the map and will serve as targets for the retreating units, who will remain there until their health is brought back to full.", path = "UI Features" }, ingameguide_ui_firestates = { - name = "Fire States", value= "You can control how armed units pick targets using fire states.\n\nFire At Will (green) means they automatically acquire all targets.\nReturn Fire (yellow) has them only target units they have been dealt damage by.\nHold Fire (red) means the unit will only listen to manual attack orders.", path = "UI Features" }, ingameguide_ui_movestates = { - name = "Move States", value= "You can control your units' aggressiveness using move states.\n\nRoam (green) means the unit can chase its targets without restrictions.\nManeuver (yellow) makes units chase enemies, but only a limited distance from their original location.\nHold Position (red) means units will never chase enemies unless given a direct attack order.", path = "UI Features" }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lasso_terraform.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lasso_terraform.lua index 053d97f7d1..89938ef3b5 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lasso_terraform.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lasso_terraform.lua @@ -83,52 +83,42 @@ local Grid = 16 -- grid size, do not change without other changes. --------------------------------- local HOTKEY_PATH = 'Hotkeys/Construction' +i18nPrefix = 'lassoterraformgui_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement' options_order = {'catlabel', 'structure_holdMouse', 'structure_altSelect', 'staticMouseTime', 'staticMouseThreshold', 'label_preset', 'text_hotkey_level', 'text_hotkey_raise'} options = { catlabel = { - name = 'Build Height', type = 'label', }, structure_holdMouse = { - name = "Terraform by holding mouse click", type = "bool", value = false, --[[ disabled by default because it is easy to accidentally enable this UI; having your mouse anchored to a spot on your screen because you click and hold for too long (likely to happen if you want to line build, or are considering options) is really bad if you don't know what is coming ]] - desc = "When enabled, holding down the left mouse button while placing a structure will enter height selection mode.", }, structure_altSelect = { - name = "Terraform by selecting with Alt", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "When enabled, holding Alt while selecting a build option (either on the command card or with a hotkey) will cause height selection mode when the structure is placed.", }, staticMouseTime = { - name = "Structure Terraform Press Time", type = "number", value = 1, min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.05, }, staticMouseThreshold = { - name = "Mouse drag threshold", type = "number", value = 20, min = 0, max = 400, step = 1, - desc = "Dragging the mouse more than this many pixels to start registering as a mouse movement.", }, label_preset = { type = 'label', - name = 'Terraform Preset Hotkeys', path = HOTKEY_PATH }, text_hotkey_level = { - name = 'Level Presets', type = 'text', value = "These buttons can be bound to issue Level commands without the height selection step. Each preset is associated to a sliderbar which determines the height. The first four defaults (0, -8, -20, -24) block ships, let all units pass, block some units, and block land units.", path = HOTKEY_PATH .. "/Level", }, text_hotkey_raise = { - name = 'Raise Presets', type = 'text', value = "These buttons can be bound to issue Raise commands without the height adjustment step. Each preset is associated to a sliderbar which determines the amount raised or lowered. The first four values block vehicles (12, -12) and bots (24, -30).", path = HOTKEY_PATH .. "/Raise", diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lobster_units_highlighter.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lobster_units_highlighter.lua index 5a7162ff8e..9d0818d196 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lobster_units_highlighter.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_lobster_units_highlighter.lua @@ -29,29 +29,23 @@ local YELLOW = {1, 1, 0.35, 0.4} local LOB_WEAPON_NUM = 1 +i18nPrefix = 'lobsterunitshighlighter_' options_path = "Settings/Interface/Falling Units/Lobster" options_order = {"drawEffectCircle", "checkReloadTime", "checkRange", "drawFor", "edgeRange", "useHightlight", "highlightStrength"} options = { drawEffectCircle = { - name = "Show effect circle", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Draws a circle around Lobsters showing their effect range.", }, checkReloadTime = { - name = "Check Reload Time", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Do not draw highlight for Lobsters that are reloading.", }, checkRange = { - name = "Check Range", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Do not draw highlight for Lobsters that out of range of the cursor.", }, drawFor = { - name = 'Draw highlight for', type = 'radioButton', value = 'nearby', items = { @@ -62,7 +56,6 @@ options = { }, }, edgeRange = { - name = "Nearby detection range", type = "number", value = 50, min = 0, @@ -70,13 +63,10 @@ options = { step = 5, }, useHightlight = { - name = "Default visualisation", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Highlight units which will be lobbed. When disabled, circles are drawn below units that show more information.", }, highlightStrength = { - name = "Highlight strength", type = "number", value = 0.6, min = 0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_local_colors.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_local_colors.lua index 945ddcc3c1..8b3dc8f9f2 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_local_colors.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_local_colors.lua @@ -104,23 +104,21 @@ local function UpdateColorNotify() UpdateColor() end +i18nPrefix = 'localteamcolors_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Team Colors' options = { colorSetting = { - name = 'Team Color Mode', type = 'radioButton', value = 'default', items = colorSettingsItems, OnChange = UpdateColorConfig }, matchColors = { - name = 'Sync Colors With Team', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = UpdateColorNotify }, simpleEnemyAllyTeam = { - name = 'Colour Enemies By Team', type = 'radioButton', value = 'auto', items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl3.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl3.lua index 5944ae61a8..a39b40eb4b 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl3.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl3.lua @@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ local BAR_COMPAT = Spring.Utilities.IsCurrentVersionNewerThan(105, 500) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'metalfeaturesgl3old_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Reclaim Highlight' options_order = { 'showhighlight', 'pregamehighlight', 'minmetal'} options = { showhighlight = { - name = 'Show Reclaim', - desc = "When to highlight reclaimable features", type = 'radioButton', value = 'constructors', items = { @@ -57,16 +56,12 @@ options = { }, pregamehighlight = { - name = "Show Reclaim Before Round Start", - desc = "Enabled: Show reclaimable metal features before game begins \n Disabled: No highlights before game begins", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, minmetal = { - name = 'Minimum Reclaim To Highlight', - desc = "Metal below this amount will not be highlighted", type = "number", value = 1, min = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl4.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl4.lua index fdcdaa490b..50756f120a 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl4.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_gl4.lua @@ -42,12 +42,11 @@ local ALL_FEATURES = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'metalfeaturesgl4_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Reclaim Highlight' options_order = { 'showhighlight', 'pregamehighlight', 'minmetal', 'disableWithUi'} options = { showhighlight = { - name = 'Show Reclaim', - desc = "When to highlight reclaimable features", type = 'radioButton', value = 'constructors', items = { @@ -61,15 +60,11 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, pregamehighlight = { - name = "Show Reclaim Before Round Start", - desc = "Enabled: Show reclaimable metal features before game begins \n Disabled: No highlights before game begins", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, minmetal = { - name = 'Minimum Reclaim To Highlight', - desc = "Metal below this amount will not be highlighted", type = "number", value = 1, min = 1, @@ -77,8 +72,6 @@ options = { step = 1, }, disableWithUi = { - name = 'Disable with hidden UI', - desc = 'Toggles outlines with Ctrl+F5.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_old2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_old2.lua index ee6dfafff7..d7daa1793d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_old2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_metal_features_old2.lua @@ -35,12 +35,11 @@ local spGetGameFrame = Spring.GetGameFrame -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'metalfeaturesveryold_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Reclaim Highlight/Old' options_order = { 'showhighlight','pregamehighlight','intensity','minmetal'} options = { showhighlight = { - name = 'Show Reclaim', - desc = "When to highlight reclaimable features", type = 'radioButton', value = 'constructors', items = { @@ -55,8 +54,6 @@ options = { }, intensity = { - name = 'Highlighted Reclaim Brightness', - desc = "Increase or decrease visibility of effect", type = "number", value = 100, min = 20, @@ -65,16 +62,12 @@ options = { }, pregamehighlight = { - name = "Show Reclaim Before Round Start", - desc = "Enabled: Show reclaimable metal features before game begins \n Disabled: No highlights before game begins", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, minmetal = { - name = 'Minimum Reclaim To Highlight', - desc = "Metal below this amount will not be highlighted", type = "number", value = 1, min = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_missile_impacts.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_missile_impacts.lua index f1a56f77f5..c1d931dabf 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_missile_impacts.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_missile_impacts.lua @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ end local END_FADE_TIME = 12 local START_FADE_TIME = 8 +i18nPrefix = 'missileimpactpoints_' options_order = {"alpha", "thickness"} options = { alpha = { - name = "Line opacity", type = "number", value = 0.6, min = 0, @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ options = { step = 0.01, }, thickness = { - name = "Line thickness", type = "number", value = 3, min = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_news_ticker.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_news_ticker.lua index c866bd726a..ab9ef89242 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_news_ticker.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_news_ticker.lua @@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ local scrollSpeed = math.ceil(60*UPDATE_PERIOD) local function SetTickerVisiblity() end +i18nPrefix = 'newsticker_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/News Ticker' options = { backgroundOpacity = { - name = "Background opacity", type = "number", value = 0.8, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, OnChange = function(self) @@ -98,25 +98,19 @@ options = { end, }, minCostMult = { - name = "Minimum cost mult (1-20)", type = "number", value = 10, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1, - desc = "Multiplies metal income for minimum cost of newsworthy units", }, hideBar = { - name = "Hide Bar", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "Hides the visible bar", OnChange = function(self) SetTickerVisiblity(not self.value) end }, useSounds = { - name = "Use Sounds", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Voice announcements for events.", }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_pauseScreen.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_pauseScreen.lua index 376ef91ddb..a805262c3b 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_pauseScreen.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_pauseScreen.lua @@ -83,34 +83,28 @@ local mouseY = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'pausescreen_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Pause Screen' options = { hideimage = { - name='Disable Pause Screen', type='bool', desc = 'Remember to not display pause-screen anymore. \n\nRemainder: you can revisit this configuration page at any time later at "Settings/HUD Panels/Pause Screen" if needed.', value=false, noHotkey = true, }, disablesound = { - name='Disable Voice', type='bool', - desc = 'Remember to not play voice-over for pausing anymore.', value=false, noHotkey = true, }, autofade = { - name='Pause Screen automatically fade out', type='bool', - desc = 'Automatically fade to background without needing to click it.', value=true, noHotkey = true, }, nopicture = { - name='Disable Logo', type='bool', - desc = 'Only display pause text.', value=true, noHotkey = true, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_height.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_height.lua index cf521ce691..3e18af7ccd 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_height.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_height.lua @@ -54,18 +54,17 @@ end -- Epic Menu --------------------------------- local hotkeyPath = "Hotkeys/Construction" +i18nPrefix = 'persistentbuildheight_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement' options_order = { 'enterSetHeightWithB', 'altMouseToSetHeight', 'label_structure', 'hotkey_toggle', 'hotkey_raise', 'hotkey_lower'} options = { enterSetHeightWithB = { - name = "Toggle set height", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, desc = "Press a hotkey (default B) while placing a structure to set the height of the structure. Keys C and V increase or decrease height." }, altMouseToSetHeight = { - name = "Alt mouse wheel to set height", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -73,12 +72,9 @@ options = { }, label_structure = { type = 'label', - name = 'Terraform Structure Placement', path = hotkeyPath }, hotkey_toggle = { - name = 'Toggle Structure Terraform', - desc = 'Press during structure placement to make a strucutre on a spire or a hold. Alt + MMB also toggles this mode.', type = 'button', hotkey = "B", bindWithAny = true, @@ -87,8 +83,6 @@ options = { path = hotkeyPath, }, hotkey_raise = { - name = 'Raise Structure Terraform', - desc = 'Increase the height of structure terraform. Also possible with Alt + Scrollwheel.', type = 'button', hotkey = "C", bindWithAny = true, @@ -97,8 +91,6 @@ options = { path = hotkeyPath, }, hotkey_lower = { - name = 'Lower Structure Terraform', - desc = 'Decrease the height of structure terraform. Also possible with Alt + Scrollwheel.', type = 'button', hotkey = "V", bindWithAny = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua index e8e5b04dec..982b9a80bf 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_persistent_build_spacing.lua @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ local function UpdateKeys() end local hotkeys_path = 'Hotkeys/Construction' +i18nPrefix = 'persistentbuildspacing_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement' options_order = { 'text_hotkey', @@ -99,23 +100,18 @@ options_order = { options = { -- hotkeys text_hotkey = { - name = 'Structure Placement Modifiers', type = 'label', path = hotkeys_path }, hotkey_inc = { - name = 'Increase Build Spacing', type = 'button', - desc = 'Increase the spacing between structures queued in a line or rectangle. Hold Shift to queue a line of structures. Add Alt to queue a rectangle. Add Ctrl to queue a hollow rectangle.', action = "buildspacing inc", bindWithAny = true, path = hotkeys_path, OnHotkeyChange = UpdateKeys, }, hotkey_dec = { - name = 'Decrease Build Spacing', type = 'button', - desc = 'Decrease the spacing between structures queued in a line or rectangle. Hold Shift to queue a line of structures. Add Alt to queue a rectangle. Add Ctrl to queue a hollow rectangle.', action = "buildspacing dec", bindWithAny = true, path = hotkeys_path, @@ -123,31 +119,24 @@ options = { }, hotkey_facing_inc = { - name = 'Rotate Counterclockwise', type = 'button', - desc = 'Rotate the structure placement blueprint counterclockwise.', action = "buildfacing inc", bindWithAny = true, path = hotkeys_path, }, hotkey_facing_dec = { - name = 'Rotate Clockwise', type = 'button', - desc = 'Rotate the structure placement blueprint clockwise.', action = "buildfacing dec", bindWithAny = true, path = hotkeys_path, }, ----- wheel and visualization implementation spacing_label = { - name = 'Build Spacing', type = 'label', }, -- wheel wheel_spacing = { - name = 'Change with Shift + MouseWheel', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Change the spacing Shift down and the MouseWheel', value = wheelSpacing, noHotkey = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -157,7 +146,6 @@ options = { children = {'reverse_wheel'} }, reverse_wheel = { - name = '..reversed.', type = 'bool', value = wheelValue == -1, noHotkey = true, @@ -168,9 +156,7 @@ options = { }, -- rectangle showing options show_spacing_rects = { - name = 'Visualise spacing', type = 'bool', - desc = "Briefly show spaced rectangles in all directions around the cursor", value = showSpacingRects, noHotkey = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -181,9 +167,7 @@ options = { }, show_only_2_rects = { - name = '..of only two rectangles, ', type = 'bool', - desc = "If 8 rectangles bug you too much, only show 2 horizontal rectangles", value = only2Rects, noHotkey = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -193,7 +177,6 @@ options = { parents = {'show_spacing_rects'} }, show_rects_only_on_change = { - name = '..only on spacing change, ', type = 'bool', desc = "If you don't want to see those rectangles until you change the current spacing", value = showRectsOnChange, @@ -204,9 +187,7 @@ options = { parents = {'show_spacing_rects'} }, rects_follow_ground = { - name = '..following the ground height,', type = 'bool', - desc = "..unless, of course, if it should float !", noHotkey = true, value = followGround, OnChange = function(self) @@ -215,9 +196,7 @@ options = { parents = {'show_spacing_rects'} }, stick_to_wrong_grid = { - name = '..according to the placement grid,', type = 'bool', - desc = "In case of building moving units, the placement grid is misleading, uncheck this is you want to see the rectangles following where the placements will really occur.", noHotkey = true, value = stickToWrongGrid, OnChange = function(self) @@ -226,9 +205,7 @@ options = { parents = {'show_spacing_rects'} }, rects_bad_color = { - name = '..with bad colors for bad placements,', type = 'bool', - desc = "Reddish color if it cannot be placed", noHotkey = true, value = withBadColor, OnChange = function(self) @@ -237,7 +214,6 @@ options = { parents = {'show_spacing_rects'} }, show_time_rects = { - name = '... for this many seconds.', type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 10.1, @@ -253,9 +229,7 @@ options = { }, -- value showing options show_spacing_value = { - name = 'Show spacing value', type = 'bool', - desc = "Briefly show separation value", value = showSpacingValue, noHotkey = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -265,7 +239,6 @@ options = { }, show_value_only_on_change = { - name = '..only on spacing change, ', type = 'bool', desc = "If you don't want to see the above helper until you change the current spacing", value = showValueOnChange, @@ -277,7 +250,6 @@ options = { }, show_time_value = { - name = '... for this many seconds.', type = 'number', min = 0.1, max = 10.1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua index bdb9870ad7..14c074f814 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_reclaim_field_highlight.lua @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ local fontSizeMax = 250 local textParametersChanged = false +i18nPrefix = 'reclaimfieldhighlight_' options_path = "Settings/Interface/Reclaim Highlight" options_order = { 'showhighlight', 'flashStrength', 'fontSizeMin', 'fontSizeMax', 'fontScaling' } options = { showhighlight = { - name = 'Show Field Summary', type = 'radioButton', value = 'constructors', items = { @@ -42,43 +42,35 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, flashStrength = { - name = "Field flashing strength", type = 'number', value = flashStrength, min = 0.0, max = 0.5, step = 0.05, - desc = "How intensely the reclaim fields should pulse over time", OnChange = function() flashStrength = options.flashStrength.value end, }, fontSizeMin = { - name = "Minimum font size", type = 'number', value = fontSizeMin, min = 20, max = 150, step = 10, - desc = "The smallest font size to use for the smallest reclaim fields", OnChange = function() fontSizeMin = options.fontSizeMin.value textParametersChanged = true end, }, fontSizeMax = { - name = "Maximum font size", type = 'number', value = fontSizeMax, min = 20, max = 300, step = 10, - desc = "The largest font size to use for the largest reclaim fields", OnChange = function() fontSizeMax = options.fontSizeMax.value textParametersChanged = true end, }, fontScaling = { - name = "Font scaling factor", type = 'number', value = fontScaling, min = 0.2, max = 0.8, step = 0.025, - desc = "How quickly the font size of the metal value display should grow with the size of the field", OnChange = function() fontScaling = options.fontScaling.value textParametersChanged = true diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_replace_cloak_con_order.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_replace_cloak_con_order.lua index 9594e0c9ae..299c1c7b5d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_replace_cloak_con_order.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_replace_cloak_con_order.lua @@ -14,11 +14,21 @@ end VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/customcmds.h.lua") +i18nPrefix = 'replacecloakconorders_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour/Replace Cloak Con Orders' options = { - reclaim = {name='Replace Reclaim', type='bool', value=true}, - resurrect = {name='Replace Resurrect', type='bool', value=true}, - repair = {name='Replace Repair', type='bool', value=true}, + reclaim = { + type='bool', + value=true, + }, + resurrect = { + type='bool', + value=true, + }, + repair = { + type='bool', + value=true,, + }, } function widget:CommandNotify(id, params, cmdOptions) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_savegame.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_savegame.lua index 24cf357437..8287669742 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_savegame.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_savegame.lua @@ -44,18 +44,16 @@ local mainWindow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'savegamemenu_' options_path = 'Settings/Autosave' -options = -{ +options = { enableautosave = { - name = 'Enable Autosave', type = 'bool', value = false, simpleMode = true, everyMode = true, }, autosaveFrequency = { - name = 'Autosave Frequency (minutes)', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 60, step = 1, value = 10, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua index 4146c580eb..9420191ea7 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selectedunits_gl4.lua @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ local lastHoverUnitID, lastAllySelStaleCheck local otherOpacityMult = 0.4 local Init +i18nPrefix = 'selectedunitsgl4_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection/Default Selections' options_order = { 'linewidth', 'platteropacity', 'outlineopacity', @@ -79,7 +80,6 @@ options_order = { } options = { linewidth = { - name = 'Outline Width', desc = '', type = 'number', min = 0.1, @@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ options = { end, }, platteropacity = { - name = 'Fill Opacity', - desc = 'Opacity of the selection fill - 0 is invisble', type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 1, @@ -103,8 +101,6 @@ options = { end, }, outlineopacity = { - name = 'Outline Opacity', - desc = 'Opacity of the selection outline - 1 is solid', type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 1.0, @@ -115,7 +111,6 @@ options = { end, }, selectionColor = { - name = 'Other Selections (allies and spectating)', type = 'radioButton', items = { {name = 'Shown with team colour', key='teamcolor', desc="Show selected ally units with their team colour."}, @@ -127,8 +122,6 @@ options = { end, }, ally_strength = { - name = 'Ally Selection Strength', - desc = 'Opacity multiplier for ally selections when playing', type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 1, @@ -139,8 +132,6 @@ options = { end, }, spec_strength = { - name = 'Player Selection Strength (as spectator)', - desc = 'Opacity multiplier for player selections while spectating', type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 1, @@ -151,8 +142,6 @@ options = { end, }, selectionheight = { - name = 'Selection Height', - desc = 'How much to float the selection above the unit baseline - a value of 0 is more likely to be clipped by units', type = 'number', min = 0.0, max = 8.0, @@ -164,8 +153,6 @@ options = { advanced = true, }, drawdepthcheck = { - name = 'Draw Selections in Unit Plane', - desc = 'If disabled, selections are only drawn below units and never above - even for planes. This can cause the selection to be invisible. On the other hand, disabling this can increase performance.', type = 'bool', value = 'true', OnChange = function(self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_hierarchy.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_hierarchy.lua index c166a8cf88..39c51fa881 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_hierarchy.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_hierarchy.lua @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ local function StartRetreat(unitID) end end +i18nPrefix = 'selectionhierarchy_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection/Filtering' local retreatPath = 'Settings/Interface/Retreat Zones' options_order = { @@ -80,7 +81,6 @@ options_order = { options = { label_selection_rank = { type = 'text', - name = 'Selection Rank Filtering', value = [[Units have a toggleable selection rank on the right side of their command card (the circle with numbers 0-3). - Normal selection only selects the boxed units with the highest rank. - Shift ignores rank. @@ -91,18 +91,14 @@ options = { - Default rank can be edited in 'Settings/Unit Behaviour/Default States'.]], }, useSelectionFilteringOption = { - name = "Enable selection filtering", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Enables selection rank, which filters constructors from combat units by default.", OnChange = function (self) useSelectionFiltering = self.value end }, ctrlFlattenRankOption = { - name = 'Hold Ctrl to ignore rank difference above:', - desc = "Useful so that global selection hotkeys (such as Ctrl+Z) can expand upon a mixed selection.", type = 'number', value = 1, min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, @@ -113,18 +109,14 @@ options = { end }, selectionFilteringOnlyAltOption = { - name = "Only filter when Alt is held", type = "bool", value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Enable selection filtering when Alt is held. Requires the main selection filtering option to be enabled.", OnChange = function (self) selectionFilteringOnlyAlt = self.value end }, altBlocksHighRankSelection = { - name = 'Hold Alt to filter out ranks above:', - desc = "Useful for selecting low-rank units, such as constructors as they default to rank 2.", type = 'number', value = 2, min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, @@ -135,8 +127,6 @@ options = { end }, doubleClickFlattenRankOption = { - name = 'Double click ignores rank difference above:', - desc = "Allows for double click selection of many units of the same type and differing selection rank.", type = 'number', value = 1, min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, @@ -147,8 +137,6 @@ options = { end }, controlGroupFlattenRank = { - name = "Control groups ignore rank difference above:", - desc = "Allows selecting entire control groups of differing selection rank.", type = "number", value = controlGroupFlattenRank, min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, @@ -158,8 +146,6 @@ options = { end }, retreatOverrideOption = { - name = "Retreat overrides selection rank", - desc = "Retreating units will be treated as a different selection rank.", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -169,8 +155,6 @@ options = { end }, retreatingRankOption = { - name = 'Retreat selection override:', - desc = "Retreating units are treated as this selection rank, if override is enabled.", type = 'number', value = 0, -- This should be 0 because otherwise Ctrl selection keys work on the unit. min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, @@ -182,8 +166,6 @@ options = { end }, retreatDeselects = { - name = "Retreat deselects", - desc = "Whether a unit that starts retreating will be deselected, so as not to keep accidentally bringing units back into danger.", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_modkeys.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_modkeys.lua index e6aa44d0f1..7d7184dd87 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_modkeys.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_selection_modkeys.lua @@ -33,31 +33,26 @@ local CLICK_LEEWAY = 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'selectionmodkeys_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection' options_order = {'enable', 'leeway_time', 'leeway_distance'} options = { leeway_time = { - name = "Selection leeway time (seconds)", - desc = "If the mouse is clicked and released within the leeway time, and moves less than the leeway distance, then the unit clicked on will be selected.", type = 'number', value = 0.15, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, noHotkey = true }, leeway_distance = { - name = "Selection leeway distance (pixels)", - desc = "If the mouse is clicked and released within the leeway time, and moves less than the leeway distance, then the unit clicked on will be selected.", type = 'number', value = 150, min = 0, max = 1000, step = 1, noHotkey = true }, enable = { - name = "New left click selection modifiers", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = "Implements new modifiers for left clicking on units. There is essentially no reason to disable this.", advanced = true, }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_showeco_action.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_showeco_action.lua index e9b9ea2cea..5160003e03 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_showeco_action.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_showeco_action.lua @@ -98,12 +98,11 @@ end local drawAlpha = 0.2 WG.showeco_always_mexes = true -- No OnChange when not changed from the default. +i18nPrefix = 'showecoandgriddrawer_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Economy Overlay' options_order = {'start_with_showeco', 'always_show_mexes', 'mergeCircles', 'drawQueued'} options = { start_with_showeco = { - name = "Start with economy overlay", - desc = "Game starts with Economy Overlay enabled", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, @@ -114,8 +113,6 @@ options = { end, }, always_show_mexes = { - name = "Always show Mexes", - desc = "Show metal extractors even when the full economy overlay is not enabled.", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -123,15 +120,11 @@ options = { end, }, mergeCircles = { - name = "Draw merged grid circles", - desc = "Merge overlapping grid circle visualisation. Does not work on older hardware and should automatically disable.", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = ForceRedraw, }, drawQueued = { - name = "Draw grid in queue", - desc = "Shows the grid of not-yet constructed buildings in the queue of a selected constructor. Activates only when placing grid structures.", type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = ForceRedraw, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spectate_selected_team.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spectate_selected_team.lua index e2dbe775e2..59267672c6 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spectate_selected_team.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spectate_selected_team.lua @@ -21,18 +21,16 @@ local team local SelectNextPlayer = function() end +i18nPrefix = 'spectateselectedteam_' options_path = 'Settings/Spectating/Player View' options_order = {'followNextPlayer','specviewselection',} options={ followNextPlayer = { - name = "Select Next Player", - desc = "Quickly select next player. Hotkey this button.", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) SelectNextPlayer() end, }, specviewselection = { type='radioButton', - name='View and Selection Restriction', items = { {name = 'Chosen player only',key='viewchosenplayer', desc="Point of view of current player, and you can only select the current player's units.", hotkey=nil}, {name = 'Full vision',key='viewall', desc="Unlimited line of sight, but you can only select current player's units.", hotkey=nil}, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spotter.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spotter.lua index ebb04dc222..920ab1cfed 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spotter.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_spotter.lua @@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ end local function UpdateDrawList() end +i18nPrefix = 'spotter_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Spotter' options = { showEnemyCircle = { - name = 'Show Circle Around Enemies', - desc = 'Show a hard circle rround enemy units', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_sudden_death.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_sudden_death.lua index f7c0375c37..12753ae30d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_sudden_death.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_sudden_death.lua @@ -10,21 +10,19 @@ function widget:GetInfo() } end +i18nPrefix = 'suddendeath_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Map/Sudden Death' options_order = {"color", "mid_color", "thickness"} options = { color = { - name = "Sudden death color", type = "colors", value = {1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8}, }, mid_color = { - name = "Middle ring color", type = "colors", value = {0.2, 1, 0.2, 0.6}, }, thickness = { - name = "Line thickness", type = "number", value = 7, min = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_team_platter.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_team_platter.lua index 362a603163..26de7a867d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_team_platter.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_team_platter.lua @@ -117,23 +117,21 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'teamplatter_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection/Team Platters' options = { outlineOpacity = { - name = "Outline opacity (0 boosts performance)", type = 'number', value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, --desc = "How much can be seen through the circle outline. The outline can removed completely by " .. --"setting this to 1, significantly enhancing performance", }, fillOpacity = { - name = "Fill opacity", type = 'number', value = 0.4, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, --desc = "How much can be seen through the circle fill", }, extraRadius = { - name = "Platter size", type = 'number', value = 6, min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, --desc = "How much additional padding should be added to the circle radius in pixels", diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_teamhighlight.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_teamhighlight.lua index 45acbfab74..e74a8e0b49 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_teamhighlight.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_teamhighlight.lua @@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ local function ToggleTeamhighlight(self) end end +i18nPrefix = 'teamhighlightoption_' options_path = "Settings/Interface/Team Colors" options = { enable_th = { - name = "Lagging players flash", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "When enabled, the units of lagging players will flash (with increasing intensity as their latency increases).", noHotkey = true, OnChange = ToggleTeamhighlight, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_unit_target_command_helper.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_unit_target_command_helper.lua index 11a59f7dde..45f5fcdcf1 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_unit_target_command_helper.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_unit_target_command_helper.lua @@ -22,12 +22,11 @@ local function SetCircleDragThreshold(value) WG.CircleDragThreshold = value end +i18nPrefix = 'unittargetcommandhelper_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Commands' options_order = { 'circleDragThreshold', 'unitTargetHelper' } options = { circleDragThreshold = { - name = "Area command drag threshold", - desc = "Distance that the mouse must move to issue an area command.", type = 'number', value = 25, min = 2, max = 300, step = 1, @@ -37,8 +36,6 @@ options = { end }, unitTargetHelper = { - name = "Speedy unit click helper", - desc = "When enabled, clicking on a unit will target it even if it is no longer under the mouse when the click is released.", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_vertLineAid.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_vertLineAid.lua index 344ff1e5d0..39cd411a9c 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_vertLineAid.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_vertLineAid.lua @@ -21,12 +21,11 @@ local function forceUpdate () needsUpdate = true end +i18nPrefix = 'verticallineonradardots_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/Vertical Lines' options_order = { 'enable_vertical_lines_air', 'enable_vertical_lines_water', 'enable_vertical_lines_ally' } options = { enable_vertical_lines_air = { - name = 'Show for enemy aircraft', - desc = 'Draw a line perpendicular to the ground for enemy airborne units', type = 'radioButton', value = 'radar', items = { @@ -38,8 +37,6 @@ options = { OnChange = forceUpdate, }, enable_vertical_lines_water = { - name = 'Show for enemy underwater', - desc = 'Draw a line perpendicular to the surface for enemy submerged units', type = 'radioButton', value = 'radar', items = { @@ -50,8 +47,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, enable_vertical_lines_ally = { - name = 'Show for allied units', - desc = 'Draw the lines for allied units', type = 'radioButton', value = 'never', items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_xrayhaloselect.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_xrayhaloselect.lua index 17f714fbf0..119e8d1283 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_xrayhaloselect.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/gui_xrayhaloselect.lua @@ -98,12 +98,11 @@ local glUnit = gl.Unit local showAlly = false +i18nPrefix = 'xrayhaloselections_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection/Selection XRay&Halo' options = { showally = { - name = 'Show Ally Selections', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Highlight the units your allies currently have selected.', value = false, OnChange = function(self) visibleAllySelUnits = {} @@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ options = { end, }, useteamcolors = { - name = 'Use Team Colors', type = 'bool', desc = 'Highlight your allies\' selections with their team colors instead of the default yellow.', value = false, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startpointEloCom_info.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startpointEloCom_info.lua index ba4de8f781..ae6b103a29 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startpointEloCom_info.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startpointEloCom_info.lua @@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ VFS.Include ("LuaRules/Utilities/lobbyStuff.lua") VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/start_setup.lua") --[[ +i18nPrefix = 'commnelostartposinfo_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Pregame Setup' options_order = { 'showrankicon',} options = { showrankicon = { - name = 'Show rank icon for everyone', - desc = 'Show rank icon under player name before game start', type = 'bool', value = false, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startup_info_selector.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startup_info_selector.lua index 34490086be..c234ec50e8 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startup_info_selector.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/init_startup_info_selector.lua @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ local function ToggleModuleTooltip(bool) end end +i18nPrefix = 'startupinfoandselector_' options_path = 'Settings/HUD Panels/Commander Selector' options = { hideTrainers = { @@ -145,14 +146,11 @@ options = { end }, cameraZoom = { - name = 'Zoom camera to start position', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, cameraZoomDistance = { - name = 'Start position zoom distance', - desc = "Distance that the start position zoom zooms the camera to.", type = 'number', value = 1100, min = 400, max = 3000, step = 50, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_barrier.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_barrier.lua index a3d6222056..920ded1b42 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_barrier.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_barrier.lua @@ -41,16 +41,14 @@ local island = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'mapedgebarrier_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Map/Edge Barrier' options = { drawForIslands = { - name = "Draw for islands", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Draws boundary wall when map is an island", }, wallFromOutside = { - name = "Visible walls from outside", type = 'bool', value = false, desc = "Map wall is visible from the outside (e.g. when it's between camera and main map)", @@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ options = { end }, northSouthText = { - name = "North, East, South, & West text", type = 'bool', value = false, desc = 'Help you identify map direction under rotation by placing a "North/South/East/West" text on the map edges', diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_extension.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_extension.lua index c3bbd109fe..719fb73b73 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_extension.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/map_edge_extension.lua @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ local function ResetWidget() widget:Initialize() end +i18nPrefix = 'mapedgeextension_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Map Exterior' options_order = {'mapBorderStyle', 'drawForIslands', 'gridSizeExp', 'gridTextureSizeExp', 'fogEffect', 'curvature2', 'textureBrightness3', 'useShader'} options = { @@ -73,7 +74,6 @@ options = { --when not, the map is drawn mirrored 8 times into a display list mapBorderStyle = { type='radioButton', - name='Exterior Effect', items = { {name = 'Texture', key = 'texture', desc = "Mirror the heightmap and texture.", hotkey = nil}, {name = 'Grid', key = 'grid', desc = "Mirror the heightmap with grid texture.", hotkey = nil}, @@ -89,65 +89,50 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, drawForIslands = { - name = "Draw for islands", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Draws mirror map when map is an island", noHotkey = true, }, useShader = { - name = "Use shader", type = 'bool', value = true, advanced = true, - desc = 'Use a shader when mirroring the map', OnChange = ResetWidget, noHotkey = true, }, gridSizeExp = { - name = "Heightmap resolution (2^n)", type = 'number', min = 5, max = 8, step = 1, value = 5, - desc = '', OnChange = ResetWidget, }, gridTextureSizeExp = { - name = "Grid tile size (2^n)", - desc = "Cannot be less than heightmap resolution", type = 'number', min = 5, max = 8, step = 1, value = 5, - desc = '', OnChange = ResetWidget, }, textureBrightness3 = { - name = "Texture Brightness", type = 'number', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, value = 0.29, - desc = 'Sets the brightness of the realistic texture (doesn\'t affect the grid)', OnChange = ResetWidget, }, fogEffect = { - name = "Edge Fog Effect", type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = 'Blurs the edges of the map slightly to distinguish it from the extension.', OnChange = ResetWidget, noHotkey = true, }, curvature2 = { - name = "Curvature Effect", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Add a curvature to the extension.', OnChange = ResetWidget, noHotkey = true, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/map_external_grid.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/map_external_grid.lua index f9383e747f..041b55d57c 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/map_external_grid.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/map_external_grid.lua @@ -46,14 +46,13 @@ local featureChance = 0.01 local noFeatureRange = 0 ]]-- +i18nPrefix = 'externalvrgrid_' options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Map/VR Grid' options_order = {"mirrorHeightMap","res","range","northSouthText"} options = { mirrorHeightMap = { - name = "Mirror heightmap", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Mirrors heightmap on the grid', OnChange = function(self) if DspLst then gl.DeleteList(DspLst) @@ -62,14 +61,12 @@ options = { end, }, res = { - name = "Tile size (64-512)", advanced = true, type = 'number', min = 64, max = 512, step = 64, value = 512, - desc = 'Sets tile size (lower = more detail)\nStepsize is 64; recommend powers of 2', OnChange = function(self) if DspLst then gl.DeleteList(DspLst) @@ -78,14 +75,12 @@ options = { end, }, range = { - name = "Range (1024-8192)", advanced = true, type = 'number', min = 1024, max = 8192, step = 256, value = 3072, - desc = 'How far outside the map to draw', OnChange = function(self) if DspLst then gl.DeleteList(DspLst) @@ -94,7 +89,6 @@ options = { end, }, northSouthText = { - name = "North, East, South, & West text", type = 'bool', value = false, desc = 'Help you identify map direction under rotation by placing a "North/South/East/West" text on the map edges', diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/missilesilo_range.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/missilesilo_range.lua index eda02d1a3d..df1f42b860 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/missilesilo_range.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/missilesilo_range.lua @@ -15,15 +15,14 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config +i18nPrefix = 'missilesilorange_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Building Placement' options_order = { 'missile_silo_advanced'} options = { missile_silo_advanced = { - name = "Advanced Missile Silo ranges", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'When placing a Missile Silo, show at what range the missiles will fall vertically, ie. are unblockable by terrain geometry and walls. Also, show how far away from the nominal range you can reach through AoE.', }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_music2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_music2.lua index eb6cb46140..bf410d5461 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_music2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_music2.lua @@ -46,24 +46,20 @@ local trackList = { defeatTracks = {}, } +i18nPrefix = 'musicplayer_' options_path = 'Settings/Audio' options = { useIncludedTracks = { - name = "Use Included Tracks", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Use the tracks included with Zero-K', noHotkey = true, }, pausemusic = { - name = 'Pause Music', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = "Music pauses with game", noHotkey = true, }, albumSelection = { - name = 'Track list', type = 'radioButton', value = oldTrackListName, items = { diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_noises.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_noises.lua index 88c2093c63..d2e124f88f 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_noises.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_noises.lua @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ local toleranceTime = Spring.GetConfigInt('DoubleClickTime', 300) * 0.001 -- no -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'noises_' options_path = 'Settings/Audio' options_order = { 'selectnoisevolume','ordernoisevolume','attacknoisevolume', 'commandSoundCooldown', 'selectSoundCooldown', } options = { selectnoisevolume = { - name = 'Selection Volume', type = "number", value = 1, min = 0, @@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, ordernoisevolume = { - name = 'Command Volume', type = "number", value = 1, min = 0, @@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, attacknoisevolume = { - name = 'Commander Under Attack Volume', type = "number", value = 1, min = 0, @@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ options = { everyMode = true, }, commandSoundCooldown = { - name = 'Command Reply Cooldown', type = "number", value = 0.05, min = 0, @@ -91,7 +88,6 @@ options = { step = 0.005, }, selectSoundCooldown = { - name = 'Select Reply Cooldown', type = "number", value = toleranceTime, min = 0, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_text_to_speech.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_text_to_speech.lua index f57da70ddb..411c73b5bc 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_text_to_speech.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/snd_text_to_speech.lua @@ -41,12 +41,11 @@ local function SetupTTS(value) end end +i18nPrefix = 'texttospeechcontrol_' options_path = 'Settings/Audio' options_order = {'tts_vol'} options = { tts_vol = { - name = "Text-to-speech volume", - desc = "TTS reads the ally chat.", type = 'number', min = 0, max = 100, value = 0, step = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_group.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_group.lua index 8d674676bd..a0f4e78b87 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_group.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_group.lua @@ -32,13 +32,12 @@ end local hotkeyPath = 'Hotkeys/Selection/Control Groups' +i18nPrefix = 'autogroup_' options_order = { 'mainlabel', 'text_hotkey', 'cleargroups', 'removefromgroup', 'loadgroups', 'addall', 'verbose', 'immediate', 'groupnumbers', } options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Control Groups' options = { mainlabel = {name='Auto Group', type='label'}, loadgroups = { - name = 'Preserve Auto Groups', - desc = 'Preserve auto groupings for next game. Unchecking this clears the groups!', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -49,41 +48,33 @@ options = { end }, addall = { - name = 'Add All', - desc = 'Existing units will be added to group# when setting autogroup#.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, verbose = { - name = 'Verbose Mode', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, immediate = { - name = 'Immediate Mode', - desc = 'Units built/resurrected/received are added to autogroups immediately instead of waiting them to be idle.', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, groupnumbers = { -- FIXME why is this handled by autogroups? it's standalone functionality - name = 'Display Group Numbers', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, text_hotkey = { - name = 'Auto Groups', type = 'text', value = "Alt + sets all selected unit types to automatically be assigned to the group upon completion.\nAlt + removes the selected unit types from their auto group. Auto groups persist across games by default.", path = hotkeyPath, }, cleargroups = { - name = 'Clear All Auto Groups', type = 'button', OnChange = function() unit2group = {} @@ -92,7 +83,6 @@ options = { path = hotkeyPath, }, removefromgroup = { - name = 'Remove From Autogroup', type = 'button', hotkey = "`", bindWithAny = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua index f64b698cad..8b31bd21bf 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos.lua @@ -97,14 +97,13 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings +i18nPrefix = 'autopatrolnanos_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { patrol_idle_nanos = { - name = "Caretaker automation", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Caretakers will automatically find tasks when idle. They may assist, repair or reclaim. Also applies to Strider Hub.', OnChange = function (self) enableIdleNanos = self.value if self.value then @@ -113,11 +112,9 @@ options = { end, }, stop_disables = { - name = "Disable caretakers with stop", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Caretakers automation is put on hold with the Stop command. Automation resumes after any other command. Also applies to Strider Hub.', OnChange = function (self) stopHalts = self.value if not self.value then diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos_v2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos_v2.lua index c10ba8dc05..eacf35492a 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos_v2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_auto_patrol_nanos_v2.lua @@ -489,14 +489,13 @@ end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Settings +i18nPrefix = 'autopatrolnanosv2_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { patrol_idle_nanos = { - name = "Caretaker automation (v2)", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Caretakers will automatically find tasks when idle. They may assist, repair or reclaim. Also applies to Strider Hub.', OnChange = function (self) enableIdleNanos = self.value if self.value then @@ -505,11 +504,9 @@ options = { end, }, stop_disables = { - name = "Disable caretakers with stop (v2)", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Caretakers automation is put on hold with the Stop command. Automation resumes after any other command. Also applies to Strider Hub.', OnChange = function (self) stopHalts = self.value if not self.value then diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_blobshadow.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_blobshadow.lua index 1c0d2abc19..bcd4b68348 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_blobshadow.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_blobshadow.lua @@ -33,18 +33,6 @@ local function OnOptionsChange() ResetWidget() end -options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility/BlobShadow' -options = { - --onlyShowOnAir = { - -- name = 'Only on air', - -- desc = 'Only show blob shadows for flying units. Land units will not display blob shadows', - -- type = 'bool', - -- value = true, - -- advanced = false, - -- OnChange = OnOptionsChange, - --}, -} - local shadowUnitDefID = {} for i = 1, #UnitDefs do local ud = UnitDefs[i] diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_building_starter.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_building_starter.lua index 82021012d1..e0d46718ab 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_building_starter.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_building_starter.lua @@ -28,12 +28,11 @@ local function HotkeyChangeNotification() buildingStartKey = ToKeysyms(key and key[1]) end +i18nPrefix = 'buildingstarter_' options_order = {'hotkey'} options_path = 'Hotkeys/Construction' options = { hotkey = { - name = 'Place Nanoframes', - desc = 'Hold this key during structure placement to queue structures which are to placed but not constructed.', type = 'button', hotkey = "Q", bindWithAny = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_clippy.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_clippy.lua index a8645b3e04..0f35170e47 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_clippy.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_clippy.lua @@ -29,28 +29,23 @@ local spGetUnitHealth = Spring.GetUnitHealth ------------------------ -- CONFIG ------------------------ +i18nPrefix = 'clippycomments_' options_path = 'Settings/Tips/Clippy Comments' options = { rankLimit = { - name = "Rank Limit", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Units make comments only to newbies.', }, warnExpensiveUnits = { - name = "Warning for Expensive Units", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Units complain about expensive units made early game.', }, cartoonBubbles = { - name = "Cartoon Bubbles", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Use cartoon bubbles + font instead of a standard panel.', } } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_cloakfirestate2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_cloakfirestate2.lua index 262e497373..79db245129 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_cloakfirestate2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_cloakfirestate2.lua @@ -22,15 +22,14 @@ local function CheckEnable() end end +i18nPrefix = 'cloakfirestate2_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options_order = {'enable_cloak_holdfire'} options = { enable_cloak_holdfire = { - name = "Hold fire when cloaked", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Units which cloak will hold fire so as not to reveal themselves.', OnChange = CheckEnable, }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_decloak_range.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_decloak_range.lua index 54c72265f8..c699955dd1 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_decloak_range.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_decloak_range.lua @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ local decloakDist = {} local currentSelection = false local selectionCanCloak = false +i18nPrefix = 'decloakrange_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Defence and Cloak Ranges' options_order = { "label", @@ -36,9 +37,10 @@ options_order = { } options = { - label = { type = 'label', name = 'Decloak Ranges' }, + label = { + type = 'label', + }, drawranges = { - name = 'Draw decloak ranges', type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function (self) @@ -50,8 +52,6 @@ options = { end }, mergeCircles = { - name = "Draw merged cloak circles", - desc = "Merge overlapping grid circle visualisation. Does not work on older hardware and should automatically disable.", type = 'bool', value = true, }, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_default_commands.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_default_commands.lua index d57294a1ac..c91cf2df69 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_default_commands.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_default_commands.lua @@ -8,27 +8,22 @@ function widget:GetInfo() return { VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/customcmds.h.lua") -- for CMD_RAW_MOVE +i18nPrefix = 'miscdefaultcommandreplacements_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { guard_facs = { - name = "Right click guards factories", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "If enabled, rightclicking a factory will always Guard it.\nIf disabled, the command can be Repair.", noHotkey = true, }, guard_cons = { - name = "Right click guards constructors", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "If enabled, rightclicking a constructor will always Guard it.\nIf disabled, the command can be Repair.", noHotkey = true, }, set_target_instead_of_attack = { - name = "Right click sets target instead of attacking", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "If enabled, rightclicking an enemy will give the Set Target command.\nIf disabled, the command is Attack.", noHotkey = true, }, } diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_dynamic_avoidance_ex.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_dynamic_avoidance_ex.lua index b8cd1a6873..5601bcf424 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_dynamic_avoidance_ex.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_dynamic_avoidance_ex.lua @@ -145,29 +145,25 @@ local allyClusterInfo_gbl = {coords={},age=0} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Methods: ---------------------------------Level 0 +i18nPrefix = 'dynamicavoidancesystem_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour/Dynamic Avoidance' --//for use 'with gui_epicmenu.lua' options_order = {'enableCons','enableCloaky','enableGround','enableGunship','enableReturnToBase','consRetreatTimeoutOption', 'cloakyAlwaysFlee','enableReloadAvoidance','retreatAvoidance','dbg_RemoveAvoidanceSplitSecond', 'dbg_IgnoreSelectedCons'} options = { enableCons = { - name = 'Enable for constructors', type = 'bool', value = true, desc = 'Enable constructor\'s avoidance feature (WILL NOT include Commander).\n\nConstructors will avoid enemy while having move order. Constructor also return to base when encountering enemy during area-reclaim or area-ressurect command, and will try to avoid enemy while having build or repair or reclaim queue except when hold-position is issued.\n\nTips: order area-reclaim to the whole map, work best for cloaked constructor, but buggy for flying constructor. Default:On', }, enableCloaky = { - name = 'Enable for cloakies', type = 'bool', value = true, desc = 'Enable cloakies\' avoidance feature.\n\nCloakable bots will avoid enemy while having move order. Cloakable will also flee from enemy when idle except when hold-position state is used.\n\nTips: is optimized for Sycthe- your Sycthe will less likely to accidentally bump into enemy unit. Default:On', }, enableGround = { - name = 'Enable for ground units', type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Enable for ground units (INCLUDE Commander).\n\nAll ground unit will avoid enemy while being outside camera view and/or while reloading except when hold-position state is used.\n\nTips:\n1) is optimized for masses of Thug or Knight.\n2) You can use Guard to make your unit swarm the guarded unit in presence of enemy.\nDefault:On', }, enableGunship = { - name = 'Enable for gunships', type = 'bool', value = false, desc = 'Enable gunship\'s avoidance behaviour .\n\nGunship will avoid enemy while outside camera view and/or while reloading except when hold-position state is used.\n\nTips: to create a hit-&-run behaviour- set the fire-state options to hold-fire (can be buggy). Default:Off', @@ -179,22 +175,16 @@ options = { -- desc = 'Enable amphibious unit\'s avoidance feature (including Commander, and submarine). Unit avoid enemy while outside camera view OR when reloading, but units with hold position state is excluded..', -- }, enableReloadAvoidance = { - name = "Jink during attack", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Unit with slow reload will randomly jink to random direction when attacking. NOTE: This have no benefit and bad versus fast attacker or fast weapon but have high chance of dodging versus slow ballistic weapon. Default:On", }, enableReturnToBase = { - name = "Find base", type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Allow constructor to return to base when having area-reclaim or area-ressurect command, else it will return to center of the circle when retreating. \n\nTips: build 3 new buildings at new location to identify as base, unit will automatically select nearest base. Default:On", }, consRetreatTimeoutOption = { - name = 'Constructor retreat auto-expire:', type = 'number', value = 3, - desc = "Amount in second before constructor retreat command auto-expire (is deleted), and then constructor will return to its previous area-reclaim command.\n\nTips: small value is better.", min=3,max=15,step=1, OnChange = function(self) consRetreatTimeoutG = self.value @@ -202,26 +192,19 @@ options = { end, }, cloakyAlwaysFlee = { - name = 'Cloakies always flee', type = 'bool', value = false, - desc = 'Force cloakies & constructor to always flee from enemy when idle except if they are under hold-position state. \n\nNote: Unit can wander around and could put themselves in danger. Default:Off', }, retreatAvoidance = { - name = 'Retreating unit always flee', type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = 'Force retreating unit to always avoid the enemy (Note: this require the use of RETREAT functionality provided by cmd_retreat.lua widget a.k.a unit retreat widget). Default:On', }, dbg_RemoveAvoidanceSplitSecond = { - name = 'Debug: Constructor instant retreat', type = 'bool', value = true, - desc = "Widget to issue a retreat order first before issuing an avoidance (to reduce chance of avoidance putting constructor into more danger).\n\nDefault:On.", advanced = true, }, dbg_IgnoreSelectedCons ={ - name = 'Debug: Ignore current selection', type = 'bool', value = false, desc = "Selected constructor(s) will be ignored by widget.\nNote: there's a second delay before unit is ignored/re-acquire after selection/de-selection.\n\nDefault:Off", diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_global_build_command.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_global_build_command.lua index 1de5590863..9eaf848b30 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_global_build_command.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_global_build_command.lua @@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ end include("keysym.lua") VFS.Include("LuaRules/Configs/customcmds.h.lua") +i18nPrefix = 'globalbuildcommand_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour/Worker AI' options_order = { @@ -113,78 +114,59 @@ options_order = { options = { updateRate = { - name = 'Worker Update Rate (higher numbers are faster but more CPU intensive):', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 4, step = 1, value = 1, }, separateConstructors = { - name = 'Separate Constructors', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Replace factory inherited orders for constructors so that they can be assigned jobs immediately.\n (default = true)', value = true, }, splitArea = { - name = 'Split Area Commands', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Automatically capture single targets from area commands so that more workers will be assigned to those jobs.\n (default = true)', value = true, }, autoConvertRes = { - name = 'Convert Resurrect', type = 'bool', desc = 'Convert area resurrect into reclaim for targets that can\'t be resurrected.\n (Note: Only has any effect if Split Area Commands is enabled)\n (default = true)', value = true, }, autoRepair = { - name = 'Auto-Repair', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Automatically add repair jobs whenever units are damaged.\n (Note: If this is enabled, repair jobs will only be visible when \255\200\200\200shift\255\255\255\255 is held!) \n (default = false)', value = false, }, cleanWrecks = { - name = 'Auto-Reclaim/Resurrect', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Automatically add reclaim/res for wrecks near your base. This does not target map features and is not a replacement for area reclaim/res.\n (default = false)', value = false, }, chicken = { - name = 'Auto-Chicken', type = 'bool', desc = 'Retreats auto-repairing/reclaiming units when they\'re attacked.\n (default = true)', value = false, }, intelliCost = { - name = 'Intelligent Cost Model', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Tries to optimize build order for better worker safety and faster overall construction, but makes it \nmore difficult to control what gets built first.\n (default = true)', value = true, }, alwaysShow = { - name = 'Always Show', type = 'bool', - desc = 'If this is enabled queued commands will always be displayed, otherwise they are only visible when \255\200\200\200shift\255\255\255\255 is held.\n (default = false)', value = false, }, drawIcons = { - name = 'Draw Status Icons', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Check to draw status icons over each unit, which shows its command state.\n (default = true)', value = true, }, isSelectionOverrideSetOption = { - name = "Global build overrides selection rank", - desc = "Units controlled by global build command will be treated as a different selection rank.", type = "bool", value = true, noHotkey = true, @@ -196,8 +178,6 @@ options = { }, selectionOverrideRankOption = { - name = 'Global build selection override:', - desc = "Units controlled by global build command are treated as this selection rank, if override is enabled.", type = 'number', value = 0, -- This should be 0 because otherwise Ctrl selection keys work on the unit. min = 0, max = 3, step = 1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_healthbars.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_healthbars.lua index 1efdf2549f..d6d6fe81c1 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_healthbars.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_healthbars.lua @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ local function OptionsChanged() featureTitleSq = options.featureTitleHeight.value*options.featureTitleHeight.value end +i18nPrefix = 'healthbars_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Healthbars' options_order = { 'showhealthbars', 'drawFeatureHealth', 'drawBarPercentages', 'flashJump', 'barScale', 'debugMode', 'minReloadTime', @@ -127,36 +128,28 @@ options_order = { 'showhealthbars', 'drawFeatureHealth', 'drawBarPercentages', ' } options = { showhealthbars = { - name = 'Show Healthbars', type = 'bool', value = true, --OnChange = function() Spring.SendCommands{'showhealthbars'} end, }, drawFeatureHealth = { - name = 'Draw health of features (corpses)', type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Shows healthbars on corpses', OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, drawBarPercentages = { - name = 'Draw percentages', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Shows percentages next to bars', OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, flashJump = { - name = 'Jump reload flash', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Set jump reload to flash when issuing the jump command', }, barScale = { - name = 'Bar size scale', type = 'number', value = 1, min = 0.5, @@ -165,67 +158,51 @@ options = { OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, minReloadTime = { - name = 'Min reload time', type = 'number', value = 3, min = 1, max = 10, step = 1, - desc = 'Min reload time (sec)', OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, debugMode = { - name = 'Debug Mode', type = 'bool', value = false, advanced = true, noHotkey = true, - desc = 'Pings units with debug information', OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, unitMaxHeight = { - name = 'Unit Bar Fade Height', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, health bars will not be drawn.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 8000, step = 50, value = 3000, OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, unitPercentHeight = { - name = 'Unit Bar Percentage Height', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, health bar percentages will not be drawn.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 7000, step = 50, value = 700, OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, unitTitleHeight = { - name = 'Unit Bar Title Heightt', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, health bar titles will not be drawn.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 7000, step = 50, value = 500, OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, featureMaxHeight = { - name = 'Wreckage Bar Fade Height', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, health bars will not be drawn.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 7000, step = 50, value = 2200, OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, featurePercentHeight = { - name = 'Wreckage Bar Percentage Height', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, health bar percentages will not be drawn.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 7000, step = 50, value = 500, OnChange = OptionsChanged, }, featureTitleHeight = { - name = 'Wreckage Bar Title Heightt', - desc = 'If the camera is above this height, health bar titles will not be drawn.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 7000, step = 50, value = 500, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_icons.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_icons.lua index fd1173c477..26b0a1d7eb 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_icons.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_icons.lua @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ local forRadarIcons = true ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'uniticons_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Hovering Icons' options = { iconsize = { - name = 'Hovering Icon Size', type = 'number', value = 30, min=10, max = 40, OnChange = function(self) @@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ options = { end }, forRadarIcons = { - name = 'Draw on Icons', - desc = 'Draws state icons when zoomed out.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_marker.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_marker.lua index 0839126994..8680002e9f 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_marker.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_marker.lua @@ -48,14 +48,13 @@ else unitList = VFS.Include("LuaUI/Configs/unit_marker.lua") end +i18nPrefix = 'unitmarkerzerok_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Unit Marker' options_order = { 'enableAll', 'disableAll', 'unitslabel'} options = { enableAll = { type='button', - name= "Enable All", - desc = "Marks all listed units.", path = options_path .. "/Presets", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #options_order do @@ -79,8 +78,6 @@ options = { }, disableAll = { type='button', - name= "Disable All", - desc = "Mark nothing.", path = options_path .. "/Presets", OnChange = function () for i = 1, #options_order do @@ -102,7 +99,11 @@ options = { end, noHotkey = true, }, - unitslabel = {name = "unitslabel", type = 'label', value = "Individual Toggles", path = options_path}, + unitslabel = { + type = 'label', + value = "Individual Toggles", + path = options_path, + }, } for unitDefID in pairs(unitList) do diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_selectionblurryhalo.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_selectionblurryhalo.lua index 23f29b15b9..30310cb915 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_selectionblurryhalo.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_selectionblurryhalo.lua @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ local IsUnitInSelectionBox = function(unitID) return SafeWGCall(WG.PreSelection_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'selectionblurryhalo2_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection/Blurry Halo Selections' options_order = { @@ -32,23 +33,17 @@ options_order = { options = { showAlly = { - name = 'Show Ally Selections', type = 'bool', - desc = 'Highlight the units your allies currently have selected.', value = true, }, thickness = { - name = 'Outline Thickness', - desc = 'How thick the outline appears around objects', type = 'number', min = 1, max = 16, step = 1, value = 10, }, blur = { - name = 'Outline Blurriness', - desc = 'How smooth the outlines appear', type = 'number', min = 2, max = 16, step = 1, value = 16, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_shapes.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_shapes.lua index 32799b5a86..1512359604 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_shapes.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_shapes.lua @@ -139,11 +139,11 @@ local cursorIsOn = "self" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +i18nPrefix = 'unitshapes3_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Selection/Selection Shapes' options_order = {'allyselectionlevel', 'showallyplayercolours', 'showhover', 'showinselectionbox', 'animatehover', 'animateselectionbox'} options = { allyselectionlevel = { - name = 'Show Ally Selections', type = 'radioButton', items = { {name = 'Enabled',key='enabled', desc="Show selected unit of allies."}, @@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ options = { end, }, showallyplayercolours = { - name = 'Use Player Colors when Spectating', desc = 'Highlight allies\' selected units with their color.', type = 'bool', value = false, @@ -167,8 +166,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, showhover = { - name = 'Highlight Hovered Unit', - desc = 'Highlight the unit under your cursor.', type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -177,14 +174,11 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, showinselectionbox = { - name = 'Highlight Units in Selection Box', - desc = 'Highlight the units in the selection box.', type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, }, animatehover = { - name = 'Animate Hover Shape', desc = '', type = 'bool', value = true, @@ -192,7 +186,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, animateselectionbox = { - name = 'Animate Shapes in Selection Box', desc = '', type = 'bool', value = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_show_selected_range.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_show_selected_range.lua index 0aeafc558f..ada3ed401d 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_show_selected_range.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_show_selected_range.lua @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ local glColor = gl.Color local glLineWidth = gl.LineWidth local glDrawGroundCircle = gl.DrawGroundCircle +i18nPrefix = 'showselectedunitrange_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Defence and Cloak Ranges' options = { showselectedunitrange = { - name = 'Show selected unit(s) range(s)', type = 'bool', value = false, OnChange = function (self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_showallcommands_2.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_showallcommands_2.lua index 1abdb8cb0a..5d4b1907cb 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_showallcommands_2.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_showallcommands_2.lua @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ local function UpdateSelection(newSelectedUnits) end +i18nPrefix = 'showallcommands_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Command Visibility' options_order = { 'showallcommandselection','lbl_filters','includeallies', 'includealliesunits', 'includeneutral' @@ -87,7 +88,6 @@ options_order = { options = { showallcommandselection = { type='radioButton', - name='Commands are drawn for', items = { {name = 'All units',key='showallcommand', desc="Command always drawn on all units.", hotkey=nil}, {name = 'Selected units, All with SHIFT',key='onlyselection', desc="Command always drawn on selected unit, pressing SHIFT will draw it for all units.", hotkey=nil}, @@ -121,16 +121,15 @@ options = { end end, }, - lbl_filters = {name='Filters', type='label'}, + lbl_filters = { + type='label' + }, includeallies = { - name = 'Include ally selections', desc = 'When showing commands for selected units, show them for both your own and your allies\' selections.', type = 'bool', value = false, }, includealliesunits = { - name = 'Include ally units', - desc = 'When showing commands, show them for both your own and your allies units.', type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) @@ -138,8 +137,6 @@ options = { end, }, includeneutral = { - name = 'Include Neutral Units', - desc = 'Toggle whether to show commands for neutral units (relevant while spectating).', type = 'bool', value = true, OnChange = function(self) diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_state_icons.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_state_icons.lua index 3be4cc090a..255a0dc57b 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_state_icons.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_state_icons.lua @@ -34,19 +34,16 @@ local floor = math.floor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'stateicons_' options_path = 'Settings/Interface/Hovering Icons' options = { showstateonshift = { - name = "Show move/fire states on shift", - desc = "When holding shift, icons appear over units indicating move state and fire state.", type = 'bool', value = false, noHotkey = true, }, showarmorstate = { - name = 'Armor state visibility', - desc = "When to show an icon for armored units.", type = 'radioButton', value = 'shift', items = { @@ -66,8 +63,6 @@ options = { }, showpriority = { - name = "Priority state visibility", - desc = "When to show an icon for prioritized units.", type = 'radioButton', value = 'shift', items = { @@ -85,8 +80,6 @@ options = { noHotkey = true, }, showmiscpriorityonshift = { - name = "Show misc priorty on shift", - desc = "When holding shift, an icon appears over unit with low or high misc priority (morph or stockpile).", type = 'bool', value = true, noHotkey = true, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_transport_ai.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_transport_ai.lua index be0ef955a9..53e941dbff 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_transport_ai.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_transport_ai.lua @@ -82,31 +82,25 @@ local unitAICmdDesc = { params = {0, 'AI Off','AI On'} } +i18nPrefix = 'transportai_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour/Transport AI' options = { transportFromFactory = { - name = "Transport From Factory", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "When enabled newly completed units will be transported to the waypoint of their parent factory.", noHotkey = true, }, lingerOnConstructorTransport = { - name = "Linger on Constructor Transport", type = "bool", value = true, - desc = "Enable to make transports sit next to constructors after transporting them.", noHotkey = true, }, ignoreBuilders = { - name = "Ignore Constructors From Factory", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "Enable to not transport newly completed constructors.", noHotkey = true, }, minimumTransportBenefit = { - name = 'Factory transport benefit threshold (s)', type = 'number', value = 2, min = -10, max = 10, step = 0.1, diff --git a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_tree_reclaim.lua b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_tree_reclaim.lua index ac75bc6c40..87f42b1824 100644 --- a/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_tree_reclaim.lua +++ b/LuaUI/Widgets/unit_tree_reclaim.lua @@ -11,13 +11,12 @@ end -- Epic Menu Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i18nPrefix = 'areareclaimtrees_' options_path = 'Settings/Unit Behaviour' options = { defaultAvoidTrees = { - name = "Area reclaim avoids energy", type = "bool", value = false, - desc = "Enabling causes area reclaim orders to avoid reclaiming trees and other energy-only features. Reclaim trees by issuing the order centred on a tree or by holding Ctrl.\n\nThe behaviour is reversed when disabled, causing orders given with Ctrl held to avoid reclaiming trees.", noHotkey = true, }, }