Mainly for testing runtime of the algorithm, without the disturbance of GUI packages and settings.
Uses algorithm the same as the one used in GUI version. Compatiable to all patterns but can be relatively slow.
Use quad tree to divide the canvas and has map to store existing patterns. Fast but require large memory especially for larger patterns.
To run, execute:
$ python3
$ python3
Then input .cellauto files and the number of steps for the simulation, or type QUIT to stop:
Input the filename or type "QUIT" to stop:
Input number of steps
The program will then output the runtime for the simulation.
GUI tools for cellular automata.
To run, execute
$ python3
Current version supports following functionalities:
Mode Selection
Click Menubar -> Mode to select modes. Click "Customize Rule" and select an number within range [0, 255] to customize the rule for Sierpinski triangle.
Canvas can be resized through Menubar -> Canvas -> Set Unit Number.
The view of the canvas can be zoom in or zoom out by mouse wheel.
Create new cells by left clicking and delete by right clicking.
Drawing a line of cells through continues left clicking.
Randomly generate the pattern through Menubar -> Canvas -> Random.
Clear the canvas by Menubar -> Canvas -> Clear or shortcut Ctrl + Tab.
Run one step of simulation by typing Return.
Run continuous simulation by typing Whitespace. Type again to stop.
Increase simulation speed (reduce time between every 2 steps) by typing "]".
Decrease simulation speed (increase time between every 2 steps) by typing "[".
Operations above can also be found at Menubar -> Control.
Click Menubar -> Canvas -> Turn Back to return to the inital pattern before the simulation started.
Current simulation status/info can be found at the lower side of the window, including cell population, step number since the start of simulation, time interval between every 2 steps, and the simulation mode.
File Saving and Reading
Open a .cellauto file by clicking Menubar -> File -> Open or shortcut Ctrl + O
Save intial canvas before the simulation by clicking Menubar -> File -> Save Initial or shortcut Ctrl + S.
Save current canvas by clicking Menubar -> File -> Save Current or shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S