Table of content Code commenting class JavaScript (ES5 and lower) Primitives and object wrappers (TODO) Truthy & falsy Event listening and dispatching (TODO) IIFE (TODO) Closures (TODO) Understanding difference between function, method and constructor call (TODO) Higher order functions (TODO) Function composition Prototype ECMAScript 6 Modules (import and export) Class Template literals let Constants Creating objects Destructuring assignment Default parameters and values Promises Arrow functions React JSX Properties Events (TODO) State (TODO) Bind This Stateless functional components Lifecycle methods Animations Git (TODO) Git Flow (TODO) TypeScript Reactive programming Reactive programming in Angular 2 Subject Angular 1.5 (TODO) Angular 2 Components and directives ViewEncapsulation HostListener CSS BEM JSON Web Token Design patterns Subject/observer Publish/subscribe Unix commands Mongo Not to neglect