HackaTUM 2021 winning project of the Bloomberg challenge.
The German recycling system is one of the most successful and complex in the world. Despite this, all of us felt like there are few trashcans in Munich, so you are forced to carry your garbage home. Not everyone will do this, so there are certain areas where littering happens often.
TrashGuard is a web-based application that helps connect volunteers to problems: people can report locations where there is litter and volunteers can go and pick it up, getting a reward in the process (from Landeshauptstadt München or a private institution). The app is meant to address the various trash questions or concerns of the citizens of Munich: it offers information about the location of trashcans, recycling bins, etc.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Python Flask, OpenStreetMap API
- Database: MySQL
We ran into issues when setting up the frontend, especially aligning the elements inside the map. Sometimes we experienced slow loads.
We are proud of making an app that can be used in the local community. This was also Hanna's first hackathon and dabble into a full-stack application!
None of us worked with a map API before, and we are proud that we customized our map based on our app's needs. We also taught each other web development basics and learned about each other's working styles.
TrashGuard's map can be extended to show other values, for example the Pfand collection stations.
The rewards for the active users can be provided by Landeshauptstadt München or by private institutions (restaurants, shops, etc.).
The app can also be extended to other areas.
In addition, we can analyze our database to check if there is a correlation between the areas with few trashcans and the locations of the trash reports.