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Mutable References in Tock - Memory Containers (Cells)

Borrows are a critical part of the Rust language that help provide its safety guarantees. However, when there is no dynamic memory allocation (no heap), event-driven code runs into challenges with Rust's borrow semantics. Often multiple structs need to be able to call (share) a struct based on what events occur. For example, a struct representing a radio interface needs to handle callbacks both from the bus it uses as well as handle calls from higher layers of a networking stack. Both of these callers need to be able to change the state of the radio struct, but Rust's borrow checker does not allow them to both have mutable references to the struct.

To solve this problem, Tock builds on the observation that having two references to a struct that can modify it is safe, as long as no references to memory inside the struct are leaked (there is no interior mutability). Tock uses memory containers, a set of types that allow mutability but not interior mutability, to achieve this goal. The Rust standard library has two memory container types, Cell and RefCell. Tock uses Cell extensively, but also adds five new memory container types, each of which is tailored to a specific use common in kernel code.

Brief Overview of Borrowing in Rust

Ownership and Borrowing are two design features in Rust which prevent race conditions and make it impossible to write code that produces dangling pointers.

Borrowing is the Rust mechanism to allow references to memory. Similar to references in C++ and other languages, borrows make it possible to efficiently pass large structures by passing pointers rather than copying the entire structure. The Rust compiler, however, limits borrows so that they cannot create race conditions, which are caused by concurrent writes or concurrent reads and writes to memory. Rust limits code to either a single mutable (writeable) reference or any number of read-only references.

If a piece of code has a mutable reference to a piece of memory, it's also important that other code does not have any references within that memory. Otherwise, the language is not safe. For example, consider this case of an enum which can be either a pointer or a value:

enum NumOrPointer {
  Pointer(&'static mut u32)

A Rust enum is like a type-safe C union. Suppose that code has both a mutable reference to a NumOrPointer and a read-only reference to the encapsulated Pointer. If the code with the NumOrPointer reference changes it to be a Num, it can then set the Num to be any value. However, the reference to Pointer can still access the memory as a pointer. As these two representations use the same memory, this means that the reference to Num can create any pointer it wants, breaking Rust's type safety:

// n.b. illegal example
let external : &mut NumOrPointer;
match external {
  &mut Pointer(ref mut internal) => {
    // This would violate safety and
    // write to memory at 0xdeadbeef
    *external = Num(0xdeadbeef);
    *internal = 12345;

As the Tock kernel is single threaded, it doesn't have race conditions and so in some cases it may be safe for there to be multiple references, as long as they do not point inside each other (as in the number/pointer example). But Rust doesn't know this, so its rules still hold. In practice, Rust's rules cause problems in event-driven code.

Issues with Borrowing in Event-Driven code

Event-driven code often requires multiple writeable references to the same object. Consider, for example, an event-driven embedded application that periodically samples a sensor and receives commands over a serial port. At any given time, this application can have two or three event callbacks registered: a timer, sensor data acquisition, and receiving a command. Each callback is registered with a different component in the kernel, and each of these components requires a reference to the object to issue a callback on. That is, the generator of each callback requires its own writeable reference to the application. Rust's rules, however, do not allow multiple mutable references.

Cells in Tock

Tock uses several Cell types for different data types. This table summarizes the various types, and more detail is included below.

Cell Type Best Used For Example Common Uses
Cell Primitive types Cell<bool>, sched/ State variables (holding an enum), true/false flags, integer parameters like length.
TakeCell Small static buffers TakeCell<'static, [u8]>, Holding static buffers that will receive or send data.
MapCell Large static buffers MapCell<App>, Delegating reference to large buffers (e.g. application buffers).
OptionalCell Optional parameters client: OptionalCell<&'static hil::nonvolatile_storage::NonvolatileStorageClient>, Keeping state that can be uninitialized, like a Client before one is set.
VolatileCell Registers VolatileCell<u32> Accessing MMIO registers, used by tock_registers crate.

The TakeCell abstraction

While the different memory containers each have specialized uses, most of their operations are common across the different types. We therefore explain the basic use of memory containers in the context of TakeCell, and the additional/specialized functionality of each other type in its own section. From tock/libraries/tock-cells/src/

A TakeCell is a potential reference to mutable memory. Borrow rules are enforced by forcing clients to either move the memory out of the cell or operate on a borrow within a closure.

A TakeCell can be full or empty: it is like a safe pointer that can be null. If code wants to operate on the data contained in the TakeCell, it must either move the data out of the TakeCell (making it empty), or it must do so within a closure with a map call. Using map passes a block of code for the TakeCell to execute. Using a closure allows code to modify the contents of the TakeCell inline, without any danger of a control path accidentally not replacing the value. However, because it is a closure, a reference to the contents of the TakeCell cannot escape.

TakeCell allows code to modify its contents when it has a normal (non-mutable) reference. This in turn means that if a structure stores its state in TakeCells, then code which has a regular (non-mutable) reference to the structure can change the contents of the TakeCell and therefore modify the structure. Therefore, it is possible for multiple callbacks to have references to the structure and modify its state.

Example use of take and replace

When TakeCell.take() is called, ownership of a location in memory moves out of the cell. It can then be freely used by whoever took it (as they own it) and then put back with TakeCell.put() or TakeCell.replace().

For example, this piece of code from chips/nrf51/src/ sets the callback client for a hardware clock:

pub fn set_client(&self, client: &'static ClockClient) {

If there is a current client, it's replaced with client. If self.client is empty, then it's filled with client.

This piece of code from chips/sam4l/src/ cancels a current direct memory access (DMA) operation, removing the buffer in the current transaction from the TakeCell with a call to take:

pub fn abort_transfer(&self) -> Option<&'static mut [u8]> {
        .write(Interrupt::TERR::SET + Interrupt::TRC::SET + Interrupt::RCZ::SET);

    // Reset counter


Example use of map

Although the contents of a TakeCell can be directly accessed through a combination of take and replace, Tock code typically uses, which wraps the provided closure between a TakeCell.take() and TakeCell.replace(). This approach has the advantage that a bug in control flow that doesn't correctly replace won't accidentally leave the TakeCell empty.

Here is a simple use of map, taken from chips/sam4l/src/

pub fn disable(&self) {
    let registers: &SpiRegisters = unsafe { &*self.registers };|read| read.disable());|write| write.disable());;

Both dma_read and dma_write are of type TakeCell<&'static mut DMAChannel>, that is, a TakeCell for a mutable reference to a DMA channel. By calling map, the function can access the reference and call the disable function. If the TakeCell has no reference (it is empty), then map does nothing.

Here is a more complex example use of map, taken from chips/sam4l/src/|cb| {|txbuf| {
        cb.read_write_done(txbuf, rxbuf, len);

In this example, client is a TakeCell<&'static SpiMasterClient>. The closure passed to map has a single argument, the value which the TakeCell contains. So in this case, cb is the reference to an SpiMasterClient. Note that the closure passed to then itself contains a closure, which uses cb to invoke a callback passing txbuf.

map variants provides a convenient method for interacting with a TakeCell's stored contents, but it also hides the case when the TakeCell is empty by simply not executing the closure. To allow for handling the cases when the TakeCell is empty, rust (and by extension Tock) provides additional functions.

The first is .map_or(). This is useful for returning a value both when the TakeCell is empty and when it has a contained value. For example, rather than:

let return = if txbuf.is_some() {|txbuf| {
} else {

.map_or() allows us to do this instead:

let return = txbuf.map_or(Err(ErrorCode::RESERVE), |txbuf| {

If the TakeCell is empty, the first argument (the error code) is returned, otherwise the closure is executed and Ok(()) is returned.

Sometimes we may want to execute different code based on whether the TakeCell is empty or not. Again, we could do this:

if txbuf.is_some() {|txbuf| {
} else {

Instead, however, we can use the .map_or_else() function. This allows us to pass in two closures, one for if the TakeCell is empty, and one for if it has contents:

txbuf.map_or_else(|| {
}, |txbuf| {

Note, in both the .map_or() and .map_or_else() cases, the first argument corresponds to when the TakeCell is empty.


A MapCell is very similar to a TakeCell in its purpose and interface. What differs is the underlying implementation. In a TakeCell, when something take()s the contents of the cell, the memory inside is actually moved. This is a performance problem if the data in a TakeCell is large, but saves both cycles and memory if the data is small (like a pointer or slice) because the internal Option can be optimized in many cases and the code operates on registers as opposed to memory. On the flip side, MapCells introduce some accounting overhead for small types and require a minimum number of cycles to access.

The [commit that introduced MapCell][mapcell] includes some performance benchmarks, but exact performance will vary based on the usage scenario. Generally speaking, medium to large sized buffers should prefer MapCells.



OptionalCell is effectively a wrapper for a Cell that contains an Option, like: Cell<Option<T>>. This to an extent mirrors the TakeCell interface, where the Option is hidden from the user. So instead of my_optional_cell.get().map(|| {}), the code can be:|| {}).

OptionalCell can hold the same values that Cell can, but can also be just None if the value is effectively unset. Using an OptionalCell (like a NumCell) makes the code clearer and hides extra tedious function calls.

Comparison to TakeCell

TakeCell and OptionalCell are quite similar, but the key differentiator is the Copy bound required for items to use some of the methods defined on OptionalCell, such as map(). The Copy bound enables safe "reentrant" access to the stored value, because multiple accesses will be operating on different copies of the same stored item. The semantic difference is the name: a TakeCell is designed for something that must literally be taken, e.g. commonly a buffer that is given to a different subsystem in a way not easily captured by the Rust borrow mechansims (commonly when a buffer is passed into, borrowed, "by" a hardware peripheral, and returned when hardware event has filled the buffer). #2360 has some examples where trying to convert a TakeCell into an OptionalCell does not work.


A VolatileCell is just a helper type for doing volatile reads and writes to a value. This is mostly used for accessing memory-mapped I/O registers. The get() and set() functions are wrappers around core::ptr::read_volatile() and core::ptr::write_volatile().

Cell Extensions

In addition to custom types, Tock adds extensions to some of the standard cells to enhance and ease usability. The mechanism here is to add traits to existing data types to enhance their ability. To use extensions, authors need only use kernel::common::cells::THE_EXTENSION to pull the new traits into scope.


NumericCellExt extends cells that contain "numeric" types (like usize or i32) to provide some convenient functions (add() and subtract(), for example). This extension makes for cleaner code when storing numbers that are increased or decreased. For example, with a typical Cell, adding one to the stored value looks like: my_cell.set(my_cell.get() + 1). With a NumericCellExt it is a little easier to understand: my_cell.increment() (or my_cell.add(1)).