Finally getting my geo-filtering code posted up to GitHub. Will document more later.
To build and run simple subscription replier. Note: this uses Solace MicroGateway, your REST Mode must be in gateway
for your Message VPN.
./gradlew assemble
cd geo-submgr/build/distributions
cd geo-submgr
bin/SubsReplier localhost default default
Then, for example: a 100 mile zone around Atlanta airport with 90% accuracy:
curl ""
"POLYGON ((-82.98 32.9, -82.98 32.8, -82.99 32.8, -83 32.8, -83 32.7, -83 32.6, -83 32.5, -83.5 32.5, -83.5 32.4, -83.6 32.4, -83.7 32.4, -83.7 32.39, -83.7 32.38, -83.8 32.38, -83.8 32.3, -83.9 32.3, -84 32.3, -84.3 32.3, -84.3 32.29, -84.4 32.29, -84.5 32.29, -84.5 32.3, -85 32.3, -85 32.39, -85.1 32.39, -85.1 32.4, -85.2 32.4, -85.3 32.4, -85.3 32.5, -85.4 32.5, -85.5 32.5, -85.5 32.6, -85.6 32.6, -85.6 32.7, -86 32.7, -86 32.8, -86 32.9, -86 33, -86.1 33, -86.1 33.5, -86.11 33.5, -86.12 33.5, -86.12 33.6, -86.13 33.6, -86.13 33.7, -86.13 33.8, -86.13 33.9, -86.12 33.9, -86.12 34, -86.11 34, -86.1 34, -86.1 34.1, -86.1 34.2, -86.1 34.3, -86 34.3, -86 35, -85.3 35, -85.3 35.1, -85.2 35.1, -85.1 35.1, -85.1 35.11, -85 35.11, -85 35.2, -84 35.2, -83.9 35.2, -83.8 35.2, -83.8 35.12, -83.7 35.12, -83.7 35.11, -83.7 35.1, -83.6 35.1, -83.5 35.1, -83.5 35, -83 35, -82.9 35, -82.9 34.5, -82.8 34.5, -82.8 34.4, -82.79 34.4, -82.78 34.4, -82.78 34.3, -82.7 34.3, -82.7 34.2, -82.7 34.1, -82.6 34.1, -82.6 34, -82.66 34, -82.66 33.9, -82.65 33.9, -82.65 33.8, -82.65 33.7, -82.65 33.6, -82.66 33.6, -82.66 33.5, -82.67 33.5, -82.67 33.4, -82.68 33.4, -82.69 33.4, -82.69 33, -82.7 33, -82.8 33, -82.9 33, -82.9 32.9, -82.98 32.9))"
This includes an array of subscriptions (in lat/lon
format), and also a WKT string defining the perimeter of the shape, useful for visualization. E.g.
- includes both 2D and 1D versions
- 2D can be used for lat/lon coordinates, or any planar geometric coordinates (e.g. [x,y], UTM, MGRS)
- 1D can be used for any scalar (e.g. altitude, heading, speed)
- Have updated code to support multiple radixes/bases, from binary base 2 to base 36
Significant changes to the algorithm have been made to greatly simplify it and improve its usability.
- Moved from Decimal base 10 to any radix, base n, where n=[2,36].
- Issue: floating point representation in base n with a radix point is weird. E.g. 123.456 =
- Something else