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Team WebKeepers

  • Aaron Lam (008841625)
  • Fan Wu (012425660)
  • Jiehan Yao (011938706)
  • Qiyue Zhang (012550096)

Git Repository





Assignment 5

  • Branch: assignment5 (git checkout assignment5)
  • Feature:
    • Update package.json --> add mongodb and monk npm packages
    • Clean up code for unused features from Assignment4
    • Add MongoDB feature (/mongodb)
      • Allow user to do insert/find/remove/update on mongodb using web interface

Assignment 4

  • Branch: assignment4 (git checkout assignment4)
  • Feature:
    • Update package.json --> use npx to run nodemon (use local nodemon instead of global, make npm run devinstall optional)
    • Bug fix for login/logout, register
    • Add demo from jquery-ui
      • Draggable
      • Resize
    • Add demo from jquery
      • jquery get request from backend (/dashboard)

Assignment 3

  • Branch: assignment3 (git checkout assignment3)
  • Feature:
    • Add client-side JavaScript form validation (/register)
    • Add client-side JavaScript canvas animation (/clock, /home)

Assignment 2

  • Branch: assignment2 (git checkout assignment2)
  • Feature:
    • Initial project setup
    • Prototype with register, login, search features (/register, /profile, /search)


This program is tested under the following conditions. If your environment is different, please use Google for help with errors

node --version ## v10.5.0
npm --version ## 6.4.0
## OS macOS High Sierra

For Normal User


npm install


npm start

For Developer


npm install

To run with hot reload

npm run devstart

To run without hot reload

npm start

Web app

The web app will run on port 3000 or your process.env.PORT. To access the web app, go to [localhost:3000]


For demo purpose: username and password are stored as plain text under json_objects/users.json. This practice is not recommended and highly discouraged Some page will return an error (ex. 404) and error stack. This is intentional. This is used to test error handling as well as help to debug error during development parse. Printing error stack on the return should be disabled in production.

App Structure

├── app.js
├── bin
│   └── www
├── json_objects
│   └── users.json
├── models
│   ├── Database.js
│   └── template.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── checkbox.html
│   └── styles
├── controllers
│   ├── client
│   │   └── common
│   │       └── app.js
│   └── server
├── routes
│   ├── about.js
│   ├── checkbox.js
│   ├── demo.js
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── logout.js
│   ├── profile.js
│   ├── register.js
│   ├── search.js
│   └── users.js
└── views
    ├── about.pug
    ├── checkbox.pug
    ├── error.pug
    ├── index.pug
    ├── layout.pug
    ├── login.pug
    ├── postcheck.pug
    ├── profile.pug
    ├── register.pug
    └── search.pug
  • bin/www is the starting point for this app
  • app.js is the entry point for this app
  • routes/ handle routing endpoint and routing logic. Each JS file will attach to 1 endpoint and handle the routing logic for that endpoint. Avoid using a single route file to avoid git conflict/error, and make collaboration easier.
  • controllers/client/ contain all the JavaScript files for front-end, this directory is PUBLIC
  • controllers/client/common contain all common JavaScript librarys for client side, this directory is PUBLIC
  • controllers/server/ contain all the JavaScript files for back-end
  • views/ contain all the template files to render a webpage for an endpoint. Pug is used because Jade is now Pug.
  • public/ contain CSS style and static pages, this directory is PUBLIC
  • models/ contain models for database


This web app uses a CSS template from []