How to integrate with LDAP?
Setup details
- We will be using a 2 VM setup: one with LDAP and one with the official HDP 2.1 sandbox.
- Install Centos 6.5 on on VM and setup FreeIPA using steps here
- Download HDP 2.1 sandbox VM image (Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.1.ova) from http://hortonworks.com/products/hortonworks-sandbox/. Import Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.1.ova into VirtualBox/VMWare and configure its memory size to be at least 8GB RAM and start VM
Configure kerberos with LDAP on single node running HDP 2.1 using IPA. Instructions here
Setup Ranger and authorization policies and review audit reports from a Rangers Policy Manager on HDP 2.1 using steps here
Enable Knox to work with kerberos enabled cluster to enable perimeter security on HDP 2.1 using steps here
For resources on topics such as the below, refer to here
- Troubleshooting
- Volume encryption
- Audit logs in HDFS
- Wire encryption
- Security related Ambari services