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RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark Compatibility with Apache Spark

The SQL plugin tries to produce results that are bit for bit identical with Apache Spark. There are a number of cases where there are some differences. In most cases operators that produce different results are off by default, and you can look at the configs for more information on how to enable them. In some cases we felt that enabling the incompatibility by default was worth the performance gain. All of those operators can be disabled through configs if it becomes a problem. Please also look at the current list of bugs which are typically incompatibilities that we have not yet addressed.

Ordering of Output

There are some operators where Spark does not guarantee the order of the output. These are typically things like aggregates and joins that may use a hash to distribute the work load among downstream tasks. In these cases the plugin does not guarantee that it will produce the same output order that Spark does. In cases such as an order by operation where the ordering is explicit the plugin will produce an ordering that is compatible with Spark's guarantee. It may not be 100% identical if the ordering is ambiguous.

The one known issue with this is a bug where -0.0 and 0.0 compare as equal with the GPU plugin enabled but on the CPU -0.0 < 0.0.

Floating Point

For most basic floating point operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division the plugin will produce a bit for bit identical result as Spark does. For other functions like sin, cos, etc. the output may be different, but within the rounding error inherent in floating point calculations. The ordering of operations to calculate the value may differ between the underlying JVM implementation used by the CPU and the C++ standard library implementation used by the GPU.

For aggregations the underlying implementation is doing the aggregations in parallel and due to race conditions within the computation itself the result may not be the same each time the query is run. This is inherent in how the plugin speeds up the calculations and cannot be "fixed." If a query joins on a floating point value, which is not wise to do anyways, and the value is the result of a floating point aggregation then the join may fail to work properly with the plugin but would have worked with plain Spark. Because of this most floating point aggregations are off by default but can be enabled with the config spark.rapids.sql.variableFloatAgg.enabled.

Additionally, some aggregations on floating point columns that contain NaNs can produce incorrect results. More details on this behavior can be found here and in this cudf feature request. If it is known with certainty that the floating point columns do not contain NaNs, set spark.rapids.sql.hasNans to false to run GPU enabled aggregations on them.


Spark delegates Unicode operations to the underlying JVM. Each version of Java complies with a specific version of the Unicode standard. The SQL plugin does not use the JVM for Unicode support and is compatible with Unicode version 12.1. Because of this there may be corner cases where Spark will produce a different result compared to the plugin.

CSV Reading

Spark is very strict when reading CSV and if the data does not conform with the expected format exactly it will result in a null value. The underlying parser that the SQL plugin uses is much more lenient. If you have badly formatted CSV data you may get data back instead of nulls. If this is a problem you can disable the CSV reader by setting the config to false. Because the speed up is so large and the issues typically only show up in error conditions we felt it was worth having the CSV reader enabled by default.

There are also discrepancies/issues with specific types that are detailed below.

CSV Strings

Writing strings to a CSV file in general for Spark can be problematic unless you can ensure that your data does not have any line deliminators in it. The GPU accelerated CSV parser handles quoted line deliminators similar to multiLine mode. But there are still a number of issues surrounding it and they should be avoided.

Escaped quote characters '\"' are not supported well as described by this issue.

Null values are not respected as described here even though they are supported for other types.

CSV Dates

Parsing a timestamp as a date does not work. The details are documented in this issue.

Only a limited set of formats are supported when parsing dates.

  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy/MM/dd"
  • "yyyy-MM"
  • "yyyy/MM"
  • "MM-yyyy"
  • "MM/yyyy"
  • "MM-dd-yyyy"
  • "MM/dd/yyyy"

The reality is that all of these formats are supported at the same time. The plugin will only disable itself if you set a format that it does not support.

CSV Timestamps

The CSV parser only works for timestamps that are after 1902 and before the end of 2038. This is documented in this issue.

The CSV parser does not support time zones. It will ignore any trailing time zone information, despite the format asking for a XXX or [XXX]. As such it is off by default and you can enable it by setting spark.rapids.sql.csvTimestamps.enabled to true.

The formats supported for timestamps are limited similar to dates. The first part of the format must be a supported date format. The second part must start with a 'T' to separate the time portion followed by one of the following formats:

  • HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
  • HH:mm:ss[.SSS][XXX]
  • HH:mm
  • HH:mm:ss
  • HH:mm[:ss]
  • HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • HH:mm:ss[.SSS]

Just like with dates all timestamp formats are actually supported at the same time. The plugin will disable itself if it sees a format it cannot support.

CSV Floating Point

The CSV parser is not able to parse Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN values. All of these are likely to be turned into null values, as described in this issue.

Some floating-point values also appear to overflow but do not for the CPU as described in this issue.

Any number that overflows will not be turned into a null value.

CSV Integer

Any number that overflows will not be turned into a null value.


The ORC format has fairly complete support for both reads and writes. There are only a few known issues. The first is for reading timestamps and dates around the transition between Julian and Gregorian calendars as described here. A similar issue exists for writing dates as described here. Writing timestamps, however only appears to work for dates after the epoch as described here.


The Parquet format has more configs because there are multiple versions with some compatibility issues between them. Dates and timestamps are where the known issues exist. For reads when spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite is set to CORRECTED timestamps before the transition between the Julian and Gregorian calendars are wrong, but dates are fine. When spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite is set to LEGACY, however both dates and timestamps are read incorrectly before the Gregorian calendar transition as described here.

When writing spark.sql.legacy.parquet.datetimeRebaseModeInWrite is currently ignored as described here.

Apache Spark 3.0 defaults to writing Parquet timestamps in the deprecated INT96 format. The plugin does not support writing timestamps in the INT96 format, so by default writing timestamp columns to Parquet will not be GPU-accelerated. If the INT96 timestamp format is not required for compatibility with other tools then set spark.sql.parquet.outputTimestampType to TIMESTAMP_MICROS.


Spark stores timestamps internally relative to the JVM time zone. Converting an arbitrary timestamp between time zones is not currently supported on the GPU. Therefore operations involving timestamps will only be GPU-accelerated if the time zone used by the JVM is UTC.

Casting between types

In general, performing cast and ansi_cast operations on the GPU is compatible with the same operations on the CPU. However, there are some exceptions. For this reason, certain casts are disabled on the GPU by default and require configuration options to be specified to enable them.

Float to String

The GPU will use different precision than Java's toString method when converting floating-point data types to strings and this can produce results that differ from the default behavior in Spark.

To enable this operation on the GPU, set spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToString.enabled to true.

String to Float

Casting from string to floating-point types on the GPU returns incorrect results when the string represents any number in the following ranges. In both cases the GPU returns Double.MaxValue. The default behavior in Apache Spark is to return +Infinity and -Infinity, respectively.

  • 1.7976931348623158E308 <= x < 1.7976931348623159E308
  • -1.7976931348623159E308 < x <= -1.7976931348623158E308

Also, the GPU does not support casting from strings containing hex values.

To enable this operation on the GPU, set spark.rapids.sql.castStringToFloat.enabled to true.

String to Integral Types

The GPU will return incorrect results for strings representing values greater than Long.MaxValue or less than Long.MinValue. The correct behavior would be to return null for these values, but the GPU currently overflows and returns an incorrect integer value.

To enable this operation on the GPU, set spark.rapids.sql.castStringToInteger.enabled to true.

String to Date

The following formats/patterns are supported on the GPU. Timezone of UTC is assumed.

Format or Pattern Supported on GPU?
"yyyy" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M " Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d " Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d *" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d T*" Yes.
"epoch" Yes.
"now" Yes.
"today" Yes.
"tomorrow" Yes.
"yesterday" Yes.

String to Timestamp

To allow casts from string to timestamp on the GPU, enable the configuration property spark.rapids.sql.castStringToTimestamp.enabled.

Casting from string to timestamp currently has the following limitations.

Format or Pattern Supported on GPU?
"yyyy" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M " Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d" Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d " Yes.
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]dT[h]h:[m]m:[s]s.[ms][ms][ms][us][us][us][zone_id]" Partial [1].
"yyyy-[M]M-[d]d [h]h:[m]m:[s]s.[ms][ms][ms][us][us][us][zone_id]" Partial [1].
"[h]h:[m]m:[s]s.[ms][ms][ms][us][us][us][zone_id]" Partial [1].
"T[h]h:[m]m:[s]s.[ms][ms][ms][us][us][us][zone_id]" Partial [1].
"epoch" Yes.
"now" Yes.
"today" Yes.
"tomorrow" Yes.
"yesterday" Yes.
  • [1] The timestamp portion must be complete in terms of hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, with 2 digits each for hours, minutes, and seconds, and 6 digits for milliseconds. Only timezone 'Z' (UTC) is supported. Casting unsupported formats will result in null values.