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Steven Esser edited this page Feb 5, 2018 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the deltacode wiki!

Steps to cut a new release:

run bumpversion with major, minor or patch to bump the version in:


Update the CHANGELOG.rst commit changes and push changes to develop:

git commit -m "commit message"
git push --set-upstream origin develop

merge develop branch in master and tag the release.

git checkout master
git merge develop
git tag -a v1.6.1 -m "Release v1.6.1"
git push --set-upstream origin master
git push --set-upstream origin v1.6.1

Draft a new release in GitHub, using the previous release blurb as a base. Highlight new and noteworthy changes from the CHANGELOG.rst.

Run etc/release/ locally.

Upload the release archives created in the dist/ directory to the GitHub release page.

Save the release as a draft. Use the previous release notes to create notes in the same style. Ensure that the link to thirdparty source code is present.

Test the downloads.

Publish the release on GitHub

Then build and publish the released wheel on Pypi. For this you need your own Pypi credentials (and get authorized to publish Pypi release: ask @pombredanne) and you need to have the twine package installed and configured.

Build a .whl with python bdist_wheel Run twine with twine upload dist/<path to the built wheel> Once uploaded check the published release at Then create a new fresh local virtualenv and test the wheel installation with: pip install deltacode