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File metadata and controls

116 lines (105 loc) · 19.6 KB


Single header C++23 wrapper for libusb/hidapi.

Building the tests

  • Run bootstrap.[bat|sh]. This will install doctest + hidapi, and create the project under the ./build directory.
  • Run cmake on the ./build directory and toggle BUILD_TESTS.
  • Configure, generate, make.


The cmake project exports the hid::hid target, hence you can:

find_package         (hid CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries([YOUR_PROJECT_NAME] PRIVATE hid::hid)

And then point the hid_DIR to the build or installation directory. Alternatively, you can just copy include/hid/hid.hpp to your project.

Example usage

#include <hid/hid.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Enumerate and print devices.
  const auto device_infos = hid::enumerate();
  for (const auto& device_info : device_infos)
    std::wcout << device_info << "\n";

  if (!device_infos.empty())
    // Open the first device.
    const auto device = hid::open(device_infos[0]);
    if (device)
      // Print its report descriptor.
      const auto descriptor = device->report_descriptor();
      std::wcout << "report_descriptor: ";
      for (const auto value : *descriptor)
        std::wcout << std::format(L"{:#04x}", value) << " ";
      std::wcout << "\n";

      // Set it to non-blocking.

      // Read from it.
      if (const auto result = device->read())
        std::wcout << "read: ";
        for (const auto value : *result)
          std::wcout << std::format(L"{:#04x}", value) << " ";
        std::wcout << "\n";
        std::wcout << "read failed with error: " << result.error() << "\n";

      // Write to it.
      std::vector<std::uint8_t> data(8, 0x00);
      if (const auto result = device->write(data))
        std::wcout << "wrote " << *result << " bytes.\n";
        std::wcout << "write failed with error: " << result.error() << "\n";
      std::wcout << "open failed with error: " << device.error() << "\n";

  return 0;

See the tests for more.

Design decisions

  • Enums:
    • hid_bus_type is wrapped to hid::bus_type which is a strongly-typed enum.
  • Structs:
    • hid_device_info is wrapped to hid::device_info which contains (wide) strings instead of (wide) char arrays.
    • hid_api_version is aliased to hid::api_version.
  • Functions:
    • Free functions:
      C Function Signature C++ Function Signature Comments
      hid_error (nullptr) -> const wchar_t* hid::error () -> std::wstring Free function for the null device case. Does not return an std::expected<...> since it is guaranteed to not fail.
      hid_init () -> int hid::init () -> std::expected<void, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_exit () -> int hid::exit () -> std::expected<void, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_enumerate (unsigned short, unsigned short) -> hid_device_info* hid::enumerate (std::uint16_t = 0, std::uint16_t = 0) -> std::vector <hid::device_info> Copies the hid_device_info* linked list to a std::vector<hid::device_info> and frees it. Does not return an std::expected<...> since a null result does not necessarily imply a failure, but no matching devices. The user is responsible for calling hid::error() manually for checking the reason. Open to better solutions.
      hid_free_enumeration (hid_device_info*) -> void N/A Called internally within hid::enumerate(...).
      hid_open (unsigned short, unsigned short, const wchar_t*) -> hid_device* hid::open (std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, const std::optional <std::wstring>& = std::nullopt) -> std::expected<hid::device, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). The reason to use a free function rather than the hid::device constructors is that the constructors can not transmit errors unless they throw (which this library avoids).
      hid_open_path (const char*) -> hid_device* hid::open (const std::string&) -> std::expected<hid::device, std::wstring> Operator overloading enables using the same name for the two functions. The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). The reason to use a free function rather than the hid::device constructors is that the constructors can not transmit errors unless they throw (which this library avoids).
      N/A hid::open (const hid::device_info&) -> std::expected<hid::device, std::wstring> Convenience for hid::open(device_info.path) and (if that fails) for hid::open(device_info.vendor_id, device_info.product_id, device_info.serial_number).
      hid_version () -> const hid_api_version* hid::version () -> const hid::api_version& Does not return an std::expected<...> since it is guaranteed to not fail.
      hid_version_str () -> const char* hid::version_str () -> std::string Does not return an std::expected<...> since it is guaranteed to not fail.
    • Device functions: Functions accepting a hid_device* as their first parameter are members of the hid::device class.
      C Function Signature C++ Function Signature Comments
      hid_close (hid_device*) -> void hid::device::~device () Destructor closes the device on scope exit.
      N/A hid::device::native () -> const hid_device* Accessor to native hid_device*.
      hid_get_device_info (hid_device*) -> hid_device_info* hid::device::device_info () -> std::expected<device_info, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_get_serial_number_string (hid_device*, wchar_t*, size_t) -> int hid::device::serial_number (std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected<std::wstring, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_get_manufacturer_string (hid_device*, wchar_t*, size_t) -> int hid::device::manufacturer_string (std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected<std::wstring, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_get_product_string (hid_device*, wchar_t*, size_t) -> int hid::device::product_string (std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected<std::wstring, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_get_indexed_string (hid_device*, int, wchar_t*, size_t) -> int hid::device::indexed_string (std::int32_t, std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected<std::wstring, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_get_report_descriptor (hid_device*, unsigned char*, size_t) -> int hid::device::report_descriptor () -> std::expected< std::vector<std::uint8_t>, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_get_input_report (hid_device*, unsigned char*, size_t) -> int hid::device::input_report (std::uint8_t id, std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected< std::vector<std::uint8_t>, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_get_feature_report (hid_device*, unsigned char*, size_t) -> int hid::device::feature_report (std::uint8_t id, std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected< std::vector<std::uint8_t>, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_read (hid_device*, unsigned char*, size_t) -> int hid::device::read (std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected< std::vector<std::uint8_t>, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_read_timeout (hid_device*, unsigned char*, size_t, int) -> int hid::device::read (std::chrono::duration< std::int32_t, std::milli>, std::size_t = 256) -> std::expected< std::vector<std::uint8_t>, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error(). Default maximum length is 256.
      hid_write (hid_device*, const unsigned char*, size_t) -> int hid::device::write (const std::span<std::uint8_t>&) -> std::expected<std::int32_t, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_send_feature_report (hid_device*, const unsigned char*, size_t) -> int hid::device::send_feature_report (const std::span<std::uint8_t>&) -> std::expected<std::int32_t, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_set_nonblocking (hid_device*, int) -> int hid::device::set_nonblocking (bool) -> std::expected<void, std::wstring> The unexpected state contains the result of hid::error().
      hid_error (hid_device*) -> const wchar_t* hid::device::error () -> std::wstring Member function for the non-null device case. Does not return an std::expected<...> since it is guaranteed to not fail.

Future direction

  • Platform-specific function wrappers.
  • Consider casting/accepting output/input byte arrays to/as arbitrary types.
  • Interacting with binary data could be eased through mapping text descriptors to binary descriptors and vice versa. This could also be used to determine and set the exact sizes of the reports without the user. See Frank Zhao's online parser as an example.