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File metadata and controls

1104 lines (897 loc) · 29.5 KB

LORIS API - v0.0.3

1.0 Overview

This document specifies the Loris REST API.

Any request sent to $LorisRoot/api/$APIVERSION/$API_CALL will return either a JSON object or no data. The Loris API uses standard HTTP error codes and the body of any response will either be empty or contain only a JSON object for any request.

For brevity, the $LorisRoot/api/$APIVERSION is omitted from the definitions in this document. This document specifies $APIVERSION v0.0.3 and it MUST be included before the request in all requests.

HTTP GET requests NEVER modify data. PUT, POST or PATCH requests MUST be used to modify data as per their definitions in the HTTP/1.1 specification. Any methods not supported will respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed response and an appropriate Allow header set (as per HTTP documentation.)

PUT requests either create or overwrite all data for a given resource (instrument/ candidate/visit/etc.) Any fields not explicitly specified in the PUT request are nulled.

PATCH requests are identical to PUT requests, but any fields not explicitly mentioned are unmodified from their current value.

All GET requests include an ETag header. If a PUT or PATCH request is sent and it does not include an ETag, or the ETag does not match the currently existing ETag for that resource, it will result in a 403 Forbidden response. PUT or POST requests used for the creation of resources do not require ETags.

DELETE is not supported on any resource defined in this API.

1.1 Authentication

If a user is logged in to Loris and can be authenticated using the standard session mechanism, no further authentication is required. Requests will be evaluated as requests from that user, so that standard Loris modules can simply use the API.

If a user is not logged in to Loris (for instance, in a third party app or a CORS application), they can be authenticated using JSON Web Tokens.

The client should POST a request to /login with a payload of the form:

    "username" : username,
    "password" : password

If the username and password are valid, the API will respond with a 200 OK and payload of the form:

    "token" : /* JWT token */

Otherwise, it will return a 401 Unauthorized response.

If the token is returned, it should be included in an "Authorization: Bearer token" header for any future requests to authenciate the request.

2.0 Project API

The Project API lives under the /projects portion of the API URL hierarchy. It is used to get project specific settings or data. PUT and PATCH are not currently supported for the part of the API living under /projects.

GET /projects

Will return a list of projects in this Loris instance. There is no corresponding PUT or PATCH request. The JSON returned is of the form:

    "Projects" : {
        "ProjectName1" : {
            "useEDC" : boolean,
            "PSCID" : PSCIDSettings
        "ProjectName2" : {
            "useEDC" : boolean,
            "PSCID" : PSCIDSettings

If the Loris instance does not use projects, the API will return a single project called "loris" with the appropriate settings for the Loris instance.

useEDC represents a boolean determining whether the EDC date should be included in candidates returned by the API.

PSCID represents a JSON object with the configuration settings for PSCIDs in this project.

It has the form:

    "Type" : "prompt|auto",
    "Regex" : "/regex/"

Where regex is a regular expression that can be used to validate a PSCID for this project.

If the type is "prompt", the user should be prompted to enter the PSCID for new candidates. If the type is "auto", the server will automatically generate the PSCID.

Note that sometimes in Loris configurations "Site" is a part of the PSCID. This will be denoted by the string "SITE{1,1}" inside of the regex returned. This string should be replaced by the 3 letter site alias before attempting to pass this regex to a regular expression parser or it will result in false negatives.

2.1 Single project

GET /projects/$ProjectName

Returns a 200 OK response if the project exists, and 404 Not Found if it does not (the same is true of any portion of the API under /projects/$ProjectName.)

The body of the request to /projects/$ProjectName will be an entity of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "Project" : "ProjectName"
    "Visits" : ["V1", "V2", ... ],
    "Instruments" : ["InstrumentName", "InstrumentName2", ...],
    "Candidates" : ["123543", "523234", ...]

2.1.1 Single project images

GET /projects/$ProjectName/images/

Will return a JSON object of the form:

  "Images" : [
      "Candidate": "123456",
      "PSCID": "MTL001",
      "Visit": "V1",
      "Visit_date": "2016-08-09", /* The date of the session. This will be null for phantoms and session that are not yet started */
      "Site": "Montreal Neurological Institute",
      "ScanType": "t2", /* Acquisition protocol */
      "QC_status": "Pass|Fail|null",
      "Selected": "true|false|null",
      "Link": "\/candidates\/300022\/V1\/images\/loris-MRI_123456_V1_t2_001.mnc", /* URL relative to this API */
      "InsertTime": "2016-08-09T14:15:30-05:00" /* The inserted date ISO 8601 */

It is possible to provide a GET parameter named since where the value need to be a date or datetime.

ex: 2016-08-09 or 2016-08-09 10:00:00 or 2016-08-09T10:00:00-05:00

We recommend using a format that includes timezone.

2.1.2 Single project instruments

GET /projects/$ProjectName/instruments/

Will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "Project" : "ProjectName"
    "Instruments": {
        "InstrumentName" : {
            "FullName" :  "Long Name",
            "Subgroup" : "Subgroup Name",
            "DoubleDataEntryEnabled" : boolean
        "Instrument2" : {
            "FullName" :  "Long Name",
            "Subgroup" : "Subgroup Name",
            "DoubleDataEntryEnabled" : boolean

Where the InstrumentNames are the "Short Name" of all the instruments used/installed in this project.

2.1.3 Single project visits

GET /projects/$ProjectName/visits/

Will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "Project" : "ProjectName"
    "Visits" : ["V1", "V2", ... ],

Where V1, V2, ... are the visits that may exist for this project

2.1.4 Single project candidates

GET /projects/$ProjectName/candidates/

will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "Project" : "ProjectName"
    "Candidates" : ["123456", "342332", ... ],

where 123456, 342332, etc are the candidates that exist for this project.

2.1.5 Single project electrophysiology recordings

GET /projects/$ProjectName/recordings

will return a JSON object of the form:

  "Recordings": [

2.2 Instrument Forms

GET /projects/$ProjectName/instruments/$InstrumentName

Will return a 200 response on success and 404 Not Found if $InstrumentName is not a valid instrument for this instance of Loris.

This will return a JSON representation of the instrument form. If available, rules and form will be combined into a single JSON object. The format for the JSON returned is specified in the accompanying and documents. The JSON document can be used to render the form by a client.

PUT and PATCH are not supported for instrument forms.

Methods for getting/putting data into specific candidates are specified in section 3.

3.0 Candidate API

The /candidate portion of the API is used for retrieving and modifying candidate data and data attached to a specific candidate or visit such as visits or instrument data. Portions of this reference a CandidateObject. A CandidateObject is a JSON object of the form:

        "CandID"  : CandID,
        "Project" : ProjectName,
        "PSCID"   : PSCID,
        "Site"    : Site,
        "EDC"     : "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "DoB"     : "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "Sex"     : "Male|Female|Other"

representing a candidate in Loris.

GET /candidates/

will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Candidates" : [CandidateObject1, CandidateObject2, CandidateObject3, ...]

containing ALL candidates present in this Loris instance.

A new candidate can be created by sending a POST request to /candidates.

The body of the POST request should be a candidate key with a JSON object of the form:

    "Candidate" : {
        "Project" : ProjectName,
        "PSCID"   : PSCID,
        "EDC"     : "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "DoB"     : "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "Sex"     : "Male|Female|Other",
        "Site"    : SiteName,

EDC is only required if useEDC is enabled for the project according to the project settings.

PSCID is only required if the generation type in the Loris config is set to "prompt".

A response code of 201 Created will be returned on success, 409 Conflict if the PSCID already exists, 403 Forbidden when the user is creating a candidate at a site other than the list of sitenames the user is affiliated with, and a 400 Bad Request if any data provided is invalid (PSCID format, date format, sex something other than Male|Female|Other, invalid project name, invalid sitename, etc). A successful POST request will return a CandidateObject for the newly created candidate.

PUT / PATCH methods are not supported on /candidate in this version of the Loris API.

3.1 Specific Candidate

If a GET request for a candidate is issued such as

GET /candidates/$CandID

A JSON object representing that candidate will be returned.

The JSON object is of the form:

    "Meta" : CandidateObject,
    "Visits" : ["V1", "V2", ...]

where V1, V2, etc are the visit labels that are registered for this candidate.

PUT / PATCH are not supported for candidates in this version of the API.

It will return a 200 OK on success, a 404 if the candidate does not exist, and a 400 Bad Request if the CandID is invalid (not a 6 digit integer). The same is true of all of the API hierarchy under /candidates/$CandID.

3.2 Getting Candidate visit data

A GET request of the form:

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel

Will return a JSON object of the metadata for that candidate's visit.

The JSON object is of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : CandID,
        "Visit"  : VisitLabel,
        "Site"   : SiteName,
        "Battery": "NameOfCohort",
        "Project" : ProjectName
    "Stages" : {
        "Screening" :  {
            "Date" : "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "Status" : "Pass|Failure|Withdrawal|In Progress"
        "Visit" : {
            "Date" : "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "Status" : "Pass|Failure|Withdrawal|In Progress"
        "Approval" : {
            "Date" : "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "Status" : "Pass|Failure|Withdrawal|In Progress"

A PUT request with only the Meta fields will create the VisitLabel for this candidate, in an unstarted stage if the Visit label provided is valid.

PATCH is not supported for Visit Labels.

It will return a 404 Not Found if the visit label does not exist for this candidate (as well as anything under the /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel hierarchy)

Any of the Stages may not be present in the returned result if the stage has not started yet or is not enabled for this project (ie. if useScreening is false in Loris, or Approval has not occurred)

3.3 Candidate Instruments

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments

Will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : CandID,
        "Visit"  : VisitLabel
    "Instruments" : [ "InstrumentName", "AnotherInstrument", ...]

Where the instruments array represents the instruments that were administered for that candidate at that visit. InstrumentNames are the short names and the forms for them SHOULD all be retrievable through the project portion of the API.

PUT / PATCH / POST are not currently supported for candidate instruments.

3.3.1 The Candidate Instrument Data

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments/$InstrumentName[/dde]
PUT /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments/$InstrumentName[/dde]
PATCH /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments/$InstrumentName[/dde]

These will retrieve or modifiy the data for $InstrumentName. If /dde is present, the double data entry form of the data will be retrieved/modified. If absent, the "single data entry" version of the form is used instead.

The format returned by a GET request is a JSON document of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "Instrument" : $InstrumentName,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
        "Candidate" : $CandID,
        "DDE" : boolean
    "$InstrumentName" : {
        "FieldName1" : "Value1",
        "FieldName2" : "Value2",

Including the values of ALL fields for this instrument, including score field values.

The body of a PUT request to the same URL MUST contain a JSON object of the same format. Data PUT to the URL SHOULD contain all fields with data entry. The server will null the data for keys not specified. A PUT request MAY not specify score columns that will be calculated/overwriten by server-side scoring. If the client attempted to score fields client-side and the value passed by the PUT request conflict with the server-side calculation of the score, the server-side calculation will win. Any keys specified in the document PUT that do not match a corresponding field in the form MAY be ignored.

The specification for PATCH request is similar to a PUT request, with the exception that any fields not specified MUST be unmodified by the server rather than nulled. In most cases a series of PATCH requests SHOULD be used rather than a single PUT request for a client with pagination.

A 200 OK will be returned on success, and a 404 Not Found if $InstrumentName is not a valid instrument installed in this Loris instance.

3.3.2 Instrument Flags

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments/$InstrumentName[/dde]/flags
PUT /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments/$InstrumentName[/dde]/flags
PATCH /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/instruments/$InstrumentName[/dde]/flags

This URL is used to GET and modify flags for an instrument. The standard GET/PUT/PATCH rules apply. However, PATCH and PUT requests MUST include the "Meta" attribute and all fields in it MUST be specified and match the values in the URL, otherwise a "400 Bad request" error is returned and no data is modified. Like instruments, the [/dde] component is optional and used to differentiate single data entry and double data entry flags.

The "Validity" flag may be missing, if the ValidityEnabled flag is not true for this instrument.

The format of the JSON object for these URLS is:

    "Meta" : {
        "Candidate"  : CandID,
        "Visit"      : VisitLabel,
        "Instrument" : InstrumentName,
        "DDE"        : boolean
    "Flags" : {
        "Data_entry" : "In Progress|Complete",
        "Administration" : "None|Partial|All",
        "Validity" : "Questionable|Invalid|Valid"

4.0 Imaging Data

The imaging data mostly lives in the /candidates/$CandID/$Visit portion of the REST API namespace, but is defined in a separate section of this document for clarity purposes.

4.1 Candidate Images

GET /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/images

A GET request to /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/images will return a JSON object of all the images which have been acquired for that visit. It will return an object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
    "Files" : [{
        "OutputType" : "native",
        "Filename" : "abc.mnc",
        "AcquisitionType" : "t1w/t2w/etc",
    }, /* More files */]

4.2 Session Imaging QC

GET /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/qc/imaging
PUT /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/qc/imaging

To retrieve the session level imaging QC data for a visit, a request can be made /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/qc/imaging. It will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel
   "SessionQC" : "Pass|Fail"
   "Pending" : boolean

A PUT to the same location will update the QC information.

4.3 Image Level Data

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename

Returns raw file with the appropriate MimeType headers for each Filename retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/images.

Only GET is currently supported, but future versions of this API may include PUT support to insert new (or processed) data into LORIS.

4.3.1 Image Level QC Data

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/qc
PUT /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/qc

Returns file level QC information. It will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
        "File" : $Filename
    "QC" : "Pass|Fail",
    "Selected" : boolean,
    "Caveats" : [
            "Severity" : $severity,
            "Header" : $header,
            "Value" : $headerValue,
            "ValidRange" : $headerValidRange,
            "ValidRegex" : $headerValidRegex
            "Severity" : $severity,
            "Header" : $header,
            "Value" : $headerValue,
            "ValidRange" : $headerValidRange,
            "ValidRegex" : $headerValidRegex

PUT requests to the same URL will update the QC information.

4.4 Alternate formats

There are occasions where you may want to retrieve a file in a different format than it is stored in LORIS. This can be achieved by adding /format/$FormatType to the URL in the API. Currently supported other formats are below. Other formats may be added in a future version of this API.

An attempt to convert an image to an unsupported format may result in a 415 Unsupported Media Type HTTP error.

4.4.1 Raw Format

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/format/raw

This will return the data in raw format (ie. the output of mnc2raw)

4.4.2 BrainBrowser Format

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/format/brainbrowser

This (in combination with raw) will let you extract the headers in a JSON format that BrainBrowser can load. It will return a JSON object of the format

    "xspace": {
    "yspace": {
    "zspace": {

4.4.3 Thumbnail Format

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/format/thumbnail

This will return a JPEG image that can be used as a thumbnail to represent this imaging acquisition statically (such as in the LORIS imaging browser.)

4.5 Image Headers

The LORIS API allows you to extract headers from the images in a RESTful manner. The following methods are defined:

4.5.1 Header Summary

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/headers

This will return a JSON summary of the important headers for this filename. It will return a JSON object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
        "File" : $Filename
    "Physical" : {
        "TE" : "",
        "TR" : "",
        "TI" : "",
        "SliceThickness" : "",
    "Description" : {
        "SeriesName" : "",
        "SeriesDescription"  : ""
    "Dimensions" : {
        "XSpace" : {
            "Length" : "",
            "StepSize" : ""
        "YSpace" : {
            "Length" : "",
            "StepSize" : ""
        "ZSpace" : {
            "Length" : "",
            "StepSize" : ""
        "TimeDimension" : {
            "Length" : "",
            "StepSize" : ""
    "ScannerInfo" : {
      "Manufacturer" : $scannerManufacturer,
      "Model" : $scannerModel,
      "SoftwareVersion" : $scannerSoftwareVersion,
      "SerialNumber" : $scannerSerialNumber,
      "FieldStrength" : $scannerFieldStrength

All of the dimensions are optional and may not exist for any given file (for instance, a 3D image will not have a time dimension.)

4.5.2 Complete Headers

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/headers/full

This will return a JSON object with ALL headers for this acquisition.

The JSON will be of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
        "File" : $Filename
    "Headers" : {
        "dicomheader" : "value",
        /* more headers ... */

4.5.3 Specific Header

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/images/$Filename/headers/$HeaderName

This will return a JSON object that extracts one specific header from $Filename.

The JSON object is of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
        "File" : $Filename,
        "Header" : $HeaderName
    "Value" : string

5.0 DICOM Data

Like the imaging data, the DICOM data mostly lives in the /candidates/$CandID/$Visit portion of the REST API namespace, but is defined in a separate section of this document for clarity purposes.

5.1 Candidate DICOMs

GET /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/dicoms

A GET request to /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/dicoms will return a JSON object of all the raw DICOM data which have been acquired for that visit. It will return an object of the form:

    "Meta" : {
        "CandID" : $CandID,
        "Visit" : $VisitLabel,
    "DicomTars" : 
            "Tarname" : "DCM_yyyy-mm-dd_ImagingUpload-hh-mm-abc123.tar",
            "SeriesInfo" :
                    "SeriesDescription" : "MPRAGE_ipat2",
                    "SeriesNumber" : "2",
                    "EchoTime" : "2.98",
                    "RepetitionTime" : "2300",
                    "InversionTime" : "900",
                    "SliceThickness" : "1",
                    "Modality" : "MR",
                    "SeriesUID" : "",
                    "SeriesDescription" : "BOLD Resting State",
                    "SeriesNumber" : "5",
                    "EchoTime" : "30",
                    "RepetitionTime" : "2100",
                    "InversionTime" : NULL,
                    "SliceThickness" : "3.5",
                    "Modality" : "MR",
                    "SeriesUID" : "",
            "Tarname" : "DCM_yyyy-mm-dd_ImagingUpload-hh-mm-def456.tar",
            "SeriesInfo" :
                "SeriesDescription" : "MPRAGE_ipat2",
                "SeriesNumber" : "2",
                "EchoTime" : "2.98",
                "RepetitionTime" : "2300",
                "InversionTime" : "900",
                "SliceThickness" : "1",
                "Modality" : "MR",
                "SeriesUID" : "",

The Modality header in the SeriesInfo is either MR or PT for MRI or PET scans, respectively.

5.2 Tar Level Data

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/dicoms/$Tarname

Returns/Downloads a tar file which contains a .meta and a .log text files, and a .tar.gz of the raw DICOM data as acquired during the candidate scanning session, and as retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/dicoms.

Only GET is currently supported.

6.0 Electrophysiology Recording Data

The imaging data mostly lives in the /candidates/$CandID/$Visit portion of the REST API namespace, but is defined in a separate section of this document for clarity purposes.

6.1 Candidate Electrophysiology Recordings

GET /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings

A GET request to a /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings will return a JSON object of all the recordings which have been acquired for that visit. It will return an object of the form:

  "Meta": {
    "CandID": $CandID,
    "Visit": $VisitLabel
  "Files": [{
      "OutputType": "raw",
      "Filename": $Filename,
      "AcquisitionModality": "eeg/meg/etc"
  }, /* More files */]

6.2 Electrophysiology Level Data

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename

Returns raw file with the appropriate MimeType headers for each Filename retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings.

Only GET is currently supported, but future versions of this API may include PUT support to insert raw (or derivatives) data into LORIS.

6.3 Electrophysiology Recording Metadata

6.3.1 Complete Metadata

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/metadata

This will return a JSON object with all metadata associated with the recording. It will return an object of the form:

  "Meta": {
    "CandID": $CandID,
    "Visit": $VisitLabel,
    "File": $Filename
  "Data": {
    "EEGReference": "CMS",
    "SamplingFrequency": "256",
    "ECGChannelCount": "0",
    "HardwareFilters": "n/a",
    /* more metadata ... */

6.3.2 Specific Metadata

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/metadata/$HeaderName

This will return a JSON object that extracts one specific metadata from $Filename.

The JSON object is of the form:

  "Meta": {
    "CandID": $CandID,
    "Visit": $VisitLabel,
    "File": $Filename,
    "Header": $HeaderName
  "Value": string

6.4 Electrophysiology Recording Channels Information

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/channels

This will return a JSON object with information about the channels used to produce the recording. It will return an object of the form:

    "Visit": $VisitLabel,
    "File": $Filename
      "ChannelDescription":"free form text description of the channel",
      "ChannelTypeDescription":"ElectoEncephaloGram: EEG sensors",
      "StatusDescription":"artifact description as a free form text",

6.5 Electrophysiology Recording Electrodes Information

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/electrodes

This will return a JSON object with information about the electrodes used to produce the recording. It will return an object of the form:

    "Visit": $VisitLabel,
    "File": $Filename

6.6 Electrophysiology Recording Events Information

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/events

This will return a JSON object with information about the task events used when recording. It will return an object of the form:

    "Visit": $VisitLabel,
    "File": $Filename

6.7 Download BIDS Files Associated To The Recording

6.7.1 Download The BIDS File With Channels Information

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/bidsfiles/channels

Returns raw file with the appropriate MimeType headers for the channels file retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings/$Filename.

Only GET is currently supported.

6.7.2 Download The BIDS File With Electrodes Information

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/bidsfiles/electrodes

Returns raw file with the appropriate MimeType headers for the electrodes file retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings/$Filename.

Only GET is currently supported.

6.7.3 Download The BIDS File With Task Events Information

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/bidsfiles/events

Returns raw file with the appropriate MimeType headers for the task events file retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings/$Filename.

Only GET is currently supported.

6.7.4 Download An Archive File With All Associated Files For The Recording

GET /candidates/$CandID/$VisitLabel/recordings/$Filename/bidsfiles/archive

Returns raw file with the appropriate MimeType headers for the archival file with all BIDS files retrieved from /candidates/$CandID/$Visit/recordings/$Filename.

Only GET is currently supported.