- Logo and minimum graphics for the project
- why Balenos and why the name should change
- ransacking tests
- talk about existing solutions and why they don't totally fit
- Bookmarks
- bloquer edition de racourcis
- icone pour admin app
- Balenos admin markdown guide shortcut
- warning message
- un icône pour le bouton reset
- clean interface : unwanted menus and stuffs
- firefox search drop down relou
- Install extension with policies https://mozilla.github.io/policy-templates/#extensions
- white et black list avec policies
- fond d'écran
- read only on critical files user.js
- don't show system update notifications
- https://brainfucksec.github.io/firefox-hardening-guide
- https://mozilla.github.io/policy-templates/#extensions
- lubuntu emoji https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/emojis-arent-displayed/5096
- New linux distri with specific installer