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JSON event format

timothynoel edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 25 revisions

This JSON format is used by the following Kevlar APIs

  • networkEventSubscribe for the following event notifications:
    • "imageChanged"
    • "generatorDocumentActivated"
    • "generatorMenuChanged"
  • sendLayerShapeToNetworkClient
  • sendDocumentInfoToNetworkClient

You can request a specific JSON version for those APIs by specifying "version" = [version string] in the input descriptor. For now the version is ignored, as there is only one version, and you'll always get the latest version ("1.0.0" in Photoshop 14.1, "1.1.0" in Photoshop 14.2)

What's new in 14.2

JSON format changes from 1.0.0 (Photoshop 14.1) to 1.1.0 (Photshop 14.2 and later)

sendDocumentInfoToNetworkClient and imageChanged:

  • "version" changed from "1.0.0" to "1.1.0"
  • added "count" to top level document object
  • added "selection" to top level document object (array of selected layer indices)
  • added "enabled" to "mask" : {} in layer object (defaults to true)
  • added "placedID" entry in "placed":[] array items

imageChanged only:

  • added "layersAdjusted" to layer object
  • added "clipGroup" to layer object

What's new in 15.0

  • imageChanged reports empty layer selections as {selection":[]}

What's new in 16.0

  • Version changed to 1.3.0
  • Multiple layer fx. If the following keys are present in the layer object, they contain arrays of the corresponding fx: dropShadowMulti, innerShadowMulti, solidFillMulti, gradientFillMulti, frameFXMulti
  • Artboards. New layer object key: artboard, contains artboardRect, a rect object, if the layer is an artboard.

What's new in 16.1

  • Version changed to 1.4.0
  • New artboard protection lock type, "artboardAutonest" reported in protection change/info
  • Duplicate layer & Group layers send layer:added:true/clipped: instead of image:changed:true
  • Smart object edit sends layer:smartObject:{} instead of layer:changed:true
  • Added 3 new keys to top level image info
  • Removed ID/parentID for recursed documents when using expandSmartObjects (use placedID to reference)
  • Added 3 new keys to top level image info
  1. profile:(string) description of icc profile, e.g."sRGB IEC61966-2.1"]
  2. mode:(string) Bitmap/Indexed/grayScale/Duotone/indexedColor/RGBColor/CMYKColorEnum/labColor/multichannel
  3. depth:(integer) bit depth per channel 1/8/16/32]
  • Also see Kevlar API addition for new parameters in the various send*ToNetworkClient APIs

The Generator JSON format

  "timeStamp": 1370051898.075,  //time since last edit or save, seconds since 1970
  "count": 999,  //number of changes since document was last opened, new for 14.2
  "version": "1.1.0",  //sem ver (  1.0.0 in Photoshop 14.1, 1.1.0 in Photoshop 14.2 and later
  "id": 1123, //document id
  "file": "Shapes.psd",  //full path of the saved file for the doc, or the document title if unsaved.
  "globalLight": { "altitude": 30, "angle": 120  }, //fx lighting angles
  "bounds": {  "bottom": 360, "left": 0, "right": 504, "top": 0  }, //canvas bounds
  "resolution": 300, //resolution in dpi
  "comps": [  ],  //an array of comp objects
  "layers": [  ] ,  //an array of layer objects
  "placed": [  ], //an array of placed objects (used by smart objects)

       //these are sent in "imageChanged" event notifications:
	"closed" : true, //image closed
	"flattened" : true, //all layers flattened 
	"merged" : true //layers were merged together
	"active" : true //image became active

  "generatorSettings": {...}  //generator meta data, saved with document
  "selection": [  ], //an array of any selected layer indices, new for 14.2


//a comp object:
      "id": 48804065,  //comp id
      "name": "Orig", //comp name

      "applied": true,  //true, if this is the applied comp, defaults to false

      "appearance": true,  //which attributes the comp captures
      "position": true, 
      "visibility": true

       //these are sent in "imageChanged" event notifications:
	"captured" : true, //specified in change when comp is re-captured (synced w/doc state)
	"added" : true, //comp was added
	"removed" : true //comp was removed

//a layer object:
	"id": 20, 
	"index": 9,  //only specified when order changes in imageChanged, or sendDocumentInfoToNetworkClient
	"bounds": { "bottom": , "left":, "right": , "top": }, 
	"name": "Just some circles with FX to test Generator", 
	"type": "layerSection", // "layerSection"/"layer"/"shapeLayer"/"textLayer"/"adjustmentLayer"/"backgroundLayer"
	"visible": true
	"protection": { "all": true },  //layer locking
	"blendOptions": { "mode": "passThrough" }, //blending attributes /blendOptions descriptor. See Photoshop SDK, and sample output below for additional entries

	//depending on "type"
	"smartObject": {},   //placed document
	"layerEffects": {},   // a /layerEffects descriptor. See Photoshop SDK, and sample output below for additional entries
	"layers": [ ], //array of member layer objects, if "type" is "layerSection"
	"text" : { },   //text object, if type is textLayer, see sample output for additional entries
	"fill" :   //shape layer fill content, if "type" is "shapeLayer"
		"class": "solidColorLayer", //varies on fill type solidColorLayer/gradientLayer/patternLayer
		"color": {					//if solidColorLayer
		  "blue": 53.996, 
		  "green": 255, 
		  "red": 0.004

	"adjustment" : { }, //if type is adjustmentLayer, contains adjustor parameters
	"pixels" : true, //true if type is layer (you can write to the pixels), also true in change message if pixels were changed

	"transform" : {"xx":xx, "xy":xy, "yx":yx, "yy":yy, "tx":tx, "ty":ty },  //was layerChangedTransform and an array of floats
	"mask" : {
		 "bounds" : { "bottom":bottom, "left":left, "right":right , "top":top },
		 "extendWithWhite" : true, //mask includes area outside bounds
		 "enabled": true // new for 14.2, defaults to true

	"path" :   // /pathClass descriptor
			// For /point in /pathPoint is {"x":x, "y":y} and pixels unit, /smooth is true by default
		"defaultFill": false //defaults to all filled, default is false
		"pathComponents": [
			"shapeOperation": "add", //valid values are "add"/"subtract"/"intersect"/"xor"
			"windingFill": true //non-zero-winding (true) or even-odd fill (false)
			"subpathListKey" : [
				closedSubpath: true, //close sub path before filling
				points: [
					"forward" : {"x":x, "y":y},
					"backward": {"x":x, "y":y},
					"anchor": {"x":x, "y":y},
					"smooth": true

	"strokeStyle": {   //a /strokeStyle descriptor (see UActionsTerminology.r)
		"strokeEnabled": true, //stroke the path
		"fillEnabled": true, //fill the path
		"strokeStyleBlendMode": blendmode,
		"strokeStyleOpacity": 100.0, //0-100
		"strokeStyleLineCapType": "strokeStyleButtCap", // "strokeStyleButtCap"/"strokeStyleRoundCap"/"strokeStyleSquareCap"
		"strokeStyleLineJoinType": "strokeStyleBevelJoin", //"strokeStyleBevelJoin"/"strokeStyleMiterJoin"/"strokeStyleRoundJoin"
		"strokeStyleLineAlignment":  "strokeStyleAlignCenter", 
		"strokeStyleMiterLimit": miterlimit,
		"strokeStyleLineWidth": width,
		"strokeStyleLineDashOffset": dashoffset,
		"strokeStyleLineDashSet": [dash1, gap1, dash2, gap2, dashn, gapn],
		"strokeStyleScaleLock": true, //snap to integer coords before drawing
		"strokeStyleStrokeAdjust": true, //snap to integer coords before drawing
		"strokeStyleContentType" : {
				//same format as "fill" above

   	"generatorSettings": {...}  //generic generator meta data, saved with layer

       //these are sent in "imageChanged" event notifications:
	"rasterized" : true //layer was rasterized
	"added" : true, //layer was added
	"removed" : true, //layer was removed

	//new events for 14.2
	//"clipGroup" and "layersAdjusted" are sent with imageChanged notifications
	//this additional info can be used to invalidate layer pixel caches,
	//as thumbnails can contain contain from other layers (adjustors, clip group members)
	//"clipGroup" is sent when a layer in a clip group changes
	//(the layer clips another layer, or is clipped by another layer)
	"clipGroup" : 
		"indexRange": [clipGroupBaseIndex,clipGroupLastClippedIndex]

	//"layersAdjusted" is sent when an adjustment layer changes, or a group containing an adjustor changes.

	"layersAdjusted" : 
		"indexRange": [firstLayerAdjusted,adjustmentLayerIndex]
//A "placed" object
    //... document entries for the smart object document
	  "timeStamp": 1370051898.075,  //time since last edit or save, seconds since 1970
	  "version": "1.1.0",  //sem ver (  1.0.0 in Photoshop 14.1, 1.1.0 in Photoshop 14.2
	  "id": 1123, //document id
	  "file": "Shapes.psd",  //any associated saved file for the doc
	  "globalLight": { "altitude": 30, "angle": 120  },
	  "bounds": {  "bottom": 360, "left": 0, "right": 504, "top": 0  },
	  "resolution": 300, //resolution in dpi
	  "comps": [  ],  //an array of comp objects
	  "layers": [  ] ,  //an array of layer objects
	  "placed": [  ], //an array of placed objects (used by smart objects)
      //placed document info
      "file": "Group 2.psb", 
        "top": 0
      "fileCreator": 943868237, 
      "fileType": 943870018, 
    	//new for 14.2, ZUID for placed doc (smart object), used to match placed document
    	//with layer "smartObject" entry
      "placedID": "f63a4deb-1a95-1176-8600-d8d951c5d284"

Sample Document and JSON

(This is the new version 1.1.0 format used in Photoshop 14.2, see above for differences with 1.0.0/14.1)

Actual output of sendDocumentInfoToNetworkClient for the sample PSD,


which contains all the various layer types and attributes expressed by the JSON format.

  "bounds": {
    "bottom": 360, 
    "left": 0, 
    "right": 504, 
    "top": 0
  "comps": [
      "appearance": true, 
      "hasWarning": true, 
      "id": 48804065, 
      "layerSettings": [
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 1
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 27
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 47.280848, 
            "vertical": 1.925534
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 22
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 12
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 16
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 0.0, 
            "vertical": 141.0
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 6, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 44, 
              "vertical": 164
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 5.0, 
            "vertical": 141.0
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 7, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 177, 
              "vertical": 164
          "blendOptions": {
            "opacity": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 74.901961
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerEffects": {
            "chromeFX": {
              "antiAlias": false, 
              "blur": 14.0, 
              "color": {
                "blue": 0.0, 
                "green": 0.0, 
                "red": 0.0
              "distance": 11.0, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "invert": true, 
              "localLightingAngle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 19.0
              "mappingShape": {
                "curve": [
                    "horizontal": 0.0, 
                    "vertical": 0.0
                    "horizontal": 32.0, 
                    "vertical": 7.0
                    "horizontal": 64.0, 
                    "vertical": 38.0
                    "horizontal": 96.0, 
                    "vertical": 101.0
                    "horizontal": 128.0, 
                    "vertical": 166.0
                    "horizontal": 159.0, 
                    "vertical": 209.0
                    "horizontal": 191.0, 
                    "vertical": 235.0
                    "horizontal": 223.0, 
                    "vertical": 248.0
                    "horizontal": 255.0, 
                    "vertical": 255.0
                "name": "Gaussian"
              "mode": "multiply", 
              "opacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 50.0
            "dropShadow": {
              "antiAlias": false, 
              "blur": 5.0, 
              "chokeMatte": 0.0, 
              "color": {
                "blue": 0.0, 
                "green": 0.0, 
                "red": 0.0
              "distance": 5.0, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "layerConceals": true, 
              "localLightingAngle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 120.0
              "mode": "multiply", 
              "noise": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 0.0
              "opacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 75.0
              "transferSpec": {
                "curve": [
                    "horizontal": 0.0, 
                    "vertical": 0.0
                    "horizontal": 255.0, 
                    "vertical": 255.0
                "name": "Linear"
              "useGlobalAngle": true
            "masterFXSwitch": true, 
            "scale": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 100.0
          "layerID": 15
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 0.0, 
            "vertical": 141.0
          "blendOptions": {
            "opacity": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 70.980392
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerEffects": {
            "bevelEmboss": {
              "antialiasGloss": false, 
              "bevelDirection": "stampIn", 
              "bevelStyle": "innerBevel", 
              "bevelTechnique": "softMatte", 
              "blur": 5.0, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "highlightColor": {
                "blue": 255.0, 
                "green": 255.0, 
                "red": 255.0
              "highlightMode": "screen", 
              "highlightOpacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 75.0
              "localLightingAltitude": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 30.0
              "localLightingAngle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 120.0
              "shadowColor": {
                "blue": 0.0, 
                "green": 0.0, 
                "red": 0.0
              "shadowMode": "multiply", 
              "shadowOpacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 75.0
              "softness": 0.0, 
              "strengthRatio": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 100.0
              "transferSpec": {
                "curve": [
                    "horizontal": 0.0, 
                    "vertical": 0.0
                    "horizontal": 255.0, 
                    "vertical": 255.0
                "name": "Linear"
              "useGlobalAngle": true, 
              "useShape": false, 
              "useTexture": false
            "gradientFill": {
              "align": true, 
              "angle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 90.0
              "dither": false, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "gradient": {
                "colors": [
                    "color": {
                      "blue": 0.0, 
                      "green": 0.0, 
                      "red": 0.0
                    "location": 0, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "type": "userStop"
                    "color": {
                      "blue": 255.0, 
                      "green": 255.0, 
                      "red": 255.0
                    "location": 4096, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "type": "userStop"
                "gradientForm": "customStops", 
                "interfaceIconFrameDimmed": 4096.0, 
                "name": "Two Color", 
                "transparency": [
                    "location": 0, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "opacity": {
                      "units": "percentUnit", 
                      "value": 100.0
                    "location": 4096, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "opacity": {
                      "units": "percentUnit", 
                      "value": 100.0
              "mode": "normal", 
              "offset": {
                "horizontal": {
                  "units": "percentUnit", 
                  "value": 0.0
                "vertical": {
                  "units": "percentUnit", 
                  "value": 0.0
              "opacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 66.0
              "reverse": false, 
              "scale": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 100.0
              "type": "linear"
            "masterFXSwitch": true, 
            "scale": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 100.0
          "layerID": 8, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 310, 
              "vertical": 164
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 11
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": -104.0, 
            "vertical": -105.0
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 20, 
          "layerSpecific": {
            "textLayerSettings": {
              "textLayerSettingsWarpRect": [
              "warpPerspective": 0.0, 
              "warpPerspectiveOther": 0.0, 
              "warpRotate": "horizontal", 
              "warpStyle": "warpNone", 
              "warpValue": 0.0
          "offset": {
            "horizontal": -181, 
            "vertical": -1
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 33, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 134, 
              "vertical": 94
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 26
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 29
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 30
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 28
      "name": "Comp 1: Original (all)", 
      "position": true, 
      "visibility": true
      "appearance": false, 
      "hasWarning": true, 
      "id": 71997725, 
      "layerSettings": [
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 1
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 27
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 47.280848, 
            "vertical": 1.925534
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 22
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 12
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 16
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 0.0, 
            "vertical": 141.0
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 6, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 44, 
              "vertical": 164
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 5.0, 
            "vertical": 141.0
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 7, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 177, 
              "vertical": 164
          "blendOptions": {
            "opacity": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 74.901961
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerEffects": {
            "chromeFX": {
              "antiAlias": false, 
              "blur": 14.0, 
              "color": {
                "blue": 0.0, 
                "green": 0.0, 
                "red": 0.0
              "distance": 11.0, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "invert": true, 
              "localLightingAngle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 19.0
              "mappingShape": {
                "curve": [
                    "horizontal": 0.0, 
                    "vertical": 0.0
                    "horizontal": 32.0, 
                    "vertical": 7.0
                    "horizontal": 64.0, 
                    "vertical": 38.0
                    "horizontal": 96.0, 
                    "vertical": 101.0
                    "horizontal": 128.0, 
                    "vertical": 166.0
                    "horizontal": 159.0, 
                    "vertical": 209.0
                    "horizontal": 191.0, 
                    "vertical": 235.0
                    "horizontal": 223.0, 
                    "vertical": 248.0
                    "horizontal": 255.0, 
                    "vertical": 255.0
                "name": "Gaussian"
              "mode": "multiply", 
              "opacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 50.0
            "dropShadow": {
              "antiAlias": false, 
              "blur": 5.0, 
              "chokeMatte": 0.0, 
              "color": {
                "blue": 0.0, 
                "green": 0.0, 
                "red": 0.0
              "distance": 5.0, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "layerConceals": true, 
              "localLightingAngle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 120.0
              "mode": "multiply", 
              "noise": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 0.0
              "opacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 75.0
              "transferSpec": {
                "curve": [
                    "horizontal": 0.0, 
                    "vertical": 0.0
                    "horizontal": 255.0, 
                    "vertical": 255.0
                "name": "Linear"
              "useGlobalAngle": true
            "masterFXSwitch": true, 
            "scale": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 100.0
          "layerID": 15
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 0.0, 
            "vertical": 141.0
          "blendOptions": {
            "opacity": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 70.980392
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerEffects": {
            "bevelEmboss": {
              "antialiasGloss": false, 
              "bevelDirection": "stampIn", 
              "bevelStyle": "innerBevel", 
              "bevelTechnique": "softMatte", 
              "blur": 5.0, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "highlightColor": {
                "blue": 255.0, 
                "green": 255.0, 
                "red": 255.0
              "highlightMode": "screen", 
              "highlightOpacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 75.0
              "localLightingAltitude": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 30.0
              "localLightingAngle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 120.0
              "shadowColor": {
                "blue": 0.0, 
                "green": 0.0, 
                "red": 0.0
              "shadowMode": "multiply", 
              "shadowOpacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 75.0
              "softness": 0.0, 
              "strengthRatio": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 100.0
              "transferSpec": {
                "curve": [
                    "horizontal": 0.0, 
                    "vertical": 0.0
                    "horizontal": 255.0, 
                    "vertical": 255.0
                "name": "Linear"
              "useGlobalAngle": true, 
              "useShape": false, 
              "useTexture": false
            "gradientFill": {
              "align": true, 
              "angle": {
                "units": "angleUnit", 
                "value": 90.0
              "dither": false, 
              "enabled": true, 
              "gradient": {
                "colors": [
                    "color": {
                      "blue": 0.0, 
                      "green": 0.0, 
                      "red": 0.0
                    "location": 0, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "type": "userStop"
                    "color": {
                      "blue": 255.0, 
                      "green": 255.0, 
                      "red": 255.0
                    "location": 4096, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "type": "userStop"
                "gradientForm": "customStops", 
                "interfaceIconFrameDimmed": 4096.0, 
                "name": "Two Color", 
                "transparency": [
                    "location": 0, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "opacity": {
                      "units": "percentUnit", 
                      "value": 100.0
                    "location": 4096, 
                    "midpoint": 50, 
                    "opacity": {
                      "units": "percentUnit", 
                      "value": 100.0
              "mode": "normal", 
              "offset": {
                "horizontal": {
                  "units": "percentUnit", 
                  "value": 0.0
                "vertical": {
                  "units": "percentUnit", 
                  "value": 0.0
              "opacity": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 66.0
              "reverse": false, 
              "scale": {
                "units": "percentUnit", 
                "value": 100.0
              "type": "linear"
            "masterFXSwitch": true, 
            "scale": {
              "units": "percentUnit", 
              "value": 100.0
          "layerID": 8, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 310, 
              "vertical": 164
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 11
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": -104.0, 
            "vertical": -105.0
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 20, 
          "layerSpecific": {
            "textLayerSettings": {
              "textLayerSettingsWarpRect": [
              "warpPerspective": 0.0, 
              "warpPerspectiveOther": 0.0, 
              "warpRotate": "horizontal", 
              "warpStyle": "warpNone", 
              "warpValue": 0.0
          "offset": {
            "horizontal": -181, 
            "vertical": -1
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 33, 
          "vectorMask": {
            "offset": {
              "horizontal": 134, 
              "vertical": 94
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 26
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 29
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 30
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": false, 
          "layerID": 28
      "name": "Comp 2: Just the smart object (vis)", 
      "position": false, 
      "visibility": true
      "appearance": true, 
      "id": 95309034, 
      "layerSettings": [
          "FXRefPoint": {
            "horizontal": 47.280848, 
            "vertical": 1.925534
          "enabled": true, 
          "layerID": 22
          "blendOptions": {
            "mode": "passThrough"
          "enabled": true, 
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