Eclipse Testing steps with Adopt build #1000
3rd party application tests (invoked by the make target 'external')
Download ant
Download OpenJ9/OpenJDK from
go to the link
a) search for "Integration Builds" , it will be displayed like "4.11 Integration Builds".
Here 4.11 is the latest Eclipse version.
b) Select the latest build name , say "I20190307-0500" and click on this build name. It will take you to a new page with a heading like "Eclipse 4.11.0 Integration Build: I20190307-0500"
c) In the new page mentioned as above, search for a table with a heading "Summary of Unit Tests Results"
d) click on the any of the tested platform link in this table, say, "ep411I-unit-cen64-gtk3-java8
e) this will take us to a new page which will have "branch or hash" , e.g.
eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator: master (branch or hash: d9928288e9b1750835ba704b1df87c23179869a3)
f) Copy this hash and the build id, in this case
now export the below
export buildId=I20190307-0500
export WORKSPACE=/home/testuser/Eclipse4.11/
this is the place from where we will run our tests and the artifacts will be stored
export JOB_NAME=ep49I-unit-cen64-gtk3
JOB_NAME is required by Eclipse, which is usually supplied by their test infra. We can hardcode this value. I usually keep it constant, it can change based on the eclipse version and OS.
we need to have a display too. Open a vnc session for the machine which you are using.
open a terminal in the vnc, go to WORKSPACE dir and export all of those mentioned in step 4.
Run the below command
wget -O getEBuilder.xml --no-verbose 2>&1
It will fetch getEBuilder.xml and place it in the WORKSPACE dir.
Now run the below command , which will start to run the Eclipse tests
ant -f getEBuilder.xml${WORKSPACE}/tmp -DbuildId=$buildId -DeclipseStream=4.11.0 -DEBUILDER_HASH=5263935c3fd5154486109e58e7de0626db119a19 -DdownloadURL=${buildId} -Dosgi.os=linux -Dosgi.arch=x86_64 -DtestSuite=sdkTests
In this command we need to replace "-DEBUILDER_HASH" value (mentioned in 3f) and "-DeclipseStream" value. Currently "-DeclipseStream" is set to 4.11.0 which implies it is Eclipse4.11. We may need to change when we switch to a new version
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