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785 lines (567 loc) · 45.8 KB

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785 lines (567 loc) · 45.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog.

The versions follow the rules of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

You can use :OneUpdate to update one.nvim to latest. Please read the "Update" for details.


Full Changes

v6.0.1 (2024-10-05 22:53:05 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

v6.0.0 (2024-10-03 23:05:58 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • :OneShowConfig support filtering by key (b46fb06)
  • use none-ls.nvim instead of null-ls.nvim (e2a924b)

    The null-ls.nvim project is archived. Please use none-ls and none-ls-extras.

    Notice: config.nullLS change to config.noneLS

    The null-ls config is still reserved. If you prefer null-ls, you could disable none-ls and require('one.plugins.lsp.null-ls') in plugins.

  • add plugin yazi.nvim (0679026)

    Before use it, user should install yazi Use "," and "." to open the yazi window

Bug Fixes

  • change config for latest version of live-cmd.nvim (d03b783)
  • do not abort loading config when configFn() throws an error (6447126)
  • escape: do not use jk to escape for some filetypes (d3ed944)

    exclude filetypes: 'TelescopePrompt', 'neo-tree', 'neo-tree-popup', 'yazi'

  • neoscroll: breaking change in mappings (d3fbaeb)

    Please upgrade neoscroll.nvim to latest.

  • telescope: use adoyle-h/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim (f61a2d0)

    instead of nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim

    Waiting the PR to be merged: nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim#88

v5.5.1 (2024-09-12 16:08:26 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Error in decoration provider (1399474)

    Do not show nvim-cmp in neo-tree

  • escape: press jk escaped in visual mode (e4af02a)

v5.5.0 (2024-09-11 20:17:15 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • add colorful-winsep.nvim (d5f1eab)

Bug Fixes

  • is GFW, use (7b6462d)
  • nvim-window-picker upgrade from v1 to v2 (bac2ad6)

    User should upgrade nvim-window-picker by manual.

  • disable plugin noice.nvim (488111a)

    The noice.nvim has some noisy messages and bugs. So I decided disable this plugin util all problem solved.

    The nvim-window-picker cannot work with lualine.nvim and noice.nvim.

  • set cmdheight from 2 to 1. (087e39a)
  • change lualine refresh interval from 200 to 500ms (405611c)
  • nvim-cmp: disable nvim-cmp in Telescope prompt (a592de9)

v5.4.0 (2024-09-06 19:53:14 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • window: add winshift.nvim plugin to start win-move mode (4553c48)

Bug Fixes

  • ignore gitcommit for some plugins (bdd7859)
  • adjust window keymaps (0ae175b)

    <M-w> -> <]w> <M-W> -> <[w>

  • keymaps of comments and code action (c58f9a8)

    comments keymaps should same to nvim native keymaps So that c* -> gc* cl -> gcA

    Change code action keymap: gc -> gl

  • change Visual highlight that not override foreground color (b14644b)

v5.3.0 (2024-08-23 17:46:10 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • support to upgrade one.nvim by plugin manager (0fa6e25)

Bug Fixes

v5.2.2 (2024-06-19 20:17:37 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

v5.2.1 (2024-06-18 17:38:25 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

Document Changes

v5.2.0 (2024-05-21 01:24:24 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • reverse highlight of matched brackets and language-specific keywords (bc24d43)

Bug Fixes

  • neo-tree: When press "Y", user can choose copy to nvim or system clipboard (d2ff1eb)

    and fix error when Ctrl-c pressed with selection

  • rainbow: nvim-ts-rainbow is achieved, use rainbow-delimiters.nvim instead of (8e459f9)

    User should install rainbow-delimiters.nvim via plugin manager

  • telescope: p will show all commands and builtin ex commands (0be1c8e)

    User should upgrade ad-telescope-extensions.nvim and telescope-extension-maker.nvim to latest

v5.1.0 (2024-05-16 01:22:17 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • telescope: add keymaps for move the cusror, preview window and results window (fd58b92)

Bug Fixes

  • don't give the file info when editing a file (ea598e4)
  • Newly installed LSP without having to restart Neovim (faeb4ec)
  • lsp: change log level: ERROR => WARN (689a5e7)

    :LspLog will contain WARN level logs

  • noice: add keymap "<M-n>" to clean all visible messages (a2da095)
  • noice: change the max-width of message window from 50% to 90% (7469e7a)

v5.0.0 (2024-05-11 18:40:48 +08:00)

Full Changes

Breaking Changes

Have 1 breaking changes. Check below logs with ⚠️ .

New Features

  • hidden cmdline && popup cmdline/search/message window && new message history window (1d744ae)

    enable noice.nvim

    It changes the UI of cmdline and messages. The cmdline is hidden. The messages will show in popup window at bottom-right. The search (/ and ?) and vim command (:) will show in popup window at bottom-left.

    Press <C-n> or :Noice history to view the message history.

    If you don't like it, you can disable this plugin by: require('one').setup { plugins = { 'noice', disable = true } }

  • add config option "lsp.cursorHoldUptime" which default to 100 (af13729)
  • neo-tree: change keymaps <C-u> and <C-d> to page-up/down in fuzzy finder (de81693)

    Please upgrade neo-tree.nvim to 3.24+

  • telescope: the search input will be quoted with live-grep-args in visual selection (7cd54ee)

    and treat the search input as a literal string by adding "-F" option. see "rg --help".

Bug Fixes

  • ⚠️ update symbols for nerdfont v3.2.1 (2f92991)

    Breaking Change:

    User should reinstall the latest nerdfont

  • lsp: add --enable-config option for clangd (c610833)
  • notify: press "q" to quit notify window (43d00c3)
  • telescope: press "<C-'>" to quote prompt in live-grep-args picker (da8bf8f)

v4.4.0 (2024-03-28 17:32:55 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • enable iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim by default (038fc0a)

    If download markdown-preview binary files failed, you can run command "MarkdownPeviewInstall" to download again.

    Note: If you are in China, please use proxy to download.

  • use telescope-live-grep-args.nvim instead of live_grep (39266b6)

Bug Fixes

  • add requirements for latest rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui (2956bfc)
  • session: the session list missing (57a68a5)

    For latest persisted.nvim, the session name changed. It removed initial "/".

    fix the wrong path of consts.HOME_DIR.

  • vim-options: change the display of default nvim statusline (574ad21)
  • vim-options: missing builtin syntax highlights when start without colors plugin (27d54f4)

Document Changes

  • update usages (235da74)
    • requires neovim 0.9.2+
    • update user config
  • renew license date (6bf0676)
  • filetype: add usages about filetypes (a0ad9f4)

v4.3.4 (2023-11-25 03:18:26 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

  • some icons were updated and moved to new codepoints for nerdfont v3.0.0 (89452cf)
  • the repo "readline.nvim" is not found (7413ea9)

    The github user linty-org is deleted.

  • use instead of (b2ebad2) is banned by GFW

  • notify: rename command "ClearNotify" to "NotifyClean" and suppress notification (fcf1c6d)

    Suppress notification that pending notifications were dismissed

  • nvim-cmp: remove mapping <C-e> (1ec0199)
  • rainbow_csv: load plugin when filetype equals one of csv, tsv, tab. (c58d50d)

v4.3.3 (2023-10-04 15:39:19 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

  • lock indent-blankline.nvim to v2.20.8 (d9a6c5d)

    indent-blankline.nvim has released v3, but it seems have bugs. So lock it to v2 until v3 works without error.

    If you has upgraded it to v3, you should delete indent-blankline.nvim and then install it again.

  • error when open one.nvim vimdoc (a16d39e)

    Error shows: "Command not allowed in secure mode in current dir or tag search"

  • ctrlsf: fix error that "g.ctrlsf_context is undefined" (f4bdaed)
  • indent-line: align the context indent line to left (7831451)
  • neo-tree: add keymaps. "h" to close opened directory. "l" to open directory and file. (be4324c)
  • notify: set max_height=20 (fbe70ab)

v4.3.2 (2023-09-30 17:00:32 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

  • keymap: reset "/" and "?" to regular search instead of flash.nvim (78e2768)

    Because the flash search mode binding to "/" and "?" may cause accidental touch for most vim users.

    So I decide to reset it to original. And Use "f/" to enter the flash search mode.

  • neo-tree: For keymap "Y": use instead of vim.fn.inputlist (1c14ee1)

    And popup the Copied window after selection

Document Changes

  • add vimdoc (aef3283)

    :h one.nvim, :h one-keymaps

v4.3.1 (2023-09-27 23:16:16 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

  • it's unable that one.nvim be managed by plugin manager (0c102a2)
  • change Diagnostic* highlight groups (24608e6)

v4.3.0 (2023-09-27 21:25:17 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • one.nvim and impatient.nvim are managed by plugin manager (Sorry, it can't) (4cc9beb)
  • add keymap "<space>O" to toggle the outline nav window (5af612f)

Bug Fixes

  • lazy.core.util.error should be reset (20734f5)
  • packer.nvim should manage itself (c6a1e66)
  • use vim.loader.enable() instead of impatient.nvim (979b48c)

    User should upgrade neovim to 0.9 at least.

  • add undercurl to Diagnostic highlight groups (0f532e0)

    DiagnosticUnderline* use underline instead of undercurl

  • lazygit: option 'floating_window_corner_chars' is deprecated (8755c30)

Document Changes

v4.2.0 (2023-09-24 21:34:09 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • use flash.nvim instead of hop.nvim (62345f0)

    when you use / to search words, it will append a character trigger to the matches.

  • using pretty-fold.nvim to change the Folded style (b97ebee)

Bug Fixes

  • When using the ">>" command, lines starting with '#' are not shifted right. (e5cdc9c)

    Turn off the smartindent. See ':h si'.

Document Changes

  • user should not install one.nvim by plugin manager (77ed75e)

v4.1.0 (2023-07-31 10:02:22 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • neo-tree.nvim: upgrade from v2 to v3 (2cf8804)
  • plugin: add plugin hex.nvim (14f2fa5)

    Default unloaded. To load it via require('one').setup { plugins = function(load, config) return { load('hex') } end }.

Bug Fixes

Document Changes

v4.0.1 (2023-06-19 12:38:57 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

Document Changes

  • FAQ: add suggestions for failed luarocks installation (a3286b5)

v4.0.0 (2023-06-10 14:44:00 +08:00)

Full Changes

Breaking Changes

Have 1 breaking changes. Check below logs with ⚠️ .

New Features

  • add new pluginManager "local" (3c5d5d1)
  • add codeium plugin (f959a47)
    • It is disabled by default.
    • Use codeium with nvim-cmp: require('one').setup { plugins = { 'cmp-codeium', disable = false } }
    • Use official codeium plugin: require('one').setup { plugins = function(load) return { load('codeium') } end }

Bug Fixes

  • ⚠️ filetype.nvim not support neovim 0.9 (e9440d7) (#14)
    • fix #14
    • use vim.filetype.add to replace nathom/filetype.nvim

    Breaking Change:

    The content of config.filetype is changed. From { overrides = { extensions = {}, literal = {}, complex = {} } }, to { extension = {}, filename = {}, pattern = {} }. See :h vim.filetype.add for details.

Document Changes

v3.0.1 (2023-04-23 15:29:13 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

Document Changes

v3.0.0 (2023-03-27 17:32:44 +08:00)

Full Changes

Breaking Changes

Have 2 breaking changes. Check below logs with ⚠️ .

New Features

  • add plugin marks.nvim (017947d)

    The config force_write_shada must be true. See chentoast/marks.nvim#13

  • enable plugin nvim-treesitter-context (9e8aa19)

    You can disable it by require('one').setup { plugins = { { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context', disable = true } } }

  • make the scrollbar transparent (e0ec273)
    • User should upgrade nvim-scrollbar plugin to latest
    • The scrollbar config add new option "handle.blend"
    • Move nvim-scrollbar to plugins/scrollbar/ folder
  • add plugin scrollbar/satellite (8c85211)

    This plugin is an alternative to nvim-scrollbar. But it is still WIP.

  • add plugin hotoo/pangu.vim (cd932a1)
  • neo-tree: add keymaps to move cursor (6feb493)
    • <c-j> = moveToNextSibling
    • <c-k> = moveToPreviousSibling
    • J = moveToLastSibling
    • K = moveToFirstSibling
  • neo-tree: let fuzzy_finder search as you type && chagne keymaps (0325820)
    • add keymap F and <C-/> to clear filter
    • remove keymap <C-x>
  • noice: better config for latest noice.nvim (9230def)

    But it is still disabled by default, because the messages may be noisy. You can enable it by require('one').setup { plugins = { { 'noice', disable = false } } }.

  • telescope: change the layout of heading extension (12af9d6)
    • Change the layout of heading extension from vertical to horizontal.
    • User should upgrade the plugin telescope-heading.nvim to latest.
  • treesitter: add new options "parserConf" and "registerLang" (7076ded)


    	parserConf = {
    		glimmer = function(parserConf) end
    	registerLang = {
    		glimmer = { 'hbs' },

Bug Fixes

  • hlslens not setup when disable nvim-scrollbar (c869b49)
  • alpha: the first item is not best matched when matched session sum > 9 (32898b4)
  • dashboard: revert plugin alpha-nvim to origin repo from my fork (255ca95)
  • ⚠️ keymap: Change keymap of comment plugin and add keymap usages (373ba4e)

    Breaking Change:

    • Move <leader>ca to <leader> cl
  • ⚠️ keymap: Change the keymap of "<space>M". (8be6b30)

    Breaking Change:

    The keymap "M": To open reveal current buffer in file explorer instead of Man page finder.

  • telescope: don't fill visual selected text when press <space>p and <space>C (9795337)

v2.1.0 (2023-02-28 20:46:40 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • trouble: change the diagnostics format (91bb9a6)
    • User should update trouble.nvim to latest

Bug Fixes

  • update lazygit config (d064837)
  • show winbar in inactive windows (968f435)
  • show winbar in inactive windows (8ce6b0c)
  • change ColorColumn and FloatBorder colors (a697e62)

Document Changes

v2.0.0 (2023-02-25 18:22:55 +08:00)

Full Changes

Breaking Changes

Have 1 breaking changes. Check below logs with ⚠️ .

New Features

  • use new color theme "one" as default (77c7faf)
  • add themes "tokyonight", "catppuccin" and "nightfox" (e23e054)
  • support lazy.nvim && use lazy as default plugin manager (0ac4265)
    • fix the "run" function not be callbacked with packer.nvim
  • add new telescope pickers: ts-parsers and plugins (7e5aa7a)
  • ⚠️ add keymaps for lsp_document_symbols_filter and lsp_workspace_symbols_filter (827c82d)

    Breaking Change:

    The keymap <space>l changed to <space>ls for :Telescope lsp_document_symbols

  • add plugin Penlight && use pl.pretty instead of vim.inspect in OneShowConfig and OneShowPlugins (6900704)
  • better diagnostic message in float window when hover (4b45aee)


    │Diagnostics:                                                                      │
    │  8 shellcheck: [SC2001] See if you can use ${variable//search/replace} instead.│
    • : The diagnostic severity
    • 8: diagnostic at column number 8
    • shellcheck: diagnostic source
    • [SC2001]: diagnostic code
    • diagnostic message at last
  • keymaps: add <C-t>o, <C-t>-, <C-w>o (96b8fbc)
  • neo-tree: use ✦ to show file executable (d63a127)
  • neo-tree: show symlink with relative path (a238889)
  • snippet: add command SnippyCreate (53af02e)

    to create new snippet file.

Bug Fixes

  • git diff colors for latest onedarkpro (2f800ab)
    • refactoring color codes
    • add lua/one/colors/util.lua : improve color codes
    • remove lua/one/config/colors.lua : it is useless.
  • disable markdown-preview plugin as default (779d35d)
    • Because it will download files from github release in mkdp#util#install function. That will hang up for Chinese users.
    • You can enable it in your config, if you have proxy or just be out of China.
  • OneShowPlugins will show calculated result instead of function address when option is a function (9921bda)
  • remove keymaps of table-mode && add commands TableModeToggleGFM and TableModeToggleNormal (6077cfb)
  • update plugins highlight groups (7edefb5)
  • aerial: aerial hang up && remove option "autoFoldLevel" && change guides spaces (b965f3e)
  • aerial: do not ignore man buffers (1de70ff)
  • neo-tree: components not found in buffers, git_status and zk panes (535f3eb)
  • nvim-window-picker: changes repo from fork to origin (8c1a745)
  • persisted.nvim: move some deprecated options to autocmds for latest version of persisted.nvim (e933ebf)
  • plugin: markdown toc support all options (57e6118)
  • plugin: increment add candidates "enable/disable" (125e9a4)
  • rainbow: update colors (49459cf)

Document Changes

  • Color Gamut -> Color Space (cf20008)
  • update CONTRIBUTING (b28686e)
  • improve CONTRIBUTING docs (f9bd7c7)
  • add FAQ (79fbc2e)
  • add FAQ (70e3049)
  • renew license date (948e446)
  • update documents for CONTRIBUTING (2510a2a)

    And fix keymap typo

  • update doc/ (950c1e8)
  • renew license date (c302677)
  • move ./doc/ to (6216d0d)

v1.1.1 (2022-12-15 13:52:01 +08:00)

Full Changes

Bug Fixes

  • plugins using "after" option are not loaded [3e28652]

  • remove keymap "t" [00cd3ac]

    Keep "t" to default motion for user.
  • onedarkpro: colorscheme onedarkpro is deprecated for latest plugin [62316bc]

v1.1.0 (2022-12-07 18:41:13 +08:00)

Full Changes

New Features

  • add "one" plugin [7bbe175]

    - add commands and functions for one.nvim
  • allow user disable lsp-format and mason-null-ls [d0f9b7a]

    - remove autocmd User/MasonNullLsUpdateCompleted
  • support format in selection && "_" option matching all filetypes for lsp format [2a1b710]

    - change keymaps from "gF" to "<M-=>"
    - remove lsp.format default config option "lua.exclude"
  • user can set config.theme.use = false to disable default theme [022cdef]

  • plugin's deps and requires allow false and nil item, they will be ignored [0fa4331]

  • provide colors for different color gamut [b5974cb]

  • plugin option "after" also work for vim-plug now [2c896fe]

    - If one of these plugins is disabled, current plugin will be disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • remove message "mason-tool-installer has finished" [d0a4792]
  • alpha: put matched session top [bf92689]
  • devicons: chang svg icon [f318308]
  • dressing: move winblend and winhighlight to win_options for latest version [57107c7]
  • scrollbar: hide cursor mark in scrollbar [7748c47]

Document Changes

  • improve documents && fix links [7046d45]
  • do not create keymaps and commands in configFn [0053166]

v1.0.0 (2022-11-18 13:43:00 +08:00)

New Features

  • use ccc.nvim instead of nvim-colorizer as default inline colorizer [3fd996c]

    - Because when using nvim-colorizer, open a large file will be very slow.
    - add vim-hexokinase plugin as another choice. But it requires golang.
  • add :TranslateTargetLang and :TranslateCommand commands [0085ffa]

  • add translate plugin [89815e3]

  • add one.reset() to clear plugins and cached files for users trapped by packer [f86567d]

  • add option "chunks" and "modpaths" for impatient [0f3c6fa]

  • plug command prop supports string and function parameter [7deda66]

  • add async lib [429f87e]

  • cmp: add option "experimental.ghost_text" [1a3e956]

  • neo-tree: add keymap "Y" to copy filepath/filename of the node under cursor [2adfdcf]

  • plugin: add edluffy/specs.nvim [902252d]

  • plugin: add floaterm [9638752]

  • plugin: add beacon [fe0e94b]

Bug Fixes

  • support to set plugin id by manual [a1ec3ea]

  • disable treesitter highlight when open large file [8cf662d]

  • table.unpack is nil [1681d6a]

  • change default from "a" to "one" && add document [81374d7]

  • duplicated isPlugDisabled && fix n in dashboard && fix disabled requires plugins [d43b620]

    - PM.isPlugDisabled and PM.isDisabled are duplicated
    - When noice is disabled, <space>n should call :Telescope message
    - depPlug.isDisabled is a typo
  • let user load disabled plugins as required [d4c24d4]

  • lsp/fidget plug should be enabled by default [a3b9a9b]

  • keymap n to list messages [f76c505]

  • bufferline: tab move keymaps [0cb09bd]

  • noice: add padding in mini view [afcecd6]

  • notify: Always wrap text in Notify popup window [cff790c]

  • plugin: beacon config [cee4f95]

  • plugin: do not highlight cursorline in dashboard [515a952]

  • plugin: window-picker config use_winbar="smart" [92bb681]

  • plugin: yank keymaps [7b99f26]

  • plugin: beacon.nvim support fader option [a3527f5]